
create/complex update
Client clients Create a Client List Clients
clients/{clientId} Retrieve a Client Update a Client Delete a Client
clients/{clientId}?command=activate Activate a Client
clients/{clientId}?command=close Close a Client
clients/{clientId}?command=reject Reject a Client Application
clients/{clientId}?command=withdraw Withdraw a Client Application
clients/{clientId}?command=reactivate Reactivate a Client
clients/{clientId}?command=UndoRejection UndoReject a Client
clients/{clientId}?command=UndoWithdrawal UndoWithdrawal Client
clients/{clientId}?command=assignStaff Assign Staff
clients/{clientId}?command=unassignStaff Unassign Staff
clients/{clientId}?command=proposeTransfer Propose a Client Transfer
clients/{clientId}?command=withdrawTransfer Withdraw Client Transfer Proposal
clients/{clientId}?command=acceptTransfer Accept Client Transfer
clients/{clientId}?command=rejectTransfer Reject Client Transfer
clients/{clientId}?command=updateSavingsAccount Update Default Savings Account
clients/{clientId}?command=proposeAndAcceptTransfer Propose and Accept a Client Transfer
clients/{clientId}/accounts Retrieve client accounts overview
Client Address client/{clientId}/addresses Create an address for a Client List all Addresses for a Client Update an address for a Client
Entity Field Configuration fieldconfiguration/{entity} List all configuration for a entity
Client Identifiers clients/{clientId}/identifiers Create an Identifier for a Client List all Identifiers for a Client
clients/{clientId}/identifiers/{identifierId} Retrieve a Client Identifier Update a Client Identifier Delete a Client Identifier
Client Images clients/{clientId}/images Upload an Image for a Client (as DATA URI) Get Client Image (DATA URI) Update Client Image (DATA URI) Delete Client Image
Upload an Image for a Client (Multi-part form data) Get Client Image (Binary file) Update Client Image (Multi-part form data)
Standing Instructions standinginstructions Create Standing Instruction List Standing Instructions
standinginstructions/{standingInstructionId} Retrieve a Standing Instruction Update Standing Instruction Delete Standing Instruction(status change)
standinginstructionrunhistory Standing Instructions Run History
Account Transfer accounttransfers Create Account Transfer List Account Transfer
accounttransfers/{accountTransferId} Retrieve a Account Transfer
accounttransfers/templateRefundByTransfer Retrieve Refund of an Active Loan by Transfer Template
accounttransfers/refundByTransfer Refund an active loan by transfer
Client Charge clients/{clientId}/charges Add Client Charge List Client Charges
clients/{clientId}/charges/{clientChargeId} Retrieve a Client Charge Delete a Client Charge
clients/{clientId}/charges/{clientChargeId}?command=pay Pay a Client Charge
clients/{clientId}/charges/{clientChargeId}?command=waive Waive a Client Charge
Client Transactions clients/{clientId}/transactions List Client Transactions
clients/{clientId}/transactions/{transactionId}?command=undo Undo a Client Transaction Retrieve a Client Transaction


create/complex update
Savings Accounts savingsaccounts Submit new savings application List savings application/accounts
savingsaccounts/{accountId} Retrieve a savings application/account Modify a savings application Delete a savings application
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=updateWithHoldTax Modify savings application withhold tax
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=approve Approve a savings application
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=undoApproval Undo savings application approval
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=assignSavingsOfficer Assign Savings Officer
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=unassignSavingsOfficer Unassign Savings Officer
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=reject Reject a savings application
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=withdraw Withdraw savings application
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=activate Activate a savings account
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=close Close a savings account
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=calculateInterest Calculate interest on a savings account
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=postInterest Post interest on a savings account
Savings Transactions savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions?command=deposit Make a deposit
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions?command=withdrawal Make a withdrawal
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}?command=undo Undo transaction
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}?command=modify Adjust transaction
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/template Retrieve savings account transaction template
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId} Retrieve savings account transaction
Savings Account Charges savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges Add a Savings Account Charge List Savings Account Charges
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId} Retrieve a Savings Account Charge Modify a Savings Account Charge Delete a Savings Account Charge
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId}?command=paycharge Pay a Savings Account Charge
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId}?command=waive Waive a Savings Account Charge
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId}?command=inactivate Inactivate a Savings Account Charge
Fixed Deposit Accounts fixeddepositaccounts Submit new fixed deposit application List fixed deposit application/accounts
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId} Retrieve a fixed deposit application/account Modify a fixed deposit application Delete a fixed deposit application
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=approve Approve a fixed deposit application
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=undoApproval Undo fixed deposit application approval
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=reject Reject a fixed deposit application
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=withdraw Withdraw fixed deposit application
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=activate Activate a fixed deposit account
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=close Close a fixed deposit account
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=prematureClose Premature Close a fixed deposit account
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=calculatePrematureAmount Calculate Premature amount on a fixed deposit account
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=calculateInterest Calculate interest on a fixed deposit account
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=postInterest Post interest on a fixed deposit account
Recurring Deposit Accounts recurringdepositaccounts Submit new recurring deposit application List recurring deposit application/accounts
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId} Retrieve a recurring deposit application/account Modify a recurring deposit application Delete a recurring deposit application
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=approve Approve a recurring deposit application
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=undoApproval Undo recurring deposit application approval
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=reject Reject a recurring deposit application
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=withdraw Withdraw recurring deposit application
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=activate Activate a recurring deposit account
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=updateDepositAmount Update recommended deposit amount
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=close Close a recurring deposit account
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=prematureClose Premature Close a recurring deposit account
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=calculatePrematureAmount Calculate Premature amount on a recurring deposit account
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=calculateInterest Calculate interest on a recurring deposit account
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=postInterest Post interest on a recurring deposit account
Recurring Deposit Transactions recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}/transactions?command=deposit Make a deposit
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}/transactions?command=withdrawal Make a withdrawal
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}?command=undo Undo transaction
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}?command=modify Adjust transaction
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/template Retrieve Deposit account transaction template
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId} Retrieve Deposit account transaction


create/complex update
Share Accounts shareaccounts Submit new share application List share application/accounts
accounts/share/{accountId} Retrieve a share application/account Modify a share application
accounts/share/{accountId}?command=approve Approve a share application
accounts/share/{accountId}?command=undoApproval Undo share application approval
accounts/share/{accountId}?command=reject Reject a share application
accounts/share/{accountId}?command=activate Activate a share account
accounts/share/{accountId}?command=close Close a share account
accounts/share/{accountId}?command=applyadditionalshares Apply additional shares on a share account
accounts/share/{accountId}?command=approveadditionalshares Approve additional shares request on a share account
accounts/share/{accountId}?command=rejectadditionalshares Reject additional shares request on a share account
accounts/share/{accountId}?command=redeemshares Redeem shares on a share account


create/complex update
Loans loans?calculateLoanSchedule Calculate Loan Repayment Schedule
loans Submit a new Loan Application List Loans/Loan Applications
loans/{loanId} Retrieve a Loan Update a Loan Delete a Loan Application
loans/{loanId}?command=approve Approve Loan Application
loans/{loanId}?command=undoApproval Undo Loan Application Approval
loans/{loanId}?command=assignLoanOfficer Assign a Loan Officer
loans/{loanId}?command=unassignLoanOfficer Unassign a Loan Officer
loans/{loanId}?command=reject Reject Loan Application
loans/{loanId}?command=withdraw Withdraw Loan Application
loans/{loanId}?command=disburse Disburse Loan
loans/{loanId}?command=disburseToSavings Disburse Loan To Savings Account
loans/{loanId}?command=undoDisbursal Undo Loan Application Disbursal
loans/{loanId}?command=recoverGuarantees Recover From Guarantors
Loan Transactions loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=repayment Enter a repayment
loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=waiveInterest Waive Interest
loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=writeoff Write-off Loan
loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=undowriteoff Undo Loan Write-off transaction
loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=prepayLoan Loan Pre-Closure transaction template
loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=recoverypayment Make a Recovery Payment
loans/{loanId}/transactions/{transactionId} Retrieve a transactions details
loans/{loanId}/transactions/{transactionId} Adjust a Transaction
loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=refundByCash Refund an Active Loan by Cash
loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=foreclosure Foreclose an Active Loan
Loan Charges loans/{loanId}/charges Add a Loan Charge
loans/{loanId}/charges/{loanChargeId} Pay Loan Charge from Linked Savings Retrieve a Loan Charge Modify a Loan Charge Delete a Loan Charge
Loan Guarantors loans/{loanId}/guarantors Create a Guarantor List Guarantors
loans/{loanId}/guarantors/{guarantorId} Retrieve a Guarantor Update a Guarantor Delete a Guarantor
Loan Collateral loans/{loanId}/collaterals Create a Collateral List collaterals
loans/{loanId}/collaterals/{collateralId} Retrieve a Collateral Update a Collateral Delete a Collateral
Loan Rescheduling rescheduleloans Create new loan reschedule request
rescheduleloans/{requestId} Retrieve a Loan Reschedule Request
rescheduleloans/{requestId}?command=previewLoanReschedule Retrieve a Preview of The New Loan Repayment Schedule
rescheduleloans/{requestId}?command=reject Reject Loan Reschedule Request
rescheduleloans/{requestId}?command=approve Approve Loan Reschedule Request
Loan Term Variations /loans/{loanId}/schedule?command=calculateLoanSchedule Calculate Schedule with Loan Term Variations
/loans/{loanId}/schedule?command=addVariations Create Loan Term Variations
/loans/{loanId}/schedule?command=deleteVariations Remove All Loan Term Variations


create/complex update
Group groups Create a Group List Groups
groups/template Retrieve Group Template
groups/{groupId} Retrieve a Group Update a Group Delete a Group
groups/{groupId}?command=activate Activate a Group
groups/{groupId}?command=associateClients Associate Clients
groups/{groupId}?command=disassociateClients Disassociate Clients
groups/{groupId}/accounts Retrieve Group accounts summary
groups/{groupId}?command=transferClients Bulk Transfer Clients across Groups
groups/{groupId}?command=generateCollectionSheet Generate Collection Sheet
groups/{groupId}?command=saveCollectionSheet Save Collection Sheet
groups/{groupId}?command=unassignStaff Unassign Staff
groups/{groupId}?command=assignStaff Assign Staff
groups/{groupId}?command=close Close Group
groups/{groupId}?command=assignRole Assign Role
groups/{groupId}?command=unassignRole Unassign Role
groups/{groupId}?command=updateRole Update Role
Center centers Create a Center List Centers
centers/template Retrieve Center Template
centers/{centerId} Retrieve a Center Update a Center Delete a Center
centers/{centerId}?command=activate Activate a Center
centers/{centerId}?command=close Close Center
centers/{centerId}?command=associateGroups Associate Groups
centers/{centerId}?command=disassociateGroups Disassociate Groups
centers/{centerId}/accounts Retrieve Center accounts summary
centers/{centerId}?command=generateCollectionSheet Generate Collection Sheet
centers/{centerId}?command=saveCollectionSheet Save Collection Sheet
Collection Sheet collectionsheet?command=generateCollectionSheet Generate Collection Sheet
collectionsheet?command=saveCollectionSheet Save Collection Sheet


create/complex update
General Ledger Account glaccounts Create a New Ledger Account List Ledger Accounts
glaccounts/{glaccountId} Retrieve a Ledger Account Update a Ledger Account Delete a Ledger Account
Accounting Closure glclosures Create an Accounting Closure List Accounting Closures
glclosures/{glclosureId} Retrieve an Accounting Closure Update an Accounting Closure Delete an Accounting Closure
Journal Entries journalentries Create Journal Entries List Journal Entries
journalentries?command=updateRunningBalance Update Running Balance for Journal Entries
journalentries/{entryId} Retrieve a single Entry
journalentries/{transactionId}/reversal Reverse Journal Entries
Accounting Rules accountingrules Create a Accounting Rule List Accounting Rules
accountingrules/{accountingruleId} Retrieve a Accounting Rule Update a Accounting Rule Delete a Accounting Rule
Mapping Financial Activities to Accounts financialactivityaccounts Create Financial Activity to Account Mapping
List Financial Activities to Accounts Mappings
financialactivityaccounts/{financialActivityAccountId} Retrieve a Financial Activity to Account Mapping Update a Financial Activity to Account Mapping Delete a Financial Activity to Account Mapping
Periodic Accrual Accounting accrualaccounting Execute Periodic Accrual Accounting
Provisioning Entries provisioningentries Create Provisioning Entry
List Provisioning Entries
provisioningentries/{entryId} Retrieve Provisioning Entry Recreates Provisionin Entry Add Provisioning Journal Entries


create/complex update
Office offices Create an Office List Offices
offices/{officeId} Retrieve an Office Update an Office
Loan Product loanproducts Create a Loan Product List Loan Products
loanproducts/{productId} Retrieve a Loan Product Update a Loan Product
Savings Product savingsproducts Create a Savings product List Savings products
savingsproducts/{productId} Retrieve a savings product Update a savings product Delete a savings product
Fixed Deposit Product fixeddepositproducts Create a Fixed Deposit product List Fixed Deposit products
fixeddepositproducts/{productId} Retrieve a Fixed Deposit product Update a Fixed Deposit product Delete a Fixed Deposit product
Recurring Deposit Product recurringdepositproducts Create a Recurring Deposit product List Recurring Deposit products
recurringdepositproducts/{productId} Retrieve a Recurring Deposit product Update a Recurring Deposit product Delete a Recurring Deposit product
Share Product shareproducts Create a Share product List Share products
shareproducts/{productId} Retrieve a Share product Update a Share product
SMS Campaigns smscampaigns Create a SMS Campaign List SMS Campaigns
smscampaigns/{campaignId} Retrieve a SMS Campaign Update a SMS Campaign Delete a SMS Campaign
smscampaigns/{campaignId}command=activate Activate a SMS Campaign
smscampaigns/{campaignId}command=close Close a SMS Campaign
smscampaigns/{campaignId}command=reactivate Reactivate a SMS Campaign
Entity-Datatable Checks entityDatatableChecks Create an Entity-Datatable Check
entityDatatableChecks?limit=15&offset=0 List Entity-Datatable Checks
entityDatatableChecks/template Retrieves an Entity-Datatable Check template
entityDatatableChecks/{entityDatatableCheckId} Delete an Entity-Datatable Check
Currency currencies Retrieve Currency Configuration Update Currency Configuration
Funds funds Create a Fund List Funds
funds/{fundId} Retrieve a Fund Update a Fund
Staff staff Create a Staff Member List Staff
staff/{staffId} Retrieve a Staff Member Update a Staff Member
Staff Images staff/{staffId}/images Upload an Image for a Staff Member (as DATA URI) Get Staff Image (DATA URI) Update Staff Image (DATA URI) Delete Staff Image
Upload an Image for a Staff Member (Multi-part form data) Get Staff Image (Binary file) Update Staff Image (Multi-part form data)
Charges charges Create a Charge List Charges
charges/{chargeId} Retrieve a Charge Update a Charge Delete a Charge
Loan Product Mix loanproducts?associations=productMixes List Loan Products Mix
loanproducts/{productId}/productmix Create a Loan Product Mix Retrieve Loan Products Mix Update Loan Product Mix Delete Loan Products Mix
Holidays holidays Create a Holiday List Holidays
holidays/{holidayId} Retrieve a Holiday Update a Holiday Delete a Holiday
holidays/{holidayId}?command=activate Activate a Holiday
Working days workingdays List workingdays Working days template
workingdays/{workingdaysId} Update a workingdays
User Generated Documents templates Create a UGD List UGDs
templates/{templateId} Retrieve a UGD Update a UGD Delete a UGD
Interest Rate Charts charts Create a Chart List Charts
interestratecharts/{chartId} Retrieve a Chart Update a Chart Delete a Chart
Interest Rate Slabs slabs Create a Slab List Slabs
interestrateslabs/{slabId} Retrieve a Slab Update a Slab Delete a Slab
Teller Cash Management tellers Create Teller List Tellers
tellers/{tellerId} Find Teller Update Teller Delete Teller
tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers Create Cashier Retrieve Cashier
tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId} Find Cashier Update Cashier Delete Cashier
tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/template Retrieve Cashier Template
tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId}/allocate Allocate Cash To Cashier
tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId}/settle Settle Cash From Cashier
tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId}/transactions Retrieve Cashier Transactions
tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId}/summaryandtransactions Retrieve Cashier Transactions With Summary
tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId}/transactions/template Retrieve Cashier Transaction Template
Payment Type paymenttypes Create Payment Type List Payment Types
paymenttypes/{paymentTypeId} Retrieve Payment Type Update Payment Type Delete Payment Type
Provisioning Criteria provisioningcriteria Create Provisioning Criteria List Provisioning Criteria
provisioningcriteria/{criteriaId} Retrieve Provisioning Criteria Update Provisioning Criteria Delete Provisioning Criteria
Floating Rates floatingrates Create Floating Rate List Floating Rates
floatingrates/{floatingRateId} Retrieve Floating Rate Update Floating Rate
Tax Component taxes/component Create Tax Component List Tax Components
taxes/component/{taxComponentId} Retrieve Tax component Update Tax Component
Tax Group taxes/group Create Tax Group List Tax Groups
taxes/group/{taxGroupId} Retrieve Tax Group Update Tax Group


create/complex update
Global Configuration configurations List Global Configuration
Global Configuration configurations/{configId} Retrieve a Global Configuration Update Global Configuration
Hooks hooks Create a Hook List Hooks
hooks/{hookId} Retrieve a Hook Update a Hook Delete a Hook
Account number format accountnumberformats Create an Account number format List Account number formats
accountnumberformats/{accountnumberformatId} Retrieve an Account number format Update an Account number format Delete an Account number format
Codes codes Create a Code List Codes
codes/{codeId} Retrieve a Code Update a Code Delete a Code
Code Values codes/{codeId}/codevalues Create a Code Value List Code Values
codes/{codeId}/codevalues/{codevalueId} Retrieve a Code Value Update a Code Value Delete a Code Value
Audits audits List Audits
audits/{auditId} Retrieve an Audit Entry
Makercheckers makercheckers List Maker Checker Entries
makercheckers/{auditId} Delete Maker Checker Entry
makercheckers/{auditId}?command=approve Approve Maker Checker Entry
Scheduler jobs jobs List Scheduler jobs
jobs/{jobId} Retrieve a job Update a job
jobs/{jobId}?command=executeJob Run a job
jobs/{jobid}/runhistory Retrieve job history
scheduler Retrieve scheduler status
scheduler?command=start Activate a scheduler service
scheduler?command=stop Suspend a scheduler service
External Services externalservice/{servicename} Retrieve a external service configuration Update external service Configuration


create/complex update
Data Table datatables Create Data Table List Data Tables
datatables/{datatable} Retrieve Data Table Details Update Data Table Delete Data Table
datatables/register/{datatable}/{apptable} Register Data Table
datatables/deregister/{datatable} Deregister Data Table
datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId} Create Entry in Data Table Retrieve Entry(s) from Data Table Update Entry in Data Table (One to One) Delete Entry(s) in Data Table
datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId}/{datatableId} Update Entry in Data Table (One to Many) Delete Entry in Data Table (One to Many)
Notes {resource}/{resourceId}/notes Add a Resource Note Retrieve a Resource's Notes
{resource}/{resourceId}/notes/{noteId} List All Notes for a Resource Update a Resource Note Delete a Resource Note
Documents {entityType}/{entityId}/documents Create a Document List All Document Details
{entityType}/{entityId}/documents/{documentId} Retrieve a Documents Details Update a Document Delete a Document
{entityType}/{entityId}/documents/{documentId}/attachment Retrieve binary file associated with a Document
Search search Search Resources
AdHoc Search search/advance Advance Search
Survey survey/ List surveys
survey/{surveyName} Retrieve Survey details
survey/{surveyName}/{clientId} Create Entry in the survey table


create/complex update
Report reports Create a Report List Reports
reports/{id} Retrieve a Report Update a Report Delete a Report
Run Report runreports/{reportName} Run a Report
Report Mailing Job reportmailingjob Create a Report Mailing Job List Reports Mailing Jobs
reportmailingjob/{id} Retrieve a Report Mailing Job Update a Report Mailing Job Delete a Report Mailing Job
reportmailingjobrunhistory/{jobId} Retrieve Reports Mailing Job History


clients/template Retrieve Client Template
groups/template Retrieve Group Template
loanproducts/template Retrieve Loan Product Template
loanproducts/template?isProductMixTemplate=true Retrieve Loan Product Mix Template
loans/template?clientId={clientId} Retrieve Loan Template
loans/{loanId}/transactions/template Retrieve Loan Transaction Template
charges/template Retrieve Charge Template
offices/template Retrieve Office Template
users/template Retrieve User Template
hooks/template Retrieve Hooks Template
audits/searchtemplate Retrieve Audit Search Template
makercheckers/searchtemplate Retrieve Maker Checker Search Template
reports/template Retrieve Report Template
accountingrules/template Retrieve Accounting Rule Template
savingproducts/template Retrieve Savings Product Template
savingsaccounts/template?clientId={clientId} Retrieve savings template
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/template Retrieve savings account transaction template
standinginstructions/template Retrieve Standing Instruction Template
accounttransfers/template Retrieve Account Transfer Template


create/complex update
Survey surveys Create a Survey List Surveys
surveys/{id} Retrieve a Survey Deactivate a Survey
Lookup Table surveys/{id}/lookuptables Create a Lookup Table entry List Lookup Table entries
surveys/{id}/lookuptables/{id} Retrieve an Entry
Scorecard surveys/{id}/scorecards Create a Scorecard entry List Scorecard entries

Self Service

create/complex update
Authentication HTTP Basic self/authentication Verify Authentication
Authentication Oauth2 self/userdetails Fetch Authenticated User Details
Update User self/user Update User
Clients self/clients List Clients
self/clients/{clientId} Retrieve Client
self/clients/{clientId}/accounts Retrieve Client Accounts Overview
self/clients/{clientId}/images Retrieve Client Image
self/clients/{clientId}/charges List Client Charges
self/clients/{clientId}/charges/{chargeId} Retrieve a Client Charge
self/clients/{clientId}/transactions List Client Transactions
self/clients/{clientId}/transactions/{transactionId} Retrieve a Client Transaction
Loans self/loans/template?templateType=individual Loan Application Template
self/loans?command=calculateLoanSchedule Calculate Loan Repayment Schedule
self/loans Submit new Loan Application
self/loans/{loanId} Retrieve a Loan Update a Loan Application
self/loans/{loanId}?command=withdrawnByApplicant Withdraw Loan Application
self/loans/{loanId}/transactions/{transactionId} Retrieve a Loan Transaction Details
self/loans/{loanId}/charges Retrieve Loan Charges
self/loans/{loanId}/charges/{chargeId} Retrieve a Loan Charge Details
Savings self/savingsaccounts/{accountId} Retrieve a Savings Account
self/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId} Retrieve a Savings Transaction Details
self/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges Retrieve Savings Charges
self/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId} Retrieve a Savings Charge Details
Own Account Transfers self/accounttransfers/template Account Transfer Template
self/accounttransfers Account Transfer
Beneficiary for Third Party Transfer /self/beneficiaries/tpt/template Beneficiary TPT Template
/self/beneficiaries/tpt Add TPT Beneficiary Get TPT Beneficiary List Update TPT Beneficiary Delete TPT Beneficiary
Third Party Account Transfers self/accounttransfers/template?type="tpt" Third Party Account Transfer Template
self/accounttransfers?type="tpt" Third Party Account Transfer

Apache Fineract API Documentation

Apache Fineract is a secure, multi-tenanted microfinance platform.

The goal of the Apache Fineract API is to empower developers to build apps on top of the Apache Fineract Platform. The reference app (username: mifos, password: password) works on the same demo 'tenant' as the interactive links in this documentation.

The API is organized around REST.

The API is designed to have:
- predictable, resource-oriented URLs
- to use HTTP response codes to indicate API errors
- to use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which can be understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients.

JSON is returned in all responses from the API, including errors.

Much of the API presentation and design ideas are owed to the excellent Apigee "Web API Design" eBook/PDF and the very good Stripe API reference.


Try The API From Your Browser

GET (read) examples can be run directly from this documentation. It is just a matter of clicking a link. Most browsers display the output on the same page (or another tab if you right click and select that option). Internet Explorer will probably treat the output as if you wanted to download a file. In that case just elect to open the output in a text editor.

If you want to check out the POST, PUT and DELETE (update) examples a good approach is to take a moment to install a REST plugin for your browser e.g. RESTClient for FireFox

The REST plugins will allow you to
  • Select the "Verb" (e.g. POST)
  • Enter the resource name (e.g. offices)
  • Add a header to indicate you are sending JSON data as part of the request body (Content-Type: application/json)
  • Add a header to indicate your 'tenant' (X-Mifos-Platform-TenantId: default)
  • Paste the example JSON into a Request Body
  • Send the Request (and receive a Response)

Generic Options

Convenience Templates

There are a list of convenience resources (see Template menu option). These resources end with "/template" and can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned may consist of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Also, many "Retrieve a" type resources (Retrieve a Client for example) allow the parameter option "template=true". This appends any "Allowed Value Lists" which can be useful when building update functionality.

Restrict Returned Fields

Parameter "fields={fieldlist}" can be used on GET requests to restrict the fields returned.

Normal Request:


Request (restricting fields returned):


Pretty JSON Formatting

Parameter "pretty=true" can be used to display JSON from GET requests in an easy-to-read format. This parameter is used in this documentation.

Easy-to-read JSON output for POSTs, PUTs and DELETEs will available in the REST plugin you use e.g. RESTClient for FireFox

Normal Request (with pretty printing/formatting):



Creating and Updating

When you want to 'Create a ...' you have to at least supply the mandatory fields. The mandatory fields are listed in this documentation under the relevant 'Create a ...' heading.

When you want to 'Update a ...' you can update individual fields or a combination of fields (subject to data integrity rules).


Updating Dates and Numbers


Dates are returned in GET requests as an array e.g. [ 2007, 4, 11]. However, the API accepts them as strings in POST and PUT requests. If there are any dates in your POST or PUT requests, you need to provide the "locale" and "dateFormat". This can be any date pattern supported by Joda-Time. This capability can help you when saving data in your client application as you shouldn't need to do any date format conversion prior to issuing your POST or PUT request.

JSON examples: { "locale": "en_US", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "openingDate": "01 July 2007" } { "locale": "en_US", "dateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd", "openingDate": "2007-03-21" }


You must provide a "locale" when updating numbers. Numbers are not "Ids" or "Types" but are typically money amounts or percentages that relate to loans. In any case, the API will send back an error message if you forget.

JSON examples: { "locale": "en_US", "principal": "240,400.88" } { "locale": "fr_CH", "principal": "240 400.88" }

Field Descriptions

Most fields are self-explanatory. Fields that aren't are described under the relevant resource heading e.g. AUTHENTICATION


Authentication Overview

Authentication to the API can be configured to be supported via HTTP Basic Auth or OAuth2.

Default authentication is using HTTP Basic Auth. Oauth2 can be enabled by using -Psecurity=oauth option on gradle build command , refer the platform setup wiki for additional details.

The platform has been configured to reject plain HTTP requests and to expect all API requests to be made over HTTPS. All requests must be authenticated.


Authentication HTTP Basic

Authentication to the API occurs via HTTP Basic Auth.

// A Javascript/Jquery example of how to login to Apache Fineract and use its api. // Typically, the javascript application would // 1) Display a login page to retrieve the username and password. // 2) Send the username and password to a function // such as setBasicAuthKey below which sets the HTTP Basic Auth key. // 3) The HTTP Basic Auth key is used in all subsequent requests // (see the function executeAjaxRequest below). function setBasicAuthKey(username, password) { var jqxhr = $.ajax({ url : "authentication?username=" + username + "&password=" + password, type : 'POST', contentType : "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType : 'json', data : "{}", cache : false, success : function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { basicAuthKey = data.base64EncodedAuthenticationKey; }, error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { //error processing } }); } function executeAjaxRequest(url, verbType, jsonData, basicAuthKey, successFunction, errorFunction) { var jqxhr = $.ajax({ url : url, type : verbType, //POST, GET, PUT or DELETE contentType : "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType : 'json', data : jsonData, cache : false, beforeSend : function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + basicAuthKey); }, success : successFunction, error : errorFunction }); }

Authentication Oauth2

Authentication to the API occurs via OAuth2. 'Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant' type is used.

// A Javascript/Jquery example of how to login to Apache Fineract and use its api. // Typically, the javascript application would // 1) Display a login page to retrieve the username and password. // 2) Send the username, password, client_id , grant_type and client_secret to a function // such as getOauthToken below which sets the HTTP bearer Auth key. // 3) The HTTP bearer Auth key is used in all subsequent requests // (see the function executeAjaxRequest below). function getOauthToken(username, password) { var jqxhr = $.ajax({ url : "/fineract-provider/api/oauth/token?username=" + credentials.username + "&password=" + credentials.password +"&client_id=community-app&grant_type=password&client_secret=123, type : 'POST', contentType : "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType : 'json', data : "{}", cache : false, success : function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { authKey = data.access_token; }, error : function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { //error processing } }); } function executeAjaxRequest(url, verbType, jsonData, authKey, successFunction, errorFunction) { var jqxhr = $.ajax({ url : url, type : verbType, //POST, GET, PUT or DELETE contentType : "application/json; charset=utf-8", dataType : 'json', data : jsonData, cache : false, beforeSend : function(xhr) { xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "bearer " + authKey); }, success : successFunction, error : errorFunction }); }

Batch API

The Apache Fineract Batch API enables a consumer to access significant amounts of data in a single call or to make changes to several objects at once. Batching allows a consumer to pass instructions for several operations in a single HTTP request. A consumer can also specify dependencies between related operations. Once all operations have been completed, a consolidated response will be passed back and the HTTP connection will be closed.

The Batch API takes in an array of logical HTTP requests represented as JSON arrays - each request has a requestId (the id of a request used to specify the sequence and as a dependency between requests), a method (corresponding to HTTP method GET/PUT/POST/DELETE etc.), a relativeUrl (the portion of the URL after, optional headers array (corresponding to HTTP headers), optional reference parameter if a request is dependent on another request and an optional body (for POST and PUT requests). The Batch API returns an array of logical HTTP responses represented as JSON arrays - each response has a requestId, a status code, an optional headers array and an optional body (which is a JSON encoded string).

Batch API uses Json Path to handle dependent parameters. For example, if request '2' is referencing request '1' and in the "body" or in "relativeUrl" of request '2', there is a dependent parameter (which will look like "$.parameter_name"), then Batch API will internally substitute this dependent parameter from the response body of request '1'.

Batch API is able to handle deeply nested dependent requests as well nested parameters. As shown in the example, requests are dependent on each other as, 1<--2<--6, i.e a nested dependency, where request '6' is not directly dependent on request '1' but still it is one of the nested child of request '1'. In the same way Batch API could handle a deeply nested dependent value, such as {..[..{..,$.parameter_name,..}..]}.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/batches POST batches Content-Type: application/json Request Body: [ { "requestId":1, "relativeUrl":"clients", "method":"POST", "headers":[ { "name":"Content-type", "value":"text/html" } ], "body":"{ \"officeId\": 1, \"firstname\": \"Petra\", \"lastname\": \"Yton\", \"externalId\": \"ex_externalId1\", \"dateFormat\": \"dd MMMM yyyy\", \"locale\": \"en\", \"active\": true, \"activationDate\": \"04 March 2009\", \"submittedOnDate\": \"04 March 2009\" }" }, { "requestId":2, "relativeUrl":"loans", "method":"POST", "headers":[ { "name":"Content-type", "value":"text/html" } ], "reference":1, "body":"{ \"dateFormat\": \"dd MMMM yyyy\", \"locale\": \"en_GB\", \"clientId\": \"$.clientId\", \"productId\": 26, \"principal\": \"10,000.00\", \"loanTermFrequency\": 12, \"loanTermFrequencyType\": 2, \"loanType\": \"individual\", \"numberOfRepayments\": 10, \"repaymentEvery\": 1, \"repaymentFrequencyType\": 2, \"interestRatePerPeriod\": 10, \"amortizationType\": 1, \"interestType\": 0, \"interestCalculationPeriodType\": 1, \"transactionProcessingStrategyId\": 1, \"expectedDisbursementDate\": \"10 Jun 2013\", \"submittedOnDate\": \"10 Jun 2013\" }" }, { "requestId":3, "relativeUrl":"loans/$.loanId/charges", "method":"POST", "reference":2, "headers":[ { "name":"Content-type", "value":"text/html" } ], "body":"{ \"chargeId\": \"2\", \"locale\": \"en\", \"amount\": \"100\", \"dateFormat\": \"dd MMMM yyyy\", \"dueDate\": \"29 April 2013\" }" }, { "requestId":4, "relativeUrl":"loans/$.loanId/charges", "method":"GET", "reference":2, "headers":[ { "name":"Content-type", "value":"text/html" } ], "body":"{}" } ] [ { "requestId":1, "statusCode":200, "headers":[ { "name":"Content-type", "value":"text/html" }, { "name":"X-Mifos-Platform-TenantId", "value":"text/html" } ], "body":"{\"officeId\":1,\"clientId\":909,\"resourceId\":909}" }, { "requestId":2, "statusCode":200, "headers":[ { "name":"Content-type", "value":"text/html" } ], "body":"{\"officeId\":1,\"clientId\":909,\"loanId\":212,\"resourceId\":212}" }, { "requestId":3, "statusCode":200, "headers":[ { "name":"Content-type", "value":"text/html" } ], "body":"{\"officeId\":1,\"clientId\":909,\"loanId\":212,\"resourceId\":155}" }, { "requestId":4, "statusCode":200, "headers":[ { "name":"Content-type", "value":"text/html" } ], "body":"[ { \"id\":155, \"chargeId\":2, \"name\":\"Charge_Loans_GEQJC5\", \"chargeTimeType\":{ \"id\":1, \"code\":\"chargeTimeType.disbursement\", \"value\":\"Disbursement\" }, \"chargeCalculationType\":{ \"id\":2, \"code\":\"chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount\", \"value\":\"% Amount\" }, \"percentage\":100.000000, \"amountPercentageAppliedTo\":10000.000000, \"currency\":{ \"code\":\"USD\", \"name\":\"USDollar\", \"decimalPlaces\":2, \"displaySymbol\":\"$\", \"nameCode\":\"currency.USD\", \"displayLabel\":\"US Dollar ($)\" }, \"amount\":10000.000000, \"amountPaid\":0, \"amountWaived\":0, \"amountWrittenOff\":0, \"amountOutstanding\":10000.000000, \"amountOrPercentage\":100.000000, \"penalty\":false, \"chargePaymentMode\":{ \"id\":0, \"code\":\"chargepaymentmode.regular\", \"value\":\"Regular\" }, \"paid\":false, \"waived\":false, \"chargePayable\":false } ]" } ]

Batch requests in a single transaction

The Apache Fineract Batch API is also capable of executing all the requests in a single transaction, by setting a Query Parameter, "enclosingTransaction=true". So, if one or more of the requests in a batch returns an erroneous response all of the Data base transactions made by other successful requests will be rolled back.

If there has been a rollback in a transaction then a single response will be provided, with a '400' status code and a body consisting of the error details of the first failed request.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/batches?enclosingTransaction=true POST batches Content-Type: application/json Request Body: [ { "requestId":1, "relativeUrl":"clients", "method":"POST", "headers":[ { "name":"Content-type", "value":"text/html" }, { "name":"X-Mifos-Platform-TenantId", "value":"text/html" } ], "body":"{ \"officeId\": 1, \"firstname\": \"Petra\", \"lastname\": \"Yton\", \"externalId\": \"externalId_4\", \"dateFormat\": \"dd MMMM yyyy\", \"locale\": \"en\", \"active\": true, \"activationDate\": \"04 March 2009\", \"submittedOnDate\": \"04 March 2009\" }" }, { "requestId":2, "relativeUrl":"savingsaccounts", "method":"POST", "reference":1, "headers":[ { "name":"Content-type", "value":"text/html" } ], "body":"{ \"clientId\": \"$.clientId\", \"productId\": 1, \"locale\": \"en\", \"dateFormat\": \"dd MMMM yyyy\", \"submittedOnDate\": \"01 March 2011\" }" } ] Successful transaction response: [ { "requestId":1, "statusCode":200, "headers":[ { "name":"Content-type", "value":"text/html" }, { "name":"X-Mifos-Platform-TenantId", "value":"text/html" } ], "body":"{\"officeId\":1,\"clientId\":922,\"resourceId\":922}" }, { "requestId":2, "statusCode":200, "headers":[ { "name":"Content-type", "value":"text/html" } ], "body":"{\"officeId\":1,\"clientId\":922,\"savingsId\":116,\"resourceId\":116}" } ]

Batch API Errors

In Batch API without "enclosingTransaction=true", if one of the response is erroneous, then an appropriate status code will be set for that request and the error message will be returned in it's "body", while all other requests will return successful response with a status code of "200".


Available Command Strategies

These are the currently available command strategies within the Mifos Batch API. So, these listed operations can be executed using a Batch Request.



All errors are returned in JSON.

HTTP Status Code Summary
  • 200 OK - Everything Worked.
  • 400 Bad Request - Invalid Parameter or Data Integrity Issue.
  • 401 Authentication Error.
  • 403 Unauthorized Request.
  • 404 Resource Not Found
  • 500 Platform Internal Server Error.
Error Message returned when attempting to create an Office without passing any parameters { "developerMessage": "The request was invalid. This typically will happen due to validation errors which are provided.", "developerDocLink": "", "httpStatusCode": "400", "defaultUserMessage": "Validation errors exist.", "userMessageGlobalisationCode": "validation.msg.validation.errors.exist", "errors": [ { "developerMessage": "The parameter name cannot be blank.", "defaultUserMessage": "The parameter name cannot be blank.", "userMessageGlobalisationCode": "", "parameterName": "name", "value": null, "args": [] }, { "developerMessage": "The parameter openingDate cannot be blank.", "defaultUserMessage": "The parameter openingDate cannot be blank.", "userMessageGlobalisationCode": "", "parameterName": "openingDate", "value": null, "args": [] }, { "developerMessage": "The parameter parentId cannot be blank.", "defaultUserMessage": "The parameter parentId cannot be blank.", "userMessageGlobalisationCode": "", "parameterName": "parentId", "value": null, "args": [] } ] }

Self Service API Overview

Self Service APIs are a set of APIs with restricted data scope. Functional specifications and design can be viewed here.

While creating an user, user can be tagged as self service user. Also you can associate clients that this user has access to. Data scope is restricted to these linked clients.

A self service user shall have access to only self service APIs. Self service APIs cannot be accessed by non-self service user. Vice-versa is also true.



Clients are people and businesses that have applied (or may apply) to an MFI for loans.

Clients can be created in Pending or straight into Active state.

Field Descriptions
If provided during client creation, its value is set as account no. for client account, otherwise an auto generated account no. is put in place based on the configured strategy.
A place to put an external reference for this client e.g. The ID another system uses.
If provided, it must be unique.
Indicates whether this client is to be created as active client. If active=true, then activationDate must be provided. If active=false, then the client is created as pending.
The date on which the client became active.
Facility to break up name into parts suitable for humans.
Facility to break up name into parts suitable for humans.
Facility to break up name into parts suitable for humans.
Facility to set name of a client or business that doesn't suit the firstname,middlename,lastname structure.
Optional: unique mobile number that is used by SMS or Mobile Money functionality.
The staffId of the staff member dealing with the client office. The staff member is not specifically the loan officer.
Optional: Default overdraft savings account of client
Facility to enrich client details.

Retrieve Client Details Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Integer optional
Boolean optional
Defaults to false if not provided. If staffInSelectedOfficeOnly=true only staff who are associated with the selected branch are returned.
String optional
If commandParam=close retrieves all closureReasons which are associated with "ClientClosureReason" value.

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/template { "activationDate":[2014,3,4], "officeId":1, "officeOptions":[{ "id":1, "name":"Head Office", "nameDecorated":"Head Office" }], "staffOptions":[{ "id":1, "firstname":"xyz", "lastname":"sjs", "displayName":"sjs, xyz", "officeId":1, "officeName":"Head Office", "isLoanOfficer":true, "isActive":true }], "savingProductOptions":[{ "id":4, "name":"account overdraft", "withdrawalFeeForTransfers":false, "allowOverdraft":false }], "datatables": [{ "applicationTableName": "m_client", "registeredTableName": "Address Details", "columnHeaderData": [{ "columnName": "client_id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "State", "columnType": "varchar", "columnLength": 25, "columnDisplayType": "STRING", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "COUNTRY_cd_Country", "columnType": "int", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "CODELOOKUP", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [{ "id": 17, "value": "India", "score": 0 }], "columnCode": "COUNTRY" }] }, { "applicationTableName": "m_client", "registeredTableName": "Client Timeline", "columnHeaderData": [{ "columnName": "client_id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Approval Data", "columnType": "date", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "DATE", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }] }] }
GET https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/template { "activationDate":[2014,3,4], "officeId":1, "officeOptions":[{ "id":1, "name":"Head Office", "nameDecorated":"Head Office" }], "staffOptions":[{ "id":1, "firstname":"xyz", "lastname":"sjs", "displayName":"sjs, xyz", "officeId":1, "officeName":"Head Office", "isLoanOfficer":true, "isActive":true }], "savingProductOptions":[{ "id":4, "name":"account overdraft", "withdrawalFeeForTransfers":false, "allowOverdraft":false }], "datatables": [{ "applicationTableName": "m_client", "registeredTableName": "Address Details", "columnHeaderData": [{ "columnName": "client_id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "State", "columnType": "varchar", "columnLength": 25, "columnDisplayType": "STRING", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "COUNTRY_cd_Country", "columnType": "int", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "CODELOOKUP", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [{ "id": 17, "value": "India", "score": 0 }], "columnCode": "COUNTRY" }] }, { "applicationTableName": "m_client", "registeredTableName": "Client Timeline", "columnHeaderData": [{ "columnName": "client_id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Approval Data", "columnType": "date", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "DATE", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }] }] }

if address is enabled

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/template { "activationDate": [ 2016, 8, 11 ], "officeId": 1, "officeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office" } ], "savingProductOptions": [ ], "genderOptions": [ { "id": 748, "name": "Female", "position": 1, "isActive": true }, { "id": 749, "name": "Male", "position": 2, "isActive": true } ], "clientTypeOptions": [ { "id": 761, "name": "JLG", "position": 1, "description": "", "isActive": true }, { "id": 760, "name": "individual", "position": 2, "description": "", "isActive": true } ], "clientClassificationOptions": [ ], "clientNonPersonConstitutionOptions": [ ], "clientNonPersonMainBusinessLineOptions": [ ], "clientLegalFormOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "legalFormType.person", "value": "PERSON" }, { "id": 2, "code": "legalFormType.entity", "value": "ENTITY" } ], "address": { "countryIdOptions": [ { "id": 802, "name": "INDIA", "position": 1, "isActive": true }, { "id": 803, "name": "BANGLADESH", "position": 2, "isActive": true }, { "id": 807, "name": "UNITED STATES", "position": 3, "isActive": true } ], "stateProvinceIdOptions": [ { "id": 800, "name": "MAHARASHTRA", "position": 1, "isActive": true }, { "id": 801, "name": "GUJRAT", "position": 2, "isActive": true } ], "addressTypeIdOptions": [ { "id": 804, "name": "PERMANENT ADDRESS", "position": 1, "isActive": true }, { "id": 805, "name": "OFFICE ADDRESS", "position": 2, "isActive": true }, { "id": 806, "name": "CURRENT ADDRESS", "position": 3, "isActive": true } ] }, "isAddressEnabled": true }, "datatables": [{ "applicationTableName": "m_client", "registeredTableName": "Address Details", "columnHeaderData": [{ "columnName": "client_id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "State", "columnType": "varchar", "columnLength": 25, "columnDisplayType": "STRING", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "COUNTRY_cd_Country", "columnType": "int", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "CODELOOKUP", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [{ "id": 17, "value": "India", "score": 0 }], "columnCode": "COUNTRY" }] }, { "applicationTableName": "m_client", "registeredTableName": "Client Timeline", "columnHeaderData": [{ "columnName": "client_id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Approval Data", "columnType": "date", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "DATE", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }] }]

Create a Client

Note:1. You can enter either:
firstname/middlename/lastname - for a person (middlename is optional) OR
fullname - for a business or organisation (or person known by one name).
      2.If address is enable(enable-address=true), then additional field
called address has to be passed

Mandatory Fields
firstname and lastname OR fullname,
active=true and activationDate OR active=false,
if(address enabled) address

Optional Fields
groupId, externalId, accountNo, staffId, mobileNo, savingsProductId, genderId, clientTypeId, clientClassificationId
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/clients POST clients Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "officeId": 1, "firstname": "Petra", "lastname": "Yton", "externalId": "786YYH7", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "active": true, "activationDate": "04 March 2009", "submittedOnDate":"04 March 2009", "savingsProductId" : 4, "datatables": [{ "registeredTableName": "Family Details", "data": { "locale": "en", "Number of members": "5", "Number of dependents": "3", "No of Children": "2", "Date of verification": "14 December 2016", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy" } }, { "registeredTableName": "Residency Address", "data": { "locale": "en", "Address Line": "Basavana Gudi Road", "Street": "Gandhi Bazaar", "Landmark": "Aashrama", "COUNTRY_cd_Country": 17, "STATE_cd_State": "7", "DISTRICT_cd_District": "13", "Pincode": "560040" } }] } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "savingsId": 10 }

if address is enabled

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/clients
POST clients Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "firstname": "Petra", "lastname": "Yton", "externalId": "786YYH7", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "active": true, "activationDate": "04 March 2009", "submittedOnDate":"04 March 2009", "officeId":1, "address":[ { "addressTypeId": 805, "isActive": true, "street": "rapchik", "stateProvinceId": 800, "countryId": 802 } ] } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "savingsId": 10 }
POST clients Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "officeId": 1, "fullname": "Client of group", "groupId": 1, "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "active": true, "activationDate": "04 March 2009" } { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 1, "clientId": 2, "resourceId": 2 }

Activate a Client

Clients can be created in a Pending state. This API exists to enable client activation (for when a client becomes an approved member of the financial Institution).

If the client happens to be already active this API will result in an error.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/clients/{clientId}?command=activate POST clients/1?command=activate Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "activationDate": "01 March 2011" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Close a Client

Clients can be closed if they do not have any non-closed loans/savingsAccount. This API exists to close a client .

If the client have any active loans/savingsAccount this API will result in an error.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/clients/{clientId}?command=close POST clients/1?command=close Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en", "closureDate":"25 June 2013", "closureReasonId":"11" } { "clientId":15, "resourceId":15 }

Reject a Client

Clients can be rejected when client is in pending for activation status.

If the client is any other status, this API throws an error.

Mandatory Fields
rejectionDate, rejectionReasonId
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/clients/{clientId}?command=reject POST clients/1?command=reject Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "rejectionDate":"28 November 2014", "rejectionReasonId":16, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" } { "clientId":15, "resourceId":15 }

Withdraw a Client

Client applications can be withdrawn when client is in a pending for activation status.

If the client is any other status, this API throws an error.

Mandatory Fields
withdrawalDate, withdrawalReasonId
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/clients/{clientId}?command=withdraw POST clients/1?command=withdraw Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "withdrawalDate":"28 November 2014", "withdrawalReasonId":17, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" } { "officeId":1, "clientId":15, "resourceId":15 }

Reactivate a Client

Clients can be reactivated after they have been closed.

Trying to reactivate a client in any other state throws an error.

Mandatory Fields
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/clients/{clientId}?command=reactivate POST clients/1?command=reactivate Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "reactivationDate":"28 November 2014", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" } { "clientId":15, "resourceId":15 }

UndoReject a Client

Clients can be reactivated after they have been rejected.

Trying to reactivate a client in any other state throws an error.

Mandatory Fields
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/clients/{clientId}?command=UndoRejection POST clients/1?command=UndoRejection Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "reopenedDate":"28 November 2014", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" } { "clientId":15, "resourceId":15 }

UndoWithdraw a Client

Clients can be reactivated after they have been withdrawn.

Trying to reactivate a client in any other state throws an error.

Mandatory Fields
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/clients/{clientId}?command=UndoWithdrawal POST clients/1?command=UndoWithdrawal Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "reopenedDate":"28 November 2014", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" } { "clientId":15, "resourceId":15 }

Assign a Staff

Allows you to assign a Staff for existed Client.

The selected Staff should belong to the same office (or an officer higher up in the hierarchy) as the Client he manages.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/clients/{clientId}?command=assignStaff POST clients/1?command=assignStaff Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "staffId": "1" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": {"staffId":1} }

Unassign a Staff

Allows you to unassign the Staff assigned to a Client.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/clients/{clientId}?command=unassignStaff POST clients/1?command=unassignStaff Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "staffId":"1" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": {"staffId":1} }

Update Default Savings Account

Allows you to modify or assign a default savings account for an existing Client.

The selected savings account should be one among the existing savings account for a particular customer.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/clients/{clientId}?command=updateSavingsAccount POST clients/1?command=updateSavingsAccount Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "savingsAccountId": "22" } { "officeId":1, "clientId":1, "resourceId":1 ,"changes":{ "savingsAccountId":22 } }

Propose a Client Transfer

Allows you to propose the transfer of a Client to a different Office.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/clients/{clientId}?command=proposeTransfer POST clients/1?command=proposeTransfer Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "destinationOfficeId":"2", "note":"Client Relocating to Bangalore" } { "clientId": 2, "resourceId": 2 }

Withdraw a Client Transfer

Allows you to withdraw the proposed transfer of a Client to a different Office.

Withdrawal can happen only if the destination Branch (to which the transfer was proposed) has not already accepted the transfer proposal

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/clients/{clientId}?command=withdrawTransfer POST clients/1?command=withdrawTransfer Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "note":"Sorry, data entry error" } { "clientId": 2, "resourceId": 2 }

Reject a Client Transfer

Allows the Destination Branch to reject the proposed Client Transfer.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/clients/{clientId}?command=rejectTransfer POST clients/1?command=rejectTransfer Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "note":"We cannot accept tranfers of clients having loans with less than 1 repayment left" } { "clientId": 2, "resourceId": 2 }

Accept a Client Transfer

Allows the Destination Branch to accept the proposed Client Transfer.

The destination branch may also choose to link this client to a group (in which case, any existing active JLG loan of the client is rescheduled to match the meeting frequency of the group) and loan Officer at the time of accepting the transfer

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/clients/{clientId}?command=acceptTransfer POST clients/1?command=acceptTransfer Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "destinationGroupId":"13", "staffId":"1", "note":"Due Diligence done and all documents received" } { "clientId": 2, "resourceId": 2 }

Propose and Accept a Client Transfer

Abstraction over the Propose and Accept Client Transfer API's which enable a user with Data Scope over both the Target and Destination Branches to directly transfer a Client to the destination Office.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/clients/{clientId}?command=proposeAndAcceptTransfer POST clients/1?command=proposeTransfer Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "destinationOfficeId":"2", "destinationGroupId":"13", "staffId":"1", "note":"Client Relocating to Bangalore" } { "clientId": 2, "resourceId": 2 }

Retrieve a Client

Example Requests:



GET https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId} { "id": 27, "accountNo": "000000027", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active" }, "active": true, "activationDate": [ 2013, 1, 1 ], "firstname": "savings", "lastname": "test", "displayName": "savings test", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2013, 1, 1 ], "submittedByUsername": "mifos", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator", "activatedOnDate": [ 2013, 1, 1 ], "activatedByUsername": "mifos", "activatedByFirstname": "App", "activatedByLastname": "Administrator" }, "savingsProductId": 4, "savingsProductName": "account overdraft", "groups": [] }

List Clients

The list capability of clients can support pagination and sorting.

Optional Arguments
Integer optional, defaults to 0
Indicates the result from which pagination starts
Integer optional, defaults to 200
Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1
String optional, one of displayName, accountNo, officeId, officeName
Orders results by the indicated field.
String optional, one of ASC, DESC
Indicates what way to order results if orderBy is used.
Integer optional
Provides the ability to restrict list of clients returned based on the office they are associated with.
String optional
Use the office hierarchy string to return all clients under a given hierarchy.
String optional
Use displayName of clients to restrict results.
String optional
Use firstName of clients to restrict results.
String optional
Use lastName of clients to restrict results.
String optional
Use externalId of clients to restrict results.
String optional
Use an sql fragment valid for the underlying client schema to filter results. e.g. display_name like %K%
Boolean optional, defaults to false
Use orphansOnly as true to list clients which are not associated to any group/parent.

Example Requests:




GET https://DomainName/api/v1/clients { "totalFilteredRecords": 2, "pageItems": [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active" }, "active": true, "activationDate": [ 2013, 3, 1 ], "fullname": "Small shop", "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 2, "accountNo": "000000002", "status": { "id": 100, "code": "clientStatusType.pending", "value": "Pending" }, "active": false, "fullname": "Home Farm Produce", "displayName": "Home Farm Produce", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" } ] }

Update a Client

Note:You can update any of the basic attributes of a client (but not its associations) using this API.

Changing the relationship between a client and its office is not supported through this API. An API specific to handling transfers of clients between offices is available for the same.

The relationship between a client and a group must be removed through the Groups API.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId} PUT clients/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "externalId": "786444UUUYYH7" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "externalId": "786444UUUYYH7" } }

Delete a Client

If a client is in Pending state, you are allowed to Delete it. The delete is a 'hard delete' and cannot be recovered from. Once clients become active or have loans or savings associated with them, you cannot delete the client but you may Close the client if they have left the program.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId} DELETE clients/3 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 3, "resourceId": 3 }

Retrieve client accounts overview

An example of how a loan portfolio summary can be provided. This is requested in a specific use case of the community application.
It is quite reasonable to add resources like this to simplify User Interface development.

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/accounts { "loanAccounts": [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "externalId": "456", "productId": 1, "productName": "TestOne", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "pendingApproval": false, "waitingForDisbursal": false, "active": true, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "loanType": { "id": 1, "code": "loanType.individual", "value": "Individual" }, "loanCycle": 1 } ], "savingsAccounts": [ { "id": 7, "accountNo": "000000007", "productId": 2, "productName": "Other product", "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } }, { "id": 6, "accountNo": "000000006", "productId": 1, "productName": "Passbook Savings", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": true, "closed": false }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "accountBalance": 1828.03 }, { "id": 5, "accountNo": "000000005", "productId": 1, "productName": "Passbook Savings", "status": { "id": 400, "code": "", "value": "Withdrawn by applicant", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": true, "active": false, "closed": true }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } } ] }

Entity Field Configuration

Entity Field configuration API is a generic and extensible
wherein various entities and subentities can be related.
Also it gives the user an ability to enable/disable fields,
add regular expression for validation

Field Descriptions
Entity to which relationship is to be established
Entity which uses/relies on other entity for addional description
Field of the Enity which is to be configured
Regular expression for validating field's data
This is used to enable/disable field
This is used to make field mandatory
GET https://DomainName/api/v1/fieldconfiguration/{entity} [ { "fieldConfigurationId": 1, "entity": "ADDRESS", "subentity": "CLIENT", "field": "addressType", "is_enabled": true, "is_mandatory": false, "validation_regex": "" }, { "fieldConfigurationId": 2, "entity": "ADDRESS", "subentity": "CLIENT", "field": "street", "is_enabled": true, "is_mandatory": true, "validation_regex": "" }, { "fieldConfigurationId": 3, "entity": "ADDRESS", "subentity": "CLIENT", "field": "addressLine1", "is_enabled": true, "is_mandatory": false, "validation_regex": "" }, { "fieldConfigurationId": 4, "entity": "ADDRESS", "subentity": "CLIENT", "field": "addressLine2", "is_enabled": true, "is_mandatory": false, "validation_regex": "" }, { "fieldConfigurationId": 5, "entity": "ADDRESS", "subentity": "CLIENT", "field": "addressLine3", "is_enabled": true, "is_mandatory": false, "validation_regex": "" } ]

Client Address

Address module is an optional module and can be configured
into the system by using GlobalConfiguration setting: enable-address.
In order to activate Address module, we need to enable the configuration,
enable-address by setting its value to true.

Field Descriptions
Address module has the ability to store
multiple types of address of clients.addressTypeId is basically a code whose value
are used to store the different types of addresses.
The above are the fields of address
which are configurable using settings stored for each field in
m_field_configuration table.

List all addresses for a Client

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/client/{clientid}/addresses [ { "client_id": 111755, "addressType": "PERMANENT ADDRESS", "addressId": 14, "addressTypeId": 804, "isActive": false, "street": "anki's home", "addressLine1": "test123", "addressLine2": "iuyt", "addressLine3": "", "townVillage": "", "city": "mumbai", "countyDistrict": "", "stateProvinceId": 801, "countryName": "UNITED STATES", "stateName": "GUJRAT", "countryId": 807, "postalCode": "400095", "createdBy": "", "updatedBy": "" }, { "client_id": 111755, "addressType": "PERMANENT ADDRESS", "addressId": 17, "addressTypeId": 804, "isActive": false, "street": "anki's home", "addressLine1": "", "addressLine2": "", "addressLine3": "", "townVillage": "", "city": "", "countyDistrict": "", "stateProvinceId": 800, "countryName": "INDIA", "stateName": "MAHARASHTRA", "countryId": 802, "postalCode": "", "createdBy": "", "updatedBy": "" }, { "client_id": 111755, "addressType": "OFFICE ADDRESS", "addressId": 18, "addressTypeId": 805, "isActive": false, "street": "anki's office", "addressLine1": "", "addressLine2": "", "addressLine3": "", "townVillage": "", "city": "", "countyDistrict": "", "stateProvinceId": 0, "countryId": 0, "postalCode": "", "createdBy": "", "updatedBy": "" } ]
GET https://DomainName/api/v1/client/{clientid}/addresses?type=804&&status=false [ { "client_id": 111755, "addressType": "PERMANENT ADDRESS", "addressId": 14, "addressTypeId": 804, "isActive": false, "street": "anki's home", "addressLine1": "test123", "addressLine2": "iuyt", "addressLine3": "", "townVillage": "", "city": "mumbai", "countyDistrict": "", "stateProvinceId": 801, "countryName": "UNITED STATES", "stateName": "GUJRAT", "countryId": 807, "postalCode": "400095", "createdBy": "", "updatedBy": "" } } ]

Create an address for a Client

Mandatory Fields
type and clientId
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/client/{clientId}/addresses?type={addressTypeId} POST client/1/address?type=805 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "street":"Ipca", "addressLine1":"Kandivali", "addressLine2":"plot47", "addressLine3":"charkop", "city":"Mumbai", "stateProvinceId":800, "countryId":802, "postalCode":"400064" } { "resourceId":15 }

update an address for a Client

All the address fields can be updated by using update client address API

Mandatory Fields
type and addressId
PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/client/{clientId}/addresses?type={addressTypeId} POST client/1/addresses?type=805 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "addressId":67, "street":"goldensource" } { "resourceId":67 }

Client Identifiers

Client Identifiers refer to documents that are used to uniquely identify a customer
Ex: Drivers License, Passport, Ration card etc

Field Descriptions
Number/String used to uniquely identify a particular document (Driving License number for a driving license etc)
Type of the identification document (License, Passport Etc)
Any user comments to be associated with the Client Identifier

List all Identifiers for a Client

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/identifiers [ { "id": 2, "clientId": 1, "documentType": { "id": 3, "name": "Drivers License" }, "documentKey": "12345", "description": "Issued in the year 2--7" } ]

Retrieve Client Identifier Details Template

This is a convenience resource useful for building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/identifiers/template { "allowedDocumentTypes": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Passport", "position": 0 }, { "id": 2, "name": "Id", "position": 0 }, { "id": 3, "name": "Drivers License", "position": 0 }, { "id": 4, "name": "Any Other Id Type", "position": 0 } ] }

Retrieve a Client Identifier

Example Requests:



GET https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/identifiers/{identifierId} { "id": 2, "clientId": 1, "documentType": { "id": 3, "name": "Drivers License" }, "documentKey": "12345", "description": "Issued in 2007" }

Create an Identifier for a Client

Mandatory Fields
documentKey, documentTypeId
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/identifiers POST clients/1/identifiers Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "documentTypeId":"1", "documentKey":"KA-54677", "description":"Document has been verified" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "resourceId": 3 }

Update a Client Identifier

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/identifiers/{identifierId} PUT clients/1/identifiers/3 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "documentTypeId":"4", "documentKey":"KA-94667", "description":"Document has been updated" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "resourceId": 3, "changes": { "documentTypeId": 4, "documentKey": "KA-94667", "description": "Document has been updated" } }

Delete a Client Identifier

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/identifiers/{identifierId} DELETE clients/1/identifiers/3 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "resourceId": 3 }


The current API provides support for the addition of a single image for entities like Client (URL pattern /clients) and Staff (URL pattern /staff)
Allowed formats: JPEG (.jpg or .jpeg), GIF (.gif) and PNG (.png)

The API supports two different Approaches for manipulating Images

  • Data URI's: For easier manipulation by Javascript clients etc in supported Browsers.
  • Multi-part form data: Images can be uploaded using Multi part forms and downloaded as regular binary files


Get Entity Image (DATA URI)

Optional arguments are identical to those of Get Image associated with an Entity (Binary file)

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/images Accept: text/plain  bWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAAJ1JREFUeNpi+P//PwMIA4E9EG8E4idQDGLbw+WhiiqA+D8OXAFVAzbp DxBvB2JLIGaGYkuoGEjOhhFIHAbij0BdPgxYACMj42ogJQpifwBiXSDeC8JIbt4LxSC5DyxQjTeB +BeaYb+Q5EBOAVutCzMJHUNNPADzzDokiYdAfAmJvwLkGeTgWQfyKZICS6hYBTwc0QL8ORSjBDhA gAEAOg13B6R/SAgAAAAASUVORK5CYII=

Get Image associated with an Entity (Binary file)

Optional Arguments
String optional one of octet or inline_octet
The query parameter overrides the "Accept" Header and sets the Media Type to "application/octet-stream"
octet : Returns the image binary file as an attachment. The Content-Disposition header is set to attachment;filename=somefile.ext
inline_octet :The Content-Disposition header is set to inline;filename=somefile.ext
Integer optional
Triggers resizing of the image to the defined width
Integer optional
Triggers resizing of the image to the defined height
GET https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/images Accept: application/octet-stream GET clients/1/images Accept: application/octet-stream Not shown: The corresponding binary (image) file

Upload an Image for an Entity (Data URI)

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/images POST clients/1/images Content-Type: text/plain Request Body:  AANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQAQMAAAAlPW0iAAAABlBMVEUAAAD///+l2Z/dAAAAM0l EQVR4nGP4/5/h/1+G/58ZDrAz3D/McH8yw83NDDeNGe4Ug9C9zwz3gVLMDA/A6 P9/AFGGFyjOXZtQAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC { "resourceId": 1, "changes": {}, "resourceIdentifier": "1" }

Upload an Image for an Entity (Multi-part Form data)

Mandatory Fields

The form should contain a required named body part with the name "file".

If you are using a HTML form, a snippet like <input type="file" name="file"></input> can be used for uploading the image file

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/images POST clients/1/images Content-Type: multipart/form-data Request Body: Not shown { "resourceId": 1, "changes": {}, "resourceIdentifier": "1" }

Update a Image associated with an Entity (Data URI)

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/images PUT clients/1/images Content-Type: text/plain Request Body:  AANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQAQMAAAAlPW0iAAAABlBMVEUAAAD///+l2Z/dAAAAM0l EQVR4nGP4/5/h/1+G/58ZDrAz3D/McH8yw83NDDeNGe4Ug9C9zwz3gVLMDA/A6 P9/AFGGFyjOXZtQAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC { "resourceId": 1, "changes": {}, "resourceIdentifier": "1" }

Update an Entity's Image (Multi-part Form data)

Mandatory Fields

The form should contain a required named body part with the name "file".

If you are using a HTML form, a snippet like <input type="file" name="file"></input> can be used for uploading the image file

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/images PUT clients/1/images Content-Type: multipart/form-data Request Body: Not shown

Delete an Entity's Image

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/images DELETE clients/1/images Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "resourceId": 1, "changes": {}, "resourceIdentifier": "1" }


Centers along with Groups are used to provided a distinctive banking distribution channel used in microfinance. Its common in areas such as Southern Asia to use Centers and Group as administrative units in grameen style lending. Typically groups will contain one to five people and centers themselves will be made of anywhere between 2-10 groups.

Field Descriptions
A place to put an external reference for this center e.g. The ID another system uses. If provided, it must be unique.
Name given to the Center.
Indicates whether this center is to be created as active. If active=true, then activationDate must be provided. If active=false, then the center is created as pending.
The date on which the center became active.
The officeId of the office/branch this center is administrated through.
The staffId of the staff member dealing with this center. The staff member is not specifically the loan officer.
The array of groupIds to indicate what groups are part of this center.

Retrieve a Center Template

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/centers/template { "active": false, "activationDate": [ 2013, 4, 18 ], "officeId": 1, "officeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Branch Office 1", "nameDecorated": "....Branch Office 1" } ], "staffOptions": [ { "id": 1, "displayName": "C, Mike" } ], "groupMembersOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "First Group", "externalId": "000-1A", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "hierarchy": ".1." }, { "id": 2, "name": "Pending Group", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "hierarchy": ".2." } ] }
GET https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/centers/template?officeId=2 { "active": false, "activationDate": [ 2013, 4, 18 ], "officeId": 2, "officeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Branch Office 1", "nameDecorated": "....Branch Office 1" } ], "staffOptions": [ { "id": 2, "displayName": "D, Mary" }, { "id": 3, "displayName": "P, Paul" } ] }

Create a Center

Mandatory Fields
name, officeId, active, activationDate (if active=true)

Optional Fields
externalId, staffId, groupMembers

Create a center as pending with no association to groupMembers.

POST https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/centers POST centers Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "First Center (No groups)", "officeId": 1, "active": false } { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 8, "resourceId": 8 }

Create a center as active with no association to groupMembers.

POST https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/centers POST centers Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "centerwithgroup", "officeId": 1, "groupMembers": ["7"], "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "active": true, "activationDate": "01 March 2011" } { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 9, "resourceId": 9 }

Activate a Center

Centers can be created in a Pending state. This API exists to enable center activation.

If the center happens to be already active, this API will result in an error.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/centers/{centerId}?command=activate POST centers/1?command=activate Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "activationDate": "01 March 2011" } { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Close a Center

Centers can be closed if they don't have any non-closed groups or saving accounts.

If the Center has any active groups or savings accounts, this API will result in an error.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/centers/{centerId}?command=close POST centers/1?command=close Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "closureReasonId": 32, "closureDate": "05 May 2014", "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy" } { "resourceId": 1 }

Associate Groups

This API allows associating existing groups to a center.

The groups are listed from the office to which the center is associated.

If group(s) is already associated with a center, this API will result in an error.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/centers/{centerId}?command=associateGroups POST centers/1?command=associateGroups Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "grouptMembers":[1,2] } { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "grouptMembers": [1,2] }

Disassociate Groups

This API allows to disassociate groups from a center.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/centers/{centerId}?command=disassociateGroups POST center/1?command=disassociateGroups Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "grouptMembers":[1,2] } { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "grouptMembers": [1,2] }

Retrieve Center accounts overview

An example of how a savings summary for a Center can be provided. This is requested in a specific use case of the reference application.
It is quite reasonable to add resources like this to simplify User Interface development.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/centers/{centerId}/accounts { "savingsAccounts": [{ "id": 16, "accountNo": "000000016", "productId": 1, "productName": "Voluntary savings", "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false, "prematureClosed": false, "transferInProgress": false, "transferOnHold": false }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "accountType": { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "Group" }, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [2014,5,1], "submittedByUsername": "mifos", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator" }, "depositType": { "id": 100, "code": "depositAccountType.savingsDeposit", "value": "Savings" } }] }

Generate Collection Sheet

This Api retrieves repayment details of all jlg loans under a center as on a specified meeting date.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/centers/{centerId}?command=generateCollectionSheet POST centers/10?command=generateCollectionSheet Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en", "calendarId":6, "transactionDate":"04 May 2014" } { "dueDate": [2014,5,4], "loanProducts": [{ "id": 1, "name": "IGL", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false, "useBorrowerCycle": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "principalVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "interestRateVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "numberOfRepaymentVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [] }], "groups": [{ "groupId": 1, "groupName": "Group 1", "staffId": 1, "staffName": "A, Aliya", "levelId": 2, "levelName": "Group", "clients": [{ "clientId": 10, "clientName": "saving acc", "loans": [{ "loanId": 10, "accountId": "000000010", "accountStatusId": 300, "productShortName": "IGL", "productId": 1, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "principalDue": 1200.000000, "principalPaid": 0.000000, "interestDue": 21.360000, "interestPaid": 0.000000, "totalDue": 1221.360000 }], "attendanceType": { "id": 0, "code": "attendanceType.invalid", "value": "Invalid" } }] }], "attendanceTypeOptions": [{ "id": 1, "code": "attendanceType.present", "value": "Present" }, { "id": 2, "code": "attendanceType.absent", "value": "Absent" }, { "id": 3, "code": "attendanceType.approved", "value": "Approved" }, { "id": 4, "code": "attendanceType.leave", "value": "Leave" }, { "id": 5, "code": "attendanceType.late", "value": "Late" }] }

Generate Individual Collection Sheet

This Api retrieves repayment details of all individual loans under a office as on a specified meeting date.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/collectionsheet?command=generateCollectionSheet POST collectionsheet?command=generateCollectionSheet Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en", "transactionDate":"15 January 2015", "officeId":3 } { "dueDate": [ 2015, 1, 15 ], "clients": [ { "clientId": 74, "clientName": "guarantee test", "loans": [ { "loanId": 307, "accountId": "000000307", "accountStatusId": 300, "productShortName": "pr", "productId": 60, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "principalDue": 1126.23, "principalPaid": 8873.77, "interestDue": 0, "interestPaid": 504.95, "totalDue": 1126.23 } ], "savings": [ { "savingsId": 213, "accountId": "000000213", "accountStatusId": 300, "productName": "11", "productId": 30, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "dueAmount": 2000 } ] } ], "paymentTypeOptions": [ { "id": 19, "name": "receipt", "position": 1, "description": "rec" }, { "id": 20, "name": "check", "position": 2, "description": "che" } ] }

Save Collection Sheet

This Api allows the loan officer to perform bulk repayments of JLG loans for a center on a given meeting date.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/centers/{centerId}?command=saveCollectionSheet POST centers/10?command=saveCollectionSheet { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "calendarId": 6, "transactionDate": "04 May 2014", "actualDisbursementDate": "04 May 2014", "clientsAttendance": [], "bulkDisbursementTransactions": [], "bulkRepaymentTransactions": [{ "loanId": 10, "transactionAmount": 1221.36 }] } { "groupId": 10, "resourceId": 10, "changes": { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "loanTransactions": [10], "SavingsTransactions": [] } }

Save Collection Sheet

This Api allows the loan officer to perform bulk repayments of individual loans and deposit of mandatory savings on a given meeting date.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/collectionsheet?command=saveCollectionSheet POST collectionsheet?command=saveCollectionSheet { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "transactionDate": "04 May 2014", "actualDisbursementDate": "04 May 2014", "bulkDisbursementTransactions": [], "bulkRepaymentTransactions": [{ "loanId": 10, "transactionAmount": 1221.36, "paymentTypeId":19, "receiptNumber":"1245356" }], "bulkSavingsDueTransactions":[] } { "groupId": 10, "resourceId": 10, "changes": { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "loanTransactions": [15], "SavingsTransactions": [] } }

Update a Center

PUT https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/centers/{centerId} PUT centers/8 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "First Center (No groups)" } { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 8, "resourceId": 8, "changes": { "name": "First Center (No groups) - modified" } }

Delete a Center

A Center can be deleted if it is in pending state and has no association - groups, loans or savings

POST https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/centers/{centerId} DELETE centers/8 { "resourceId":1, "changes":{} }

Retrieve a Center

Example Requests:



Retrieve an existing center with no groups information.

GET https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/centers/8 { "id": 8, "status": { "id": 100, "code": "groupingStatusType.pending", "value": "Pending" }, "active": false, "name": "First Center (No groups)", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "hierarchy": ".8." }

Retrieve an existing center without the details of group associations.

GET https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/centers/9 { "id": 9, "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active" }, "active": true, "activationDate": [ 2011, 3, 1 ], "name": "centerwithgroup", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "hierarchy": ".9." }

List Centers

The default implementation supports pagination and sorting with the default pagination size set to 200 records. The parameter limit with value -1 will return all entries.

Optional Arguments
Boolean optional, defaults to false
If paged is true then results will be paginated.
Integer optional, defaults to 0
Indicates from what result to start from.
Integer optional, defaults to 200
Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1
String optional, one of displayName, accountNo, officeId, officeName
Orders the results by the field indicated.
String optional, one of ASC, DESC
Indicates what way to order results if orderBy is used.
Integer optional
Provides ability to restrict list of centers returned based on the office there associated with.
String optional
Use the office hierarchy string to return all centers under a given hierarchy.
String optional
Use name of centers to restrict results.
String optional
Use externalId of center to restrict results.
String optional
Use an sql fragment valid for the underlying center schema to filter results. e.g. display_name like %K%

Example Requests:




GET https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/centers?paged=true { "totalFilteredRecords": 2, "pageItems": [ { "id": 2, "status": { "id": 100, "code": "groupingStatusType.pending", "value": "Pending" }, "active": false, "name": "Center 1", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "hierarchy": ".2." }, { "id": 3, "status": { "id": 100, "code": "groupingStatusType.pending", "value": "Pending" }, "active": false, "name": "Center 2", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "hierarchy": ".3." } ] }


Groups are used to provide a distinctive banking distribution channel used in microfinances throughout the world. The Group is an administrative unit. It can contain as few as 5 people or as many as 40 depending on how its used.

Different styles of group lending - Joint-Liability Group, Grameen Model (Center-Group), Self-Help Groups, Village/Communal Banks)

Field Descriptions
Name given to the Group.
A place to put an external reference for this group e.g. The ID another system uses. If provided, it must be unique.
The officeId of the office/branch this group is administrated through.
Indicates whether this group is to be created as active. If active=true, then activationDate must be provided. If active=false, then the group is created as pending.
The date on which the group became active.
The staffId of the staff member dealing with this group. The staff member is not specifically the loan officer. The staff member must be assigned to the same office as this group.
The individual client members that make up the group. The clients must be assigned to the same office as this group.
The identifier of the calendar to which the transaction is linked with.
The date on which the transaction took place.
The role to be assigned to a client.
The date on which the actual disbursement took place.
The clients attendance.
The details of any bulk repayment transactions.
The details of any bulk disbursement transactions.
Facility to enrich group details.

Retrieve Group Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Integer optional
Integer optional
Boolean optional
Defaults to false if not provided. If staffInSelectedOfficeOnly=true only staff who are associated with the selected branch are returned.

Example Requests:





Template to create a standard group

GET https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/groups/template { "officeId": 1, "officeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Branch Office 1", "nameDecorated": "....Branch Office 1" } ], "staffOptions": [ { "id": 1, "displayName": "C, Mike" } ], "clientOptions": [ { "id": 1, "displayName": "Petra Yton", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 2, "displayName": "Small shop business", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" } ], "datatables": [{ "applicationTableName": "m_group", "registeredTableName": "Group Activation Data", "columnHeaderData": [{ "columnName": "group_id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "GROUPROLE_cd_Ctry", "columnType": "int", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "CODELOOKUP", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [{ "id": 13, "value": "Leader", "score": 0 }, { "id": 16, "value": "Leader1", "score": 0 }, { "id": 14, "value": "Collector", "score": 0 }], "columnCode": "GROUPROLE" }] }, { "applicationTableName": "m_group", "registeredTableName": "Group Enrichment", "columnHeaderData": [{ "columnName": "group_id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "name", "columnType": "varchar", "columnLength": 15, "columnDisplayType": "STRING", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }] }] }

Template to create a standard group with specific office known. This will return only staffOptions and clientMembersOptions relevant for the chosen office.

GET https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/groups/template?officeId=2 { "officeId": 2, "officeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Branch Office 1", "nameDecorated": "....Branch Office 1" } ], "staffOptions": [ { "id": 2, "displayName": "D, Mary" }, { "id": 3, "displayName": "P, Paul" } ] }

Template to create a group for an existing center. As an existing center will be assigned to an office, this will return only staffOptions and clientMembersOptions relevant for the chosen center/office.

GET https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/groups/template?centerId=1

Create a Group

Mandatory Fields
name, officeId, active, activationDate (if active=true)

Optional Fields
externalId, staffId, clientMembers
POST https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/groups POST groups Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "officeId":"1", "name":"Pending Group", "active": false } { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 2, "resourceId": 2 } POST groups Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "officeId":"1", "name":"First Group", "externalId": "000-1A", "clientMembers": ["1"], "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "active": true, "activationDate": "04 March 2009", "submittedOnDate":"04 March 2009", "datatables": [{ "registeredTableName": "Address Details", "data": { "locale": "en", "COUNTRY_cd_Country": 17 } }, { "registeredTableName": "Group Activation Data", "data": { "locale": "en", "GROUPROLE_cd_Ctry": 13, "Date": "01 December 2016", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy" } }] } { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Activate a Group

Groups can be created in a Pending state. This API exists to enable group activation.

If the group happens to be already active this API will result in an error.

Mandatory Fields
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/groups/{groupId}?command=activate POST groups/1?command=activate Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "activationDate": "01 March 2011" } { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Associate Clients

This API allows to associate existing clients to a group.

The clients are listed from the office to which the group is associated.

If client(s) is already associated with group then API will result in an error.

Mandatory Fields
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/groups/{groupId}?command=associateClients POST groups/1?command=associateClients Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "clientMembers":[1,2] } { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "clientMembers": [1,2] }

Disassociate Clients

This API allows to disassociate clients from a group.

Disassociating a client with active joint liability group loans results in an error.

Mandatory Fields
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/groups/{groupId}?command=disassociateClients POST groups/1?command=disassociateClients Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "clientMembers":[1,2] } { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "clientMembers": [1,2] }

Transfer Clients across groups

This API allows to transfer clients from one group to another

Field Descriptions
The identifier of the group to which the clients are to be transferred ( has to be in the same branch as the source Group).
Identifiers of all clients who need to be transferred
Flag specifies if the transferred clients (and all their active loans) should be linked to the assigned loan officer for the group

Mandatory Fields
destinationGroupId, clients

Optional Fields
inheritDestinationGroupLoanOfficer (defaults to true), transferActiveLoans (defaults to true)
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/groups/{groupId}?command=transferClients POST groups/1?command=transferClients Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { destinationGroupId:2, clients:[{id:1}] } { "resourceId": 1 }

Generate Collection Sheet

This API retrieves repayment details of all jlg loans of all members of a group on a specified meeting date.

Mandatory Fields
calendarId, transactionDate
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/groups/{groupId}?command=generateCollectionSheet POST groups/1?command=generateCollectionSheet Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en", "calendarId":6, "transactionDate":"04 May 2014" } { "dueDate": [2014,5,4], "loanProducts": [{ "id": 1, "name": "IGL", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false, "useBorrowerCycle": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "principalVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "interestRateVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "numberOfRepaymentVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [] }], "groups": [{ "groupId": 1, "groupName": "Group 1", "staffId": 1, "staffName": "A, Aliya", "levelId": 2, "levelName": "Group", "clients": [{ "clientId": 10, "clientName": "saving acc", "loans": [{ "loanId": 10, "accountId": "000000010", "accountStatusId": 300, "productShortName": "IGL", "productId": 1, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "principalDue": 1200.000000, "principalPaid": 0.000000, "interestDue": 21.360000, "interestPaid": 0.000000, "totalDue": 1221.360000 }], "attendanceType": { "id": 0, "code": "attendanceType.invalid", "value": "Invalid" } }] }], "attendanceTypeOptions": [{ "id": 1, "code": "attendanceType.present", "value": "Present" }, { "id": 2, "code": "attendanceType.absent", "value": "Absent" }, { "id": 3, "code": "attendanceType.approved", "value": "Approved" }, { "id": 4, "code": "attendanceType.leave", "value": "Leave" }, { "id": 5, "code": "attendanceType.late", "value": "Late" }] }

Save Collection Sheet

This api allows the loan officer to perform bulk repayments of JLG loans for a group on its meeting date.

Mandatory Fields
calendarId, transactionDate, actualDisbursementDate

Optional Fields
clientsAttendance, bulkRepaymentTransaction, bulkDisbursementTransactions
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/groups/{groupId}?command=saveCollectionSheet POST groups/1?command=saveCollectionSheet { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "calendarId": 6, "transactionDate": "04 May 2014", "actualDisbursementDate": "04 May 2014", "clientsAttendance": [], "bulkDisbursementTransactions": [], "bulkRepaymentTransactions": [{ "loanId": 10, "transactionAmount": 1221.36 }] } { "groupId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "bulkTransations": { "loanId": 10, "transactionAmount": 1221.36, "transactionDate": [2014,5,4] } } }

Unassign a Staff

Allows you to unassign the Staff.

Mandatory Fields
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/groups/{groupId}?command=unassignStaff POST groups/1?command=unassignStaff Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "staffId":"1" } { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": {} }

Assign a Staff

Allows you to assign Staff to an existing Group.

The selected Staff should be belong to the same office (or an office higher up in the hierarchy) as this group

Mandatory Fields
Optional Fields
Optional: Boolean if true all members of the group (i.e all clients with active loans and savings ) will inherit the staffId
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/groups/{groupId}?command=assignStaff POST groups/1?command=assignStaff Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "staffId": "1" } { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": {"staffId":1} }

Close a Group

This API exists to close a group. Groups can be closed if they don't have any non-closed clients/loans/savingsAccounts.

If the group has any active clients/loans/savingsAccount, this API will result in an error.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/groups/{groupId}?command=close POST groups/1?command=close Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en", "closureDate":"25 June 2013", "closureReasonId":"30" } { "groupId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Assign a Role

Allows you to assign a Role to an existing member of a group.

We can define the different roles applicable to group members by adding code values to the pre-defined system code GROUPROLE. Example:Group leader etc.

Mandatory Fields
clientId, role
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/groups/{groupId}?command=assignRole POST groups/1?command=assignRole Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "clientId": "1", "role":30 } { "clientId": 1, "groupId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Unassign a Role

Allows you to unassign Roles associated tp Group members.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/groups/{groupId}?command=unassignRole&roleId=1 POST groups/1?command=unassignRole&roleId=1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: {} { "clientId": 1, "groupId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Update a Role

Allows you to update the member Role.

Mandatory Fields
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/groups/{groupId}?command=updateRole&roleId=2 POST groups/1?command=updateRole&roleId=2 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "role":"31" } { "groupId": 1, "resourceId": 2, "changes":{"role":31} }

Retrieve a Group

Retrieve group information.

String optional
One of, or comma separated of clientMembers, activeClientMembers, groupRoles, calendars, collectionMeetingCalendar
or all for all associations.
Boolean optional, defaults to false
If staffInSelectedOfficeOnly=true only staff who are associated with the selected branch are returned.
Long optional
If present, will retrieve group role information

Example Requests:



Group without any associations.

GET https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/groups/1 { "id": 1, "name": "First Group", "externalId": "000-1A", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "hierarchy": ".1.", "timeline": { "activatedOnDate": [ 2013, 11, 14 ], "activatedByUsername": "mifos", "activatedByFirstname": "App", "activatedByLastname": "Administrator" } }

Group along with all its Clients.

GET https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/groups/1?associations=clientMembers { "id": 1, "name": "First Group", "externalId": "000-1A", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "hierarchy": ".1.", "timeline": { "activatedOnDate": [ 2013, 11, 14 ], "activatedByUsername": "mifos", "activatedByFirstname": "App", "activatedByLastname": "Administrator" }, "clientMembers": [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "externalId": "786YYH7", "activationDate": [ 2009, 3, 4 ], "firstname": "Petra", "lastname": "Yton", "displayName": "Petra Yton", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" } ] }

Retrieve Group accounts overview

Retrieves details of all Loan and Savings accounts associated with this group.

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/groups/{groupId}/accounts { "loanAccounts": [ { "id": 3, "accountNo": "000000003", "productId": 3, "productName": "daily product", "status": { "id": 100, "code": "loanStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "pendingApproval": true, "waitingForDisbursal": false, "active": false, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "loanType": { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "Group" } } ], "savingsAccounts": [ { "id": 9, "accountNo": "000000009", "productId": 1, "productName": "p_sav", "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "accountType": { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "Group" } }, { "id": 4, "accountNo": "000000004", "productId": 1, "productName": "p_sav", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": true, "closed": false }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "accountType": { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "Group" } } ], "memberLoanAccounts": [ { "id": 4, "accountNo": "000000004", "productId": 1, "productName": "testLoan", "status": { "id": 200, "code": "loanStatusType.approved", "value": "Approved", "pendingApproval": false, "waitingForDisbursal": true, "active": false, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "loanType": { "id": 3, "code": "accountType.jlg", "value": "JLG" } }, { "id": 7, "accountNo": "000000007", "productId": 2, "productName": "weekly product", "status": { "id": 100, "code": "loanStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "pendingApproval": true, "waitingForDisbursal": false, "active": false, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "loanType": { "id": 3, "code": "accountType.jlg", "value": "JLG" } } ], "memberSavingsAccounts": [ { "id": 3, "accountNo": "000000003", "productId": 1, "productName": "p_sav", "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "accountType": { "id": 3, "code": "accountType.jlg", "value": "JLG" } }, { "id": 10, "accountNo": "000000010", "productId": 1, "productName": "p_sav", "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "accountType": { "id": 3, "code": "accountType.jlg", "value": "JLG" } } ] }

Update a Group

PUT https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/groups/{groupid} PUT groups/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "First Group (changed)" } { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "name": "First Group (changed)" } }

Delete a Group

A group can be deleted if it is in pending state and has no associations - clients, loans or savings

POST https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/groups/{groupid} DELETE groups/2 { "officeId": 1, "groupId": 2, "resourceId": 2 }

List Groups

The default implementation of listing Groups returns 200 entries with support for pagination and sorting. Using the parameter limit with value -1 returns all entries.

Optional Arguments
Boolean optional, defaults to false
If paged is true then results will be paginated.
Integer optional, defaults to 0
Indicates from what result to start from.
Integer optional, defaults to 200
Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1
String optional, one of displayName, accountNo, officeId, officeName
Orders the results by the field indicated.
String optional, one of ASC, DESC
Indicates what way to order results if orderBy is used.
Integer optional
Provides ability to restrict list of groups returned based on the office there associated with.
String optional
Use the office hierarchy string to return all groups under a given hierarchy.
String optional
Use name of groups to restrict results.
String optional
Use externalId of groups to restrict results.
String optional
Use an sql fragment valid for the underlying group schema to filter results. e.g. display_name like %K%
Boolean optional, defaults to false
Use orphansOnly as true to list groups which are not associated to any center/parent.

Example Requests:




GET https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/groups?paged=true { "totalFilteredRecords": 2, "pageItems": [ { "id": 4, "name": "AnotherGroup", "status": { "id": 100, "code": "clientStatusType.pending", "value": "Pending" }, "active": false, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "hierarchy": ".4." } ] }


The API concept of loans models the loan application process and the loan contract/monitoring process.

Field Descriptions
The account no. associated with this loan. Is auto generated if not provided at loan application creation time.
A place to put an external reference for this loan e.g. The ID another system uses.
If provided, it must be unique.
Optional: For associating a loan with a given fund.
Optional: For associating a loan with a given staff member who is a loan officer.
Optional: For marking a loan with a given loan purpose option. Loan purposes are configurable and can be setup by system admin through code/code values screens.
The loan amount to be disbursed to through loan.
The length of loan term
Used like: loanTermFrequency loanTermFrequencyType
e.g. 12 Months
The loan term period to use. Used like: loanTermFrequency loanTermFrequencyType
e.g. 12 Months Example Values: 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years
Number of installments to repay.
Used like: numberOfRepayments Every repaymentEvery repaymentFrequencyType
e.g. 10 (repayments) Every 12 Weeks
Used like: numberOfRepayments Every repaymentEvery repaymentFrequencyType
e.g. 10 (repayments) Every 12 Weeks
Used like: numberOfRepayments Every repaymentEvery repaymentFrequencyType
e.g. 10 (repayments) Every 12 Weeks
Example Values: 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months
Interest Rate.
Used like: interestRatePerPeriod % interestRateFrequencyType - interestType
e.g. 12.0000% Per year - Declining Balance
Used like: interestRatePerPeriod% interestRateFrequencyType - interestType
e.g. 12.0000% Per year - Declining Balance
Example Values: 2=Per month, 3=Per year
Optional: Integer - represents the number of repayment periods that grace should apply to the principal component of a repayment period.
Optional: Integer - represents the number of repayment periods that grace should apply to the interest component of a repayment period. Interest is still calculated but offset to later repayment periods.
Optional: Integer - represents the number of repayment periods that should be interest-free.
Optional: Integer - Used in Arrears calculation to only take into account loans that are more than graceOnArrearsAgeing days overdue.
Optional: Date - The date from with interest is to start being charged.
The proposed disbursement date of the loan so a proposed repayment schedule can be provided.
The date the loan application was submitted by applicant.
The Savings Account id for linking with loan account for payments.
Example Values: 0=Equal principle payments, 1=Equal installments
Used like: interestRatePerPeriod% interestRateFrequencyType - interestType
e.g. 12.0000% Per year - Declining Balance
Example Values: 0=Declining Balance, 1=Flat
Example Values: 0=Daily, 1=Same as repayment period
This value will be supported along with interestCalculationPeriodType as Same as repayment period to calculate interest for partial periods. Example: Interest charged from is 5th of April , Principal is 10000 and interest is 1% per month then the interest will be (10000 * 1%)* (25/30) , it calculates for the month first then calculates exact periods between start date and end date(can be a decimal)
The amount that can be 'waived' at end of all loan payments because it is too small to worry about.
This is also the tolerance amount assessed when determining if a loan is in arrears.
An enumeration that indicates the type of transaction processing strategy to be used. This relates to functionality that is also known as Payment Application Logic.

A number of out of the box approaches exist, some are custom to specific MFIs, some are more general and indicate the order in which payments are processed.

Refer to the Payment Application Logic / Transaction Processing Strategy section in the appendix for more detailed overview of each available payment application logic provided out of the box.

List of current approaches:
  • 1 = Mifos style (Similar to Old Mifos)
  • 2 = Heavensfamily (Custom MFI approach)
  • 3 = Creocore (Custom MFI approach)
  • 4 = RBI (India)
  • 5 = Principal Interest Penalties Fees Order
  • 6 = Interest Principal Penalties Fees Order
  • 7 = Early Payment Strategy
To represent different type of loans.
At present there are three type of loans are supported.
Available loan types:
  1. individual: Loan given to individual member
  2. group: Loan given to group as a whole
  3. jlg: Joint liability group loan given to members in a group on individual basis. JLG loan can be given to one or more members in a group.
Specifies rest frequency start date for interest recalculation. This date must be before or equal to disbursement date
Specifies compounding frequency start date for interest recalculation. This date must be equal to disbursement date

Retrieve Loan Details Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

String mandatory, allowed values are individual, group, jlg, jlgbulk

templateType value decides the required template data for creating a new loan application.

'individual': Loan template data for creating individual loans.
'group': Loan template data for creating a group loan (loan given to group as a whole).
'jlg': Loan template data for creating a Joint liability group loan for a client.
'jlgbulk': Loan template data for creating a Joint liability group loan for multiple clients at a time in a group.
Integer mandatory
Optional Arguments
Integer optional
If entered, productId, productName and selectedProduct fields are returned.
Boolean optional
Defaults to false if not provided. If staffInSelectedOfficeOnly=true only loan officers who are associated with the selected branch are returned.
Boolean optional
Defaults to false if not provided. If activeOnly=true only active loan products are returned.

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/template?templateType=individual&clientId=1 { "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Kampala first Client", "clientOfficeId": 2, "timeline": { "expectedDisbursementDate": [ 2013, 3, 8 ] }, "productOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Kampala Product (with cash accounting)" } ] } GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/template?templateType=individual&clientId=1&productId=1 { "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Kampala first Client", "clientOfficeId": 2, "loanProductId": 1, "loanProductName": "Kampala Product (with cash accounting)", "loanProductDescription": "Typical Kampala loan product with cash accounting enabled for testing.", "currency": { "code": "UGX", "name": "Uganda Shilling", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "USh", "nameCode": "currency.UGX", "displayLabel": "Uganda Shilling (USh)" }, "principal": 1000000, "termFrequency": 12, "termPeriodFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "numberOfRepayments": 12, "repaymentEvery": 1, "repaymentFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "interestRatePerPeriod": 24, "interestRateFrequencyType": { "id": 3, "code": "interestRateFrequency.periodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Per year" }, "annualInterestRate": 24, "amortizationType": { "id": 1, "code": "amortizationType.equal.installments", "value": "Equal installments" }, "interestType": { "id": 1, "code": "interestType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "interestCalculationPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Same as repayment period" }, "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 2, "timeline": { "expectedDisbursementDate": [ 2013, 3, 8 ] }, "daysInMonthType": { "id": 30, "code": "DaysInMonthType.days360", "value": "30 Days" }, "daysInYearType": { "id": 360, "code": "DaysInYearType.days360", "value": "360 Days" }, "isInterestRecalculationEnabled": true, "interestRecalculationData": { "interestRecalculationCompoundingType": { "id": 2, "code": "interestRecalculationCompoundingMethod.fee", "value": "Fee" }, "recalculationCompoundingFrequencyType": { "id":1, "code":"", "value":"Same as repayment period" }, "rescheduleStrategyType": { "id": 2, "code": "loanRescheduleStrategyMethod.reduce.number.of.installments", "value": "Reduce number of installments" }, "recalculationRestFrequencyType": { "id":1, "code":"", "value":"Same as repayment period" } } "charges": [], "productOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Kampala Product (with cash accounting)" } ], "loanOfficerOptions": [ { "id": 2, "firstname": "Kampala", "lastname": "LoanOfficer", "displayName": "LoanOfficer, Kampala", "officeId": 2, "officeName": "Uganda (Kampala)", "isLoanOfficer": true } ], "loanPurposeOptions": [ { "id": 20, "name": "option.Agriculture", "position": 1 }, { "id": 21, "name": "option.Manufacturing", "position": 20 }, { "id": 22, "name": "option.HousingImprovement", "position": 21 } ], "termFrequencyTypeOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "loanTermFrequency.periodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "loanTermFrequency.periodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "loanTermFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "loanTermFrequency.periodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" } ], "repaymentFrequencyTypeOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" } ], "interestRateFrequencyTypeOptions": [ { "id": 2, "code": "interestRateFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Per month" }, { "id": 3, "code": "interestRateFrequency.periodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Per year" } ], "amortizationTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "amortizationType.equal.installments", "value": "Equal installments" }, { "id": 0, "code": "amortizationType.equal.principal", "value": "Equal principle payments" } ], "interestTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "interestType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, { "id": 0, "code": "interestType.declining.balance", "value": "Declining Balance" } ], "interestCalculationPeriodTypeOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "interestCalculationPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Same as repayment period" } ], "transactionProcessingStrategyOptions": [ { "id": 2, "code": "heavensfamily-strategy", "name": "Heavensfamily" } ], "chargeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Bank Fee (per installment)", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "UGX", "name": "Uganda Shilling", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "USh", "nameCode": "currency.UGX", "displayLabel": "Uganda Shilling (USh)" }, "amount": 1500, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" } } ], "loanCollateralOptions": [ { "id": 17, "name": "option.House", "position": 1 }, { "id": 18, "name": "option.Television", "position": 17 }, { "id": 19, "name": "option.Gold", "position": 18 } ], "accountLinkingOptions":[ { "id":1, "accountNo":"000000001", "clientId":1, "clientName":"pramod nuthakki", "productId":1, "productName":"pramod sav", "fieldOfficerId":0, "currency":{"code":"USD","name":"US Dollar","decimalPlaces":2,"displaySymbol":"$","nameCode":"currency.USD","displayLabel":"US Dollar ($)"} } ], "datatables": [{ "applicationTableName": "m_loan", "registeredTableName": "loan_balance", "columnHeaderData": [{ "columnName": "loan_id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "account_number", "columnType": "varchar", "columnLength": 25, "columnDisplayType": "STRING", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Balance", "columnType": "decimal", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "DECIMAL", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }] }, { "applicationTableName": "m_loan", "registeredTableName": "Loan Enrichment", "columnHeaderData": [{ "columnName": "loan_id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Activation Date", "columnType": "date", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "DATE", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }] }] }

Retrieve a Loan

Note: template=true parameter doesn't apply to this resource.

optional, Either 'all' or a comma separated list of loan 'associations' (itemised below).
optional, 'all' and a comma separated list of loan associations (itemised below) as 'exclude'.

Associations are just extra pieces of data that you might or might not want to retrieve.

'all': Gets all association data.
'repaymentSchedule': Loan schedule data.
'originalSchedule': Loan schedule data without interest recalculations.
'futureSchedule': Loan schedule data from today date(will be displayed only for interest first repayment strategy processors)
'transactions': Loan transactions data.
'charges': Loan charges data.
'guarantors': Loan guarantors data.
'collateral': Loan collateral data.

Example Requests:





GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId} { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "pendingApproval": false, "waitingForDisbursal": false, "active": true, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Kampala first Client", "clientOfficeId": 2, "loanProductId": 1, "loanProductName": "Kampala Product (with cash accounting)", "loanProductDescription": "Typical Kampala loan product with cash accounting enabled for testing.", "loanPurposeId": 22, "loanPurposeName": "option.HousingImprovement", "loanOfficerId": 2, "loanOfficerName": "LoanOfficer, Kampala", "loanType": { "id": 1, "code": "loanType.individual", "value": "Individual" }, "currency": { "code": "UGX", "name": "Uganda Shilling", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "USh", "nameCode": "currency.UGX", "displayLabel": "Uganda Shilling (USh)" }, "principal": 1000000, "termFrequency": 12, "termPeriodFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "termFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "numberOfRepayments": 12, "repaymentEvery": 1, "repaymentFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "interestRatePerPeriod": 24, "interestRateFrequencyType": { "id": 3, "code": "interestRateFrequency.periodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Per year" }, "annualInterestRate": 24, "amortizationType": { "id": 1, "code": "amortizationType.equal.installments", "value": "Equal installments" }, "interestType": { "id": 1, "code": "interestType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "interestCalculationPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Same as repayment period" }, "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 2, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2012, 4, 3 ], "submittedByUsername": "admin", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator", "approvedOnDate": [ 2012, 4, 3 ], "approvedByUsername": "admin", "approvedByFirstname": "App", "approvedByLastname": "Administrator", "expectedDisbursementDate": [ 2012, 4, 10 ], "actualDisbursementDate": [ 2012, 4, 10 ], "disbursedByUsername": "admin", "disbursedByFirstname": "App", "disbursedByLastname": "Administrator", "expectedMaturityDate": [ 2013, 4, 10 ] }, "summary": { "currency": { "code": "UGX", "name": "Uganda Shilling", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "USh", "nameCode": "currency.UGX", "displayLabel": "Uganda Shilling (USh)" }, "principalDisbursed": 1000000, "principalPaid": 0, "principalWrittenOff": 0, "principalOutstanding": 1000000, "principalOverdue": 833333.3, "interestCharged": 240000, "interestPaid": 0, "interestWaived": 0, "interestWrittenOff": 0, "interestOutstanding": 240000, "interestOverdue": 200000, "feeChargesCharged": 18000, "feeChargesDueAtDisbursementCharged": 0, "feeChargesPaid": 0, "feeChargesWaived": 0, "feeChargesWrittenOff": 0, "feeChargesOutstanding": 18000, "feeChargesOverdue": 15000, "penaltyChargesCharged": 0, "penaltyChargesPaid": 0, "penaltyChargesWaived": 0, "penaltyChargesWrittenOff": 0, "penaltyChargesOutstanding": 0, "penaltyChargesOverdue": 0, "totalExpectedRepayment": 1258000, "totalRepayment": 0, "totalExpectedCostOfLoan": 258000, "totalCostOfLoan": 0, "totalWaived": 0, "totalWrittenOff": 0, "totalOutstanding": 1258000, "totalOverdue": 1048333.3, "overdueSinceDate": [ 2012, 5, 10 ], "linkedAccount":{ "id":1, "accountNo":"000000001" }, "disbursementDetails":[{"id":71,"expectedDisbursementDate":[2013,11,1],"principal":22000.000000,"approvedPrincipal":22000.000000}], "fixedEmiAmount":1100.000000, "maxOutstandingLoanBalance":35000, "canDisburse":false, "emiAmountVariations": [], "inArrears": true, "isNPA":false, "overdueCharges": [ { "id": 20, "name": "overdraft penality", "active": true, "penalty": true, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 3.000000, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 9, "code": "chargeTimeType.overdueInstallment", "value": "overdue fees" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% Amount" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" }, "feeInterval": 2, "feeFrequency": { "id": 1, "code": "feeFrequencyperiodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" } } ] } }

List Loans

The list capability of loans can support pagination and sorting.

Optional Arguments
Integer optional, defaults to 0
Indicates from what result to start from.
Integer optional, defaults to 200
Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1
String optional, one of displayName, accountNo, officeId, officeName
Orders the results by the field indicated.
String optional, one of ASC, DESC
Indicates what way to order results if orderBy is used.
Integer optional
Provides ability to restrict list of loans returned based on the office there associated with.
String optional
Use the office hierarchy string to return all loans under a given hierarchy.
String optional
Use account no. of loans to restrict results.
String optional
Use externalId of loan to restrict results.
String optional
Use an sql fragment valid for the underlying loan schema to filter results. e.g. display_name like %K%

Example Requests:




GET https://DomainName/fineract-provider/api/v1/loans { "totalFilteredRecords": 1, "pageItems": [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "pendingApproval": false, "waitingForDisbursal": false, "active": true, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Change To IndividualName", "clientOfficeId": 1, "loanProductId": 1, "loanProductName": "AgriCredit", "loanProductDescription": "test", "loanType": { "id": 1, "code": "loanType.individual", "value": "Individual" }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "principal": 10000, "termFrequency": 12, "termPeriodFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "termFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "numberOfRepayments": 12, "repaymentEvery": 1, "repaymentFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "interestRatePerPeriod": 2, "interestRateFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "interestRateFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Per month" }, "annualInterestRate": 24, "amortizationType": { "id": 1, "code": "amortizationType.equal.installments", "value": "Equal installments" }, "interestType": { "id": 0, "code": "interestType.declining.balance", "value": "Declining Balance" }, "interestCalculationPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Same as repayment period" }, "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 2, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2012, 6, 1 ], "submittedByUsername": "mifos", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator", "approvedOnDate": [ 2012, 6, 1 ], "approvedByUsername": "mifos", "approvedByFirstname": "App", "approvedByLastname": "Administrator", "expectedDisbursementDate": [ 2012, 6, 1 ], "actualDisbursementDate": [ 2012, 6, 1 ], "disbursedByUsername": "mifos", "disbursedByFirstname": "App", "disbursedByLastname": "Administrator", "expectedMaturityDate": [ 2013, 6, 1 ] }, "linkedAccount":{ "id":1, "accountNo":"000000001" }, "summary": { "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "principalDisbursed": 10000, "principalPaid": 3073.07, "principalWrittenOff": 0, "principalOutstanding": 6926.93, "principalOverdue": 5999.92, "interestCharged": 1347.15, "interestPaid": 709.33, "interestWaived": 0, "interestWrittenOff": 0, "interestOutstanding": 637.82, "interestOverdue": 619.28, "feeChargesCharged": 0, "feeChargesDueAtDisbursementCharged": 0, "feeChargesPaid": 0, "feeChargesWaived": 0, "feeChargesWrittenOff": 0, "feeChargesOutstanding": 0, "feeChargesOverdue": 0, "penaltyChargesCharged": 0, "penaltyChargesPaid": 0, "penaltyChargesWaived": 0, "penaltyChargesWrittenOff": 0, "penaltyChargesOutstanding": 0, "penaltyChargesOverdue": 0, "totalExpectedRepayment": 11347.15, "totalRepayment": 3782.4, "totalExpectedCostOfLoan": 1347.15, "totalCostOfLoan": 709.33, "totalWaived": 0, "totalWrittenOff": 0, "totalOutstanding": 7564.75, "totalOverdue": 6619.2, "overdueSinceDate": [ 2012, 11, 1 ] }, "feeChargesAtDisbursementCharged": 0, "inArrears":false, "isNPA":false } ] }

Modify a loan application

Loan application can only be modified when in 'Submitted and pending approval' state. Once the application is approved, the details cannot be changed using this method.

PUT https://Domain Name/api/v1/loans/{loanId} PUT loans/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "productId": 1, "principal": "5000", "loanTermFrequency": 10, "loanTermFrequencyType": 0, "numberOfRepayments": 10, "repaymentEvery": 1, "repaymentFrequencyType": 0, "interestRatePerPeriod": 2, "interestType": 0, "interestCalculationPeriodType": 0, "amortizationType": 1, "expectedDisbursementDate": "04 March 2014", "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 1 } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "principal": 5000, "locale": "en" } }

Calculate loan repayment schedule

Mandatory Fields
productId, principal, loanTermFrequency, loanTermFrequencyType, numberOfRepayments, repaymentEvery, repaymentFrequencyType, interestRatePerPeriod, amortizationType, interestType, interestCalculationPeriodType, expectedDisbursementDate, transactionProcessingStrategyId
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans?command=calculateLoanSchedule POST loans?command=calculateLoanSchedule Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en_GB", "productId": 1, "principal": "100,000.00", "loanTermFrequency": 12, "loanTermFrequencyType": 2, "numberOfRepayments": 12, "repaymentEvery": 1, "repaymentFrequencyType": 2, "interestRatePerPeriod": 2, "amortizationType": 1, "interestType": 0, "interestCalculationPeriodType": 1, "expectedDisbursementDate": "20 September 2011", "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 2 } { "currency": { "code": "UGX", "name": "Uganda Shilling", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "USh", "nameCode": "currency.UGX", "displayLabel": "Uganda Shilling (USh)" }, "loanTermInDays": 366, "totalPrincipalDisbursed": 100000, "totalPrincipalExpected": 100000, "totalPrincipalPaid": 0, "totalInterestCharged": 13471.52, "totalFeeChargesCharged": 0, "totalPenaltyChargesCharged": 0, "totalWaived": 0, "totalWrittenOff": 0, "totalRepaymentExpected": 113471.52, "totalRepayment": 0, "totalOutstanding": 0, "periods": [ { "period": 0, "dueDate": [ 2011, 9, 20 ], "principalDisbursed": 100000, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 100000, "feeChargesDue": 0, "feeChargesOutstanding": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 0, "totalDueForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 0, "totalOverdue": 0, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 0 }, { "period": 1, "fromDate": [ 2011, 9, 20 ], "dueDate": [ 2011, 10, 20 ], "daysInPeriod": 30, "principalOriginalDue": 7455.96, "principalDue": 7455.96, "principalOutstanding": 7455.96, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 92544.04, "interestOriginalDue": 2000, "interestDue": 2000, "interestOutstanding": 2000, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 9455.96, "totalDueForPeriod": 9455.96, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 9455.96, "totalOverdue": 9455.96, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 2000 }, ... ... { "period": 12, "fromDate": [ 2012, 8, 20 ], "dueDate": [ 2012, 9, 20 ], "daysInPeriod": 31, "principalOriginalDue": 9270.56, "principalDue": 9270.56, "principalOutstanding": 9270.56, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 0, "interestOriginalDue": 185.4, "interestDue": 185.4, "interestOutstanding": 185.4, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 9455.96, "totalDueForPeriod": 9455.96, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 9455.96, "totalOverdue": 9455.96, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 185.4 } ] }

Submit a new Loan Application

Mandatory Fields
clientId, productId, principal, loanTermFrequency, loanTermFrequencyType, loanType, numberOfRepayments, repaymentEvery, repaymentFrequencyType, interestRatePerPeriod, amortizationType, interestType, interestCalculationPeriodType, transactionProcessingStrategyId, expectedDisbursementDate, submittedOnDate, loanType

Additional Mandatory Fields if interest recalculation is enabled for product and Rest frequency not same as repayment period
Additional Mandatory Fields if interest recalculation with interest/fee compounding is enabled for product and compounding frequency not same as repayment period
Additional Mandatory Field if Entity-Datatable Check is enabled for the entity of type loan.

Optional Fields
graceOnPrincipalPayment, graceOnInterestPayment, graceOnInterestCharged, linkAccountId, allowPartialPeriodInterestCalcualtion, fixedEmiAmount, maxOutstandingLoanBalance, disbursementData, graceOnArrearsAgeing, createStandingInstructionAtDisbursement (requires linkedAccountId if set to true)
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans POST loans Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en_GB", "clientId": 1, "productId": 1, "principal": "10,000.00", "loanTermFrequency": 12, "loanTermFrequencyType": 2, "loanType": "individual", "numberOfRepayments": 10, "repaymentEvery": 1, "repaymentFrequencyType": 2, "interestRatePerPeriod": 10, "amortizationType": 1, "interestType": 0, "interestCalculationPeriodType": 1, "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 1, "expectedDisbursementDate": "10 Jun 2013", "submittedOnDate": "10 Jun 2013", "linkAccountId" : "1", "fixedEmiAmount":1100, "maxOutstandingLoanBalance":"35000", "disbursementData":[{"expectedDisbursementDate":"01 November 2013", "principal":22000,"approvedPrincipal":22000}], "datatables": [{ "registeredTableName": "loan_balance", "data": { "locale": "en", "account_number": "0000001", "Balance": "3300.00", "DateField": "01 December 2016 00:00", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", "DateTimeField": "01 December 2016 12:00" } }, { "registeredTableName": "Date Loan Field", "data": { "locale": "en", "Activation Date": "01 December 2016 00:00", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm" } }] } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Approve Loan Application

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}?command=approve POST loans/1?command=approve Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "approvedOnDate": "20 September 2011", "expectedDisbursementDate" : "20 September 2011", "note": "Loan approval note", "disbursementData" : [{ id=226, principal="5", expectedDisbursementDate="20 September 2011"}, { id=227, principal="91", expectedDisbursementDate="21 September 2011"}] } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 200, "code": "loanStatusType.approved", "value": "Approved", "pendingApproval": false, "waitingForDisbursal": true, "active": false, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "approvedOnDate": "20 September 2011", "note": "Loan approval note" } }

Recover Loan Guarantee

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}?command=recoverGuarantees POST loans/1?command=approve Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "loanId": 1 }

Undo Loan Application Approval

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}?command=undoApproval POST loans/1?command=undoApproval Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "note": "Loan undo approval note" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 100, "code": "loanStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "pendingApproval": true, "waitingForDisbursal": false, "active": false, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "approvedOnDate": "" } }

Assign a Loan Officer

Allows you to assign Loan Officer for existing Loan.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/loans/{loanId}?command=assignLoanOfficer POST loans/1?command=assignLoanOfficer Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "toLoanOfficerId":2, "assignmentDate":"02 September 2014", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "fromLoanOfficerId":"" } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 6, "loanId" : 3, "resourceId": 3 }

Unassign a Loan Officer

Allows you to unassign the Loan Officer.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/loans/{loanId}?command=unassignLoanOfficer POST clients/1?command=unassignLoanOfficer Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "unassignedDate":"15 September 2014", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" } { "officeId":2, "clientId":6, "loanId":3, "resourceId":3 }

Reject Loan Application

Mandatory Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}?command=reject POST loans/1?command=reject Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "rejectedOnDate": "20 September 2011", "note": "Loan rejection reason." } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 500, "code": "loanStatusType.rejected", "value": "Rejected", "pendingApproval": false, "waitingForDisbursal": false, "active": false, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "rejectedOnDate": "20 September 2011", "closedOnDate": "20 September 2011" } }

Applicant Withdraws from Loan Application

Mandatory Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}?command=withdrawnByApplicant POST loans/1?command=withdrawnByApplicant Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "withdrawnOnDate": "20 September 2011", "note": "Reason loan applicant withdrew from application." } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 2, "resourceId": 2, "changes": { "status": { "id": 400, "code": "", "value": "Withdrawn by applicant", "pendingApproval": false, "waitingForDisbursal": false, "active": false, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "withdrawnOnDate": "20 September 2011", "closedOnDate": "20 September 2011" } }

Disburse Loan

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}?command=disburse POST loans/1?command=disburse Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "transactionAmount":10000, "fixedEmiAmount""1100, "actualDisbursementDate": "14 May 2013", "paymentTypeId": "12", "note": "", "accountNumber": "accno123", "checkNumber": "chec123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "accountNumber": "accno123", "checkNumber": "chec123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "pendingApproval": false, "waitingForDisbursal": false, "active": true, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "actualDisbursementDate": "14 May 2013", "transactionAmount":10000 } }

Disburse Loan To Savings Account

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}?command=disburseToSavings POST loans/1?command=disburse Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "transactionAmount":10000, "fixedEmiAmount""1100, "actualDisbursementDate": "14 May 2013", "note": "" { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "pendingApproval": false, "waitingForDisbursal": false, "active": true, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "actualDisbursementDate": "14 May 2013", "transactionAmount":10000 } }

Undo Loan Disbursal

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}?command=undoDisbursal POST loans/1?command=undoDisbursal Content-Type: application/json { "note": "Some comment" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 200, "code": "loanStatusType.approved", "value": "Approved", "pendingApproval": false, "waitingForDisbursal": true, "active": false, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "actualDisbursementDate": "" } }

Delete a Loan Application

Note: Only loans in "Submitted and awaiting approval" status can be deleted.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId} DELETE loans/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Loan Transactions

Capabilities include loan repayment's, interest waivers and the ability to 'adjust' an existing transaction. An 'adjustment' of a transaction is really a 'reversal' of existing transaction followed by creation of a new transaction with the provided details.

Field Descriptions
The amount of the transaction.
The date of the transaction.

Retrieve Loan Transaction Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

String mandatory, case-insensitive
"date" is set to the date of the first outstanding installment.
"total" "amount" is set to the amount outstanding.
"date" is set to the current date.
"total" "amount" is set to the remaining loan principal outstanding. The amount that can be waived is limited to the loan's inArrearsTolerance
"date" is set to the current date
"total" "amount" is set to the total amount paid in advance.
"transaction date" is set to the current date by default
"transaction amount" is set to the sum of total loan outstanding principal and total Interest/ Fee/ Charges / Penalties till foreclosure date.

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/transactions/template" { "transactionType": { "id": 2, "code": "loanTransactionType.repayment", "value": "Repayment" }, "date": [ 2009, 8, 1 ], "total": { "currencyCode": "XOF", "digitsAfterDecimal": 0, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "amount": 471, "defaultName": "CFA Franc BCEAO", "nameCode": "currency.XOF", "displaySymbol": "CFA", "zero": false, "greaterThanZero": true, "displaySymbolValue": "471 CFA" } }

Make a Repayment

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=repayment POST loans/5/transactions?command=repayment Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "transactionDate": "14 May 2013", "transactionAmount": "500.00", "paymentTypeId": "12", "note": "check payment", "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 5, "resourceId": 564, "changes": { "transactionDate": "14 May 2013", "transactionAmount": "500.00", "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "note": "check payment", "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } }

Make a Refund of an Active Loan by Cash

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=refundByCash POST loans/5/transactions?command=refundByCash Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "transactionDate": "14 May 2013", "transactionAmount": "500.00", "paymentTypeId": "12" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 5, "resourceId": 564, "changes": { "transactionDate": "14 May 2013", "transactionAmount": "500.00", "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy } }

Foreclosure of an Active Loan

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=foreclosure POST loans/5/transactions?command=foreclosure Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "transactionDate": "10 December 2012", "note": "Customer Death" } { "changes": { "note": "Foreclosure Made!!!", "eventAmount": 7573.76, "transactionDate": [2012, 12, 10], "transactions": [15818] }, "loanId": 5 }

Waive Interest

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=waiveInterest POST loans/5/transactions?command=waiveInterest Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en_GB", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "transactionDate": "14 May 2012", "transactionAmount": "400", "note": "Optional note related to the waiving of interest." } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 5, "resourceId": 5, "changes": { "transactionDate": "14 May 2012", "transactionAmount": "400", "locale": "en_GB", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "note": "Optional note related to the interest waiver." } }

Write-off Loan

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=writeoff POST loans/70/transactions?command=writeoff Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en_GB", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "transactionDate": "14 May 2012", "note": "Write-off note" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 7, "loanId": 70, "resourceId": 442, "changes": { "transactionDate": "1 March 2012", "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "status": { "id": 601, "code": "", "value": "Closed (written off)", "pendingApproval": false, "waitingForDisbursal": false, "active": false, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": true, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": true, "overpaid": false }, "closedOnDate": "1 March 2012", "writtenOffOnDate": "1 March 2012", "note": "Write-off note" } }

Make Recovery Payment

This API allows collecting recovery payments for written-off loans

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=recoverypayment POST loans/5/transactions?command=recoverypayment Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "transactionDate": "14 May 2013", "transactionAmount": "500.00", "paymentTypeId": "12", "note": "check payment", "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 5, "resourceId": 564, "changes": { "transactionDate": "14 May 2013", "transactionAmount": "500.00", "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "note": "check payment", "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } }

Undo Loan Write-off Transaction

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=undowriteoff POST loans/70/transactions?command=undowriteoff Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 22 }

Pre-Close template

This Api retrieves pre closure details of loan

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=prepayLoan or
POST loans/70/transactions?command=prepayLoan Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "amount":7765.28, "principalPortion":7573.76, "interestPortion":191.52, "feeChargesPortion":0.00, "penaltyChargesPortion":0.00 }

Retrieve a Transaction Details

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/transactions/{transactionId} { "id": 3, "type": { "id": 2, "code": "loanTransactionType.repayment", "value": "Repayment", "disbursement": false, "repaymentAtDisbursement": false, "repayment": true, "contra": false, "waiveInterest": false, "waiveCharges": false, "writeOff": false, "recoveryRepayment": false }, "date": [ 2012, 5, 14 ], "manuallyReversed": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 559.88, "interestPortion": 559.88 }

Adjust a Transaction

Note: there is no need to specify command={transactionType} parameter.

Mandatory Fields
transactionDate, transactionAmount
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/transactions/{transactionId} POST loans/1/transactions/2 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en_GB", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "transactionDate": "25 May 2012", "transactionAmount": "50,000.00", "note": "An optional note about why your adjusting or changing the transaction." } { "resourceId": 16 }


A person who guarantees to pay for someone else's debt if he or she should default on a loan obligation. A guarantor acts as a co-signor of sorts.

Field Descriptions
Identifies if the guarantor is an existing Client, Staff member or an external individual
Refer Retrieve Guarantor Details Template for complete details
The identifier for guarantors who are an existing Client of Staff member.
Guarantors first name
Guarantors last name
Name of the office with which the internal guarantors are associated
addressLine1, addressLine2, city, state, zip, country, mobileNumber, housePhoneNumber, comment, dob
Address, contact and date of birth details of an external guarantor
Guarantors Savings Account on which Amount will be blocked
Guarantee amount which will be blocked on savings account.

List Guarantors

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/guarantors [ { "id": 1, "loanId": 1, "guarantorType": { "id": 1, "code": "guarantor.existing.customer", "value": "CUSTOMER" }, "firstname": "Declan", "lastname": "Browne", "officeName": "Head Office", "joinedDate": [ 2009, 1, 4 ] } ]

Retrieve Guarantors Details Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/guarantors/template { "guarantorType": { "id": 1, "code": "guarantor.existing.customer", "value": "CUSTOMER" }, "guarantorTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "guarantor.existing.customer", "value": "CUSTOMER" }, { "id": 2, "code": "guarantor.staff", "value": "STAFF" }, { "id": 3, "code": "guarantor.external", "value": "EXTERNAL" } ] } GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/guarantors/accounts/template?clientId={clientId} { "guarantorType": { "id": 1, "code": "guarantor.existing.customer", "value": "CUSTOMER" }, "status": false, "accountLinkingOptions": [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "clientId": 3, "clientName": "Client_FirstName_UUV18 Client_LastName_9T2D", "productId": 1, "productName": "FIXED_DEPOSIT_PRODUCT_U0NS9T", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 4, "inMultiplesOf": 100, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } } ] }

Retrieve a Guarantor

Example Requests:



GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/guarantors/{guarantorId} { "id": 1, "loanId": 1, "guarantorType": { "id": 1, "code": "guarantor.existing.customer", "value": "CUSTOMER" }, "firstname": "Declan", "officeName": "Head Office", "joinedDate": [ 2009, 1, 4 ] }

Create a Guarantor

Note: You may associate any number of Guarantors to a Loan. The mandatory fields would vary based on the "guarantorType"

Mandatory Fields for "internal" guarantors
guarantorTypeId, entityId
Mandatory Fields for "external" guarantors
guarantorTypeId, firstname, lastname
Optional Fields for "internal" guarantors
savingsId, amount
POST https://DomainName/api/v1//loans/{loanId}}/guarantors POST /loans/1/guarantors Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { guarantorTypeId:3, firstname:Lyndon, lastname:Johnson } { "officeId": 2, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 9 } POST /loans/1/guarantors Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { guarantorTypeId:1, entityId:2 } { "officeId": 2, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 10 }

Update a Guarantor

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/guarantors/{guarantorId} PUT loans/1/guarantors/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { entityId:1 } { "officeId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "entityId": 1 } }

Remove a Guarantor

Note: A guarantor can be removed only from loans that are not yet approved.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/guarantors/{guarantorId} DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/guarantors/{guarantorId}?guarantorFundingId={guarantorFundingId} DELETE loans/1/guarantors/1 DELETE loans/1/guarantors/1?guarantorFundingId=1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "officeId": 2, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Loan Collateral

In lending agreements, collateral is a borrower's pledge of specific property to a lender, to secure repayment of a loan. The collateral serves as protection for a lender against a borrower's default - that is, any borrower failing to pay the principal and interest under the terms of a loan obligation. If a borrower does default on a loan (due to insolvency or other event), that borrower forfeits (gives up) the property pledged as collateral - and the lender then becomes the owner of the collateral

Field Descriptions
Identifies the type of a collateral
Ex: Gold, property etc (permitted types can be configured using Code Values for the Code LoanCollateral)
Refer Retrieve Collateral Details Template for complete details
The market value of a Collateral.
Description for the collateral
Details of the currency used to estimate the value of a Collateral. The currency defaults to the currency of the Loan for which this Collateral serves as a guarantee

List Loan Collaterals

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/collaterals [ { "id": 12, "type": { "id": 8, "name": "Gold" }, "value": 50000, "description": "24 Carat Gold chain weighing 12 grams", "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } } ]

Retrieve Collateral Details Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/collaterals/template { "allowedCollateralTypes": [ { "id": 9, "name": "Silver", "position": 0 }, { "id": 8, "name": "Gold", "position": 0 }, { "id": 10, "name": "Property", "position": 0 } ] }

Retrieve a Collateral

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/collaterals/{guarantorId} { "id": 12, "type": { "id": 8, "name": "Gold" }, "value": 50000, "description": "24 Carat Gold chain weighing 12 grams", "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } }

Create a Collateral

Note: Currently, Collaterals may be added only before a Loan is approved

Mandatory Fields for "internal" collaterals
POST https://DomainName/api/v1//loans/{loanId}/collaterals POST /loans/1/collaterals Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { collateralTypeId:9, } { "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 12 } POST /loans/1/collaterals Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "collateralTypeId":"8", "value": "50000", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "description": "24 Carat Gold chain weighing 12 grams" } { "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 13 }

Update a Collateral

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/collaterals/{collateralId} PUT loans/1/collaterals/12 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "description": "22 Carat Gold chain weighing 12 grams" } { "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 12, "changes": { "description": "22 Carat Gold chain weighing 12 grams" } }

Remove a Collateral

Note: A collateral can only be removed from Loans that are not yet approved.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/collaterals/{collateralId} DELETE loans/1/collaterals/13 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 13 }

Loan Charges

Its typical for MFIs to add extra costs for their loan products. They can be either Fees or Penalties.

Loan Charges are instances of Charges and represent either fees and penalties for loan products. Refer Charges for documentation of the various properties of a charge, Only additional properties ( specific to the context of a Charge being associated with a Loan) are described here

Field Descriptions
The Total amount which has been paid for this Charge
The Total amount that has been waived for this Charge
Total amount written off from this Charge
The Total outstanding amount for this Charge

List Loan Charges

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/charges [ { "id": 1, "chargeId": 1, "name": "Loan Processing fee", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeTimeType.disbursement", "value": "Disbursement" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "percentage": 0, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 100, "amountOrPercentage": 100, "penalty": false }, { "id": 7, "chargeId": 2, "name": "Collection Fee", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "dueDate": [ 2013, 3, 29 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "percentage": 0, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 100, "amountOrPercentage": 100, "penalty": false } ]

Retrieve Loan Charges Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/charges/template { "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "chargeOptions": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Collection Fee", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" } }, { "id": 3, "name": "Late payment penalty", "active": true, "penalty": true, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 1, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" } }, { "id": 1, "name": "Loan Processing fee", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeTimeType.disbursement", "value": "Disbursement" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" } } ], "penalty": false }

Retrieve a Loan Charge

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/charges/{chargeId} { "id": 1, "chargeId": 1, "name": "Loan Processing fee", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeTimeType.disbursement", "value": "Disbursement" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "percentage": 0, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 100, "amountOrPercentage": 100, "penalty": false }

Create a Loan Charge

Mandatory Fields for Loan Charges
chargeId, amount, dueDate
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/charges POST /loans/1/charges Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "chargeId": "2", "locale": "en", "amount": "100", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "dueDate": "29 April 2013" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 31 }

Update a Loan Charge

Currently Loan Charges may be updated only if the Loan is not yet approved

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/charges/{chargeId} PUT loans/1/charges/12 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "amount": "60", "dueDate": "27 March 2013" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 6, "changes": { "dueDate": "27 March 2013", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "amount": 60.0 } }

Pay Loan Charge

Loan Charge will be paid if the loan is linked with a savings account

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/charges/{chargeId}?command=pay POST loans/1/charges/12?command=pay Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "transactionDate": "19 September 2013" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 6, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 12 }

Delete a Loan Charge

Note:Currently, A Loan Charge may only be removed from Loans that are not yet approved.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/{loanId}/charges/{chargeId} DELETE loans/1/charges/2 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 2 }

Loan Rescheduling

Loan rescheduling provides the ability to give clients extra grace periods, extend loan term by adding extra installments and adjust the interest rate of a loan.

Field Descriptions
The ID of the loan to be rescheduled.
Due date of the start point (installment) of the rescheduling.
Number of installments to be added with zero principal.
Number of installments to be added with zero interest.
Number of installments to be added after the last loan repayment schedule installment.
If recalculateInterest="true", the total interest amount of the loan is recalculated. If recalculateInterest="false", the total interest amount remains the same.
New interest rate to be used in calculating the interest amount for each rescheduled period/installment.
New due date for the start point (installment) of the rescheduling.
The ID of the code value that indicates the reason for rescheduling the loan.
Text provided as extra reason for the rescheduling of the loan.
The date on which the loan reschedule request was made.

Create a Loan Reschedule Request

Mandatory Fields
loanId, rescheduleFromDate, rescheduleReasonId, submittedOnDate,
graceOnPrincipal OR graceOnInterest OR extraTerms OR newInterestRate OR adjustedDueDate

Optional Fields
recalculateInterest, rescheduleReasonComment
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/rescheduleloans POST rescheduleloans Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "loanId": 1, "graceOnPrincipal": 2, "graceOnInterest": 3, "extraTerms": 2, "rescheduleFromDate": "04 December 2014", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "recalculateInterest": true, "submittedOnDate": "04 September 2014", "newInterestRate" : 28, "rescheduleReasonId": 1 } { "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }
POST rescheduleloans Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "loanId": 1, "graceOnPrincipal": 2, "rescheduleFromDate": "25 December 2013", "adjustedDueDate": "31 December 2013", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "submittedOnDate": "04 September 2013", "rescheduleReasonComment" : "Client has gone AWOL", "rescheduleReasonId": 1 } { "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve a Loan Reschedule Request

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/rescheduleloans/{requestId} { "id": 1, "loanId": 1, "clientId": 1, "clientName": "test test", "loanAccountNumber": "000000001", "statusEnum": { "id": 100, "code": "loanStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "pendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false }, "rescheduleFromInstallment": 5, "rescheduleFromDate": [ 2013, 12, 25 ], "recalculateInterest": false, "rescheduleReasonCodeValue": { "id": 1, "name": "Passport", "isActive": false }, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2013, 9, 4 ], "submittedByUsername": "mifos", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator" }, "rescheduleReasonComment": "Client has gone AWOL", "loanTermVariationsData": [ { "id": 13, "termType": { "id": 4, "code": "loanTermType.dueDate", "value": "dueDate" }, "termVariationApplicableFrom": [ 2013, 12, 25 ], "dateValue": [ 2013, 12, 31 ], "isSpecificToInstallment": false }, { "id": 14, "termType": { "id": 8, "code": "loanTermType.graceOnPrincipal", "value": "graceOnPrincipal" }, "termVariationApplicableFrom": [ 2013, 12, 25 ], "decimalValue": 2, "isSpecificToInstallment": false } ] }

Retrieve a Preview of The New Loan Repayment Schedule

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/rescheduleloans/{requestId}?command=previewLoanReschedule "currency": { "code": "KES", "name": "Kenyan Shilling", "decimalPlaces": 0, "inMultiplesOf": 10, "displaySymbol": "KSh", "nameCode": "currency.KES", "displayLabel": "Kenyan Shilling (KSh)" }, "loanTermInDays": 182, "totalPrincipalDisbursed": 10000, "totalPrincipalExpected": 10000, "totalPrincipalPaid": 900.000000, "totalInterestCharged": 960, "totalFeeChargesCharged": 0.000000, "totalPenaltyChargesCharged": 2500.000000, "totalRepaymentExpected": 13460, "totalOutstanding": 12060.000000, "periods": [ { "period": 1, "fromDate": [ 2013, 11, 8 ], "dueDate": [ 2013, 11, 8 ], "daysInPeriod": 0, "principalOriginalDue": 0, "principalDue": 0, "principalOutstanding": 0, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 10000, "interestOriginalDue": 0, "interestDue": 0, "interestOutstanding": 0, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 0, "totalDueForPeriod": 0, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 0, "totalOverdue": 0, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 0 }, ... ... { "period": 30, "fromDate": [ 2014, 5, 23 ], "dueDate": [ 2014, 5, 30 ], "daysInPeriod": 7, "principalOriginalDue": 300, "principalDue": 300, "principalOutstanding": 300, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 0, "interestOriginalDue": 130, "interestDue": 130, "interestOutstanding": 130, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 430, "totalDueForPeriod": 430, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 430, "totalOverdue": 430, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 130 } ] }

Reject a Loan Reschedule Request

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/rescheduleloans/{requestId}?command=reject POST rescheduleloans/1?command=reject Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "rejectedOnDate": "11 September 2014" } { "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "rejectedOnDate": "11 September 2014", "rejectedByUserId": 1 } }

Approve a Loan Reschedule Request

Rescheduling of a loan happens once a loan reschedule request is approved.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/rescheduleloans/{requestId}?command=approve POST rescheduleloans/1?command=approve Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "approvedOnDate": "11 September 2014" } { "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "approvedOnDate": "11 September 2014", "approvedByUserId": 1 } }

Loan Rescheduling

Loan Term Variations provides the ability to change due dates, amounts and number of instalments before loan approval.

Field Descriptions
The ID of the loan to be modified.
contains exception data for variations(modifiedinstallments,newinstallments and deletedinstallments described below)

Exception object fields

Modifiedinstallments Array fields

Field Descriptions
Schedule dueDate for which this exception should be applied.
this is the exception data to move the due date to specified date for a instalment
new instalment amount(principal+interest) for the specified instalment. supported only for interest method declining with equal instalments Amortization
new Principal amount for the specified instalment. supported only for interest method declining with equal instalments Amortization and for Flat loans.

newinstallments Array fields

Field Descriptions
Schedule dueDate for inserting new instalment.
new instalment amount(principal+interest) for the new instalment. supported only for interest method declining with equal instalments Amortization
new Principal amount for the new instalment. supported only for interest method declining with equal instalments Amortization and for Flat loans.

deletedinstallments Array fields

Field Descriptions
Schedule dueDate for removing specific instalment.

Calculate loan repayment schedule based on Loan term variations

Mandatory Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/1/schedule?command=calculateLoanSchedule POST loans/{loanIdd}/schedule?command=calculateLoanSchedule Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "exceptions": { "modifiedinstallments": [{ "dueDate": '01 April 2016', "modifiedDueDate": '05 April 2016' }, { "dueDate": '05 January 2016', "modifiedDueDate": '01 January 2016' }], "deletedinstallments": [{ "dueDate": "01 October 2016" }], newinstallments: [{ dueDate: '10 October 2016', installmentAmount: '1000' }] } } { "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "loanTermInDays": 12, "totalPrincipalDisbursed": 10000, "totalPrincipalExpected": 10000, "totalInterestCharged": 1340.98, "totalFeeChargesCharged": 0, "totalPenaltyChargesCharged": 0, "totalRepaymentExpected": 11340.98, "periods": [{ "period": 1, "fromDate": [2015, 11, 1], "dueDate": [2015, 12, 1], "daysInPeriod": 30, "principalOriginalDue": 745.6, "principalDue": 745.6, "principalOutstanding": 745.6, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 9254.4, "interestOriginalDue": 200, "interestDue": 200, "interestOutstanding": 200, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 945.6, "totalDueForPeriod": 945.6, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 945.6, "totalOverdue": 945.6, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 200 }, { "period": 2, "fromDate": [2015, 12, 1], "dueDate": [2016, 1, 1], "daysInPeriod": 31, "principalOriginalDue": 814.91, "principalDue": 814.91, "principalOutstanding": 814.91, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 8439.49, "interestOriginalDue": 185.09, "interestDue": 185.09, "interestOutstanding": 185.09, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 1000, "totalDueForPeriod": 1000, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 1000, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 185.09 }, { "period": 3, "fromDate": [2016, 1, 1], "dueDate": [2016, 2, 1], "daysInPeriod": 31, "principalOriginalDue": 770.75, "principalDue": 770.75, "principalOutstanding": 770.75, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 7668.74, "interestOriginalDue": 168.79, "interestDue": 168.79, "interestOutstanding": 168.79, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 939.54, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 168.79 }, { "period": 4, "fromDate": [2016, 2, 1], "dueDate": [2016, 3, 5], "daysInPeriod": 33, "principalOriginalDue": 786.17, "principalDue": 786.17, "principalOutstanding": 786.17, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 6882.57, "interestOriginalDue": 153.37, "interestDue": 153.37, "interestOutstanding": 153.37, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 939.54, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 153.37 }, { "period": 5, "fromDate": [2016, 3, 5], "dueDate": [2016, 4, 5], "daysInPeriod": 31, "principalOriginalDue": 801.89, "principalDue": 801.89, "principalOutstanding": 801.89, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 6080.68, "interestOriginalDue": 137.65, "interestDue": 137.65, "interestOutstanding": 137.65, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 939.54, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 137.65 }, { "period": 6, "fromDate": [2016, 4, 5], "dueDate": [2016, 5, 1], "daysInPeriod": 26, "principalOriginalDue": 817.93, "principalDue": 817.93, "principalOutstanding": 817.93, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 5262.75, "interestOriginalDue": 121.61, "interestDue": 121.61, "interestOutstanding": 121.61, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 939.54, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 121.61 }, { "period": 7, "fromDate": [2016, 5, 1], "dueDate": [2016, 6, 1], "daysInPeriod": 31, "principalOriginalDue": 834.28, "principalDue": 834.28, "principalOutstanding": 834.28, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 4428.47, "interestOriginalDue": 105.26, "interestDue": 105.26, "interestOutstanding": 105.26, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 939.54, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 105.26 }, { "period": 8, "fromDate": [2016, 6, 1], "dueDate": [2016, 7, 1], "daysInPeriod": 30, "principalOriginalDue": 850.97, "principalDue": 850.97, "principalOutstanding": 850.97, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 3577.5, "interestOriginalDue": 88.57, "interestDue": 88.57, "interestOutstanding": 88.57, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 939.54, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 88.57 }, { "period": 9, "fromDate": [2016, 7, 1], "dueDate": [2016, 8, 1], "daysInPeriod": 31, "principalOriginalDue": 867.99, "principalDue": 867.99, "principalOutstanding": 867.99, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 2709.51, "interestOriginalDue": 71.55, "interestDue": 71.55, "interestOutstanding": 71.55, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 939.54, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 71.55 }, { "period": 10, "fromDate": [2016, 8, 1], "dueDate": [2016, 9, 1], "daysInPeriod": 31, "principalOriginalDue": 885.35, "principalDue": 885.35, "principalOutstanding": 885.35, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 1824.16, "interestOriginalDue": 54.19, "interestDue": 54.19, "interestOutstanding": 54.19, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalDueForPeriod": 939.54, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 939.54, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 54.19 }, { "period": 11, "fromDate": [2016, 9, 1], "dueDate": [2016, 10, 10], "daysInPeriod": 39, "principalOriginalDue": 903.05, "principalDue": 903.05, "principalOutstanding": 903.05, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 921.11, "interestOriginalDue": 36.48, "interestDue": 36.48, "interestOutstanding": 36.48, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 939.53, "totalDueForPeriod": 939.53, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 939.53, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 36.48 }, { "period": 12, "fromDate": [2016, 10, 10], "dueDate": [2016, 11, 1], "daysInPeriod": 22, "principalOriginalDue": 921.11, "principalDue": 921.11, "principalOutstanding": 921.11, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 0, "interestOriginalDue": 18.42, "interestDue": 18.42, "interestOutstanding": 18.42, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 939.53, "totalDueForPeriod": 939.53, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 939.53, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 18.42 }] }

Updates loan repayment schedule based on Loan term variations

Mandatory Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/1/schedule?command=addVariations POST loans/{loanIdd}/schedule?command=addVariations Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "exceptions": { "modifiedinstallments": [{ "dueDate": '01 April 2016', "modifiedDueDate": '05 April 2016' }, { "dueDate": '05 January 2016', "modifiedDueDate": '01 January 2016' }], "deletedinstallments": [{ "dueDate": "01 October 2016" }], newinstallments: [{ dueDate: '10 October 2016', installmentAmount: '1000' }] } } { "loanId": 1, "changes": { "loanTermVariations": [{ "id": 21, "termType": { "id": 4, "code": "loanTermType.dueDate", "value": "dueDate" }, "termVariationApplicableFrom": [2016, 1, 1], "dateValue": [2016, 1, 10], "isSpecificToInstallment": true }, { "id": 22, "termType": { "id": 3, "code": "loanTermType.principalAmount", "value": "principalAmount" }, "termVariationApplicableFrom": [2016, 1, 10], "decimalValue": 1100, "isSpecificToInstallment": true }, { "id": 23, "termType": { "id": 3, "code": "loanTermType.principalAmount", "value": "principalAmount" }, "termVariationApplicableFrom": [2016, 8, 1], "decimalValue": 1000, "isSpecificToInstallment": true }, { "id": 24, "termType": { "id": 5, "code": "loanTermType.dueDate", "value": "insertInstallment" }, "termVariationApplicableFrom": [2016, 8, 15], "decimalValue": 900, "isSpecificToInstallment": true }] } }

Updates loan repayment schedule by removing Loan term variations

Mandatory Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loans/1/schedule?command=deleteVariations POST loans/{loanIdd}/schedule?command=deleteVariations Content-Type: application/json Request Body: {} { "loanId": 1, "changes": { "removedEntityIds": [{ 21,22}] } }


Offices are used to model an MFIs structure. A hierarchical representation of offices is supported. There will always be at least one office (which represents the MFI or an MFIs head office). All subsequent offices added must have a parent office.

Field Descriptions
A place to put an external reference for this office e.g. The ID another system uses for it.
If provided, it must be unique.
This field is a system generated convenience field. It can't be set.
It uses "dot notation" to define where an office stands in the office hierarchy.
For example, the system default office (id = 1) has a hierarchy value of '.'
An office (id = 12) placed directly underneath this default office has a hierarchy value of '.12.'
And if a further office (id = 78) is placed directly under office (id = 12) its hierarchy value is '.12.78.'

The hierarchy value is useful when you need to display offices in 'hierarchy' order (perhaps indented in a drop down list box).

List Offices

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/offices [ { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office", "externalId": "1", "openingDate": [ 2009, 1, 1 ], "hierarchy": "." } ]

Retrieve Office Details Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/offices/template { "openingDate": [ 2013, 2, 4 ], "allowedParents": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office" } ] }

Retrieve an Office

Example Requests:



GET https://DomainName/api/v1/offices/1 { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office", "externalId": "1", "openingDate": [ 2009, 1, 1 ], "hierarchy": "." }

Create an Office

Mandatory Fields
name, openingDate, parentId
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/offices POST offices Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Example New Branch", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "openingDate": "01 July 2007", "parentId": 2, "externalId": "SYS54-88" } { "officeId": 3, "resourceId": 3 }

Update Office

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/offices/{officeId} PUT offices/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Name is updated" } { "officeId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "name": "Name is updated" } }

Loan Products

A Loan product is a template that is used when creating a loan. Much of the template definition can be overridden during loan creation.

Field Descriptions
Name associated with loan product on system.
Short name associated with a loan product.
An abbreviated version of the name, used in reports or menus where space is limited, such as Collection Sheets.
For providing helpful description of product offering.
For associating a loan product with a given fund by default.
It is a flag, Used to denote whether the loans should include in loan cycle counter or not.
It is a flag, Used to denote whether the loans should depend on
borrower loan cycle counter or not.
A three letter ISO code of currency.
Override the currency default value for digitsAfterDecimal.
Override the default value for rounding currency to multiples of value provided.
Override the default value for rounding instalment amount to multiples of value provided.
The loan amount to be disbursed to through loan.
Number of installments to repay.
Used like: numberOfRepayments Every repaymentEvery repaymentFrequencyType
e.g. 10 (repayments) Every 12 Weeks
Used like: numberOfRepayments Every repaymentEvery repaymentFrequencyType
e.g. 10 (repayments) Every 12 Weeks
Used like: numberOfRepayments Every repaymentEvery repaymentFrequencyType
e.g. 10 (repayments) Every 12 Weeks
Example Values: 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months
Interest Rate.
Used like: interestRatePerPeriod % interestRateFrequencyType - interestType
e.g. 12.0000% Per year - Declining Balance
Used like: interestRatePerPeriod% interestRateFrequencyType - interestType
e.g. 12.0000% Per year - Declining Balance
Example Values: 2=Per month, 3=Per year
Example Values: 0=Equal principle payments, 1=Equal installments
Used like: interestRatePerPeriod% interestRateFrequencyType - interestType
e.g. 12.0000% Per year - Declining Balance
Example Values: 0=Declining Balance, 1=Flat
Example Values: 0=Daily, 1=Same as repayment period
This value will be supported along with interestCalculationPeriodType as Same as repayment period to calculate interest for partial periods. Example: Interest charged from is 5th of April , Principal is 10000 and interest is 1% per month then the interest will be (10000 * 1%)* (25/30) , it calculates for the month first then calculates exact periods between start date and end date(can be a decimal)
The amount that can be 'waived' at end of all loan payments because it is too small to worry about.
This is also the tolerance amount assessed when determining if a loan is in arrears.
Variations for loan, based on borrower cycle number
The minimum number of days allowed between a Loan disbursal and its first repayment.
Field represents percentage of current instalment principal amount for comparing against principal outstanding to add another repayment instalment. If the outstanding principal amount is less then calculated amount, remaining outstanding amount will be added to current instalment. Default value for multi disburse loan is 50% and non-multi disburse loan is 0%
if provided as true, then fixed instalment amount can be provided from loan account.
An enumeration that indicates the type of transaction processing strategy to be used. This relates to functionality that is also known as Payment Application Logic.

A number of out of the box approaches exist, some are custom to specific MFIs, some are more general and indicate the order in which payments are processed.

Refer to the Payment Application Logic / Transaction Processing Strategy section in the appendix for more detailed overview of each available payment application logic provided out of the box.

List of current approaches:
  • 1 = Mifos style (Similar to Old Mifos)
  • 2 = Heavensfamily (Custom MFI approach)
  • 3 = Creocore (Custom MFI approach)
  • 4 = RBI (India)
  • 5 = Principal Interest Penalties Fees Order
  • 6 = Interest Principal Penalties Fees Order
  • 7 = Early Payment Strategy
Optional: Integer - represents the number of repayment periods that grace should apply to the principal component of a repayment period.
Optional: Integer - represents the number of repayment periods that grace should apply to the interest component of a repayment period. Interest is still calculated but offset to later repayment periods.
Optional: Integer - represents the number of repayment periods that should be interest-free.
Optional: Integer - Used in Arrears calculation to only take into account loans that are more than graceOnArrearsAgeing days overdue.
Optional: Integer - represents the maximum number of days a Loan may be overdue before being classified as a NPA (non performing asset)
Optional: Boolean - if provided as true, Loan Account moves out of NPA state only when all arrears are cleared
Specifies if accounting is enabled for the particular product and the type of the accounting rule to be used Example Values:1=NONE, 2=CASH_BASED, 3=ACCRUAL_PERIODIC, 4=ACCRUAL_UPFRONT
It is a flag, Used to denote whether interest recalculation is enabled or disabled for the particular product
Specifies the number of days in a year.
Example Values:1=ACTUAL(Actual number of days in year), 360=360 DAYS, 364=364 DAYS(52 WEEKS), 365=365 DAYS
Specifies the number of days in a month.
Example Values:1=ACTUAL(Actual number of days in month), 30=30 DAYS
Specifies which amount portion should be added to principal for interest recalculation.
Example Values:0=NONE(Only on principal), 1=INTEREST(Principal+Interest), 2=FEE(Principal+Fee), 3=FEE And INTEREST (Principal+Fee+Interest)
Specifies what action should perform on loan repayment schedule for advance payments.
Example Values:1=Reschedule next repayments, 2=Reduce number of installments, 3=Reduce EMI amount
Specifies effective date from which the compounding of interest or fee amounts will be considered in recalculation on late payment.
Example Values:1=Same as repayment period, 2=Daily, 3=Weekly, 4=Monthly
Specifies compounding frequency interval for interest recalculation.
Specifies compounding frequency start date for interest recalculation.
Specifies effective date from which the late or advanced payment amounts will be considered in recalculation.
Example Values:1=Same as repayment period, 2=Daily, 3=Weekly, 4=Monthly
Specifies rest frequency interval for interest recalculation.
Specifies rest frequency start date for interest recalculation.
Specifies applicable days for interest calculation on pre closure of a loan.
Example Values:1=Calculate till pre closure date, 2=Calculate till rest frequency date
If Specified as true, arrears will be identified based on original schedule.
Specifies if select attributes may be overridden for individual loan accounts.

List Loan Products

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loanproducts [ { "id": 1, "name": "personal loan product", "shortName": "pe1", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false, "useBorrowerCycle": false, "startDate": [ 2013, 9, 2 ], "closeDate": [ 2014, 2, 7 ], "status": "", "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "principal": 10000.000000, "minPrincipal": 5000.000000, "maxPrincipal": 15000.000000, "numberOfRepayments": 10, "minNumberOfRepayments": 5, "maxNumberOfRepayments": 15, "repaymentEvery": 7, "repaymentFrequencyType": { "id": 0, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, "interestRatePerPeriod": 15.000000, "interestRateFrequencyType": { "id": 3, "code": "interestRateFrequency.periodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Per year" }, "annualInterestRate": 15.000000, "amortizationType": { "id": 1, "code": "amortizationType.equal.installments", "value": "Equal installments" }, "interestType": { "id": 1, "code": "interestType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "interestCalculationPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Same as repayment period" }, "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 1, "transactionProcessingStrategyName": "Mifos style", "principalVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "interestRateVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "numberOfRepaymentVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "daysInMonthType": { "id": 30, "code": "DaysInMonthType.days360", "value": "30 Days" }, "daysInYearType": { "id": 360, "code": "DaysInYearType.days360", "value": "360 Days" }, "isInterestRecalculationEnabled": true, "interestRecalculationData": { "id": 3, "productId": 1, "interestRecalculationCompoundingType": { "id": 2, "code": "interestRecalculationCompoundingMethod.fee", "value": "Fee" }, "recalculationCompoundingFrequencyType": { "id":1, "code":"", "value":"Same as repayment period" }, "rescheduleStrategyType": { "id": 2, "code": "loanRescheduleStrategyMethod.reduce.number.of.installments", "value": "Reduce number of installments" }, "recalculationRestFrequencyType": { "id":1, "code":"", "value":"Same as repayment period" }, "preClosureInterestCalculationStrategy": { "id":1, "code":"loanPreClosureInterestCalculationStrategy.tillPreClosureDate", "value":"Till preclose Date" }, "isArrearsBasedOnOriginalSchedule" : true }, "accountingRule": { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "CASH BASED" }, "principalThresholdForLastInstalment":0 } ]

Retrieve Loan Product Details Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loanproducts/template { "includeInBorrowerCycle": false, "useBorrowerCycle": false, "currency": { "code": "", "name": "", "decimalPlaces": 0, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "", "nameCode": "", "displayLabel": " []" }, "repaymentFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "interestRateFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "interestRateFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Per month" }, "amortizationType": { "id": 1, "code": "amortizationType.equal.installments", "value": "Equal installments" }, "interestType": { "id": 0, "code": "interestType.declining.balance", "value": "Declining Balance" }, "interestCalculationPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Same as repayment period" }, "principalVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "interestRateVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "numberOfRepaymentVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "accountingRule": { "id": 1, "code": "accountingRuleType.none", "value": "NONE" }, "daysInMonthType": { "id": 1, "code": "DaysInMonthType.actual", "value": "Actual" }, "daysInYearType": { "id": 1, "code": "DaysInYearType.actual", "value": "Actual" }, "isInterestRecalculationEnabled": false, "interestRecalculationData": { "interestRecalculationCompoundingType": { "id": 0, "code": "interestRecalculationCompoundingMethod.none", "value": "None" }, "rescheduleStrategyType": { "id": 3, "code": "loanRescheduleStrategyMethod.reduce.emi.amount", "value": "Reduce EMI amount" },"preClosureInterestCalculationStrategy": { "id":1, "code":"loanPreClosureInterestCalculationStrategy.tillPreClosureDate", "value":"Till preclose Date" } }, "paymentTypeOptions": [ { "id": 10, "name": "check", "position": 1 } ], "currencyOptions": [ { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } ], "repaymentFrequencyTypeOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" } ], "preClosureInterestCalculationStrategyOptions": [ { "id":1, "code":"loanPreClosureInterestCalculationStrategy.tillPreClosureDate", "value":"Till preclose Date" }, { "id":2, "code":"loanPreClosureInterestCalculationStrategy.tillRestFrequencyDate", "value":"Till rest Frequency Date" } ], "interestRateFrequencyTypeOptions": [ { "id": 2, "code": "interestRateFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Per month" }, { "id": 3, "code": "interestRateFrequency.periodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Per year" } ], "amortizationTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "amortizationType.equal.installments", "value": "Equal installments" }, { "id": 0, "code": "amortizationType.equal.principal", "value": "Equal principal payments" } ], "interestTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "interestType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, { "id": 0, "code": "interestType.declining.balance", "value": "Declining Balance" } ], "interestCalculationPeriodTypeOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "interestCalculationPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Same as repayment period" } ], "transactionProcessingStrategyOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "mifos-standard-strategy", "name": "Penalties, Fees, Interest, Principal order" }, { "id": 2, "code": "heavensfamily-strategy", "name": "HeavensFamily Unique" }, { "id": 3, "code": "creocore-strategy", "name": "Creocore Unique" }, { "id": 4, "code": "rbi-india-strategy", "name": "Overdue/Due Fee/Int,Principal" }, { "id": 5, "code": "principal-interest-penalties-fees-order-strategy", "name": "Principal Interest Penalties Fees Order" }, { "id": 6, "code": "interest-principal-penalties-fees-order-strategy", "name": "Interest Principal Penalties Fees Order" } ], "chargeOptions": [ { "id": 5, "name": "des charge", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100.000000, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeTimeType.disbursement", "value": "Disbursement" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" } }, { "id": 1, "name": "flat install", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 50.000000, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 8, "code": "chargeTimeType.instalmentFee", "value": "Instalment Fee" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" } }, { "id": 9, "name": "install amt+int", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 5.000000, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 8, "code": "chargeTimeType.instalmentFee", "value": "Instalment Fee" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 3, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount.and.interest", "value": "% Loan Amount + Interest" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" } }, { "id": 10, "name": "install int", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 5.000000, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 8, "code": "chargeTimeType.instalmentFee", "value": "Instalment Fee" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 4, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.interest", "value": "% Interest" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" } }, { "id": 2, "name": "install per", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 5.000000, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 8, "code": "chargeTimeType.instalmentFee", "value": "Instalment Fee" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% Amount" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 1, "code": "chargepaymentmode.accounttransfer", "value": "Account transfer" } }, { "id": 8, "name": "spe int", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 5.000000, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 4, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.interest", "value": "% Interest" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" } }, { "id": 4, "name": "specific acc transfer", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100.000000, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 1, "code": "chargepaymentmode.accounttransfer", "value": "Account transfer" } }, { "id": 7, "name": "specific amt+int", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 5.000000, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 3, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount.and.interest", "value": "% Loan Amount + Interest" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" } }, { "id": 3, "name": "specific per", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 5.000000, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% Amount" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" } }, { "id": 6, "name": "xyz", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 50.000000, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 1, "code": "chargepaymentmode.accounttransfer", "value": "Account transfer" } } ], "accountingRuleOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "accountingRuleType.none", "value": "NONE" }, { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "CASH BASED" }, { "id": 3, "code": "accountingRuleType.accrual", "value": "ACCRUAL BASED" } ], "accountingMappingOptions": { "liabilityAccountOptions": [ { "id": 11, "name": "over payment", "glCode": "13", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.liability", "value": "LIABILITY" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "nameDecorated": "over payment", "tagId": { "id": 0 }, "organizationRunningBalance": 0 }, ], "assetAccountOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "fund source", "glCode": "01", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "nameDecorated": "fund source", "tagId": { "id": 0 }, "organizationRunningBalance": -60000 }, { "id": 2, "name": "Loan portfolio", "glCode": "02", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "nameDecorated": "Loan portfolio", "tagId": { "id": 0 }, "organizationRunningBalance": 60000 }, { "id": 3, "name": "transfers", "glCode": "03", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "nameDecorated": "transfers", "tagId": { "id": 0 }, "organizationRunningBalance": 0 }, ], "expenseAccountOptions": [ { "id": 10, "name": "loans written off 2", "glCode": "12", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 5, "code": "accountType.expense", "value": "EXPENSE" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "nameDecorated": "loans written off 2", "tagId": { "id": 0 }, "organizationRunningBalance": 0 } ], "incomeAccountOptions": [ { "id": 4, "name": "income from interest", "glCode": "04", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 4, "code": "accountType.income", "value": "INCOME" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "nameDecorated": "income from interest", "tagId": { "id": 0 }, "organizationRunningBalance": 19 }, { "id": 8, "name": "income from fees 2", "glCode": "10", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 4, "code": "accountType.income", "value": "INCOME" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "nameDecorated": "income from fees 2", "tagId": { "id": 0 }, "organizationRunningBalance": 0 }, { "id": 9, "name": "income from penalities 2", "glCode": "11", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 4, "code": "accountType.income", "value": "INCOME" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "nameDecorated": "income from penalities 2", "tagId": { "id": 0 }, "organizationRunningBalance": 0 } ] }, "valueConditionTypeOptions": [ { "id": 2, "code": "LoanProductValueConditionType.equal", "value": "equals" }, { "id": 3, "code": "LoanProductValueConditionType.greterthan", "value": "greter than" } ], "daysInMonthTypeOptions": [{ "id": 1, "code": "DaysInMonthType.actual", "value": "Actual" }, { "id": 30, "code": "DaysInMonthType.days360", "value": "30 Days" }], "daysInYearTypeOptions": [{ "id": 1, "code": "DaysInYearType.actual", "value": "Actual" }, { "id": 360, "code": "DaysInYearType.days360", "value": "360 Days" }, { "id": 364, "code": "DaysInYearType.days364", "value": "364 Days" }, { "id": 365, "code": "DaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }], "interestRecalculationCompoundingTypeOptions": [{ "id": 0, "code": "interestRecalculationCompoundingMethod.none", "value": "None" }, { "id": 2, "code": "interestRecalculationCompoundingMethod.fee", "value": "Fee" }, { "id": 1, "code": "interestRecalculationCompoundingMethod.interest", "value": "Interest" }, { "id": 3, "code": "interestRecalculationCompoundingMethod.interest.and.fee", "value": "Fee and Interest" }], "rescheduleStrategyTypeOptions": [{ "id": 3, "code": "loanRescheduleStrategyMethod.reduce.emi.amount", "value": "Reduce EMI amount" }, { "id": 2, "code": "loanRescheduleStrategyMethod.reduce.number.of.installments", "value": "Reduce number of installments" }, { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Reschedule next repayments" }], "interestRecalculationFrequencyTypeOptions": [ { "id":1, "code":"", "value":"Same as repayment period" }, { "id":2, "code":"interestRecalculationFrequencyType.daily", "value":"Daily" }, { "id":3, "code":"interestRecalculationFrequencyType.weekly", "value":"Weekly" }, { "id":4, "code":"interestRecalculationFrequencyType.monthly", "value":"Monthly" }] }

Retrieve a Loan Product

Example Requests:



GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loanproducts/{productId} { "id": 11, "name": "advanced accounting", "shortName": "ad11", "includeInBorrowerCycle": true, "useBorrowerCycle": true, "status": "", "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "principal": 10000.000000, "minPrincipal": 2000.000000, "maxPrincipal": 15000.000000, "numberOfRepayments": 7, "repaymentEvery": 7, "repaymentFrequencyType": { "id": 0, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, "interestRatePerPeriod": 5.000000, "interestRateFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "interestRateFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Per month" }, "annualInterestRate": 60.000000, "amortizationType": { "id": 1, "code": "amortizationType.equal.installments", "value": "Equal installments" }, "interestType": { "id": 0, "code": "interestType.declining.balance", "value": "Declining Balance" }, "interestCalculationPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Same as repayment period" }, "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 1, "transactionProcessingStrategyName": "Mifos style", "charges": [], "principalVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [ { "id": 21, "borrowerCycleNumber": 1, "paramType": { "id": 1, "code": "LoanProductParamType.principal", "value": "principal" }, "valueConditionType": { "id": 2, "code": "LoanProductValueConditionType.equal", "value": "equals" }, "minValue": 2000.000000, "maxValue": 20000.000000, "defaultValue": 15000.000000 }, { "id": 20, "borrowerCycleNumber": 1, "paramType": { "id": 1, "code": "LoanProductParamType.principal", "value": "principal" }, "valueConditionType": { "id": 3, "code": "LoanProductValueConditionType.greterthan", "value": "greter than" }, "minValue": 3000.000000, "maxValue": 25000.000000, "defaultValue": 20000.000000 } ], "interestRateVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "numberOfRepaymentVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "accountingRule": { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "CASH BASED" }, "accountingMappings": { "fundSourceAccount": { "id": 1, "name": "fund source", "glCode": "01" }, "loanPortfolioAccount": { "id": 2, "name": "Loan portfolio", "glCode": "02" }, "transfersInSuspenseAccount": { "id": 3, "name": "transfers", "glCode": "03" }, "interestOnLoanAccount": { "id": 4, "name": "income from interest", "glCode": "04" }, "incomeFromFeeAccount": { "id": 8, "name": "income from fees 2", "glCode": "10" }, "incomeFromPenaltyAccount": { "id": 9, "name": "income from penalities 2", "glCode": "11" }, "writeOffAccount": { "id": 10, "name": "loans written off 2", "glCode": "12" }, "overpaymentLiabilityAccount": { "id": 11, "name": "over payment", "glCode": "13" } }, "paymentChannelToFundSourceMappings": [ { "paymentType": { "id": 10, "name": "check" }, "fundSourceAccount": { "id": 1, "name": "fund source", "glCode": "01" } } ], "feeToIncomeAccountMappings": [ { "charge": { "id": 1, "name": "flat install", "active": false, "penalty": false }, "incomeAccount": { "id": 8, "name": "income from fees 2", "glCode": "10" } }, { "charge": { "id": 2, "name": "install per", "active": false, "penalty": false }, "incomeAccount": { "id": 4, "name": "income from interest", "glCode": "04" } }, { "charge": { "id": 5, "name": "des charge", "active": false, "penalty": false }, "incomeAccount": { "id": 9, "name": "income from penalities 2", "glCode": "11" } }, "multiDisburseLoan":true,"maxTrancheCount":3,"outstandingLoanBalance":36000.000000, "overdueDaysForNPA":2, "principalThresholdForLastInstalment":50 ] }

Create a Loan Product

Depending of the Accounting Rule (accountingRule) selected, additional fields with details of the appropriate Ledger Account identifiers would need to be passed in.

Refer MifosX Accounting Specs Draft for more details regarding the significance of the selected accounting rule

Mandatory Fields
name, shortName, currencyCode, digitsAfterDecimal, inMultiplesOf, principal, numberOfRepayments, repaymentEvery, repaymentFrequencyType, interestRatePerPeriod, interestRateFrequencyType, amortizationType, interestType, interestCalculationPeriodType, transactionProcessingStrategyId, accountingRule, isInterestRecalculationEnabled, daysInYearType, daysInMonthType
Optional Fields
inArrearsTolerance, graceOnPrincipalPayment, graceOnInterestPayment, graceOnInterestCharged, graceOnArrearsAgeing, charges, paymentChannelToFundSourceMappings, feeToIncomeAccountMappings, penaltyToIncomeAccountMappings, includeInBorrowerCycle, useBorrowerCycle,principalVariationsForBorrowerCycle, numberOfRepaymentVariationsForBorrowerCycle, interestRateVariationsForBorrowerCycle, multiDisburseLoan,maxTrancheCount, outstandingLoanBalance,overdueDaysForNPA,holdGuaranteeFunds, principalThresholdForLastInstalment, accountMovesOutOfNPAOnlyOnArrearsCompletion, canDefineInstallmentAmount, installmentAmountInMultiplesOf, allowAttributeOverrides, allowPartialPeriodInterestCalcualtion
Additional Mandatory Fields for Cash(2) based accounting
fundSourceAccountId, loanPortfolioAccountId, interestOnLoanAccountId, incomeFromFeeAccountId, incomeFromPenaltyAccountId, writeOffAccountId, transfersInSuspenseAccountId, overpaymentLiabilityAccountId
Additional Mandatory Fields for periodic (3) and upfront (4)accrual accounting
fundSourceAccountId, loanPortfolioAccountId, interestOnLoanAccountId, incomeFromFeeAccountId, incomeFromPenaltyAccountId, writeOffAccountId, receivableInterestAccountId, receivableFeeAccountId, receivablePenaltyAccountId, transfersInSuspenseAccountId, overpaymentLiabilityAccountId
Additional Mandatory Fields if interest recalculation is enabled(true)
interestRecalculationCompoundingMethod, rescheduleStrategyMethod, recalculationRestFrequencyType
Additional Optional Fields if interest recalculation is enabled(true)
isArrearsBasedOnOriginalSchedule, preClosureInterestCalculationStrategy
Additional Optional Fields if interest recalculation is enabled(true) and recalculationRestFrequencyType is not same as repayment period
recalculationRestFrequencyInterval, recalculationRestFrequencyDate
Additional Optional Fields if interest recalculation is enabled(true) and interestRecalculationCompoundingMethod is enabled
Additional Optional Fields if interest recalculation is enabled(true) and interestRecalculationCompoundingMethod is enabled and recalculationCompoundingFrequencyType is not same as repayment period
recalculationCompoundingFrequencyInterval, recalculationCompoundingFrequencyDate
Additional Mandatory Fields if Hold Guarantee funds is enabled(true)
Additional Optional Fields if Hold Guarantee funds is enabled(true)
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loanproducts POST loanproducts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: {"currencyCode":"USD", "includeInBorrowerCycle":"true", "useBorrowerCycle":true, "digitsAfterDecimal":"2", "inMultiplesOf":"0", "repaymentFrequencyType":0, "interestRateFrequencyType":2, "amortizationType":1, "interestType":0, "interestCalculationPeriodType":1, "transactionProcessingStrategyId":1, "principalVariationsForBorrowerCycle":[], "interestRateVariationsForBorrowerCycle":[], "numberOfRepaymentVariationsForBorrowerCycle":[ { "valueConditionType":2, "borrowerCycleNumber":"1", "minValue":"5", "defaultValue":"10", "maxValue":"15" }, { "valueConditionType":3, "borrowerCycleNumber":"1", "minValue":"7", "defaultValue":"15", "maxValue":"20" } ], "allowAttributeOverrides": {amortizationType : true, interestType : true, transactionProcessingStrategyId : false, interestCalculationPeriodType : true, inArrearsTolerance : false, repaymentEvery : true, graceOnPrincipalAndInterestPayment : true, graceOnArrearsAgeing : true}, "accountingRule":"2", "name":"product 5", "shortName":"prd5", "principal":"5000", "numberOfRepayments":"7", "repaymentEvery":"7", "interestRatePerPeriod":"5", "paymentChannelToFundSourceMappings":[], "feeToIncomeAccountMappings":[], "penaltyToIncomeAccountMappings":[], "charges":[], "overdueDaysForNPA":2, "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en", "fundSourceAccountId":1, "loanPortfolioAccountId":2, "transfersInSuspenseAccountId":3, "interestOnLoanAccountId":4, "incomeFromFeeAccountId":8, "incomeFromPenaltyAccountId":9, "writeOffAccountId":10, "overpaymentLiabilityAccountId":11, "daysInMonthType":1, "daysInYearType":1, "isInterestRecalculationEnabled":"false", "holdGuaranteeFunds":"false", "principalThresholdForLastInstallment":20 } { "resourceId": 1 } POST loanproducts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "LP Cash Accounting", "shortName": "LPCA", "currencyCode": "USD", "locale": "en_GB", "digitsAfterDecimal": "2", "inMultiplesOf": 0, "principal": "100,000.00", "numberOfRepayments": "12", "repaymentEvery": "1", "repaymentFrequencyType": 2, "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 1, "interestRatePerPeriod": "1.75", "interestRateFrequencyType": 2, "amortizationType": 1, "interestType": 0, "interestCalculationPeriodType": 1, "daysInMonthType":1, "daysInYearType":1, "isInterestRecalculationEnabled":"true", "interestRecalculationCompoundingMethod":"0", "rescheduleStrategyMethod":"3", "recalculationRestFrequencyType":"1", "preClosureInterestCalculationStrategy":1, "accountingRule":"2", "fundSourceAccountId":"4", "loanPortfolioAccountId":"8", "interestOnLoanAccountId":"34", "incomeFromFeeAccountId":"37", "incomeFromPenaltyAccountId":"35", "writeOffAccountId":"41", "transfersInSuspenseAccountId":"4", "overpaymentLiabilityAccountId":"2", "paymentChannelToFundSourceMappings": [ { "paymentTypeId": "11", "fundSourceAccountId": "11" } ], "feeToIncomeAccountMappings": [ { "chargeId": "1", "incomeAccountId": "5" }, { "chargeId": "2", "incomeAccountId": "8" } ], "penaltyToIncomeAccountMappings": [ { "chargeId": "6", "incomeAccountId": "9" } ] } { "resourceId": 2 } POST loanproducts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "LP Accrual Accounting", "shortName": "LPAA", "currencyCode": "USD", "locale": "en_GB", "digitsAfterDecimal": "2", "inMultiplesOf": 0, "principal": "100,000.00", "numberOfRepayments": "12", "repaymentEvery": "1", "repaymentFrequencyType": 2, "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 1, "interestRatePerPeriod": "1.75", "interestRateFrequencyType": 2, "amortizationType": 1, "interestType": 0, "interestCalculationPeriodType": 1, "daysInMonthType":1, "daysInYearType":1, "isInterestRecalculationEnabled":"false", "accountingRule":"3", "fundSourceAccountId":"4", "loanPortfolioAccountId":"8", "receivableInterestAccountId":"9", "receivableFeeAccountId":"11", "receivablePenaltyAccountId":"10", "interestOnLoanAccountId":"34", "incomeFromFeeAccountId":"37", "incomeFromPenaltyAccountId":"35", "overpaymentLiabilityAccountId":"2", "writeOffAccountId":"41" } { "resourceId": 3 }

Update a Loan Product

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/loanproducts/{loanId} PUT loanproducts/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en_GB", "principal": "70,000.00" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "principal": 70000, "locale": "en_GB" } } PUT loanproducts/3 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "isInterestRecalculationEnabled":"true", "interestRecalculationCompoundingMethod":"0", "rescheduleStrategyMethod":"3", "recalculationRestFrequencyType":"1" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "locale": "en", "isInterestRecalculationEnabled":"true", "interestRecalculationCompoundingMethod":"0", "rescheduleStrategyMethod":"3", "recalculationRestFrequencyType":"1" } }

Loan Products Mix

If you have the appropriate permissions, you can decide which types of products a given client or group can mix. In this way, you can restrict clients from having active loans accounts of different products at the same time.

Field Descriptions
List of productIds to create a product mix

List Loan Product Mix

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loanproducts?associations=productMixes [ { "productId": 1, "productName": "Personal Loan", "restrictedProducts": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Joint Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 5, "name": "Primary Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 3, "name": "Daily Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false } ], "allowedProducts": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Personal Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 6, "name": "Personal Loan -2", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 4, "name": "Weekly Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false } ] }, { "productId": 2, "productName": "Joint Loan", "restrictedProducts": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Personal Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 6, "name": "Personal Loan -2", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false } ], "allowedProducts": [ { "id": 3, "name": "Daily Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 2, "name": "Joint Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 5, "name": "Primary Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 4, "name": "Weekly Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false } ] } ]

Retrieve Product Mix Details Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

This request gets all the products details for which productmix is not defined.


This request gets the productmix details for the specific loanproduct.


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loanproducts/template?isProductMixTemplate=true { "productOptions": [ { "id": 5, "name": "Primary Loan" }, { "id": 4, "name": "Weekly Loan" } ] } GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loanproducts/5/productmix { "restrictedProducts": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Personal Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false } ], "allowedProducts": [ { "id": 3, "name": "Daily Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 2, "name": "Joint Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 6, "name": "Personal Loan -2", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 5, "name": "Primary Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 4, "name": "Weekly Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false } ] }

Retrieve Loan Product Mix

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/loanproducts/5/productmix { "restrictedProducts": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Personal Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false } ], "allowedProducts": [ { "id": 3, "name": "Daily Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 2, "name": "Joint Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 6, "name": "Personal Loan -2", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 5, "name": "Primary Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false }, { "id": 4, "name": "Weekly Loan", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false } ] }

Create a Loan Product Mix

Mandatory Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/loanproducts/5/productmix POST loanproducts/{productId}/productmix Content-Type: application/json Request Body: {"restrictedProducts":["1"]} { "changes":{ "restrictedProductsForMix":[1], "removedProductsForMix":[] }, "productId":5 }

Update a Loan Product Mix

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/loanproducts/{productId}/productmix PUT loanproducts/5/productmix Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "restrictedProducts":["3"] } { "changes": { "restrictedProductsForMix": [3], "removedProductsForMix": [1] }, "productId": 5 }

Delete a Loan Product Mix

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/loanproducts/{productId}/productmix DELETE loanproducts/5/productmix { "changes": { "removedProductsForMix": [3] }, "productId": 5 }


Some MFI's span large regions where different branch offices might observe different holidays. They need the ability to define holidays for specific branch offices and be able to set the repayment rule to follow during those holidays.

The reschedule of repayments to repaymentsRescheduledTo date during defined holidays is turned on/off by enabling/disabling reschedule-repayments-on-holidays in Global configurations.

Allow Repayment transactions on a defined holidays is turned on/off by enabling/disabling allow-transactions-on-holiday in Global configurations.

Field Descriptions
Name of the holiday.
The date on holiday begins.
The date on holiday ends.
Date to which repayments will be rescheduled when repayments date falls on a defined holiday. e.g. A holiday is defined on 25th of October 2013 with repaymentsRescheduledTo date to 26th of October 2013 and any loans with repayments date on 25th of October 2013 will be rescheduled to 26th of October 2013.
The officeId represents the office to which holiday is applied.

List Holidays

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/holidays?officeId=1 [ { "id": 1, "name": "Good Friday", "fromDate": [ 2013, 10, 25 ], "toDate": [ 2013, 10, 25 ], "repaymentsScheduleTo": [ 2013, 10, 26 ], "status": { "id": 100, "code": "holidayStatusType.pending.for.activation", "value": "Pending for activation" } } ]

Create a Holiday

Mandatory Fields
name, description, fromDate, toDate, repaymentsRescheduledTo, offices
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/holidays POST holidays Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Good Friday", "description": "Good Friday", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "fromDate": "25 October 2013", "toDate": "25 October 2013", "repaymentsRescheduledTo": "26 October 2013", "offices": [ {"officeId":"1"}, {"officeId":"2"} ] } { "resourceId": 1 }

Activate a Holiday

Always Holidays are created in pending state. This API allows to activate a holiday.

Only the active holidays are considered for rescheduling the loan repayment.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/holidays/{holidayId}?command=activate POST holidays Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve a Holiday

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/holidays/{holidayId} { "id": 1, "name": "Good Friday", "fromDate": [ 2013, 10, 25 ], "toDate": [ 2013, 10, 25 ], "repaymentsRescheduledTo": [ 2013, 10, 26 ], "status": { "id": 100, "code": "", "value": "Active" } }

Update a Holiday

If a holiday is in pending state (created and not activated) then all fields are allowed to modify. Once holidays become active only name and descriptions are allowed to modify.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/holidays/{holidayId} PUT holidays/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { name:"Independence day", description: "Holiday for Independence day celebration" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "name": "Independence day", "description": "Holiday for Independence day celebration" } }

Delete a Holiday

This API allows to delete a holiday. This is a soft delete the deleted holiday status is marked as deleted.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/holidays/{holidayId} DELETE holidays/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "resourceId": 1 }

Working days

The days of the week that are workdays.

Rescheduling of repayments when it falls on a non-working is turned on /off by enable/disable reschedule-future-repayments parameter in Global configurations.

Allow transactions on non-working days is configurable by enabling/disbaling the allow-transactions-on-non_workingday parameter in Global configurations.

Mandotory Field Descriptions
Recurrence pattern
repayment reschedule type .Options listed on the schedule for repayments on non-working days
Extend the term for loans following a daily repayment schedule.Expects boolean value true/false
locale must be provided.
Schedule for repayments on non-working day
Same day
The repayments schedule for same day regardless of it's a non-working day.
Next workday
The repayments reschedule to next working day. e.g. if a repayment falls on a non-working day will be rescheduled to next available working day.
Previous workday
The repayments reschedule to previous working day. e.g. if a repayment falls on a non-working day will be rescheduled to previous available working day.
Next scheduled meeting
The repayments reschduled to next scheduled meeting.

Working Days Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for working days.

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/workingdays/template { "repaymentRescheduleOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "same day" }, { "id": 4, "code": "", "value": "move to previous working day" }, { "id": 3, "code": "", "value": "move to next repayment meeting day" }, { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "move to next working day" } ] }

List Working days

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/workingdays [ { "id": 1, "recurrence": "FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR", "repaymentRescheduleType": { "id": 4, "code": "", "value": "move to next working day" } "extendTermForDailyRepayments" : true } ]

Update a Working Day

Mandatory Fields
PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/Workingdays/1 PUT holidays Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "recurrence": "FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,SU", "locale": "en", "repaymentsRescheduledType": 4, "extendTermForDailyRepayments": false } { "resourceId": 1 }


Application related configuration around viewing/updating the currencies permitted for use within the MFI.


Retrieve Currency Configuration

Returns the list of currencies permitted for use AND the list of currencies not selected (but available for selection).

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/currencies { "selectedCurrencyOptions": [ { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } ], "currencyOptions": [ { "code": "AFN", "name": "Afghanistan Afghani", "decimalPlaces": 2, "nameCode": "currency.AFN", "displayLabel": "Afghanistan Afghani [AFN]" }, { "code": "ALL", "name": "Albanian Lek", "decimalPlaces": 2, "nameCode": "currency.ALL", "displayLabel": "Albanian Lek [ALL]" }, { "code": "ZWD", "name": "Zimbabwe Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "nameCode": "currency.ZWD", "displayLabel": "Zimbabwe Dollar [ZWD]" } ] }

Update Currency Configuration

Updates the list of currencies permitted for use.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/currencies PUT currencies Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "currencies": [ "KES", "BND", "LBP", "GHC", "USD", "XOF", "AED", "AMD" ] } { "currencies": [ "KES", "BND", "LBP", "GHC", "USD", "XOF", "AED", "AMD" ] }

Global Configuration

Global configuration related to set of supported enable/disable configurations:

  1. maker-checker - defaults to false - if true turns on maker-checker functionality
  2. reschedule-future-repayments - defaults to false - if true reschedules repayemnts which falls on a non-working day to configured repayment rescheduling rule
  3. allow-transactions-on-non_workingday - defaults to false - if true allows transactions on non-working days
  4. reschedule-repayments-on-holidays - defaults to false - if true reschedules repayemnts which falls on a non-working day to defined reschedule date
  5. allow-transactions-on-holiday - defaults to false - if true allows transactions on holidays
  6. savings-interest-posting-current-period-end - Set it at the database level before any savings interest is posted. When set as false(default), interest will be posted on the first date of next period. If set as true, interest will be posted on last date of current period. There is no difference in the interest amount posted.
  7. financial-year-beginning-month - Set it at the database level before any savings interest is posted. Allowed values 1 - 12 (January - December). Interest posting periods are evaluated based on this configuration.
  8. meetings-mandatory-for-jlg-loans - if set to true, enforces all JLG loans to follow a meeting schedule belonging to either the parent group or Center.

Retrieve Global Configuration

Returns the list global enable/disable configurations.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/configurations { "globalConfiguration": [ { "name": "maker-checker", "enabled": true, "value": 0, "id": 1 }, { "name": "amazon-S3", "enabled": false, "value": 0, "id": 2 }, ] }

Retrieve Global Configuration

Returns a global enable/disable configurations.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/configurations/1 { "name": "maker-checker", "enabled": true, "value": 0, "id": 1 }

Retrieve Global Configuration for surveys

Returns the list global enable/disable survey configurations.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/configurations/survey { "ppi_kenya_2005": [ { "name": "maker-checker", "enabled": true, "value": 0, "id": 1 }, { "name": "ppi_tanzania_20012", "enabled": false, "value": 0, "id": 2 }, ] }

Update Global Configuration

Updates an enable/disable global configuration item.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/configurations/9 PUT configurations Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "enabled":"true", "value":2 } { "resourceId": 9, "changes": { "enabled": true } }


The following settings are possible for cache:

  • No Caching: caching turned off
  • Single node: caching on for single instance deployments of platorm (works for multiple tenants but only one tomcat)

By default caching is set to No Caching. Switching between caches results in the cache been clear e.g. from Single node to No cache and back again would clear down the single node cache.


Retrieve Cache Types

Returns the list of caches.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/caches [ { "cacheType": { "id": 1, "code": "cacheType.noCache", "value": "No cache" }, "enabled": true }, { "cacheType": { "id": 2, "code": "cacheType.singleNode", "value": "Single node" }, "enabled": false }, { "cacheType": { "id": 3, "code": "cacheType.multiNode", "value": "Multi node" }, "enabled": false } ]

Switch Cache

Switches the cache to chosen one.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/caches PUT caches Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "cacheType": 2 } { "changes": { "cacheType": 2 } }


Hooks are a mechanism to trigger custom code on the occurence of events.

Each template during hook creation represents custom behaviour on what actions should be taken on the triggering of a registered event for a hook. The action taken might be firing a HTTP request to another server or execute internal code.

In order for MifosX to send webhook payloads, your server needs to be accessible from the Internet. MifosX will send along a few HTTP headers to differentiate between event types.

X-Mifos-Entity - The entity type that was triggered.
X-Mifos-Action - The action triggered on the entity type.
X-Mifos-Platform-TenantId - The tenant which experienced the event.


Create a Hook

The following parameters can be passed for the creation of a hook :-

  • name - string - Required. The name of the template that is being called. (See /hooks/template for the list of valid hook names.)
  • isActive - boolean - Determines whether the hook is actually triggered.
  • events - array - Determines what events the hook is triggered for.
  • config - hash - Required. Key/value pairs to provide settings for this hook. These settings vary between the templates.
  • templateId - Optional. The UGD template ID associated with the same entity (client or loan).
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/hooks POST hooks Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Web", "isActive": true, "displayName": "Kremlin", "templateId": 1, "events": [ { "actionName": "DISBURSE", "entityName": "LOAN" }, { "actionName": "REPAYMENT", "entityName": "LOAN" } ], "config": { "Payload URL": "", "Content Type": "json" } } { "resourceId": 4 }

Retrieve Hooks

Returns the list of hooks.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/hooks [ { "id": 1, "name": "Web", "displayName": "Kremlin", "isActive": true, "createdAt": [2014, 9, 16], "updatedAt": [2014, 9, 16], "templateId": 1, "templateName": "My UGD", "events": [ { "actionName": "DISBURSE", "entityName": "LOAN" }, { "actionName": "REPAYMENT", "entityName": "LOAN" } ], "config": [ { "fieldName": "Content Type", "fieldValue": "json" }, { "fieldName": "Payload URL", "fieldValue": "" } ] } ]

Retrieve a Hook

Returns the details of a Hook.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/hooks/{hookId} { "id": 1, "name": "Web", "displayName": "Kremlin", "isActive": true, "createdAt": [2014, 9, 16], "updatedAt": [2014, 9, 16], "templateId": 1, "templateName": "My UGD", "events": [ { "actionName": "DISBURSE", "entityName": "LOAN" }, { "actionName": "REPAYMENT", "entityName": "LOAN" } ], "config": [ { "fieldName": "Content Type", "fieldValue": "json" }, { "fieldName": "Payload URL", "fieldValue": "" } ] }

Update a Hook

Updates the details of a hook.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/hooks/{hookId} PUT hooks/4 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Web", "isActive": true, "displayName": "Local SMS Provider", "events": [ { "actionName": "DISBURSE", "entityName": "LOAN" } ], "config": { "Payload URL": "", "Content Type": "json" } } { "resourceId": 4, "changes": { "displayName": "Local SMS Provider", "events": [ { "actionName": "DISBURSE", "entityName": "LOAN" } ], "config": { "Payload URL": "", "Content Type": "json" } } }

Delete a Hook

Deletes a hook.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/hooks/{hookId} DELETE hooks/4 Content-Type: application/json { "resourceId": 4 }

Retrieve Hooks Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/hooks/template { "templates": [ { "name": "Web", "schema": [ { "fieldName": "Content Type", "fieldType": "string", "optional": true, "placeholder": "json / form" }, { "fieldName": "Payload URL", "fieldType": "string", "optional": false } ] }, { },... ], "groupings": [ { "name": "jobs", "entities": [ { "name": "SCHEDULER", "actions": ["EXECUTEJOB", "UPDATE"] }, { },... ] }, { },... ] }


Code and code values: Codes represent a specific category of data, their code values are a specific instance of that category.

Codes are mostly system defined which means the code itself comes out of the box and cannot be modified however its code values can be. e.g. 'Customer Identifier', it defaults to a code value of 'Passport' but could be 'Drivers License, National Id' etc


Create a Code

Creates a code. Codes created through api are always 'user defined' and so system defined is marked as false.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/codes POST codes Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "MyNewCode" } { "resourceId": 4 }

Retrieve Codes

Returns the list of codes.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/codes [ { "id": 1, "name": "Customer Identifier", "systemDefined": true }, { "id": 2, "name": "Gender", "systemDefined": true }, { "id": 3, "name": "Education", "systemDefined": true } ]

Retrieve a Code

Returns the details of a Code.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/codes/{codeId} { "id": 1, "name": "Customer Identifier", "systemDefined": true }

Update a Code

Updates the details of a code if it is not system defined.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/codes/{codeId} PUT codes/4 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "MyNewCode(changed)" } { "resourceId": 4, "changes": { "name": "MyNewCode(changed)" } }

Delete a Code

Deletes a code if it is not system defined.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/codes/{codeId} DELETE codes/4 Content-Type: application/json { "resourceId": 4 }

Code Values

Code and code values: Codes represent a specific category of data, their code values are a specific instance of that category.

Codes are mostly system defined which means the code itself comes out of the box and cannot be modified however its code values can be. e.g. 'Customer Identifier', it defaults to a code value of 'Passport' but could be 'Drivers License, National Id' etc


Create a Code Value

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/codes/1/codevalues POST codes/1/codevalues Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name":"Ration Card", "description: "Ration card information", "position":"1" } { "resourceId": 4 }

List Code Values

Returns the list of Code Values for a given Code

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/codes/{codeId}/codevalues [ { "id": 1, "name": "Passport", "description: "Passport information", "position": 0 }, { "id": 2, "name": "Id", "description: "ID information", "position": 0 }, { "id": 3, "name": "Drivers License", "description: "Drivers License information", "position": 0 }, { "id": 4, "name": "Any Other Id Type", "description: "Any Other Id Type information", "position": 0 }, { "id": 5, "name": "Ration Card", "description: "Ration Card information", "position": 1 } ]

Retrieve a Code Value

Returns the details of a Code Value

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/codes/{codeId}/codevalues/{codevalueId} { "id": 1, "name": "Passport", "description: "Passport information", "position": 0 }

Update a Code Value

Updates the details of a code value.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/codes/{codeId}/codevalues/{codevalueId} PUT codes/1/codevalues/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Indian Passport", "description": "Indian Passport information", "position":2 } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "name": "Indian Passport", "description": "Indian Passport information", "position": 2 } }

Delete a Code Value

Deletes a code value

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/codes/{codeId}/codevalues/{codevalueId} DELETE codes/1/codevalues/5 Content-Type: application/json { "resourceId": 5 }


Every non-read Mifos API request is audited. A fully processed request can not be changed or deleted. See maker checker api for situations where an audit is not fully processed.

Permissions: To search and look at audit entries a user needs to be attached to a role that has one of the ALL_FUNCTIONS, ALL_FUNCTIONS_READ or READ_AUDIT permissions.

Data Scope: A user can only see audits that are within their data scope. However, 'head office' users can see all audits including those that aren't office/branch related e.g. Loan Product changes.


List Audits

Get a 200 list of audits that match the criteria supplied and sorted by audit id in descending order, and are within the requestors' data scope. Also it supports pagination and sorting

optional, The id value of the entityName
optional, The id value of the application user creating the entry
optional, Get entries created on or after this
Example: 2013-04-10 08:00:00
optional, Get entries created on or before this
Example: 2013-05-10 08:00:00
optional, The id value of the application user that checked (approved) the entry
optional, Get entries checked on or after this
Example: 2013-04-10 08:00:00
optional, Get entries checked on or before this
Example: 2013-05-10 18:00:00
optional, The enum value of the processing status
0: Invalid
1: processed
2: awaiting.approval
3: rejected
optional, The id value of the office/branch associated with the entry (if there is one)
optional, The id value of the group associated with the entry (if there is one). A group is a general idea and may be a Center, a Group, a Communal Bank or other.
optional, The id value of the client associated with the entry (if there is one)
optional, The id value of the loan associated with the entry (if there is one)
optional, The id value of the savings account associated with the entry (if there is one)
optional, Values are true, false. Default is false.
Boolean optional, defaults to false
If paged is true then results will be paginated.
Integer optional, defaults to 0
Indicates from what result to start from.
Integer optional, defaults to 200
Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1
String optional, one of id, actionName, entityName, resourceId, subresourceId, madeOnDate, checkedOnDate, officeName, groupName, clientName, loanAccountNo, savingsAccountNo
Orders the results by the field indicated.
String optional, one of ASC, DESC
Indicates what way to order results if orderBy is used.

Example Requests:



audits?makerDateTimeFrom=2013-03-25 08:00:00&makerDateTimeTo=2013-04-04 18:00:00


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/audits [ { "id": 671, "actionName": "PERMISSIONS", "entityName": "ROLE", "resourceId": 6, "maker": "keithwoodlock", "madeOnDate": 1365014262000, "processingResult": "processed" }, { "id": 670, "actionName": "CREATE", "entityName": "CLIENTNOTE", "resourceId": 287, "maker": "keithwoodlock", "madeOnDate": 1365014204000, "processingResult": "awaiting.approval", "officeName": "my office", "clientName": "gg ggg" }, { "id": 668, "actionName": "UPDATE", "entityName": "PERMISSION", "maker": "keithwoodlock", "madeOnDate": 1365014186000, "processingResult": "processed" }, { "id": 667, "actionName": "CREATE", "entityName": "CLIENTNOTE", "resourceId": 286, "maker": "keithwoodlock", "madeOnDate": 1365014169000, "processingResult": "processed", "officeName": "my office name", "clientName": "gg ggg" }, { "id": 666, "actionName": "CREATE", "entityName": "CLIENT", "resourceId": 363, "maker": "keithwoodlock", "madeOnDate": 1365012843000, "processingResult": "awaiting.approval", "officeName": "my office name" }, { "id": 657, "actionName": "CREATE", "entityName": "CLIENT", "resourceId": 362, "maker": "ii", "madeOnDate": 1364953928000, "checker": "ii", "checkedOnDate": 1365010060000, "processingResult": "processed", "officeName": "my office name", "clientName": "gg ggg" }, { "id": 645, "actionName": "CREATE", "entityName": "LOAN", "resourceId": 373, "maker": "keithwoodlock", "madeOnDate": 1364860260000, "checker": "keithwoodlock", "checkedOnDate": 1364861222000, "processingResult": "processed", "officeName": "another office", "clientName": "another client", "loanAccountNo": "000000373" },... ] GET https://DomainName/api/v1/audits?paged=true&limit=5 { "totalFilteredRecords": 30, "pageItems": [ { "id": 671, "actionName": "PERMISSIONS", "entityName": "ROLE", "resourceId": 6, "maker": "keithwoodlock", "madeOnDate": 1365014262000, "processingResult": "processed" }, { "id": 670, "actionName": "CREATE", "entityName": "CLIENTNOTE", "resourceId": 287, "maker": "keithwoodlock", "madeOnDate": 1365014204000, "processingResult": "awaiting.approval", "officeName": "my office", "clientName": "gg ggg" }, { "id": 668, "actionName": "UPDATE", "entityName": "PERMISSION", "maker": "keithwoodlock", "madeOnDate": 1365014186000, "processingResult": "processed" }, { "id": 667, "actionName": "CREATE", "entityName": "CLIENTNOTE", "resourceId": 286, "maker": "keithwoodlock", "madeOnDate": 1365014169000, "processingResult": "processed", "officeName": "my office name", "clientName": "gg ggg" }, { "id": 666, "actionName": "CREATE", "entityName": "CLIENT", "resourceId": 363, "maker": "keithwoodlock", "madeOnDate": 1365012843000, "processingResult": "awaiting.approval", "officeName": "my office name" } ] }

Audit Search Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building an Audit Search UI. "appUsers" are data scoped to the office/branch the requestor is associated with.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/audits/searchtemplate { "appUsers": [ { "id": 30, "username": "user 1" }, { "id": 28, "username": "user 2" }, { "id": 35, "username": "user 3" },... ], "actionNames": [ "CREATE", "DELETE", "UPDATE", "ACTIVATE", "ADJUST", "APPROVALUNDO", "APPROVE", "APPROVEINPAST", "BULKREASSIGN", "CALCULATEINTEREST", "CLOSE", "CLOSEASRESCHEDULED", "CREATEHISTORIC", "DEPOSIT", "DEREGISTER", "DISBURSALUNDO", "DISBURSE", "DISBURSEINPAST", "INTEREST", "PERMISSIONS", "REGISTER", "REJECT",... ], "entityNames": [ "CALENDAR", "CENTER", "CHARGE", "CLIENT", "CLIENTIDENTIFIER", "CLIENTIMAGE", "CLIENTNOTE", "CODE", "CODEVALUE", "COLLATERAL", "CONFIGURATION", "CURRENCY", "DATATABLE", "DEPOSITACCOUNT", "DEPOSITNOTE", "DEPOSITPRODUCT", "DOCUMENT", "FUND", "GLACCOUNT", "GLCLOSURE", "GROUP", "GROUPNOTE",... ], "processingResults": [ { "id": 0, "processingResult": "invalid" }, { "id": 1, "processingResult": "processed" }, { "id": 2, "processingResult": "awaiting.approval" }, { "id": 3, "processingResult": "rejected" } ] }

Retrieve an Audit Entry

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/audits { "id": 20, "actionName": "REPAYMENT", "entityName": "LOAN", "resourceId": 868, "maker": "dataentry1", "madeOnDate": 1358449025000, "processingResult": "processed", "commandAsJson": "{\"transactionDate\":\"28 September 2012\",\"transactionAmount\":\"1,967.00\",\"locale\":\"en\",\"dateFormat\":\"dd MMMM yyyy\"}", "officeName": "another office", "clientName": "another client", "loanAccountNo": "23" }

Account number format

Account number preferences are used to describe custom formats for account numbers associated with Customer, Loan and Savings accounts.

Field Descriptions
Identifies the type of the Account for which the Account number format applies
Refer Retrieve Account number formats Template for complete details
Identifies a custom prefix for the account number
Refer Retrieve Account number formats Template for complete details

List Account number formats

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/accountnumberformats [ { "id": 2, "accountType": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.client", "value": "CLIENT" }, "prefixType": { "id": 101, "code": "accountNumberPrefixType.clientType", "value": "CLIENT_TYPE" } }, { "id": 3, "accountType": { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "LOAN" }, "prefixType": { "id": 201, "code": "accountNumberPrefixType.loanProductShortName", "value": "LOAN_PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME" } } ]

Retrieve Account number format Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/accountnumberformats/template { "accountTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.client", "value": "CLIENT" }, { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "LOAN" }, { "id": 3, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "SAVINGS" }, { "id": 4, "code": "", "value": "CENTER" }, { "id": 5, "code": "", "value": "GROUP" } ], "prefixTypeOptions": { "": [ { "id": 201, "code": "accountNumberPrefixType.loanProductShortName", "value": "LOAN_PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME" }, { "id": 1, "code": "accountNumberPrefixType.officeName", "value": "OFFICE_NAME" } ], "accountType.client": [ { "id": 1, "code": "accountNumberPrefixType.officeName", "value": "OFFICE_NAME" }, { "id": 101, "code": "accountNumberPrefixType.clientType", "value": "CLIENT_TYPE" } ], "accountType.savings": [ { "id": 301, "code": "accountNumberPrefixType.savingsProductShortName", "value": "SAVINGS_PRODUCT_SHORT_NAME" }, { "id": 1, "code": "accountNumberPrefixType.officeName", "value": "OFFICE_NAME" } ], "": [ { "id": 1, "code": "accountNumberPrefixType.officeName", "value": "OFFICE_NAME" } ], "": [ { "id": 1, "code": "accountNumberPrefixType.officeName", "value": "OFFICE_NAME" }, ] } }

Retrieve an Account number format

Example Requests:



GET https://DomainName/api/v1/accountnumberformats/{accountnumberformatId} { "id": 2, "accountType": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.client", "value": "CLIENT" }, "prefixType": { "id": 101, "code": "accountNumberPrefixType.clientType", "value": "CLIENT_TYPE" } }

Create an Account number format

Note: You may associate a single Account number format for a given account type

Mandatory Fields for Account number formats
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/accountnumberformats POST /accountnumberformats Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { accountType :1, prefixType: 101 } { "resourceId": 4 } POST /accountnumberformats Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { accountType :2, prefixType: 201 } { "resourceId": 5 }

Update an Account number format

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/accountnumberformats/{accountnumberformatId} PUT accountnumberformats/2 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { prefixType:1 } { "resourceId": 2, "changes": { "prefixType": "OFFICE_NAME" } }

Delete an Account number format

Note: Account numbers created while this format was active would remain unchanged.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/accountnumberformats/{accountnumberformatId} DELETE accountnumberformats/2 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "resourceId": 2 }

Maker Checker (or 4-eye) functionality

Apache Fineract Maker Checker functionality allows an MFI to define transactions as having a maker and a checker phase. One user enters, deletes or changes data. Then, another user that has "Checker" rights for that transaction, can inspect and approve the data.

By default, Maker Checker functionality is disabled. See Update Global Configuration to enable/disable Maker Checker functionality at a global level.

Additionally, Maker Checker functionality for each transaction (permission) is disabled by default. see Enable/Disable Permissions for Maker Checker to enable/disable Maker Checker functionality at a transaction (permission) level.

Finally, to give checking rights to a user (via a role associated with the user) see Update a Role's Permissions

For example,
{ "permissions":{ "CREATE_GUARANTOR_CHECKER":true, "CREATE_CLIENT_CHECKER":true } }
will give checking rights for CREATE_GUARANTOR and CREATE_CLIENT

Alternatively, the special permissions ALL_FUNCTIONS or CHECKER_SUPER_USER will give blanket checking rights.

When a user "makes" an entry that is enabled for Maker Checker, it is audited and the audit status is set to a value of 2 (awaiting.approval).

Checkers can only Check and approve entries that they have been permitted to check.

Checkers can only Check and approve entries that are within their data scope. However, 'head office' Checkers can Check and approve all entries including those that aren't office/branch related (as long as they have the Checker permissions) e.g. Loan Product changes.


List Maker Checker Entries

Get a list of entries that can be checked by the requestor that match the criteria supplied.

optional, The id value of the entityName
optional, The id value of the application user creating the entry
optional, Get entries created on or after this
Example: 2013-04-10 08:00:00
optional, Get entries created on or before this
Example: 2013-05-10 08:00:00
optional, The id value of the office/branch associated with the entry (if there is one)
optional, The id value of the group associated with the entry (if there is one). A group is a general idea and may be a Center, a Group, a Communal Bank or other.
optional, The id value of the client associated with the entry (if there is one)
optional, The id value of the loan associated with the entry (if there is one)
optional, The id value of the savings account associated with the entry (if there is one)
optional, Values are true, false. Default is false.

Example Requests:



makercheckers?makerDateTimeFrom=2013-03-25 08:00:00&makerDateTimeTo=2013-04-04 18:00:00


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/makercheckers [ { "id": 654, "actionName": "CREATE", "entityName": "LOANPRODUCT", "resourceId": 15, "maker": "keithwoodlock", "madeOnDate": 1364924512000, "processingResult": "awaiting.approval" }, { "id": 666, "actionName": "CREATE", "entityName": "CLIENT", "resourceId": 363, "maker": "keithwoodlock", "madeOnDate": 1365012843000, "processingResult": "awaiting.approval", "officeName": "my office name" }, { "id": 670, "actionName": "CREATE", "entityName": "CLIENTNOTE", "resourceId": 287, "maker": "keithwoodlock", "madeOnDate": 1365014204000, "processingResult": "awaiting.approval", "officeName": "my office name", "clientName": "gg ggg" } ]

Maker Checker Search Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building a Checker Inbox UI. "appUsers" are data scoped to the office/branch the requestor is associated with. "actionNames" and "entityNames" returned are those that the requestor has Checker approval permissions for.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/audits/searchtemplate { "appUsers": [ { "id": 30, "username": "user 1" }, { "id": 28, "username": "user 2" }, { "id": 35, "username": "user 3" },... ], "actionNames": [ "CREATE", "DELETE", "UPDATE", "ACTIVATE", "ADJUST", "APPROVALUNDO", "APPROVE",... ], "entityNames": [ "CALENDAR", "CENTER", "CHARGE", "CLIENT", "CLIENTIDENTIFIER",... ] }

Approve Maker Checker Entry

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/makercheckers/{auditId}?command=approve POST makercheckers/1?command=approve Content-Type: application/json { "auditId": 1 }

Reject Maker Checker Entry

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/makercheckers/{auditId}?command=reject POST makercheckers/1?command=reject Content-Type: application/json { "auditId": 1 }

Delete Maker Checker Entry

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/makercheckers/{auditId} DELETE makercheckers/1 Content-Type: application/json { "auditId": 1 }


Batch jobs (also known as cron jobs on Unix-based systems) are a series of back-end jobs executed on a computer at a particular time defined in job's cron expression.

At any point, you can view the list of batch jobs scheduled to run along with other details specific to each job. Manually you can execute the jobs at any point of time.

The scheduler status can be either "Active" or "Standby". If the scheduler status is Active, it indicates that all batch jobs are running/ will run as per the specified schedule.If the scheduler status is Standby, it will ensure all scheduled batch runs are suspended.


Retrieve Scheduler Jobs

Returns the list of jobs.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/jobs [ { "jobId": 1, "displayName": "Update loan Summary", "cronExpression": "0 0 22 1/1 * ? *", "active": false, "currentlyRunning": false, "lastRunHistory": { "version": 17, "jobRunStartTime": "Jul 26, 2013 1:38:26 PM", "jobRunEndTime": "Jul 26, 2013 1:38:26 PM", "status": "success", "triggerType": "application" } }, { "jobId": 2, "displayName": "Update Loan Arrears Ageing", "nextRunTime": "Jul 27, 2013 12:01:00 AM", "cronExpression": "0 1 0 1/1 * ? *", "active": true, "currentlyRunning": false, "lastRunHistory": { "version": 18, "jobRunStartTime": "Jul 26, 2013 4:05:32 PM", "jobRunEndTime": "Jul 26, 2013 4:05:32 PM", "status": "success", "triggerType": "application" } }, { "jobId": 3, "displayName": "Update Loan Paid In Advance", "nextRunTime": "Jul 27, 2013 12:05:00 AM", "cronExpression": "0 5 0 1/1 * ? *", "active": true, "currentlyRunning": false, "lastRunHistory": { "version": 16, "jobRunStartTime": "Jul 26, 2013 4:15:47 PM", "jobRunEndTime": "Jul 26, 2013 4:15:47 PM", "status": "success", "triggerType": "application" } }, { "jobId": 4, "displayName": "Apply Annual Fee For Savings", "nextRunTime": "Jul 26, 2013 10:20:00 PM", "cronExpression": "0 20 22 1/1 * ? *", "active": true, "currentlyRunning": false, "lastRunHistory": { "version": 11, "jobRunStartTime": "Jul 26, 2013 12:00:37 PM", "jobRunEndTime": "Jul 26, 2013 12:00:38 PM", "status": "success "triggerType": "application" } }, { "jobId": 5, "displayName": "Apply Holidays To Loans", "nextRunTime": "Jul 27, 2013 12:00:00 PM", "cronExpression": "0 0 12 * * ?", "active": true, "currentlyRunning": false, "lastRunHistory": { "version": 16, "jobRunStartTime": "Jul 26, 2013 4:31:54 PM", "jobRunEndTime": "Jul 26, 2013 4:31:55 PM", "status": "success", "triggerType": "application" } } ]

Retrieve a Job

Returns the details of a Job.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/jobs/{jobId} https://localhost:8443/fineract-provider/api/v1/jobs/5 { "jobId": 5, "displayName": "Apply Holidays To Loans", "nextRunTime": "Jul 27, 2013 12:00:00 PM", "cronExpression": "0 0 12 * * ?", "active": true, "currentlyRunning": false, "lastRunHistory": { "version": 16, "jobRunStartTime": "Jul 26, 2013 4:31:54 PM", "jobRunEndTime": "Jul 26, 2013 4:31:55 PM", "status": "success", "triggerType": "application" } }

Update a Job

Updates the details of a job.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/jobs/{jobId} PUT jobs/1 Content-Type: application/json { "displayName":"Update loan Summary", "cronExpression":"0 0 22 1/1 * ? *", "active":"true" }

Run a Job

Manually Execute Specific Job.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/jobs/{jobId}?command=executeJob POST jobs/1?command=executeJob

Retrieve Job Run History

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/jobs/{jobid}/runhistory?offset=0&limit=200 { "totalFilteredRecords": 8, "pageItems": [ { "version": 1, "jobRunStartTime": "Jul 16, 2013 12:00:00 PM", "jobRunEndTime": "Jul 16, 2013 12:00:00 PM", "status": "success", "triggerType": "cron" }, { "version": 2, "jobRunStartTime": "Jul 17, 2013 12:00:00 PM", "jobRunEndTime": "Jul 17, 2013 12:00:00 PM", "status": "success", "triggerType": "cron" }, { "version": 3, "jobRunStartTime": "Jul 18, 2013 12:00:00 PM", "jobRunEndTime": "Jul 18, 2013 12:00:01 PM", "status": "success", "triggerType": "cron" }, { "version": 4, "jobRunStartTime": "Jul 19, 2013 12:00:00 PM", "jobRunEndTime": "Jul 19, 2013 12:00:00 PM", "status": "success", "triggerType": "cron" }, { "version": 5, "jobRunStartTime": "Jul 20, 2013 11:16:07 AM", "jobRunEndTime": "Jul 20, 2013 11:16:07 AM", "status": "success", "triggerType": "application" }, { "version": 6, "jobRunStartTime": "Jul 20, 2013 11:35:05 AM", "jobRunEndTime": "Jul 20, 2013 11:35:05 AM", "status": "success", "triggerType": "application" }, { "version": 7, "jobRunStartTime": "Jul 20, 2013 12:00:00 PM", "jobRunEndTime": "Jul 20, 2013 12:00:00 PM", "status": "success", "triggerType": "cron" }, { "version": 8, "jobRunStartTime": "Jul 22, 2013 12:00:00 PM", "jobRunEndTime": "Jul 22, 2013 12:00:00 PM", "status": "success", "triggerType": "cron" } ] }

Retrieve Scheduler Status

Returns the scheduler status.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/scheduler https://localhost:8443/fineract-provider/api/v1/scheduler { "active": true }

Activate Scheduler Jobs

Activates the scheduler job service.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/scheduler?command=start POST scheduler?command=start

Suspend Scheduler Jobs

Suspends the scheduler job service.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/scheduler?command=stop POST scheduler?command=stop

External Services

External Services Configuration related to set of supported configurations for third party services like Amazon S3 and SMTP:

  1. S3 (Amazon S3):
  2. s3_access_key -
  3. s3_bucket_name -
  4. s3_secret_key -

  5. SMTP (Email Service):
  6. username -
  7. password -
  8. host -
  9. port -
  10. useTLS -

Retrieve External Services Configuration

Returns a external Service configurations based on the Service Name.

Service Names supported are S3 and SMTP.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/externalservice/{serviceName} [ { "name": "username", "value": "" }, { "name": "password", "value": "XXXX" }, { "name": "host", "value": "" }, { "name": "port", "value": "25" }, { "name": "useTLS", "value": "true" } ]

Update External Service

Updates the external Service Configuration for a Service Name.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/externalservice/{serviceName} PUT externalservice/S3 Content-Type: application/json { "username" : "" "password" : "XXXX" }



Create a Fund

Creates a fund.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/funds POST funds Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "EU Agri Fund" } { "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve Funds

Returns the list of funds.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/funds [ { "id": 1, "name": "EU Agri Fund" } ]

Retrieve a Fund

Returns the details of a Fund.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/funds/{fundId} { "id": 1, "name": "EU Agri Fund" }

Update a Fund

Updates the details of a fund.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/funds/{fundId} PUT funds/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "EU Agri Fund (2010-2020)" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "name": "EU Agri Fund (2010-2020)" } }


Allows you to model staff members. At present the key role of significance is whether this staff member is a loan officer or not.

Field Descriptions
First Name of the new Employee.
Last Name of the new Employee.
ID to put an external reference for an Employee.
Mobile number of an Employee.
Indicates whether the employee account is to be created as Loan Officer. If isLoanOfficer=true, then the employee is Loan Officer. If isLoanOfficer=false, then the employee is not Loan Officer.
Indicates whether the employee account is to be created as Active. If isActive=true, then employee is active. If isActive=false, then employee is inactive.

Create a staff member

Creates a staff member.

Mandatory Fields
officeId, firstname, lastname

Optional Fields
isLoanOfficer, isActive
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/staff POST staff Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "officeId": 1, "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "isLoanOfficer": "true", "externalId": "17H", "mobileNo": "+353851239876", "isActive": "true", "joiningDate": "01 January 2009", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" } { "officeId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve Staff

Returns the list of staff members.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/staff [ { "id": 1, "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "displayName": "Doe, John", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "isLoanOfficer": true, "externalId": "17H", "isActive": "true", "joiningDate":[2009,8,1] } ]

Retrieve a Staff Member

Returns the details of a Staff Member.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/staff/{staffId} { "id": 1, "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "displayName": "Doe, John", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "isLoanOfficer": true, "externalId": "17H", "isActive": "true", "joiningDate":[2009,8,1] }

Retrieve a Staff by status

Returns the details of a Staff based on status.

By default it Returns all the ACTIVE Staff.

If status=INACTIVE, then it returns all INACTIVE Staff.

and for status=ALL, it Returns both ACTIVE and INACTIVE Staff.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/staff?status={ACTIVE|INACTIVE|ALL} { "id": 1, "firstname": "John", "lastname": "Doe", "displayName": "Doe, John", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "isLoanOfficer": true, "externalId": "17H", "isActive": "true", "joiningDate":[2009,8,1] }

Update a Staff Member

Updates the details of a staff member.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/staff/{staffId} PUT staff/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "isLoanOfficer": "false", "externalId": "17Hbb" } { "officeId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "isLoanOfficer": false, "externalId": "17Hbb" } }


Its typical for MFIs to add extra costs for their financial products. These are typically Fees or Penalties.

A Charge on fineract platform is what we use to model both Fees and Penalties.

At present we support defining charges for use with Client accounts and both loan and saving products.

Field Descriptions
Name associated with this charge.
Enumeration for indicating whether charge is to be applicable for loans, savings or clients.
1=Loans, 2=Savings, 3=Client

Once a charge definiton has been created, this attribute cannot be changed at any point.

Boolean flag determines if the charge is currently active.
Boolean flag determines if the charge is a penalty. If false the charge is considered a Fee
A three letter ISO code of currency.
Enumeration for indicating whether charge amount is flat or percentage based:
1=Flat, 2=% of Amount

Used in combination with amount parameter e.g 1 % of Amount or 3.50 Flat

For loans, % of Amount refers to the loan principal disbursed.

For savings, % of Amount can be used with 'withrawal fees' and refers to the amount withdrawn.

The charge amount. Used in combination with chargeCalculationType parameter. e.g 1 % of Amount or 3.50 Flat
Optional: Can be used when a '% of Amount' value is used for chargeCalculationType.

Used to enforce a minimum charge amount in cases where the calculated amount is less than the minimum amount provided.

e.g. A 2% fee with a minimum cap of 500:
In case of a 5000 loan, the 2% is 100, and therefore automatically 500 is used as the value of the charge.

Optional: Can be used when a '% of Amount' value is used for chargeCalculationType.

Used to enforce a maximum charge amount in cases where the calculated amount is greater than the maximum amount provided.

e.g. A 2% fee, with a maximum of 2000.:
In case of a 150000 loan, the 2% adds up to 3000 charge, and therefore the maximum cap of 2000 will be used.

An enumeration indicating the time at which the charge becomes due:

1 = Disbursement : Applicable for loans and deducted at the time of loan disbursement.
2 = Specified Due Date : Adhoc charge can be applied for loans and savings on a specified due date.
3 = Savings Activation : This charge is applicable for savings account and charged at the time of account activation. This charge will be autodeducted once the account is activated with sufficient opening balance.
5 = Withdrawal fee : Charge applied to every withdrawal of savings account.
6 = Annual Fee : Recurring charge applied annually for savings on a specified Month and day. see feeOnMonthDay
7 = Monthly Fee : Recurring charge applied on regular interval of months for savings. see feeOnMonthDay and feeInterval

Applicable to loan charges only: Enumeration for indicating whether charge is to be paid through an Account Transfer from savings or through Regular payment mode.
0=Regular, 1=Account Transfer
Used along with monthDayFormat to indicate the recurring charge due date starting on a given day of the month and follow specified feeInterval. e.g. fee due date starting on 10 May with feeInterval of two (2) months then a recurring fee on 10th of every two months is applied to savings account. monthDayFormat indicates day and month formatting used e.g. "dd MMM" for 10 May
This field is mandatory if chargeTimeType is of type Monthly Fee
Fee to be applied on a specified interval.
This field is mandatory if chargeTimeType is of type Monthly Fee or feeFrequency is selcted
This field is Optional Used to indicate the recurring(days,weeks,months and Years) charge due date starting on system calculated date for overdue penalty.
This field is Optional and can be used only when a charge is applied to a Client. It indicates the Income or Liability account which gets credited when a payment is made on this charge

Retrieve Charge Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/charges/template { "active": false, "penalty": false, "currencyOptions": [ { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } ], "chargeCalculationTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, { "id": 2, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% Amount" }, { "id": 3, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount.and.interest", "value": "% Loan Amount + Interest" }, { "id": 4, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.interest", "value": "% Interest" } ], "chargeAppliesToOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, { "id": 2, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" } ], "chargeTimeTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "chargeTimeType.disbursement", "value": "Disbursement" }, { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, { "id": 3, "code": "chargeTimeType.savingsActivation", "value": "Savings Activation" }, { "id": 5, "code": "chargeTimeType.withdrawalFee", "value": "Withdrawal Fee" }, { "id": 6, "code": "chargeTimeType.annualFee", "value": "Annual Fee" }, { "id": 7, "code": "chargeTimeType.monthlyFee", "value": "Monthly Fee" }, { "id": 8, "code": "chargeTimeType.instalmentFee", "value": "Instalment Fee" }, { "id": 9, "code": "chargeTimeType.overdueInstallment", "value": "overdue fees" }, { "id": 10, "code": "chargeTimeType.overdraftFee", "value": "Overdraft Fee" } ], "chargePaymetModeOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" }, { "id": 1, "code": "chargepaymentmode.accounttransfer", "value": "Account transfer" } ], "loanChargeCalculationTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, { "id": 2, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% Amount" }, { "id": 3, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount.and.interest", "value": "% Loan Amount + Interest" }, { "id": 4, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.interest", "value": "% Interest" } ], "loanChargeTimeTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "chargeTimeType.disbursement", "value": "Disbursement" }, { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, { "id": 8, "code": "chargeTimeType.instalmentFee", "value": "Instalment Fee" }, { "id": 9, "code": "chargeTimeType.overdueInstallment", "value": "overdue fees" } ], "savingsChargeCalculationTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, { "id": 2, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% Amount" } ], "savingsChargeTimeTypeOptions": [ { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, { "id": 3, "code": "chargeTimeType.savingsActivation", "value": "Savings Activation" }, { "id": 5, "code": "chargeTimeType.withdrawalFee", "value": "Withdrawal Fee" }, { "id": 6, "code": "chargeTimeType.annualFee", "value": "Annual Fee" }, { "id": 7, "code": "chargeTimeType.monthlyFee", "value": "Monthly Fee" }, { "id": 10, "code": "chargeTimeType.overdraftFee", "value": "Overdraft Fee" } ], "feeFrequencyOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "loanTermFrequency.periodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "loanTermFrequency.periodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "loanTermFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "loanTermFrequency.periodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" } ] }

Create/Define a Charge

Define a new charge that can later be associated with loans and savings through their respective product definitions or directly on each account instance.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/charges POST charges Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Loan service fee", "chargeAppliesTo": 1, "currencyCode": "USD", "locale": "en", "amount": "230.56", "chargeTimeType": "1", "chargeCalculationType": "1", "chargePaymentMode": "1", "active": true } { "resourceId": 1 } POST charges Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "name": "Default Penalty", "amount": "2", "currencyCode": "USD", "chargeAppliesTo": "1", "chargeTimeType": "2", "chargeCalculationType": "2", "chargePaymentMode": "1", "active": "true", "penalty": "true", "minCap": 50.00, "maxCap": 100.00 } { "resourceId": 4 } POST charges Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "name": "Annuaul Fee", "amount": "20", "currencyCode": "USD", "chargeAppliesTo": "2", "chargeTimeType": "6", "chargeCalculationType": "1", "chargePaymentMode": "1", "active": "true", "penalty": "false" } { "resourceId": 5 } POST charges Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "name": "Quarterly Fee", "amount": "5", "currencyCode": "USD", "chargeAppliesTo": "2", "chargeTimeType": "7", "feeOnMonthDay": "10 May", "monthDayFormat": "dd MMM", "feeInterval": "4", "chargeCalculationType": "1", "active": "true", "penalty": "false" } { "resourceId": 6 } POST charges Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "chargeAppliesTo":1, "feeFrequency":1, "feeInterval":"2", "name":"overdue charge", "currencyCode":"USD", "chargeTimeType":9, "chargeCalculationType":1, "chargePaymentMode":0, "amount":"50", "active":true, "penalty":"true", "locale":"en", "monthDayFormat":"dd MMM" } { "resourceId": 7 } POST charges Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "chargeAppliesTo": 2, "name": "Weekly Fee", "currencyCode": "USD", "chargeTimeType": 11, "chargeCalculationType": 1, "feeInterval": "1", "amount": "10", "active": true, "locale": "en" } { "resourceId": 8 }

Retrieve Charges

Returns the list of defined charges.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/charges [ { "id": 1, "name": "Loan service fee", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 230.56, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeTimeType.disbursement", "value": "Disbursement" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode":{ "id":1, "code":"chargepaymentmode.accounttransfer", "value":"Account transfer" } }, { "id": 54, "chargeId": 12, "name": "Loan service fee 2", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeTimeType.disbursement", "value": "Disbursement" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% Amount" }, "percentage": 2.000000, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 14000.000000, "currency": { "code": "KES", "name": "Kenyan Shilling", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "KSh", "nameCode": "currency.KES", "displayLabel": "Kenyan Shilling (KSh)" }, "amount": 500.000000, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 500.000000, "amountOrPercentage": 2.000000, "penalty": false, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 1, "code": "chargepaymentmode.accounttransfer", "value": "Account transfer" }, "paid": false, "waived": false, "chargePayable": true, "minCap": 500.000000, "maxCap": 1000.000000 }, ]

Retrieve a Charge

Returns the details of a defined Charge.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/charges/{chargeId} { "id": 1, "name": "Loan service fee", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 230.56, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeTimeType.disbursement", "value": "Disbursement" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode":{ "id":1, "code":"chargepaymentmode.accounttransfer", "value":"Account transfer" } }

Update a Charge

Updates the details of a Charge.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/charges/{chargeId} PUT charges/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Loan service fee(changed)" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "name": "Loan service fee(changed)" } }

Delete a Charge

Deletes a Charge.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/charges/{chargeId} DELETE charges/1 Content-Type: application/json { "resourceId": 1 }

Accounting Rules

It is typical scenario in MFI's that non accountants pass journal entries on a regular basis. For Ex: A branch office might deposit their entire cash at hand to their Bank account at the end of a working day. The branch office users might not understand enough of accounting to figure out which account needs to get credited and which account needs to be debited to represent this transaction.

Enter accounting rules, an abstraction on top of manual Journal entires for enabling simpler data entry. An accounting rule can define any of the following abstractions

  • A Simple journal entry where both the credit and debit account have been preselected
  • A Simple journal entry where either credit or debit accounts have been limited to a pre-selected list of accounts (Ex: Debit account should be one of "Bank of America" of "JP Morgan" and credit account should be "Cash")
  • A Compound journal entry where multiple debits and / or multiple credits may be made amongst a set of preselected list of accounts (Ex: Credit account should be either "Bank Of America" or "Cash" and debit account can be "Employee Salary" and/or "Miscellenous Expenses")

An accounting rule can also be optionally associated with a branch, so that only a particular Branch's users have access to the rule

Field Descriptions
Name of the accounting rule
A description of the accounting rule.
An Optional Office for this accounting rule is applicable.
ID of the target account to be Debited
ID of the target account to be Credited
A list of accounting Tags. Any Ledger account with this tag can serve as the account to be debited.
This parameter is optional, if accountToDebit present in the request params
A list of accounting Tags. Any Ledger account with this tag can serve as the account to be credited.
This parameter is optional, if accountToCredit present in the request params
Allows passing multiple debit entries for the accounting rule
Allows passing multiple credit entries for the accounting rule
Allows passing multiple credit entries for the accounting rule

Retrieve Accounting Rule Details Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/accountingrules/template { "systemDefined": false, "allowedOffices": [{ "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office" }], "allowedAccounts": [{ "id": 21, "name": "Cash 2", "parentId": 18, "glCode": "20011", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "description": "Cash", "nameDecorated": "............Cash 2", "tagId": { "id": 10, "name": "asset tag" } }, { "id": 9, "name": "Employee Salary", "parentId": 8, "glCode": "456674", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 5, "code": "accountType.expense", "value": "EXPENSE" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "nameDecorated": "Employee Salary", "tagId": { "id": 14, "name": "Expenses Tag" } }] }

Create/Define a Accounting rule

Define a new Accounting rule.

Mandatory Fields
name, officeId,
accountToDebit OR debitTags,
accountToCredit OR creditTags.

Optional Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/accountingrules POST accountingrules Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "test", "officeId": "1", "accountToDebit": "21", "accountToCredit": "9", "description": "Employee salary" } { "officeId":1, "resourceId":1 } POST accountingrules Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "fordocs", "officeId": "1", "debitTags": ["10","11"], "allowMultipleDebitEntries": "true", "creditTags": ["12","13"], "allowMultipleCreditEntries": "true", "description": "for api docs" } { "officeId":1, "resourceId":2 } POST accountingrules Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "test123", "officeId": "1", "accountToDebit": "21", "creditTags": ["12", "13"], "allowMultipleCreditEntries": "false", "description": "Employee salary" } { "officeId":1, "resourceId":3 } POST accountingrules Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "fordocstest", "officeId": "1", "debitTags": ["10","11"], "allowMultipleDebitEntries": "false", "accountToCredit": "9", "description": "for api docs" } { "officeId":1, "resourceId":4 }

Retrieve Accounting Rules

Returns the list of defined accounting rules.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/accountingrules [{ "id": 1, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "name": "test", "description": "Employee salary", "systemDefined": false, "debitAccountHead": { "id": 21, "name": "Cash 2", "glCode": "20011", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": false }, "creditAccountHead": { "id": 9, "name": "Employee Salary", "glCode": "456674", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": false } }, { "id": 2, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "name": "A L1", "description": "aafff", "systemDefined": false, "debitAccountHead": { "id": 3, "name": "A L", "glCode": "10003", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": false }, "creditAccountHead": { "id": 4, "name": "car loan", "glCode": "10004", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": false } }]

Retrieve a Accounting rule

Returns the details of a defined Accounting rule.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/accountingrules/{accountingruleId} { "id": 1, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "name": "test", "description": "Employee salary", "systemDefined": false, "debitAccountHead": { "id": 21, "name": "Cash 2", "glCode": "20011", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": false }, "creditAccountHead": { "id": 9, "name": "Employee Salary", "glCode": "456674", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": false } }

Update a Accounting Rule

Updates the details of a Accounting rule.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/accountingrules/{accountingruleId} PUT accountingrules/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Employee Salary posting rule" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "name": "Employee Salary posting rule" } }

Delete a Accounting Rule

Deletes a Accounting rule.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/accountingrules/{accountingruleId} DELETE accountingrules/1 Content-Type: application/json { "resourceId": 1 }

Savings Product:

An MFIs savings product offerings are modeled using this API.

When creating savings accounts, the details from the savings product are used to auto fill details of the savings account application process.

Field Descriptions
The name of the product offering.
Shortname associated with a saving product.
An abbreviated version of the name, used in reports or menus where space is limited.
A description of the product offering.
Three letter ISO code representing currency.
Override the currency default value for digitsAfterDecimal.
Override the default value for rounding currency to multiples of provided value.
The default interest rate set when creating savings accounts of this type of product. e.g. 5% Per year - It number here is always expressed as the Nominal APR.
The period at which interest rate is compounded. 1=Daily, 4=Monthly (at end of month)
The period at which interest rate is posted or credited to savings account. 4=Monthly (at end of month), 5=Quarterly (at end of quarter, 31st Mar, 30th Jun, 30th Sep, 31st Dec)
The interest calculation method used: 1=Daily Balance or 2=Average Daily Balance
The setting for number of days in year to use: 360=360 Days, 365=365 Days
Optional: If provided, sets the minimum deposit amount required to open a savings account e.g. 2,000
Optional: If provided, used along with lockinPeriodFrequencyType to indicate the length of time that the savings account is 'locked in' and withdrawals are not allowed. e.g. 6 Months
Optional: If provided, used along with lockinPeriodFrequency to indicate the length of time that the savings account is 'locked in' and withdrawals are not allowed. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 6 Months
Optional: Used along with withdrawalFeeAmount to indicate whether the withdrawal fee should be applied on the account for account transfers .
Specifies if accounting is enabled for the particular product and the type of the accounting rule to be used Example Values:1=NONE,2=CASH_BASED
Optional: If provided, depending on the value mark the savings account as overdraft account
Optional: If provided, sets the maximum allowed overdraft amount for a savings account e.g. 5,000 else set the limit as zero
Optional: If provided, balance must be greater than provided value for calculation of interest e.g. 5,000
Optional: If set to true, validates that the account balance does not fall below minRequiredBalance
Optional: If provided, sets an indicator of the minimum required balance of the savings account e.g. 5,000 else set the limit as zero. Note that enforceMinRequiredBalance determines if the minimum required balance is enforced
Optional: If provided, sets an indicator for applying withhold tax on interest posting for savings account
Optional: If withhold tax set as true, with hold tax will be applied as per the tax group provided

Retrieve Savings Product Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsproducts/template { "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsInterestPostingPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "accountingRule": { "id": 1, "code": "accountingRuleType.none", "value": "NONE" }, "currencyOptions": [ { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } ], "interestCompoundingPeriodTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, { "id": 2, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.weekly", "value": "Weekly" }, { "id": 3, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.biweekly", "value": "Bi-Weekly" }, { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, { "id": 5, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.quarterly", "value": "Quarterly" }, { "id": 6, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.biannual", "value": "Semi-Annual" }, { "id": 7, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.annual", "value": "Annually" }, { "id": 8, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.nocompounding", "value": "No Compounding - Simple Interest" } ], "interestPostingPeriodTypeOptions": [ { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsInterestPostingPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, { "id": 5, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsInterestPostingPeriodType.quarterly", "value": "Quarterly" }, { "id": 6, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsInterestPostingPeriodType.biannual", "value": "Semi-Annual" }, { "id": 7, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsInterestPostingPeriodType.annual", "value": "Annually" } ], "interestCalculationTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, { "id": 2, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.averagedailybalance", "value": "Average Daily Balance" } ], "interestCalculationDaysInYearTypeOptions": [ { "id": 360, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days360", "value": "360 Days" }, { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" } ], "lockinPeriodFrequencyTypeOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" } ], "withdrawalFeeTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "savingsWithdrawalFeesType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, { "id": 2, "code": "savingsWithdrawalFeesType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% of Amount" } ], "paymentTypeOptions": [ { "id": 14, "name": "Wire Transfer", "position": 0 }, { "id": 13, "name": "Cash", "position": 1 } ], "accountingRuleOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "accountingRuleType.none", "value": "NONE" }, { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "CASH BASED" }, { "id": 3, "code": "accountingRuleType.accrual", "value": "ACCRUAL BASED" } ], "accountingMappingOptions": { "liabilityAccountOptions": [ { "id": 15, "name": "Savings Control", "glCode": "50001", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.liability", "value": "LIABILITY" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "nameDecorated": "Savings Control", "tagId": { "id": 0 } } ], "assetAccountOptions": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Cash", "glCode": "100001", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "tagId": {} }, { "id": 16, "name": "Savings Reference", "glCode": "100007", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "nameDecorated": "Savings Reference", "tagId": { "id": 0 } }, { "id": 12, "name": "HDFC Rajajinagar", "glCode": "100015", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "tagId": {} }, { "id": 1, "name": "Loan Portfolio", "glCode": "10003", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "tagId": {} }, { "id": 7, "name": "Interest Receivable", "glCode": "10005", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "tagId": {} }, { "id": 8, "name": "Penalties Receivable", "glCode": "10008", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "tagId": {} }, { "id": 9, "name": "Fee Receivable", "glCode": "10009", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "tagId": {} } ], "expenseAccountOptions": [ { "id": 6, "name": "Write Off Expenses", "glCode": "60001", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 5, "code": "accountType.expense", "value": "EXPENSE" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "tagId": {} }, { "id": 13, "name": "Employee Salary", "glCode": "60002", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 5, "code": "accountType.expense", "value": "EXPENSE" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "tagId": {} }, { "id": 18, "name": "Interest On Savings", "glCode": "60003", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 5, "code": "accountType.expense", "value": "EXPENSE" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "nameDecorated": "Interest On Savings", "tagId": { "id": 0 } } ], "incomeAccountOptions": [ { "id": 3, "name": "Income from Interest", "glCode": "40001", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 4, "code": "accountType.income", "value": "INCOME" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "tagId": {} }, { "id": 4, "name": "Income from Fees", "glCode": "40002", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 4, "code": "accountType.income", "value": "INCOME" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "tagId": {} }, { "id": 5, "name": "Income from Penalties", "glCode": "40004", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 4, "code": "accountType.income", "value": "INCOME" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "tagId": {} } ] }, "chargeOptions" : [ { "active" : true, "amount" : 200, "chargeAppliesTo" : { "code" : "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "id" : 2, "value" : "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType" : { "code" : "chargeCalculationType.flat", "id" : 1, "value" : "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode" : { "code" : "chargepaymentmode.regular", "id" : 0, "value" : "chargepaymentmode.regular" }, "chargeTimeType" : { "code" : "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "id" : 2, "value" : "Specified due date" }, "currency" : { "code" : "USD", "decimalPlaces" : 2, "displayLabel" : "US Dollar ($)", "displaySymbol" : "$", "name" : "US Dollar", "nameCode" : "currency.USD" }, "id" : 4, "name" : "Savings charge 1", "penalty" : false }, { "active" : true, "amount" : 300, "chargeAppliesTo" : { "code" : "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "id" : 2, "value" : "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType" : { "code" : "chargeCalculationType.flat", "id" : 1, "value" : "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode" : { "code" : "chargepaymentmode.regular", "id" : 0, "value" : "chargepaymentmode.regular" }, "chargeTimeType" : { "code" : "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "id" : 2, "value" : "Specified due date" }, "currency" : { "code" : "USD", "decimalPlaces" : 2, "displayLabel" : "US Dollar ($)", "displaySymbol" : "$", "name" : "US Dollar", "nameCode" : "currency.USD" }, "id" : 5, "name" : "Savings charge 2", "penalty" : false } ] }

Entity-Datatable Checks

This defines Entity-Datatable Check.

Field Descriptions
The entity to which the Entity-Datatable Check to be attached.
The action to be attached to an Entity-Datatable Check.
Name of the datatable on which the Entity-Datatable Check to be imposed.
Optional: The product to be associated with an entity.

Create Entity-Datatable Checks

Mandatory Fields
entity, status, datatableName

Non-Mandatory Fields
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/entityDatatableChecks POST entitydatatablechecks Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "entity": "m_loan", "status": 100, "datatableName": "Additional Details", "productId": 1 } { "resourceId": 1 }

List Entity-Datatable Checks

The list capability of Entity-Datatable Checks can support pagination.

Optional Arguments
Integer optional, defaults to 0
Indicates the result from which pagination starts
Integer optional, defaults to 200
Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/entityDatatableChecks?offset=0&limit=15 { "totalFilteredRecords": 15, "pageItems": [{ "id": 45, "entity": "m_client", "status": { "id": 100, "code": "CREATE", "value": "CREATE" }, "datatableName": "Client Personal Details", "systemDefined": false, "order": 45 }, { "id": 48, "entity": "m_group", "status": { "id": 100, "code": "CREATE", "value": "CREATE" }, "datatableName": "Group Activation Details", "systemDefined": false, "order": 48 }, ...] }

Retrieve Entity-Datatable Checks Template

This is a convenience resource useful for building maintenance user interface screens for Entity-Datatable Checks applications. The template data returned consists of:

  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/entityDatatableChecks/template { "entities": ["m_client", "m_loan", "m_group", "m_savings_account"], "statusClient": [{ "name": "CREATE", "code": 100 }, { "name": "ACTIVATE", "code": 300 }, { "name": "CLOSE", "code": 600 }], "statusGroup": [{ "name": "CREATE", "code": 100 }, { "name": "ACTIVATE", "code": 300 }, { "name": "CLOSE", "code": 600 }], "statusSavings": [{ "name": "CREATE", "code": 100 }, { "name": "APPROVE", "code": 200 }, { "name": "ACTIVATE", "code": 300 }, { "name": "WITHDRAWN", "code": 400 }, { "name": "REJECTED", "code": 500 }, { "name": "CLOSE", "code": 600 }], "statusLoans": [{ "name": "CREATE", "code": 100 }, { "name": "APPROVE", "code": 200 }, { "name": "ACTIVATE", "code": 300 }, { "name": "WITHDRAWN", "code": 400 }, { "name": "REJECTED", "code": 500 }, { "name": "WRITE_OFF", "code": 601 }], "datatables": [{ "entity": "m_group", "dataTableName": "Address Details" }, { "entity": "m_client", "dataTableName": "CACT" }, { "entity": "m_client", "dataTableName": "Family_Details" }], "loanProductDatas": [{ "id": 1, "name": "Sakhi Shakthi", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false, "useBorrowerCycle": false, "isLinkedToFloatingInterestRates": false, "isFloatingInterestRateCalculationAllowed": false, "allowVariableInstallments": false, "isInterestRecalculationEnabled": false, "canDefineInstallmentAmount": false, "principalVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "interestRateVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "numberOfRepaymentVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "canUseForTopup": false, "holdGuaranteeFunds": false, "accountMovesOutOfNPAOnlyOnArrearsCompletion": false, "syncExpectedWithDisbursementDate": false }, { "id": 2, "name": "MEL One", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false, "useBorrowerCycle": false, "isLinkedToFloatingInterestRates": false, "isFloatingInterestRateCalculationAllowed": false, "allowVariableInstallments": false, "isInterestRecalculationEnabled": false, "canDefineInstallmentAmount": false, "principalVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "interestRateVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "numberOfRepaymentVariationsForBorrowerCycle": [], "canUseForTopup": false, "holdGuaranteeFunds": false, "accountMovesOutOfNPAOnlyOnArrearsCompletion": false, "syncExpectedWithDisbursementDate": false }], "savingsProductDatas": [{ "id": 1, "name": "Deposit Account", "withdrawalFeeForTransfers": false, "allowOverdraft": false, "enforceMinRequiredBalance": false, "withHoldTax": false }, { "id": 2, "name": "Savings Account One", "withdrawalFeeForTransfers": false, "allowOverdraft": false, "enforceMinRequiredBalance": false, "withHoldTax": false }] }

Delete Entity-Datatable Checks

Deletes an existing Entity-Datatable Check

DELETE https://Domain Name/api/v1/entityDatatableChecks/{entityDatatableCheckId} { "resourceId": 1 }

Create a SMS Campaign

Mandatory Fields
campaignName, campaignType, triggerType, providerId, runReportId, message

Mandatory Fields for Cash based on selected report id
paramValue in json format
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/smscampaigns POST smscampaigns Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "campaignName": "Savings Deposit Campaign", "campaignType": "SMS", "triggerType": 3, "providerId": 2, "runReportId": 180, "paramValue": "{"officeId":1,"loanOfficerId":-1,"transactionId":1,"reportName":"Savings Deposit"}", "message": "Hello {fullName} your account is credited with {depositAmount} on {transactionDate}", } { "resourceId": 1 }

List SMS Campaigns

Mandatory Fields

Example Requests:

GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/smscampaigns [{ "id": 1, "campaignName": "Savings Deposit Campaign" "campaignType": "SMS", "triggerType": 3, "providerId": 2, "runReportId": 180, "reportName" : "Savings Deposit", "paramValue": "{"officeId":1,"loanOfficerId":-1,"transactionId":1,"reportName":"Savings Deposit"}", "message": "Hello {fullName} your account is credited with {depositAmount} on {transactionDate}", "status" : { "id":"","code":"","value":""} }]

Retrieve a SMS Campaign

Example Requests:



GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/smscampaigns/1 { "id": 1, "campaignName": "Savings Deposit Campaign" "campaignType": "SMS", "triggerType": 3, "providerId": 2, "runReportId": 180, "reportName" : "Savings Deposit", "paramValue": "{"officeId":1,"loanOfficerId":-1,"transactionId":1,"reportName":"Savings Deposit"}", "message": "Hello {fullName} your account is credited with {depositAmount} on {transactionDate}", "status" : { "id":"","code":"","value":""} } In case of Scheduled Campaign { "id": 1, "campaignName": "Savings Deposit Campaign" "campaignType": "SMS", "triggerType": 3, "providerId": 2, "runReportId": 180, "reportName" : "Savings Deposit", "paramValue": "{"officeId":1,"loanOfficerId":-1,"transactionId":1,"reportName":"Savings Deposit"}", "message": "Hello {fullName} your account is credited with {depositAmount} on {transactionDate}", "status" : { "id":"","code":"","value":""}, "nextTriggerDate": "22 Jan 2017", "lastTriggerDate": "22 Jan 2016", "recurrenceStartDate":"22 Jan 2016", "recurrence": "YEARLY" } smscampaigns/1?template=true { "id": 1, "campaignName": "Savings Deposit Campaign" "campaignType": "SMS", "triggerType": 3, "providerId": 2, "runReportId": 180, "reportName" : "Savings Deposit", "paramValue": "{"officeId":1,"loanOfficerId":-1,"transactionId":1,"reportName":"Savings Deposit"}", "message": "Hello {fullName} your account is credited with {depositAmount} on {transactionDate}", "status" : { "id":"","code":"","value":""} "smsProviderOptions": [{ "id": 1, "tenantId": "1", "phoneNo": "+XXXXXXXXXX", "providerName": "Twilio SMS Provider", "providerDescription": "Twilio, just for testing" }], "businessRulesOptions": [ { "reportId": 166, "reportName": "Active Clients", "reportType": "SMS", "reportSubType": "NonTriggered", "reportDescription": "All clients with the status ‘Active’", "reportParamName": { "Office": "OfficeIdSelectOne", "Loan Officer": "loanOfficerIdSelectAll" } } ], "triggerTypeOptions": [ {"id": 1,"code": "", "value": "Direct"}, {"id": 2, "code": "triggerType.schedule","value": "Scheduled"}, {"id": 3,"code": "triggerType.triggered","value": "Triggered"} ], "months": [ { "id": 1, "code": "JANUARY", "value": "JANUARY" }, { "id": 2, "code": "FEBRUARY", "value": "FEBRUARY" }, { "id": 3, "code": "MARCH", "value": "MARCH" }, { "id": 4, "code": "APRIL", "value": "APRIL" }, { "id": 5, "code": "MAY", "value": "MAY" }, { "id": 6, "code": "JUNE", "value": "JUNE" }, { "id": 7, "code": "JULY", "value": "JULY" }, { "id": 8, "code": "AUGUST", "value": "AUGUST" }, { "id": 9, "code": "SEPTEMBER", "value": "SEPTEMBER"}, { "id": 10, "code": "OCTOBER", "value": "OCTOBER"}, { "id": 11, "code": "NOVEMBER", "value": "NOVEMBER" } ], "weekDays": [ { "id": 1, "code": "calendarWeekDaysType.monday", "value": "MO" }, { "id": 2, "code": "calendarWeekDaysType.tuesday", "value": "TU" }, { "id": 3, "code": "calendarWeekDaysType.wednesday", "value": "WE" }, { "id": 4, "code": "calendarWeekDaysType.thursday", "value": "TH"}, { "id": 5, "code": "calendarWeekDaysType.friday", "value": "FR" }, { "id": 6, "code": "calendarWeekDaysType.saturday", "value": "SA" }, { "id": 7, "code": "calendarWeekDaysType.sunday", "value": "SU" } ], "frequencyTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "calendarFrequencyType.daily", "value": "DAILY" }, { "id": 2, "code": "calendarFrequencyType.weekly", "value": "WEEKLY"}, { "id": 3, "code": "calendarFrequencyType.monthly", "value": "MONTHLY"}, { "id": 4, "code": "calendarFrequencyType.yearly", "value": "YEARLY" } ], "periodFrequencyOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "periodFrequencyType.days", "value": "DAYS" }, { "id": 1, "code": "periodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "WEEKS" }, { "id": 2, "code": "periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "MONTHS" }, { "id": 3, "code": "periodFrequencyType.years", "value": "YEARS" } ] } smscampaigns/template { "smsProviderOptions": [{ "id": 1, "tenantId": "1", "phoneNo": "+XXXXXXXXXX", "providerName": "Twilio SMS Provider", "providerDescription": "Twilio, just for testing" }], "businessRulesOptions": [ { "reportId": 166, "reportName": "Active Clients", "reportType": "SMS", "reportSubType": "NonTriggered", "reportDescription": "All clients with the status ‘Active’", "reportParamName": { "Office": "OfficeIdSelectOne", "Loan Officer": "loanOfficerIdSelectAll" } } ], "triggerTypeOptions": [ {"id": 1,"code": "", "value": "Direct"}, {"id": 2, "code": "triggerType.schedule","value": "Scheduled"}, {"id": 3,"code": "triggerType.triggered","value": "Triggered"} ], "months": [ { "id": 1, "code": "JANUARY", "value": "JANUARY" }, { "id": 2, "code": "FEBRUARY", "value": "FEBRUARY" }, { "id": 3, "code": "MARCH", "value": "MARCH" }, { "id": 4, "code": "APRIL", "value": "APRIL" }, { "id": 5, "code": "MAY", "value": "MAY" }, { "id": 6, "code": "JUNE", "value": "JUNE" }, { "id": 7, "code": "JULY", "value": "JULY" }, { "id": 8, "code": "AUGUST", "value": "AUGUST" }, { "id": 9, "code": "SEPTEMBER", "value": "SEPTEMBER"}, { "id": 10, "code": "OCTOBER", "value": "OCTOBER"}, { "id": 11, "code": "NOVEMBER", "value": "NOVEMBER" } ], "weekDays": [ { "id": 1, "code": "calendarWeekDaysType.monday", "value": "MO" }, { "id": 2, "code": "calendarWeekDaysType.tuesday", "value": "TU" }, { "id": 3, "code": "calendarWeekDaysType.wednesday", "value": "WE" }, { "id": 4, "code": "calendarWeekDaysType.thursday", "value": "TH"}, { "id": 5, "code": "calendarWeekDaysType.friday", "value": "FR" }, { "id": 6, "code": "calendarWeekDaysType.saturday", "value": "SA" }, { "id": 7, "code": "calendarWeekDaysType.sunday", "value": "SU" } ], "frequencyTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "calendarFrequencyType.daily", "value": "DAILY" }, { "id": 2, "code": "calendarFrequencyType.weekly", "value": "WEEKLY"}, { "id": 3, "code": "calendarFrequencyType.monthly", "value": "MONTHLY"}, { "id": 4, "code": "calendarFrequencyType.yearly", "value": "YEARLY" } ], "periodFrequencyOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "periodFrequencyType.days", "value": "DAYS" }, { "id": 1, "code": "periodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "WEEKS" }, { "id": 2, "code": "periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "MONTHS" }, { "id": 3, "code": "periodFrequencyType.years", "value": "YEARS" } ] }

Update a Campaign

PUT https://Domain Name/api/v1/smscampaigns/{campaignId} POST smscampaigns/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "message": "Hello your savings account {savingsAccountNo} debited with {withdrawAmount}" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "message": "Hello your savings account {savingsAccountNo} debited with {withdrawAmount}" } }

Delete a SMS Campaign

Note: Only closed SMS Campaigns can be deleted

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/smscampaigns/{campaignId} DELETE smscampaigns/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "resourceId": 1, "changes": {} }

Activates SMS Campaign

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/smscampaigns/{campaignId}?command=activate POST smscampaigns/1?command=activate Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "activationDate":"01 May 2016", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "active", }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "activationDate": "01 May 2016" } }

Deactivates SMS Campaign

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/smscampaigns/{campaignId}?command=close POST smscampaigns/1?command=close Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "closureDate":"01 May 2016", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 600, "code": "smsCampaignStatus.closed", "value": "closed", }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "closureDate": "01 May 2016" } }

Reactivates SMS Campaign

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/smscampaigns/{campaignId}?command=reactivate POST smscampaigns/1?command=reactivate Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "activationDate":"01 May 2016", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "active", }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "activationDate": "01 May 2016" } }

Create a Share Product

Mandatory Fields
name, shortName, description, currencyCode, digitsAfterDecimal,inMultiplesOf, locale, totalShares, unitPrice, nominalShares,allowDividendCalculationForInactiveClients,accountingRule

Mandatory Fields for Cash based accounting (accountingRule = 2)
shareReferenceId, shareSuspenseId, shareEquityId, incomeFromFeeAccountId

Optional Fields
sharesIssued, minimumShares, maximumShares, minimumActivePeriodForDividends, minimumactiveperiodFrequencyType, lockinPeriodFrequency, lockinPeriodFrequencyType, marketPricePeriods, chargesSelected
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/products/share POST shareproducts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Share Product", "shortName": "SP", "description": "Description", "currencyCode": "USD", "digitsAfterDecimal": 2, "inMultiplesOf": "1", "locale": "en", "totalShares": "1000", "sharesIssued": "1000", "unitPrice": "1", "minimumShares": "10", "nominalShares": "20", "maximumShares": "30", "minimumActivePeriodForDividends": "1", "minimumactiveperiodFrequencyType": 0, "lockinPeriodFrequency": "1", "lockinPeriodFrequencyType": 1, "allowDividendCalculationForInactiveClients": "true", "marketPricePeriods": [{ "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "fromDate": "04 May 2016", "shareValue": "2" }], "chargesSelected": [{ "id": 20 }], "accountingRule": "1" } { "resourceId": 1 } POST shareproducts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Share Product", "shortName": "SP", "description": "Description", "currencyCode": "USD", "digitsAfterDecimal": 2, "inMultiplesOf": "1", "locale": "en", "totalShares": "100000", "sharesIssued": "100000", "unitPrice": "1", "minimumShares": "1000", "nominalShares": "2000", "maximumShares": "5000", "minimumActivePeriodForDividends": "1", "minimumactiveperiodFrequencyType": 0, "lockinPeriodFrequency": "1", "lockinPeriodFrequencyType": 1, "allowDividendCalculationForInactiveClients": "true", "marketPricePeriods": [{ "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "fromDate": "04 May 2016", "shareValue": "2" }], "chargesSelected": [{ "id": 20 }], "accountingRule": "2", "shareReferenceId": 5, "shareSuspenseId": 8, "shareEquityId": 66, "incomeFromFeeAccountId": 2 } { "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve a Share Product

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/products/share/1 { "id": 1, "name": "Share Product", "shortName": "SP", "description": "SP", "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 100, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "totalShares": 100, "totalSharesIssued": 50, "unitPrice": 1.00, "shareCapital": 50.00, "minimumShares": 1, "nominalShares": 10, "maximumShares": 50, "marketPrice": [ { "id": 4, "fromDate": "Feb 1, 2016", "shareValue": 1.00 }, { "id": 5, "fromDate": "May 3, 2016", "shareValue": 5.00 }], "charges": [{ "id": 20, "name": "Share Account Activation Flat", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 1.000000, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 13, "code": "chargeTimeType.activation", "value": "Share Account Activate" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 4, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.shares", "value": "Shares" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" } }], "allowDividendCalculationForInactiveClients": true, "lockinPeriod": 1, "lockPeriodTypeEnum": { "id": 0, "value": "Days" }, "minimumActivePeriod": 1, "minimumActivePeriodForDividendsTypeEnum": { "id": 0, "value": "Days" }, "accountingRule": { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "CASH BASED" }, "accountingMappings": { "shareReferenceId": { "id": 1, "name": "ACCOUNT_NAME_1FJBQ", "glCode": "ASSET_ED1461237837829" }, "incomeFromFeeAccountId": { "id": 14, "name": "ACCOUNT_NAME_1FJBQ", "glCode": "INCOME_OY1461237869836" }, "shareEquityId": { "id": 66, "name": "Equity Account", "glCode": "EQUITY1" }, "shareSuspenseId": { "id": 8, "name": "ACCOUNT_NAME_1FJBQ", "glCode": "LIABILITY_MA1461237860198" } }, "currencyOptions": [{ "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }], "chargeOptions": [{ "id": 20, "name": "Share Account Activation Flat", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 1.000000, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 13, "code": "chargeTimeType.activation", "value": "Share Account Activate" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 4, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.shares", "value": "Shares" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" } }, { "id": 21, "name": "Share Purchase %", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 0.500000, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 14, "code": "chargeTimeType.sharespurchase", "value": "Share Purchase" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 4, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.shares", "value": "Shares" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% Amount" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" } } ], "minimumActivePeriodFrequencyTypeOptions": [{ "id": 0, "code": "savings.lockin.sharePeriodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }], "lockinPeriodFrequencyTypeOptions": [{ "id": 0, "code": "savings.lockin.sharePeriodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "savings.lockin.sharePeriodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "savings.lockin.sharePeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "savings.lockin.sharePeriodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" }], "accountingMappingOptions": { "liabilityAccountOptions": [{ "id": 4, "name": "ACCOUNT_NAME_1FJBQ", "glCode": "LIABILITY_2T1461237838897", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.liability", "value": "LIABILITY" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "description": "DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION", "nameDecorated": "ACCOUNT_NAME_1FJBQ", "tagId": { "id": 0, "isActive": false } }], "assetAccountOptions": [{ "id": 1, "name": "ACCOUNT_NAME_1FJBQ", "glCode": "ASSET_ED1461237837829", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "description": "DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION", "nameDecorated": "ACCOUNT_NAME_1FJBQ", "tagId": { "id": 0, "isActive": false } }], "incomeAccountOptions": [{ "id": 2, "name": "ACCOUNT_NAME_1FJBQ", "glCode": "INCOME_9O1461237838422", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 4, "code": "accountType.income", "value": "INCOME" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "description": "DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION", "nameDecorated": "ACCOUNT_NAME_1FJBQ", "tagId": { "id": 0, "isActive": false } }], "equityAccountOptions": [{ "id": 66, "name": "Equity Account", "glCode": "EQUITY1", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 3, "code": "accountType.equity", "value": "EQUITY" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "nameDecorated": "Equity Account", "tagId": { "id": 0, "isActive": false } }] } }

Update a Share Product

PUT https://Domain Name/api/v1/products/share/{productId} POST shareproducts/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "description": "Share Product Description.", "locale": "en", "unitPrice": "5.0" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "description": "Share Product Description.", "unitPrice": 5.0, "locale": "en" } }

List Share Products

Mandatory Fields
limit, offset

Example Requests:

GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/products/share?limit=10&offset=0 { "totalFilteredRecords": 1, "pageItems": [{ "id": 1, "name": "Share Product", "shortName": "Share Product Description", "totalShares": 100 }] }

Create a Savings Product

Mandatory Fields
name, shortName, description, currencyCode, digitsAfterDecimal,inMultiplesOf, nominalAnnualInterestRate, interestCompoundingPeriodType, interestCalculationType, interestCalculationDaysInYearType,accountingRule

Mandatory Fields for Cash based accounting (accountingRule = 2)
savingsReferenceAccountId, savingsControlAccountId, interestOnSavingsAccountId, incomeFromFeeAccountId, transfersInSuspenseAccountId, incomeFromPenaltyAccountId

Optional Fields
minRequiredOpeningBalance, lockinPeriodFrequency, lockinPeriodFrequencyType, withdrawalFeeForTransfers, paymentChannelToFundSourceMappings, feeToIncomeAccountMappings, penaltyToIncomeAccountMappings, charges, allowOverdraft, overdraftLimit, minBalanceForInterestCalculation,withHoldTax,taxGroupId
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsproducts POST savingsproducts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Passbook Savings", "shortName": "PBSV", "description": "Daily compounding using Daily Balance, 5% per year, 365 days in year", "currencyCode": "USD", "digitsAfterDecimal": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "locale": "en", "nominalAnnualInterestRate": "5.0", "interestCompoundingPeriodType": 1, "interestPostingPeriodType":4, "interestCalculationType": 1, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": "365", "accountingRule":"1", "charges":[{"id":"1"}] } { "resourceId": 1 } POST savingsproducts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "name": "New Passbook Savings ", "shortName": "NPBS", "description": "A savings product", "currencyCode": "USD", "digitsAfterDecimal": "2", "inMultiplesOf": 0, "nominalAnnualInterestRate": "15", "interestCompoundingPeriodType": "1", "interestPostingPeriodType": "4", "interestCalculationType": "1", "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": "365", "minRequiredOpeningBalance": "50", "allowOverdraft":true, "overdraftLimit":5000, "minBalanceForInterestCalculation":5000, "minRequiredBalance":20, "enforceMinRequiredBalance":true, "lockinPeriodFrequency": "4", "lockinPeriodFrequencyType": "1", "withdrawalFeeForTransfers":false, "accountingRule": "2", "charges":[{"id":"1"},{"id":3}] "savingsReferenceAccountId": "16", "transfersInSuspenseAccountId": "16", "savingsControlAccountId": "15", "interestOnSavingsAccountId": "18", "incomeFromFeeAccountId": "4", "incomeFromPenaltyAccountId": "4", "feeToIncomeAccountMappings":[ { "chargeId":"6", "incomeAccountId":"16" } ], "penaltyToIncomeAccountMappings":[ { "chargeId":"4", "incomeAccountId":"15" } ], "paymentChannelToFundSourceMappings": [ { "paymentTypeId": "14", "fundSourceAccountId": "2" } ] } { "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve a Savings Product

Example Requests:



GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsproducts/1 { "id": 1, "name": "savings product", "shortName": "sa1", "description": "gtasga", "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "nominalAnnualInterestRate": 5.000000, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "withdrawalFeeForTransfers": false, "accountingRule": { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "CASH BASED" }, "accountingMappings": { "savingsReferenceAccount": { "id": 12, "name": "savings ref", "glCode": "20" }, "incomeFromFeeAccount": { "id": 16, "name": "income from savings fee", "glCode": "24" }, "incomeFromPenaltyAccount": { "id": 17, "name": "income from sav penalites", "glCode": "25" }, "interestOnSavingsAccount": { "id": 15, "name": "interest on savings", "glCode": "23" }, "savingsControlAccount": { "id": 13, "name": "savings ref tool kit", "glCode": "21" }, "transfersInSuspenseAccount": { "id": 14, "name": "saving transfers", "glCode": "22" } }, "paymentChannelToFundSourceMappings": [ { "paymentType": { "id": 10, "name": "check" }, "fundSourceAccount": { "id": 12, "name": "savings ref", "glCode": "20" } } ], "feeToIncomeAccountMappings": [ { "charge": { "id": 11, "name": "sav charge", "active": false, "penalty": false }, "incomeAccount": { "id": 16, "name": "income from savings fee", "glCode": "24" } } ], "penaltyToIncomeAccountMappings": [ { "charge": { "id": 12, "name": "sav 2", "active": false, "penalty": true }, "incomeAccount": { "id": 17, "name": "income from sav penalites", "glCode": "25" } } ], "charges": [] }

Update a Savings Product

PUT https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsproducts/{productId} POST savingsproducts/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "description": "Passbook Savings Lite.", "locale": "en", "interestRate": "5.73" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "description": "Passbook Savings Lite.", "interestRate": 5.73, "locale": "en" } }

Delete a Savings Product

DELETE https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsproducts/{productId} DELETE savingsproducts/1 Content-Type: application/json { "resourceId": 1 }

List Savings Products

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsproducts [ { "id": 1, "name": "Savings product", "shortName": "sa1", "description": "gtasga", "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "nominalAnnualInterestRate": 5.000000, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "withdrawalFeeForTransfers": false, "accountingRule": { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "CASH BASED" } } ]

Fixed Deposit Product:

This is one of the advanced term deposit product offered by MFI's. The Fixed Deposit Products (aka FD) product offerings are modeled using this API.

The FD products are deposit accounts which are held for a fixed term – like 1 year, 2 years etc.

When creating fixed deposit accounts, the details from the fixed deposit product are used to auto fill details of the fixed deposit account application process.

Field Descriptions
The name of the product offering.
Shortname associated with a fixed deposit product.
An abbreviated version of the name, used in reports or menus where space is limited.
A description of the product offering.
Three letter ISO code representing currency.
Override the currency default value for digitsAfterDecimal.
Override the default value for rounding currency to multiples of provided value.
The period at which interest rate is compounded. 1=Daily, 4=Monthly (at end of month)
The period at which interest rate is posted or credited to fixed deposit account. 4=Monthly (at end of month), 5=Quarterly (at end of quarter, 31st Mar, 30th Jun, 30th Sep, 31st Dec)
The interest calculation method used: 1=Daily Balance or 2=Average Daily Balance
The setting for number of days in year to use: 360=360 Days, 365=365 Days
Optional: If provided, used along with lockinPeriodFrequencyType to indicate the length of time that the fixed deposit account is 'locked in' and premature closure is not allowed. e.g. 2 Months
Optional: If provided, used along with lockinPeriodFrequency to indicate the length of time that the fixed deposit account is 'locked in' and premature closure is not allowed. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 2 Months
This is used along with minDepositTermTypeId to define allowed minimum deposit term for creating a fixed deposit account using this product. e.g. 6 Months
Used along with minDepositTerm to define allowed minimum deposit term for creating a fixed deposit account using this product. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 6 Months
Optional: If provided, used along with maxDepositTermTypeId to define allowed maximum deposit term for creating a fixed deposit account using this product. e.g. 3 Years
Optional: If provided, used along with maxDepositTerm to define allowed maximum deposit term for creating a fixed deposit account using this product. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 3 Years
Optional: If provided, used along with inMultiplesOfDepositTermTypeId to indicate the allowed deposit periods after minimum deposit period. e.g. If inMultiplesOfDepositTerm is 3 Months then the next allowed deposit period after minimum deposit of 6 Months should be 9 Months.
Optional: If provided, used along with inMultiplesOfDepositTerm to indicate the allowed deposit periods after minimum deposit period. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. If inMultiplesOfDepositTerm is 3 Months then the next allowed deposit period after minimum deposit of 6 Months should be 9 Months.
Optional: expects boolean value true/false, If provided as true then must provide preClosurePenalInterest and preClosurePenalInterestOnTypeId.
Optional: Must provide when preClosurePenalApplicable is true. Used along with preClosurePenalInterestOnTypeId to apply a penalalty on top of applicable interest rate for Pre-mature closure of accounts. e.g. “1%” means 1% less than the interest rate applicable.
Optional: Must provide when preClosurePenalApplicable is true. Used along with preClosurePenalInterest to decide what should be the applicable interest rate to which penalalty can be applied on Pre-mature closure of accounts. 1=Whole Term, 2=Till Premature withdrawal e.g. “1%” means 1% less than the interest rate applicable till premature withdrawal.
Specifies if accounting is enabled for the particular product and the type of the accounting rule to be used Example Values:1=NONE,2=CASH_BASED
Optional: If provided, sets an indicator for applying withhold tax on interest posting for savings account
Optional: If withhold tax set as true, with hold tax will be applied as per the tax group provided

Create a Fixed Deposit Product

Mandatory Fields
name, shortName, description, currencyCode, digitsAfterDecimal,inMultiplesOf, interestCompoundingPeriodType, interestCalculationType, interestCalculationDaysInYearType, minDepositTerm, minDepositTermTypeId, accountingRule

Mandatory Fields for Cash based accounting (accountingRule = 2)
savingsReferenceAccountId, savingsControlAccountId, interestOnSavingsAccountId, incomeFromFeeAccountId, transfersInSuspenseAccountId, incomeFromPenaltyAccountId

Optional Fields
lockinPeriodFrequency, lockinPeriodFrequencyType, maxDepositTerm, maxDepositTermTypeId, inMultiplesOfDepositTerm, inMultiplesOfDepositTermTypeId, preClosurePenalApplicable, preClosurePenalInterest, preClosurePenalInterestOnTypeId, feeToIncomeAccountMappings, penaltyToIncomeAccountMappings, charges, charts, , withHoldTax, taxGroupId
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositproducts POST fixeddepositproducts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Fixed deposit product", "shortName": "FD01", "description": "Daily compounding using Daily Balance, 5% per year, 365 days in year", "currencyCode": "USD", "digitsAfterDecimal": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "locale": "en", "interestCompoundingPeriodType": 1, "interestPostingPeriodType":4, "interestCalculationType": 1, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": "365", "accountingRule":"1", "preClosurePenalApplicable":"true", "preClosurePenalInterest":"1.75", "preClosurePenalInterestOnTypeId":1, "minDepositTerm":1, "minDepositTermTypeId":1, "maxDepositTerm":5, "maxDepositTermTypeId":3, "charts":[ { "fromDate": "01 Jan 2014", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "chartSlabs":[ { "description":"from 0 to 90 days", "periodType":"1", "fromPeriod":"0", "toPeriod":"90", "annualInterestRate":"4.5" } ] } ] } { "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve a Fixed Deposit Product

Example Requests:



GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositproducts/1 { "id": 1, "name": "Fixed deposit product", "shortName": "FD01", "description": "Daily compounding using Daily Balance, 5% per year, 365 days in year", "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "accountingMappings": { "savingsReferenceAccount": { "id": 12, "name": "savings ref", "glCode": "20" }, "incomeFromFeeAccount": { "id": 16, "name": "income from savings fee", "glCode": "24" }, "incomeFromPenaltyAccount": { "id": 17, "name": "income from sav penalites", "glCode": "25" }, "interestOnSavingsAccount": { "id": 15, "name": "interest on savings", "glCode": "23" }, "savingsControlAccount": { "id": 13, "name": "savings ref tool kit", "glCode": "21" }, "transfersInSuspenseAccount": { "id": 14, "name": "saving transfers", "glCode": "22" } }, "feeToIncomeAccountMappings": [ { "charge": { "id": 11, "name": "sav charge", "active": false, "penalty": false }, "incomeAccount": { "id": 16, "name": "income from savings fee", "glCode": "24" } } ], "penaltyToIncomeAccountMappings": [ { "charge": { "id": 12, "name": "sav 2", "active": false, "penalty": true }, "incomeAccount": { "id": 17, "name": "income from sav penalites", "glCode": "25" } } ], "preClosurePenalApplicable":"true", "preClosurePenalInterest":"1.75", "preClosurePenalInterestOnType": { "id": 1, "code": "preClosurePenalInterestOnType.wholeTerm", "value": "Whole term" }, "minDepositTerm":1, "minDepositTermType": { "id": 1, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, "maxDepositTerm":5, "maxDepositTermType": { "id": 3, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" }, "activeChart": { "id": 8, "fromDate": [ 2014, 1, 1 ], "savingsProductId": 8, "savingsProductName": "Fixed deposit product", "chartSlabs": [ { "id": 18, "description": "from 0 to 90 days", "periodType": { "id": 1, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, "fromPeriod": 0, "toPeriod": 90, "annualInterestRate": 4.5, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } } ], "periodTypes": [ { "id": 0, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.years", "value": "Years" } ] } }

Update a Fixed Deposit Product

PUT https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositproducts/{productId} POST fixeddepositproducts/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "description": "Fixed deposit product new offerings", "locale": "en", "minDepositTerm":5, "minDepositTermTypeId":1, } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "description": "Fixed deposit product new offerings", "minDepositTerm": 5 } }

Delete a Fixed Deposit Product

DELETE https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositdproducts/{productId} DELETE fixeddepositdproducts/1 Content-Type: application/json { "resourceId": 1 }

List Fixed Deposit Products

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositproducts [ { "id": 3, "name": "FD01", "shortName": "FD01", "description": "FD01", "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 1, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "preClosurePenalApplicable": false, "minDepositTerm": 3, "maxDepositTerm": 4, "minDepositTermType": { "id": 2, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "maxDepositTermType": { "id": 3, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" }, "nominalAnnualInterestRate": 0, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "accountingRule": { "id": 1, "code": "accountingRuleType.none", "value": "NONE" } } ]

Recurring Deposit Product:

Recurring Deposits are a special kind of Term Deposits offered by MFI's. The Recurring Deposit Products (aka RD) product offerings are modeled using this API.

Recurring Deposits help people with regular incomes to deposit a fixed amount every month (specified recurring frequency) into their Recurring Deposit account.

When creating recurring deposit accounts, the details from the recurring deposit product are used to auto fill details of the recurring deposit account application process.

e.g. 2 Months
Field Descriptions
The name of the product offering.
Shortname associated with a recurring deposit product.
An abbreviated version of the name, used in reports or menus where space is limited.
A description of the product offering.
Three letter ISO code representing currency.
Override the currency default value for digitsAfterDecimal.
Override the default value for rounding currency to multiples of provided value.
The period at which interest rate is compounded. 1=Daily, 4=Monthly (at end of month)
The period at which interest rate is posted or credited to recurring deposit account. 4=Monthly (at end of month), 5=Quarterly (at end of quarter, 31st Mar, 30th Jun, 30th Sep, 31st Dec)
The interest calculation method used: 1=Daily Balance or 2=Average Daily Balance
The setting for number of days in year to use: 360=360 Days, 365=365 Days
Optional: If provided, used along with lockinPeriodFrequencyType to indicate the length of time that the recurring deposit account is 'locked in' and premature closure is not allowed. e.g. 2 Months
The frequency for depositing a fixed amount to recurring deposit account.
Used along with recurringDepositFrequency to define frequency for depositing a fixed amount to recurring deposit account. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. deposit every 1 Months
This is used along with minDepositTermTypeId to define allowed minimum deposit term for creating a recurring deposit account using this product. e.g. 6 Months
Used along with minDepositTerm to define allowed minimum deposit term for creating a recurring deposit account using this product. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 6 Months
Optional: If provided, used along with maxDepositTermTypeId to define allowed maximum deposit term for creating a recurring deposit account using this product. e.g. 3 Years
Optional: If provided, used along with maxDepositTerm to define allowed maximum deposit term for creating a recurring deposit account using this product. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 3 Years
Optional: If provided, used along with inMultiplesOfDepositTermTypeId to indicate the allowed deposit periods after minimum deposit period. e.g. If inMultiplesOfDepositTerm is 3 Months then the next allowed deposit period after minimum deposit of 6 Months should be 9 Months.
Optional: If provided, used along with inMultiplesOfDepositTerm to indicate the allowed deposit periods after minimum deposit period. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. If inMultiplesOfDepositTerm is 3 Months then the next allowed deposit period after minimum deposit of 6 Months should be 9 Months.
Optional: expects boolean value true/false, If provided as true then must provide preClosurePenalInterest and preClosurePenalInterestOnTypeId.
Optional: Must provide when preClosurePenalApplicable is true. Used along with preClosurePenalInterestOnTypeId to apply a penalalty on top of applicable interest rate for Pre-mature closure of accounts. e.g. “1%” means 1% less than the interest rate applicable.
Optional: Must provide when preClosurePenalApplicable is true. Used along with preClosurePenalInterest to decide what should be the applicable interest rate to which penalalty can be applied on Pre-mature closure of accounts. 1=Whole Term, 2=Till Premature withdrawal e.g. “1%” means 1% less than the interest rate applicable till premature withdrawal.
Specifies if accounting is enabled for the particular product and the type of the accounting rule to be used Example Values:1=NONE,2=CASH_BASED
Optional: If provided, sets an indicator for applying withhold tax on interest posting for savings account
Optional: If withhold tax set as true, with hold tax will be applied as per the tax group provided

Create a Recurring Deposit Product

Mandatory Fields
name, shortName, description, currencyCode, digitsAfterDecimal,inMultiplesOf, interestCompoundingPeriodType, interestCalculationType, interestCalculationDaysInYearType, minDepositTerm, minDepositTermTypeId, recurringDepositFrequency, recurringDepositFrequencyTypeId, accountingRule, depositAmount

Mandatory Fields for Cash based accounting (accountingRule = 2)
savingsReferenceAccountId, savingsControlAccountId, interestOnSavingsAccountId, incomeFromFeeAccountId, transfersInSuspenseAccountId, incomeFromPenaltyAccountId

Optional Fields
lockinPeriodFrequency, lockinPeriodFrequencyType, maxDepositTerm, maxDepositTermTypeId, inMultiplesOfDepositTerm, inMultiplesOfDepositTermTypeId, preClosurePenalApplicable, preClosurePenalInterest, preClosurePenalInterestOnTypeId, feeToIncomeAccountMappings, penaltyToIncomeAccountMappings, charges, charts, minDepositAmount, maxDepositAmount, withHoldTax, taxGroupId
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositproducts POST recurringdepositproducts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Recurring deposit product", "shortName": "RD01", "description": "Daily compounding using Daily Balance, 5% per year, 365 days in year", "currencyCode": "USD", "digitsAfterDecimal": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "locale": "en", "interestCompoundingPeriodType": 1, "interestPostingPeriodType":4, "interestCalculationType": 1, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": "365", "accountingRule":"1", "recurringDepositFrequency":1, "recurringDepositFrequencyTypeId":2, "preClosurePenalApplicable":"true", "preClosurePenalInterest":"1.75", "preClosurePenalInterestOnTypeId":1, "minDepositTerm":1, "minDepositTermTypeId":1, "maxDepositTerm":5, "maxDepositTermTypeId":3, depositAmount: "10000", minDepositAmount: "100", maxDepositAmount: "1000000", "charts":[ { "fromDate": "01 Jan 2014", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "chartSlabs":[ { "description":"from 0 to 90 days", "periodType":"1", "fromPeriod":"0", "toPeriod":"90", "annualInterestRate":"4.5" } ] } ] } { "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve a Recurring Deposit Product

Example Requests:



GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositproducts/1 { "id": 1, "name": "Recurring deposit product", "shortName": "RD01", "description": "Daily compounding using Daily Balance, 5% per year, 365 days in year", "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "accountingMappings": { "savingsReferenceAccount": { "id": 12, "name": "savings ref", "glCode": "20" }, "incomeFromFeeAccount": { "id": 16, "name": "income from savings fee", "glCode": "24" }, "incomeFromPenaltyAccount": { "id": 17, "name": "income from sav penalites", "glCode": "25" }, "interestOnSavingsAccount": { "id": 15, "name": "interest on savings", "glCode": "23" }, "savingsControlAccount": { "id": 13, "name": "savings ref tool kit", "glCode": "21" }, "transfersInSuspenseAccount": { "id": 14, "name": "saving transfers", "glCode": "22" } }, "feeToIncomeAccountMappings": [ { "charge": { "id": 11, "name": "sav charge", "active": false, "penalty": false }, "incomeAccount": { "id": 16, "name": "income from savings fee", "glCode": "24" } } ], "penaltyToIncomeAccountMappings": [ { "charge": { "id": 12, "name": "sav 2", "active": false, "penalty": true }, "incomeAccount": { "id": 17, "name": "income from sav penalites", "glCode": "25" } } ], "recurringDepositFrequency":1, "recurringDepositFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "recurring.deposit.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "minDepositAmount":100.00, "depositAmount":10000.00, "maxDepositAmount":1000000.00, "preClosurePenalApplicable":"true", "preClosurePenalInterest":"1.75", "preClosurePenalInterestOnType": { "id": 1, "code": "preClosurePenalInterestOnType.wholeTerm", "value": "Whole term" }, "minDepositTerm":1, "minDepositTermType": { "id": 1, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, "maxDepositTerm":5, "maxDepositTermType": { "id": 3, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" }, "activeChart": { "id": 8, "fromDate": [ 2014, 1, 1 ], "savingsProductId": 8, "savingsProductName": "Fixed deposit product", "chartSlabs": [ { "id": 18, "description": "from 0 to 90 days", "periodType": { "id": 1, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, "fromPeriod": 0, "toPeriod": 90, "annualInterestRate": 4.5, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } } ], "periodTypes": [ { "id": 0, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.years", "value": "Years" } ] } }

Update a Recurring Deposit Product

PUT https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositproducts/{productId} POST recurringdepositproducts/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "description": "Recurring deposit product new offerings", "locale": "en", "minDepositTerm":5, "minDepositTermTypeId":1, } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "description": "Recurring deposit product new offerings", "minDepositTerm": 5 } }

Delete a Recurring Deposit Product

DELETE https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositdproducts/{productId} DELETE recurringdepositdproducts/1 Content-Type: application/json { "resourceId": 1 }

List Recuring Deposit Products

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositproducts [ { "id": 3, "name": "RD01", "shortName": "RD01", "description": "RD01", "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 1, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "recurringDepositFrequency":1, "recurringDepositFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "recurring.deposit.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "preClosurePenalApplicable": false, "minDepositTerm": 3, "maxDepositTerm": 4, "minDepositTermType": { "id": 2, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "maxDepositTermType": { "id": 3, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" }, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "accountingRule": { "id": 1, "code": "accountingRuleType.none", "value": "NONE" } } ]

Share Account:

Share accounts are instances of a praticular share product created for an individual. An application process around the creation of accounts is also supported.

Starting State Action Resultant State
- Submit Submitted and pending approval
Submitted and pending approval Reject Closed - Rejected
Submitted and pending approval Approve Approved
Approved Undo Approval Submitted and pending approval
Approved Activate Active

Field Descriptions
The client you are creating the share account for. clientId must be provided.
The id of the product used for this share account. The share account inherits the selected currency of the product and possibly other details if not overridden in the share account creation request.
The account no. associated with this account. Is auto generated if not provided at creation time.
A place to put an external reference for this share account useful in migrations e.g. The ID another system uses. If provided, it must be unique.
submittedOnDate must be provided when initially creating share account application. locale and dateFormat parameters must be provided with this.
The saving account id in which dividend amount should be posted.
Optional: If provided, used along with minimumActivePeriodFrequencyType to indicate the length of time that the share account for considering dividends. e.g. 60 Days
Optional: If provided, used along with minimumActivePeriod to indicate the length of time that the share account for considering dividends. 0=Days e.g. 60 Days
Optional: If provided, used along with lockinPeriodFrequencyType to indicate the length of time that the shares is 'locked in' and redeems are not allowed. e.g. 6 Months
Optional: If provided, used along with lockinPeriodFrequency to indicate the length of time that the shares is 'locked in' and redeems are not allowed. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 6 Months
Application date on which the first shares purchase should be considerd.

Retrieve Share Account Template:

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists


Integer mandatory
Integer optional
If entered, productId, productName and selectedProduct fields are returned.

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounts/share/template?clientId={clientId} { "clientId": 7, "clientName": "Client Name", "productOptions": [{ "id": 1, "name": "Share Product", "shortName": "SP", "totalShares": 100 }] }
GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounts/share/template?clientId={clientId}&productId={productId} { "clientId": 7, "clientName": "Client Name", "defaultShares": 100, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 100, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "currentMarketPrice": 5.00, "charges": [{ "chargeId": 20, "name": "Share Account Activation Flat", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 13, "code": "chargeTimeType.activation", "value": "Share Account Activate" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "amount": 1.000000, }], "lockinPeriodFrequencyTypeOptions": [{ "id": 0, "code": "savings.lockin.sharePeriodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "savings.lockin.sharePeriodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "savings.lockin.sharePeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "savings.lockin.sharePeriodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" }], "minimumActivePeriodFrequencyTypeOptions": [{ "id": 0, "code": "savings.lockin.sharePeriodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }], "clientSavingsAccounts": [{ "id": 13, "accountNo": "000000013", "depositType": { "id": 100, "code": "depositAccountType.savingsDeposit", "value": "Savings" } }] }

Submit new share application

Mandatory Fields
clientId, productId, submittedDate, savingsAccountId, requestedShares, applicationDate

Optional Fields
accountNo, externalId

Inherited from Product (if not provided)
minimumActivePeriod, minimumActivePeriodFrequencyType, lockinPeriodFrequency, lockinPeriodFrequencyType

Minimal request: accountNo auto generated, remaining details inherited from savings product.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounts/share POST savingsaccount Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "clientId": "7", "productId": 1, "requestedShares": 100, "externalId": "1", "submittedDate": "01 May 2016", "minimumActivePeriod": "1", "minimumActivePeriodFrequencyType": 0, "lockinPeriodFrequency": "1", "lockinPeriodFrequencyType": 0, "applicationDate": "01 May 2016", "allowDividendCalculationForInactiveClients": true, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "charges": [{ "chargeId": 20, "amount": 1 }, { "chargeId": 21, "amount": 0.5 }, { "chargeId": 23, "amount": 2 }], "savingsAccountId": 13 } { "resourceId": 1 }

Approve share application

Approves share application so long as its in 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounts/share/{shareAccountId}?command=approve POST shareaccount/1?command=approve Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "note":"notes", "approvedDate":"01 May 2016", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 200, "code": "shareAccountStatusType.approved", "value": "Approved", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": true, "rejected": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "approvedDate": "01 May 2016" } }

Undo approval share application

Will move 'approved' share application back to 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounts/share/{shareAccountId}?command=undoApproval POST shareaccount/1?command=undoApproval Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 100, "code": "shareAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "approvedOnDate": "" } }

Reject share application

Rejects share application so long as its in 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounts/share/{shareAccountId}?command=reject POST shareaccount/1?command=reject Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "rejectedDate": "03 March 2013" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 500, "code": "shareAccountStatusType.rejected", "value": "Rejected", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": true, "active": false, "closed": true }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "rejectedDate": "03 March 2013", "closedDate": "03 March 2013" } }

Activate a share account

Results in an approved share application being converted into an 'active' share account.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounts/share/{shareAccountId}?command=activate POST shareaccount/1?command=activate Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "activatedDate": "01 March 2013" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "active": true, "closed": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "activatedDate": "01 March 2013" } }

Close a share account

Results in an Activated share application being converted into an 'closed' share account.

closedDate is closure date of share account

Mandatory Fields

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounts/share/{shareAccountId}?command=close POST shareaccount/5?command=close Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en", "closedDate":"26 August 2013", "note":"close note" } { "resourceId":5, "changes":{ "status":{ "id":600, "code":"shareAccountStatusType.closed", "value":"Closed", "submittedAndPendingApproval":false, "approved":false, "rejected":false, "active":false, "closed":true }, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "closedOnDate":"26 August 2013", "note":"close note" } }

Apply additional shares on a share account

requestedDate is requsted date of share purchase

requestedShares is number of shares to be purchase

Mandatory Fields
dateFormat,locale,requestedDate, requestedShares

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounts/share/{shareAccountId}?command=applyadditionalshares POST shareaccount/5?command=applyadditionalshares Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "requestedDate": "04 May 2016", "requestedShares": "10", "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy" } { "resourceId":5, }

Approve additional shares request on a share account

requestedShares is Share purchase transaction ids

Mandatory Fields

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounts/share/{shareAccountId}?command=approveadditionalshares POST shareaccount/5?command=approveadditionalshares Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "requestedShares": [{ "id": 34 }] } { "resourceId":5, }

Reject additional shares request on a share account

requestedShares is Share purchase transaction ids

Mandatory Fields

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounts/share/{shareAccountId}?command=rejectadditionalshares POST shareaccount/5?command=rejectadditionalshares Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "requestedShares":[{"id":35}] } { "resourceId":5, }

Redeem shares on a share account

Results redeem some/all shares from share account.

requestedDate is requsted date of shares redeem

requestedShares is number of shares to be redeemed

Mandatory Fields

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounts/share/{shareAccountId}?command=redeemshares POST shareaccount/5?command=redeemshares Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "requestedDate": "04 May 2016", "requestedShares": "4", "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy" } { "resourceId":5, }

List share applications/accounts

Example Requests:

GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounts/share { "totalFilteredRecords": 1, "pageItems": [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Client Name", "productId": 1, "productName": "Share Product Name", "status": { "id": 100, "code": "shareAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2013, 3, 1 ] }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "purchasedShares" : [ {"id":1, "purchasedDate":"01 May 2013", "numberOfShares": 10, "purchasedPrice": 5 } ], "summary": { "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, } } ] }

Retrieve a share application/account:

Example Requests :

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/accounts/share/{accountId} { "id": 2, "accountNo": "000000002", "savingsAccountNumber": "000000013", "clientId": 7, "clientName": "Client_FirstName_2KX8C Client_LastName_NWNG", "productId": 1, "productName": "Share Product", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "active": true, "closed": false }, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [2016, 4, 1], "submittedByUsername": "mifos", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator", "approvedDate": [2016, 4, 1], "approvedByUsername": "mifos", "approvedByFirstname": "App", "approvedByLastname": "Administrator", "activatedDate": [2016, 4, 1] }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 100, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "summary": { "id": 2, "accountNo": "000000002", "totalApprovedShares": 1, "totalPendingForApprovalShares": 0, "productId": 1, "productName": "Conflux Share Product", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "active": true, "closed": false }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 100, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [2016, 4, 1], "submittedByUsername": "mifos", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator", "approvedDate": [2016, 4, 1], "approvedByUsername": "mifos", "approvedByFirstname": "App", "approvedByLastname": "Administrator", "activatedDate": [2016, 4, 1] } }, "purchasedShares": [{ "id": 6, "accountId": 2, "purchasedDate": [2016, 4, 1], "numberOfShares": 10, "purchasedPrice": 0.50, "status": { "id": 300, "code": "purchasedSharesStatusType.approved", "value": "Approved" }, "type": { "id": 500, "code": "purchasedSharesType.purchased", "value": "Purchase" }, "amount": 5.05, "chargeAmount": 0.05, "amountPaid": 5.05 }, { "id": 7, "accountId": 2, "purchasedDate": [2016, 4, 21], "status": { "id": 300, "code": "purchasedSharesStatusType.approved", "value": "Approved" }, "type": { "id": 700, "code": "charge.payment", "value": "Charge Payment" }, "amount": 1.00, "chargeAmount": 0, "amountPaid": 1.00 }, { "id": 8, "accountId": 2, "purchasedDate": [2016, 4, 2], "numberOfShares": 5, "purchasedPrice": 0.50, "status": { "id": 300, "code": "purchasedSharesStatusType.approved", "value": "Approved" }, "type": { "id": 600, "code": "purchasedSharesType.redeemed", "value": "Redeem" }, "amount": 2.45, "chargeAmount": 0.05, "amountPaid": 2.45 }, { "id": 9, "accountId": 2, "purchasedDate": [2016, 4, 3], "numberOfShares": 10, "purchasedPrice": 0.50, "status": { "id": 300, "code": "purchasedSharesStatusType.approved", "value": "Approved" }, "type": { "id": 500, "code": "purchasedSharesType.purchased", "value": "Purchase" }, "amount": 5.05, "chargeAmount": 0.05, "amountPaid": 5.05 }, { "id": 10, "accountId": 2, "purchasedDate": [2016, 4, 4], "numberOfShares": 5, "purchasedPrice": 0.50, "status": { "id": 300, "code": "purchasedSharesStatusType.approved", "value": "Approved" }, "type": { "id": 500, "code": "purchasedSharesType.purchased", "value": "Purchase" }, "amount": 2.52, "chargeAmount": 0.02, "amountPaid": 2.52 }, { "id": 11, "accountId": 2, "purchasedDate": [2016, 4, 5], "numberOfShares": 15, "purchasedPrice": 0.50, "status": { "id": 300, "code": "purchasedSharesStatusType.approved", "value": "Approved" }, "type": { "id": 600, "code": "purchasedSharesType.redeemed", "value": "Redeem" }, "amount": 7.35, "chargeAmount": 0.15, "amountPaid": 7.35 }, { "id": 31, "accountId": 2, "purchasedDate": [2016, 5, 4], "numberOfShares": 4, "purchasedPrice": 5.00, "status": { "id": 300, "code": "purchasedSharesStatusType.approved", "value": "Approved" }, "type": { "id": 600, "code": "purchasedSharesType.redeemed", "value": "Redeem" }, "amount": 19.60, "chargeAmount": 0.40, "amountPaid": 19.60 }], "savingsAccountId": 13, "currentMarketPrice": 5.00, "lockinPeriod": 1, "lockPeriodTypeEnum": { "id": 0, "code": "savings.lockin.sharePeriodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, "minimumActivePeriod": 1, "minimumActivePeriodTypeEnum": { "id": 0, "code": "savings.lockin.sharePeriodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, "allowDividendCalculationForInactiveClients": true, "charges": [{ "id": 9, "chargeId": 20, "accountId": 2, "name": "Share Account Activation Flat", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 13, "code": "chargeTimeType.activation", "value": "Share Account Activate" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "percentage": 0, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 1.000000, "amountPaid": 1.000000, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 0.000000, "amountOrPercentage": 1.000000, "isActive": true }, { "id": 7, "chargeId": 21, "accountId": 2, "name": "Share Purchase %", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 14, "code": "chargeTimeType.sharespurchase", "value": "Share Purchase" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% Amount" }, "percentage": 1.000000, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 12.500000, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 0.120000, "amountPaid": 0.120000, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 0.000000, "amountOrPercentage": 1.000000, "isActive": true }, { "id": 8, "chargeId": 23, "accountId": 2, "name": "Share Redeem %", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 15, "code": "chargeTimeType.sharesredeem", "value": "Share Redeem" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% Amount" }, "percentage": 2.000000, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 30.000000, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 0.600000, "amountPaid": 0.600000, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 0.000000, "amountOrPercentage": 2.000000, "isActive": true }], "dividends": [] }

Modify a share application

Share application can only be modified when in 'Submitted and pending approval' state. Once the application is approved, the details cannot be changed using this method. Specific api endpoints will be created to allow change of interest detail such as rate, compounding period, posting period etc

PUT https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounts/share/{accountsId} PUT shareaccount/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "applicationDate": "01 April 2016", "requestedShares": "20", } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "applicationDate": "01 April 2016", "requestedShares": "20", "locale": "en" } }

Savings Account:

Savings accounts are instances of a praticular savings product created for an individual or group. An application process around the creation of accounts is also supported.

Starting State Action Resultant State
- Submit Submitted and pending approval
Submitted and pending approval Reject Closed - Rejected
Submitted and pending approval Withdrawn by Applicant Closed - Withdrawn by Applicant
Submitted and pending approval Approve Approved
Approved Undo Approval Submitted and pending approval
Approved Activate Active

Field Descriptions
The client you are creating the savings account for. Either clientId or groupId must be provided.
The group you are creating the savings account for. Either clientId or groupId must be provided.
The id of the product used for this savings account. The savings account inherits the selected currency of the product and possibly other details if not overridden in the savings account creation request.
The account no. associated with this loan. Is auto generated if not provided at creation time.
A place to put an external reference for this savings account useful in migrations e.g. The ID another system uses. If provided, it must be unique.
submittedOnDate must be provided when initially creating savings account application. locale and dateFormat parameters must be provided with this.
The interest rate set for savings account e.g. 5% Per year - It is always expressed as the Nominal APR.
The period at which interest rate is compounded. 1=Daily, 4=Monthly (at end of month)
The period at which interest rate is posted or credited to savings account. The actual crediting or posting transaction is date as occurring on the day after the end of the period. 4=Monthly (at end of month), 5=Quarterly (at end of quarter, 31st Mar, 30th Jun, 30th Sep, 31st Dec), 7=Annually (at end of calendar year 31st Dec)
The interest calculation method used: 1=Daily Balance or 2=Average Daily Balance
The setting for number of days in year to use: 360=360 Days, 365=365 Days
Optional: If provided, sets the minimum deposit amount required to open a savings account e.g. 2,000
Optional: If provided, used along with lockinPeriodFrequencyType to indicate the length of time that the savings account is 'locked in' and withdrawals are not allowed. e.g. 6 Months
Optional: If provided, used along with lockinPeriodFrequency to indicate the length of time that the savings account is 'locked in' and withdrawals are not allowed. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 6 Months
Optional: Used along with withdrawalFeeAmount to indicate whether the withdrawal fee should be applied on the account for account transfers .
Optional: If provided, depending on the value mark the savings account as overdraft account
Optional: If provided, sets the maximum allowed overdraft amount for a savings account e.g. 5,000 else set the limit as zero
Optional: If tax group provided at product level, will allow to Enable or disable withhold tax on interest posting for savings account
Additional Mandatory Field if Entity-Datatable Check is enabled for the entity of type Savings.

Retrieve Savings Account Template:

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists


Integer mandatory
Integer optional
If entered, productId, productName and selectedProduct fields are returned.

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/template?clientId={clientId} { "clientId": 1, "clientName": "small business", "productOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Passbook Savings" } ] }
GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/template?clientId={clientId}&productId={productId} { "clientId": 1, "clientName": "small business", "savingsProductId": 1, "savingsProductName": "Passbook Savings", "timeline": {}, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "nominalAnnualInterestRate": 5, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "productOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Passbook Savings" } ], "fieldOfficerOptions": [ { "id": 3, "firstname": "Mrs.", "lastname": "loanofficerB1", "displayName": "loanofficerB1, Mrs.", "officeId": 2, "officeName": "branch 1", "isLoanOfficer": true }, { "id": 1, "firstname": "Mr.", "lastname": "loanofficerHO", "displayName": "loanofficerHO, Mr.", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "branch 1", "isLoanOfficer": true } ], "interestCompoundingPeriodTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" } ], "interestPostingPeriodTypeOptions": [ { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, { "id": 5, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.quarterly", "value": "Quarterly" }, { "id": 7, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.annual", "value": "Annually" } ], "interestCalculationTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, { "id": 2, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.averagedailybalance", "value": "Average Daily Balance" } ], "interestCalculationDaysInYearTypeOptions": [ { "id": 360, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days360", "value": "360 Days" }, { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" } ], "lockinPeriodFrequencyTypeOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" } ], "withdrawalFeeTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "savingsWithdrawalFeesType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, { "id": 2, "code": "savingsWithdrawalFeesType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% of Amount" } ], "chargeOptions": [ { "id": 4, "name": "Savings charge 1", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 200, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "chargepaymentmode.regular" } }, { "id": 5, "name": "Savings charge 2", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 300, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "chargepaymentmode.regular" } }, { "id": 6, "name": "Annual fee", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 50, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 6, "code": "chargeTimeType.annualFee", "value": "Annual Fee" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" } }, { "id": 7, "name": "Quarterly fee", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 5, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 7, "code": "chargeTimeType.monthlyFee", "value": "Monthly Fee" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" }, "feeOnMonthDay": [ 10, 5 ], "feeInterval": 4 } ], "datatables": [{ "applicationTableName": "m_savings_account", "registeredTableName": "Savings Address Enrichment", "columnHeaderData": [{ "columnName": "savings_account_id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Name", "columnType": "varchar", "columnLength": 25, "columnDisplayType": "STRING", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "COUNTRY_cd_country details", "columnType": "int", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "CODELOOKUP", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [{ "id": 17, "value": "India", "score": 0 }], "columnCode": "COUNTRY" }] }] }

Submit new savings application

Mandatory Fields
clientId or groupId, productId, submittedOnDate

Optional Fields
accountNo, externalId, fieldOfficerId

Inherited from Product (if not provided)
nominalAnnualInterestRate, interestCompoundingPeriodType, interestCalculationType, interestCalculationDaysInYearType, minRequiredOpeningBalance, lockinPeriodFrequency, lockinPeriodFrequencyType, withdrawalFeeForTransfers, allowOverdraft, overdraftLimit, withHoldTax

Additional Mandatory Field if Entity-Datatable Check is enabled for the entity of type Savings.

Minimal request: accountNo auto generated, remaining details inherited from savings product.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts POST savingsaccount Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "clientId": 1, "productId": 1, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "submittedOnDate": "01 March 2011" }

Minimal request: accountNo provided (must be unique), remaining details inherited from savings product.

POST savingsaccount Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "clientId": 1, "productId": 1, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "submittedOnDate": "01 March 2011", "accountNo": "SA000023", "externalId": "SYS-23" }

Full request: accountNo provided (must be unique), remaining details override details from savings product (except currency).

POST savingsaccount Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "clientId": 1, "productId": 1, "fieldOfficerId": 1, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "submittedOnDate": "01 March 2013", "accountNo": "SA000023", "externalId": "SYS-23", "nominalAnnualInterestRate": "5.65", "interestCompoundingPeriodType": 1, "interestPostingPeriodType": 4, "interestCalculationType": 1, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": 365, "minRequiredOpeningBalance": "1,000", "lockinPeriodFrequency": 6, "lockinPeriodFrequencyType": 2, "allowOverdraft":true, "overdraftLimit":5000, "charges":[{"id":"1"}], "datatables": [{ "registeredTableName": "Savings Enrichment", "data": { "locale": "en", "Name": "Raj", "COUNTRY_cd_country details": 17 } }, { "registeredTableName": "SavingsDataTableCreate", "data": { "locale": "en", "Volume": "25", "CurrentTimestamp": "01 December 2016 12:44", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm", "DateData": "01 December 2016 00:00" } }] } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Approve savings application

Approves savings application so long as its in 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{savingsId}?command=approve POST savingsaccount/1?command=approve Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "approvedOnDate": "01 March 2013" } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 200, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.approved", "value": "Approved", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": true, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "approvedOnDate": "02 March 2013" } }

Undo approval savings application

Will move 'approved' savings application back to 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{savingsId}?command=undoApproval POST savingsaccount/1?command=undoApproval Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "approvedOnDate": "" } }

Assign Savings Officer

Allows you to assign Savings Officer for existing Savings Account.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{savingsId}?command=assignSavingsOfficer POST savingsaccounts/1?command=assignSavingsOfficer Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { assignmentDate : "04 September 2014", dateFormat : "dd MMMM yyyy", fromSavingsOfficerId : "", locale : "en", toSavingsOfficerId : 2 } { "officeId":2, "savingsId":8, "resourceId":8, "changes":{"savingsOfficerId":2} }

Unassign Savings Officer

Allows you to unassign the Savings Officer.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{savingsId}?command=unassignSavingsOfficer POST savingsaccounts/1?command=unassignSavingsOfficer Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { dateFormat : "dd MMMM yyyy", locale : "en", unassignedDate : "05 September 2014" } { "officeId":2, "clientId":8, "resourceId":8, "changes":{} }

Reject savings application

Rejects savings application so long as its in 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{savingsId}?command=reject POST savingsaccount/1?command=reject Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "rejectedOnDate": "03 March 2013" } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 500, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.rejected", "value": "Rejected", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": true, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": true }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "rejectedOnDate": "03 March 2013", "closedOnDate": "03 March 2013" } }

Withdraw savings application

Used when an applicant withdraws from the savings application. It must be in 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{savingsId}?command=withdrawnByApplicant POST savingsaccount/1?command=withdrawnByApplicant Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "withdrawnOnDate": "03 March 2013" } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 400, "code": "", "value": "Withdrawn by applicant", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": true, "active": false, "closed": true }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "withdrawnOnDate": "03 March 2013", "closedOnDate": "03 March 2013" } }

Activate a savings account

Results in an approved savings application being converted into an 'active' savings account.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{savingsId}?command=activate POST savingsaccount/1?command=activate Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "activatedOnDate": "01 March 2013" } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": true, "closed": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "activatedOnDate": "01 March 2013" } }

Close a savings account

Results in an Activated savings application being converted into an 'closed' savings account.

closedOnDate is closure date of savings account

withdrawBalance is a boolean value, true value of this field performs a withdrawal transaction with account's running balance.

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields
note, withdrawBalance, paymentTypeId, accountNumber, checkNumber, routingCode, receiptNumber, bankNumber
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{savingsId}?command=close POST savingsaccount/5?command=close Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en", "closedOnDate":"26 August 2013", "note":"close note" } { "officeId":1, "clientId":1, "savingsId":5, "resourceId":5, "changes":{ "status":{ "id":600, "code":"savingsAccountStatusType.closed", "value":"Closed", "submittedAndPendingApproval":false, "approved":false, "rejected":false, "withdrawnByApplicant":false, "active":false, "closed":true }, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "closedOnDate":"26 August 2013", "note":"close note" } } POST savingsaccount/5?command=close Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en", "closedOnDate":"26 August 2013", "note":"close note", "withdrawBalance":true, "paymentTypeId": "14", "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } { "officeId":1, "clientId":1, "savingsId":5, "resourceId":5, "changes":{ "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123", "status":{ "id":600, "code":"savingsAccountStatusType.closed", "value":"Closed", "submittedAndPendingApproval":false, "approved":false, "rejected":false, "withdrawnByApplicant":false, "active":false, "closed":true }, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "closedOnDate":"26 August 2013", "note":"close note" } }

Calculate Interest on Savings Account

Calculates interest earned on a savings account based on todays date. It does not attempt to post or credit the interest on the account. That is responsibility of the Post Interest API that will likely be called by overnight process.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{savingsId}?command=calculateInterest POST savingsaccount/1?command=calculateInterest Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Post Interest on Savings Account

Calculates and Posts interest earned on a savings account based on todays date and whether an interest posting or crediting event is due.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{savingsId}?command=postInterest POST savingsaccount/1?command=postInterest Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

List savings applications/accounts

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts { "totalFilteredRecords": 1, "pageItems": [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "clientId": 1, "clientName": "small business", "savingsProductId": 1, "savingsProductName": "Passbook Savings", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2013, 3, 1 ] }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "nominalAnnualInterestRate": 5, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "summary": { "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "accountBalance": 0 } } ] }

Retrieve a savings application/account:


optional, Either 'all' or a comma separated list of savings 'associations' (itemized below).

Associations are just extra pieces of data that you might or might not want to retrieve.

'all': Gets data related to all associations e.g. ?associations=all.
'transactions': Gets data related to transactions on the account e.g. ?associations=transactions
'charges':Savings Account charges data.

Example Requests :


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountId} { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "clientId": 1, "clientName": "small business", "savingsProductId": 1, "savingsProductName": "Passbook Savings", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2013, 3, 1 ] }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "nominalAnnualInterestRate": 5, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "summary": { "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "accountBalance": 0 } }

Modify a savings application

Savings application can only be modified when in 'Submitted and pending approval' state. Once the application is approved, the details cannot be changed using this method. Specific api endpoints will be created to allow change of interest detail such as rate, compounding period, posting period etc

PUT https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountsId} PUT savingsaccounts/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "locale": "en", "nominalAnnualInterestRate": "5.9999999999" } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "nominalAnnualInterestRate": 5.9999999999, "locale": "en" } }

Modify savings account withhold tax applicability

Savings application's withhold tax can be modified when in 'Active' state. Once the application is activated, can modify the account withhold tax to post tax or vice-versa

PUT https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountsId}?command=updateWithHoldTax PUT savingsaccounts/1?command=updateWithHoldTax Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "withHoldTax": false } { "savingsId": 138, "resourceId": 138, "changes": { "withHoldTax": false } }

Delete a savings application

At present we support hard delete of savings application so long as its in 'Submitted and pending approval' state. One the application is moves past this state, it is not possible to do a 'hard' delete of the application or the account. An API endpoint will be added to close/de-activate the savings account.

DELETE https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountsId} DELETE savingsaccounts/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Savings Account Transactions:

Transactions possible on a savings account.

Field Descriptions
The date of the transaction.
The amount of the transaction.

Retrieve Savings Account Transaction Template:

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/template { "accountId": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "date": [ 2013, 5, 27 ], "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "paymentTypeOptions": [ { "id": 14, "name": "Wire Transfer", "position": 0 }, { "id": 13, "name": "Cash", "position": 1 } ] }

Retrieve Savings Account Transaction:

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId} { "id": 1, "transactionType": { "id": 2, "code": "savingsAccountTransactionType.withdrawal", "value": "Withdrawal", "deposit": false, "withdrawal": true, "interestPosting": false, "feeDeduction": false }, "accountId": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "date": [ 2013, 8, 7 ], "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "paymentDetailData": { "id": 62, "paymentType": { "id": 11, "name": "cash" }, "accountNumber": "", "checkNumber": "", "routingCode": "", "receiptNumber": "", "bankNumber": "" }, "amount": 5000, "runningBalance": 0, "reversed": true }

Deposit Transaction

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountsId}/transactions?command=deposit POST savingsaccounts/1/transactions?command=deposit Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "transactionDate": "27 May 2013", "transactionAmount": "500", "paymentTypeId": "14", "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 2, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 47, "changes": { "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } }

Withdrawal Transaction

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountsId}/transactions?command=withdrawal POST savingsaccounts/1/transactions?command=withdrawal Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "transactionDate": "27 May 2013", "transactionAmount": "500", "paymentTypeId": "14", "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 2, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 48, "changes": { "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } }

Adjust Transaction

This command modifies the given transaction.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountsId}/transactions/{transactionId}?command=modify POST savingsaccounts/1/transactions/1?command=modify Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "transactionDate": "27 May 2013", "transactionAmount": "500", "paymentTypeId": "14", "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 2, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 48, "changes": { "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } }

Undo transaction

This command reverses the given transaction.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountsId}/transactions/{transactionId}?command=undo POST savingsaccounts/1/transactions/1?command=undo Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 2, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Savings Charges

Its typical for MFIs to add maintenance and operating charges. They can be either Fees or Penalties.

Savings Charges are instances of Charges and represent either fees and penalties for savings products. Refer Charges for documentation of the various properties of a charge, Only additional properties ( specific to the context of a Charge being associated with a Savings account) are described here

Field Descriptions
The Total amount which has been paid for this Charge
The Total amount that has been waived for this Charge
Total amount written off from this Charge
The Total outstanding amount for this Charge

List Savings Charges

Example Requests:





GET https://DomainName/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges [ { "id": 1, "chargeId": 3, "accountId": 57, "name": "Savings account maintenance fee", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "percentage": 0, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 100, "amountOrPercentage": 100, "penalty": false }, { "id": 2, "chargeId": 4, "accountId": 57, "name": "Pass book Fee", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "dueDate": [ 2013, 3, 29 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "percentage": 0, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 100, "amountOrPercentage": 100, "penalty": false }, { "id": 9, "chargeId": 4, "accountId": 57, "name": "Withdrawal fee percentage", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 5, "code": "chargeTimeType.withdrawalFee", "value": "Withdrawal Fee" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% Amount" }, "percentage": 0.25, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 0, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 0, "amountOrPercentage": 0.25, "penalty": false }, { "id": 10, "chargeId": 6, "accountId": 57, "name": "Annual fee - INR", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 6, "code": "chargeTimeType.annualFee", "value": "Annual Fee" }, "feeOnMonthDay": [ 10, 9 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "percentage": 0, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 50, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 50, "amountOrPercentage": 50, "penalty": false } ]

Retrieve Savings Charges Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/template { "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "chargeOptions": [ { "id": 2, "name": "Passbook Fee", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" } }, { "id": 3, "name": "Chequebook fee", "active": true, "penalty": true, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 1, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" } }, { "id": 6, "name": "Annual fee", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 50, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 6, "code": "chargeTimeType.annualFee", "value": "Annual Fee" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" } } ], "penalty": false }

Retrieve a Savings account Charge

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId} { "id": 1, "chargeId": 1, "name": "Passbook fee", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "percentage": 0, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 100, "amountOrPercentage": 100, "penalty": false }

Create a Savings account Charge

Mandatory Fields for Savings account Charges
chargeId, amount
Mandatory Fields for Savings account Charges of Specified due date type
chargeId, amount, dueDate, dateFormat, locale
Mandatory Fields for Savings account Charges of Annual fee type
chargeId, amount, feeOnMonthDay, monthDayFormat, locale
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges POST /savingsaccounts/1/charges Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "chargeId": "2", "locale": "en", "amount": "100", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "dueDate": "29 April 2013" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 6 } POST /savingsaccounts/1/charges Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "chargeId": "2", "locale": "en", "amount": "25", "monthDayFormat": "dd MMMM", "feeOnMonthDay": "09 October" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 7 }

Update a Savings account Charge

Currently Savings account Charges may be updated only if the Savings account is not yet approved.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId} PUT savingsaccounts/1/charges/6 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "amount": "60", "dueDate": "27 March 2013" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 6, "changes": { "dueDate": "27 March 2013", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "amount": 60.0 } }

Delete a Savings account Charge

Note:Currently, A Savings account Charge may only be removed from Savings that are not yet approved.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId} DELETE savingsaccounts/1/charges/2 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 2 }

Pay a Savings account Charge

An active charge will be paid when savings account is active and having sufficient balance.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId}?command=paycharge POST savingsaccounts/1/charges/2?command=paycharge Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "amount": "60", "dueDate": "12 September 2013" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 2 }

Waive off a Savings account Charge

Outstanding charge amount will be waived off.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId}?command=waive POST savingsaccounts/1/charges/2?command=waive Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 2 }

Inactivate a Savings account Charge

A charge will be allowed to inactivate when savings account is active and not having any dues as of today. If charge is overpaid, corresponding charge payment transactions will be reversed.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId}?command=inactivate POST savingsaccounts/1/charges/2?command=inactivate Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 2 }

Fixed Deposit Account:

Fixed Deposit accounts are instances of a praticular fixed deposit product created. An application process around the creation of accounts is also supported.

Starting State Action Resultant State
- Submit Submitted and pending approval
Submitted and pending approval Reject Closed - Rejected
Submitted and pending approval Withdrawn by Applicant Closed - Withdrawn by Applicant
Submitted and pending approval Approve Approved
Approved Undo Approval Submitted and pending approval
Approved Activate Active

Field Descriptions
The client you are creating the fixed deposit account for. Either clientId or groupId must be provided.
The group you are creating the fixed deposit account for. Either clientId or groupId must be provided.
The id of the product used for this fixed deposit account. The fixed deposit account inherits the selected currency of the product and possibly other details if not overridden in the fixed deposit account creation request.
The account no. associated with this fixed deposit. Is auto generated if not provided at creation time.
A place to put an external reference for this fixed deposit account useful in migrations e.g. The ID another system uses. If provided, it must be unique.
submittedOnDate must be provided when initially creating fixed deposit account application. locale and dateFormat parameters must be provided with this.
The period at which interest rate is compounded. 1=Daily, 4=Monthly (at end of month)
The period at which interest rate is posted or credited to fixed deposit account. The actual crediting or posting transaction is date as occurring on the day after the end of the period. 4=Monthly (at end of month), 5=Quarterly (at end of quarter, 31st Mar, 30th Jun, 30th Sep, 31st Dec), 7=Annually (at end of calendar year 31st Dec)
The interest calculation method used: 1=Daily Balance or 2=Average Daily Balance
The setting for number of days in year to use: 360=360 Days, 365=365 Days
Optional: If provided, used along with lockinPeriodFrequencyType to indicate the length of time that the fixed deposit account is 'locked in' and withdrawals are not allowed. e.g. 6 Months
Optional: If provided, used along with lockinPeriodFrequency to indicate the length of time that the fixed deposit account is 'locked in' and withdrawals are not allowed. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 6 Months
The fixed deposit amount for which interest is provided on maturity.
Used along with depositPeriodFrequencyId to define term for which amount is deposited in fixed deposit. e.g. 6 Months
Used along with depositPeriod to define term for which amount is deposited in fixed deposit. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 6 Months
This is used along with minDepositTermTypeId to define allowed minimum deposit term for creating a fixed deposit account using this product. e.g. 6 Months
Used along with minDepositTerm to define allowed minimum deposit term for creating a fixed deposit account using this product. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 6 Months
Optional: If provided, used along with maxDepositTermTypeId to define allowed maximum deposit term for creating a fixed deposit account using this product. e.g. 3 Years
Optional: If provided, used along with maxDepositTerm to define allowed maximum deposit term for creating a fixed deposit account using this product. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 3 Years
Optional: If provided, used along with inMultiplesOfDepositTermTypeId to indicate the allowed deposit periods after minimum deposit period. e.g. If inMultiplesOfDepositTerm is 3 Months then the next allowed deposit period after minimum deposit of 6 Months should be 9 Months.
Optional: If provided, used along with inMultiplesOfDepositTerm to indicate the allowed deposit periods after minimum deposit period. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. If inMultiplesOfDepositTerm is 3 Months then the next allowed deposit period after minimum deposit of 6 Months should be 9 Months.
Optional: expects boolean value true/false, If provided as true then must provide preClosurePenalInterest and preClosurePenalInterestOnTypeId.
Optional: Must provide when preClosurePenalApplicable is true. Used along with preClosurePenalInterestOnTypeId to apply a penalalty on top of applicable interest rate for Pre-mature closure of accounts. e.g. “1%” means 1% less than the interest rate applicable.
Optional: Must provide when preClosurePenalApplicable is true. Used along with preClosurePenalInterest to decide what should be the applicable interest rate to which penalalty can be applied on Pre-mature closure of accounts. 1=Whole Term, 2=Till Premature withdrawal e.g. “1%” means 1% less than the interest rate applicable till premature withdrawal.
Optional: If tax group provided at product level, will allow to Enable or disable withhold tax on interest posting for savings account

Retrieve Fixed Deposit Account Template:

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for fixed deposit applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists


Integer mandatory
Integer optional
If entered, productId, productName and selectedProduct fields are returned.

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/template?clientId={clientId} { "clientId": 1, "clientName": "small business", "productOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Passbook Savings" } ] }
GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/template?clientId={clientId}&productId={productId} { "clientId": 1, "clientName": "small business", "savingsProductId": 1, "savingsProductName": "Passbook Savings", "timeline": {}, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "nominalAnnualInterestRate": 5, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "productOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Passbook Savings" } ], "fieldOfficerOptions": [ { "id": 3, "firstname": "Mrs.", "lastname": "loanofficerB1", "displayName": "loanofficerB1, Mrs.", "officeId": 2, "officeName": "branch 1", "isLoanOfficer": true }, { "id": 1, "firstname": "Mr.", "lastname": "loanofficerHO", "displayName": "loanofficerHO, Mr.", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "branch 1", "isLoanOfficer": true } ], "interestCompoundingPeriodTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" } ], "interestPostingPeriodTypeOptions": [ { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, { "id": 5, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.quarterly", "value": "Quarterly" }, { "id": 7, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.annual", "value": "Annually" } ], "interestCalculationTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, { "id": 2, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.averagedailybalance", "value": "Average Daily Balance" } ], "interestCalculationDaysInYearTypeOptions": [ { "id": 360, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days360", "value": "360 Days" }, { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" } ], "lockinPeriodFrequencyTypeOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" } ], "withdrawalFeeTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "savingsWithdrawalFeesType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, { "id": 2, "code": "savingsWithdrawalFeesType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% of Amount" } ], "chargeOptions": [ { "id": 4, "name": "Savings charge 1", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 200, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "chargepaymentmode.regular" } }, { "id": 5, "name": "Savings charge 2", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 300, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "chargepaymentmode.regular" } }, { "id": 6, "name": "Annual fee", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 50, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 6, "code": "chargeTimeType.annualFee", "value": "Annual Fee" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" } }, { "id": 7, "name": "Quarterly fee", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 5, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 7, "code": "chargeTimeType.monthlyFee", "value": "Monthly Fee" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" }, "feeOnMonthDay": [ 10, 5 ], "feeInterval": 4 } ] }

Submit new fixed deposit application

Mandatory Fields
clientId or groupId, productId, submittedOnDate, depositAmount, depositPeriod, depositPeriodFrequencyId

Optional Fields
accountNo, externalId, fieldOfficerId,linkAccountId(if provided initial deposit amount will be collected from this account),transferInterestToSavings(By enabling this flag all interest postings will be transferred to linked saving account )

Inherited from Product (if not provided)
interestCompoundingPeriodType, interestCalculationType, interestCalculationDaysInYearType, lockinPeriodFrequency, lockinPeriodFrequencyType, preClosurePenalApplicable, preClosurePenalInterest, preClosurePenalInterestOnTypeId, charts, withHoldTax

Minimal request: accountNo auto generated, remaining details inherited from fixed deposit product.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts POST fixeddepositaccount Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "clientId": 1, "productId": 1, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "submittedOnDate": "01 March 2014", "depositAmount":"5000", "depositPeriod":"6", "depositPeriodFrequencyId":"2" }

Minimal request: accountNo provided (must be unique), remaining details inherited from fixed deposit product.

POST fixeddepositaccount Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "clientId": 1, "productId": 1, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "submittedOnDate": "01 March 2014", "depositAmount":"5000", "depositPeriod":"6", "depositPeriodFrequencyId":"2", "accountNo": "FD000023", "externalId": "FD-23" }

Full request: accountNo provided (must be unique), remaining details override details from fixed deposit product (except currency).

POST savingsaccount Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "clientId": 1, "productId": 1, "fieldOfficerId": 1, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "submittedOnDate": "01 March 2014", "accountNo": "FD000024", "externalId": "FD-24", "interestCompoundingPeriodType": 1, "interestPostingPeriodType": 4, "interestCalculationType": 1, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": 365, "depositAmount":"5000", "depositPeriod":"6", "depositPeriodFrequencyId":"2", "lockinPeriodFrequency": 6, "lockinPeriodFrequencyType": 2, "charges":[{"id":"1"}] } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Approve fixed deposit application

Approves fixed deposit application so long as its in 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=approve POST fixeddepositaccounts/1?command=approve Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "approvedOnDate": "01 March 2013" } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 200, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.approved", "value": "Approved", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": true, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "approvedOnDate": "01 March 2013" } }

Undo approval fixed deposit application

Will move 'approved' fixed deposit application back to 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=undoApproval POST fixeddepositaccounts/1?command=undoApproval Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "approvedOnDate": "" } }

Reject fixed deposit application

Rejects fixed deposit application so long as its in 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=reject POST fixeddepositaccounts/1?command=reject Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "rejectedOnDate": "03 March 2013" } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 500, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.rejected", "value": "Rejected", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": true, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": true }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "rejectedOnDate": "03 March 2013", "closedOnDate": "03 March 2013" } }

Withdraw fixed deposit application

Used when an applicant withdraws from the fixed deposit application. It must be in 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/{savingsId}?command=withdrawnByApplicant POST savingsaccount/1?command=withdrawnByApplicant Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "withdrawnOnDate": "03 March 2013" } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 400, "code": "", "value": "Withdrawn by applicant", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": true, "active": false, "closed": true }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "withdrawnOnDate": "03 March 2013", "closedOnDate": "03 March 2013" } }

Activate a fixed deposit account

Results in an approved fixed deposit application being converted into an 'active' fixed deposit account.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=activate POST savingsaccount/1?command=activate Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "activatedOnDate": "01 March 2013" } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": true, "closed": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "activatedOnDate": "01 March 2013" } }

Close a fixed deposit account

Results in a Matured fixed deposit account being converted into a 'closed' fixed deposit account.

On account close allowed actions are.

Action on Close Result
Withdraw Deposit                      Matured amount withdrawn and paid to client
Transfer to Savings Matured amount transfered to specified savings account.
Re-Invest Create new Fixed deposit application with matured amount as deposit amount.
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=close POST fixeddepositaccounts/1?command=close Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en", "closedOnDate":"19 April 2014", "note":"Closing and transfering amount to savings", "onAccountClosureId":"200", "toSavingsAccountId":1, "transferDescription":"Transfered matured amount to savings account" } { "officeId":1, "clientId":1, "savingsId":5, "resourceId":5, "changes":{ "status":{ "id":600, "code":"savingsAccountStatusType.closed", "value":"Closed", "submittedAndPendingApproval":false, "approved":false, "rejected":false, "withdrawnByApplicant":false, "active":false, "closed":true }, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "closedOnDate":"19 April 2014", "note":"Closing and transfering amount to savings" } }

Premature Close a fixed deposit account

Results in an Active fixed deposit account being converted into a 'Premature Closed' fixed deposit account with options to withdraw prematured amount. (premature amount is calculated using interest rate chart applicable along with penal interest if any.)

On account premature closure allowed actions are.

Action on Premature Close Result
Withdraw Deposit                      Matured amount withdrawn and paid to client
Transfer to Savings Matured amount transfered to specified savings account.
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=prematureClose POST fixeddepositaccounts/1?command=prematureClose Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en", "closedOnDate":"19 April 2014", "note":"Close and transfer amount to savings", "onAccountClosureId":"200", "toSavingsAccountId":1, "transferDescription":"Transfered matured amount to savings account" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 700, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.pre.mature.closure", "value": "Premature Closed", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false, "prematureClosed": true, "transferInProgress": false, "transferOnHold": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "closedOnDate": "19 April 2014", "note": "Close and transfer amount to savings" } }

Calculate Premature amount on Fixed deposit account

Calculate premature amount on fixed deposit account till premature close date. Premature amount is calculated based on interest chart and penal interest applicable.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=calculatePrematureAmount POST fixeddepositaccounts/1?command=calculatePrematureAmount Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en", "closedOnDate":"19 April 2014" } { "maturityAmount": 100.65, "savingsAccounts": [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Sangamesh N", "savingsProductId": 1, "savingsProductName": "FD-0001" } ], "onAccountClosureOptions": [ { "id": 100, "code": "depositAccountClosureType.withdrawDeposit", "value": "Withdra Deposit" }, { "id": 200, "code": "depositAccountClosureType.transferToSavings", "value": "Transfer to Savings" }, { "id": 300, "code": "depositAccountClosureType.reinvest", "value": "Re-Invest" } ], "paymentTypeOptions": [], "id": 12, "depositType": { "id": 300, "code": "depositAccountType.recurringDeposit", "value": "Recurring Deposit" } }

Calculate Interest on Fixed Deposit Account

Calculates interest earned on a fixed deposit account based on todays date. It does not attempt to post or credit the interest on the account. That is responsibility of the Post Interest API that will likely be called by overnight process.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=calculateInterest POST fixeddepositaccount/1?command=calculateInterest Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Post Interest on Fixed Deposit Account

Calculates and Posts interest earned on a fixed deposit account based on todays date and whether an interest posting or crediting event is due.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=postInterest POST fixeddepositaccount/1?command=postInterest Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

List Fixed deposit applications/accounts

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Sangamesh N", "savingsProductId": 3, "savingsProductName": "FD01", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false, "prematureClosed": false, "transferInProgress": false, "transferOnHold": false }, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2014, 3, 1 ], "submittedByUsername": "mifos", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator" }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 1, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "summary": { "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 1, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "accountBalance": 0 }, "interestFreePeriodApplicable": false, "preClosurePenalApplicable": false, "minDepositTerm": 3, "maxDepositTerm": 4, "minDepositTermType": { "id": 2, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "maxDepositTermType": { "id": 3, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" }, "depositAmount": 5000, "maturityAmount": 5140.25, "maturityDate": [ 2014, 9, 1 ], "depositPeriod": 6, "depositPeriodFrequency": { "id": 2, "code": "deposit.period.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" } } ]

Retrieve a fixed deposit application/account:


optional, Either 'all' or a comma separated list of fixed deposit 'associations' (itemized below).

Associations are just extra pieces of data that you might or might not want to retrieve.

'all': Gets data related to all associations e.g. ?associations=all.
'transactions': Gets data related to transactions on the account e.g. ?associations=transactions
'charges':fixed deposit Account charges data.

Example Requests :


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId} { "id": 1, "accountNo": "FD000023", "externalId": "FD-23", "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Sangamesh N", "savingsProductId": 3, "savingsProductName": "FD01", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false, "prematureClosed": false, "transferInProgress": false, "transferOnHold": false }, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2014, 3, 1 ], "submittedByUsername": "mifos", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator" }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 1, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "interestFreePeriodApplicable": false, "preClosurePenalApplicable": false, "minDepositTerm": 3, "maxDepositTerm": 4, "minDepositTermType": { "id": 2, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "maxDepositTermType": { "id": 3, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" }, "depositAmount": 5000, "maturityAmount": 5140.25, "maturityDate": [ 2014, 9, 1 ], "depositPeriod": 6, "depositPeriodFrequency": { "id": 2, "code": "deposit.period.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "summary": { "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 1, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "accountBalance": 0 }, "accountChart": { "id": 4, "fromDate": [ 2013, 10, 2 ], "accountId": 5, "accountNumber": "FD000023", "chartSlabs": [ { "id": 13, "periodType": { "id": 0, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.days", "value": "Days" }, "fromPeriod": 181, "toPeriod": 365, "annualInterestRate": 5.5, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } }, { "id": 12, "periodType": { "id": 0, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.days", "value": "Days" }, "fromPeriod": 1, "toPeriod": 180, "annualInterestRate": 5, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } }, { "id": 11, "periodType": { "id": 0, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.days", "value": "Days" }, "fromPeriod": 366, "annualInterestRate": 6, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } } ], "periodTypes": [ { "id": 0, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.years", "value": "Years" } ] } }

Modify a fixed deposit application

Fixed deposit application can only be modified when in 'Submitted and pending approval' state. Once the application is approved, the details cannot be changed using this method. Specific api endpoints will be created to allow change of interest detail such as rate, compounding period, posting period etc

PUT https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId} PUT fixeddepositaccounts/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "locale": "en", "depositAmount": 6000 } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "depositAmount": 6000, "locale": "en" } }

Delete a fixed deposit application

At present we support hard delete of fixed deposit application so long as its in 'Submitted and pending approval' state. One the application is moves past this state, it is not possible to do a 'hard' delete of the application or the account. An API endpoint will be added to close/de-activate the fixed deposit account.

DELETE https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/{accountsId} DELETE fixeddepositaccounts/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Recurring Deposit Account:

Recurring Deposit accounts are instances of a praticular recurring deposit product created. An application process around the creation of accounts is also supported.

Starting State Action Resultant State
- Submit Submitted and pending approval
Submitted and pending approval Reject Closed - Rejected
Submitted and pending approval Withdrawn by Applicant Closed - Withdrawn by Applicant
Submitted and pending approval Approve Approved
Approved Undo Approval Submitted and pending approval
Approved Activate Active

Field Descriptions
The client you are creating the recurring deposit account for. Either clientId or groupId must be provided.
The group you are creating the recurring deposit account for. Either clientId or groupId must be provided.
The id of the product used for this recurring deposit account. The recurring deposit account inherits the selected currency of the product and possibly other details if not overridden in the recurring deposit account creation request.
The account no. associated with this recurring deposit. Is auto generated if not provided at creation time.
A place to put an external reference for this recurring deposit account useful in migrations e.g. The ID another system uses. If provided, it must be unique.
submittedOnDate must be provided when initially creating recurring deposit account application. locale and dateFormat parameters must be provided with this.
The period at which interest rate is compounded. 1=Daily, 4=Monthly (at end of month)
The period at which interest rate is posted or credited to recurring deposit account. The actual crediting or posting transaction is date as occurring on the day after the end of the period. 4=Monthly (at end of month), 5=Quarterly (at end of quarter, 31st Mar, 30th Jun, 30th Sep, 31st Dec), 7=Annually (at end of calendar year 31st Dec)
The interest calculation method used: 1=Daily Balance or 2=Average Daily Balance
The setting for number of days in year to use: 360=360 Days, 365=365 Days
Optional: If provided, used along with lockinPeriodFrequencyType to indicate the length of time that the recurring deposit account is 'locked in' and withdrawals are not allowed. e.g. 6 Months
Optional: If provided, used along with lockinPeriodFrequency to indicate the length of time that the recurring deposit account is 'locked in' and withdrawals are not allowed. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 6 Months
The recurring deposit amount to be deposited regularly on a specified by deposit frequency.
Used along with recurringDepositFrequencyTypeId to define the frequency at which recurringDepositAmount to be deposited into RD account. e.g. 6 Months
Used along with recurringDepositFrequency to define the frequency at which recurringDepositAmount to be deposited into RD account. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 6 Months
Used along with depositPeriodFrequencyId to define term for which amount is deposited in recurring deposit. e.g. 6 Months
Used along with depositPeriod to define term for which amount is deposited in recurring deposit. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 6 Months
This is used along with minDepositTermTypeId to define allowed minimum deposit term for creating a recurring deposit account using this product. e.g. 6 Months
Used along with minDepositTerm to define allowed minimum deposit term for creating a recurring deposit account using this product. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 6 Months
Optional: If provided, used along with maxDepositTermTypeId to define allowed maximum deposit term for creating a recurring deposit account using this product. e.g. 3 Years
Optional: If provided, used along with maxDepositTerm to define allowed maximum deposit term for creating a recurring deposit account using this product. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. 3 Years
Optional: If provided, used along with inMultiplesOfDepositTermTypeId to indicate the allowed deposit periods after minimum deposit period. e.g. If inMultiplesOfDepositTerm is 3 Months then the next allowed deposit period after minimum deposit of 6 Months should be 9 Months.
Optional: If provided, used along with inMultiplesOfDepositTerm to indicate the allowed deposit periods after minimum deposit period. 0=Days, 1=Weeks, 2=Months, 3=Years e.g. If inMultiplesOfDepositTerm is 3 Months then the next allowed deposit period after minimum deposit of 6 Months should be 9 Months.
Optional: expects boolean value true/false, If provided as true then must provide preClosurePenalInterest and preClosurePenalInterestOnTypeId.
Optional: Must provide when preClosurePenalApplicable is true. Used along with preClosurePenalInterestOnTypeId to apply a penalalty on top of applicable interest rate for Pre-mature closure of accounts. e.g. “1%” means 1% less than the interest rate applicable.
Optional: Must provide when preClosurePenalApplicable is true. Used along with preClosurePenalInterest to decide what should be the applicable interest rate to which penalalty can be applied on Pre-mature closure of accounts. 1=Whole Term, 2=Till Premature withdrawal e.g. “1%” means 1% less than the interest rate applicable till premature withdrawal.
Optional: If tax group provided at product level, will allow to Enable or disable withhold tax on interest posting for savings account

Retrieve recurring Deposit Account Template:

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for recurring deposit applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists


Integer mandatory
Integer optional
If entered, productId, productName and selectedProduct fields are returned.

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/template?clientId={clientId} { "clientId": 1, "clientName": "small business", "productOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Passbook Savings" } ] }
GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/fixeddepositaccounts/template?clientId={clientId}&productId={productId} { "clientId": 1, "clientName": "small business", "savingsProductId": 1, "savingsProductName": "Passbook Savings", "timeline": {}, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "nominalAnnualInterestRate": 5, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "productOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Passbook Savings" } ], "fieldOfficerOptions": [ { "id": 3, "firstname": "Mrs.", "lastname": "loanofficerB1", "displayName": "loanofficerB1, Mrs.", "officeId": 2, "officeName": "branch 1", "isLoanOfficer": true }, { "id": 1, "firstname": "Mr.", "lastname": "loanofficerHO", "displayName": "loanofficerHO, Mr.", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "branch 1", "isLoanOfficer": true } ], "interestCompoundingPeriodTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" } ], "interestPostingPeriodTypeOptions": [ { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, { "id": 5, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.quarterly", "value": "Quarterly" }, { "id": 7, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.annual", "value": "Annually" } ], "interestCalculationTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, { "id": 2, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.averagedailybalance", "value": "Average Daily Balance" } ], "interestCalculationDaysInYearTypeOptions": [ { "id": 360, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days360", "value": "360 Days" }, { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" } ], "lockinPeriodFrequencyTypeOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "savings.lockin.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" } ], "withdrawalFeeTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "savingsWithdrawalFeesType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, { "id": 2, "code": "savingsWithdrawalFeesType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% of Amount" } ], "chargeOptions": [ { "id": 4, "name": "Savings charge 1", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 200, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "chargepaymentmode.regular" } }, { "id": 5, "name": "Savings charge 2", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 300, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "chargepaymentmode.regular" } }, { "id": 6, "name": "Annual fee", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 50, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 6, "code": "chargeTimeType.annualFee", "value": "Annual Fee" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" } }, { "id": 7, "name": "Quarterly fee", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 5, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 7, "code": "chargeTimeType.monthlyFee", "value": "Monthly Fee" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeAppliesTo.savings", "value": "Savings" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" }, "feeOnMonthDay": [ 10, 5 ], "feeInterval": 4 } ] }

Submit new recurring deposit application

Mandatory Fields
clientId or groupId, productId, submittedOnDate, depositPeriod, depositPeriodFrequencyId, recurringFrequency, recurringFrequencyType, depositAmount,isCalendarInherited, mandatoryRecommendedDepositAmount

Optional Fields
accountNo, externalId, fieldOfficerId, expectedFirstDepositOnDate, allowWithdrawal, adjustAdvanceTowardsFuturePayments, isMandatoryDeposit

Inherited from Product (if not provided)
interestCompoundingPeriodType, interestCalculationType, interestCalculationDaysInYearType, lockinPeriodFrequency, lockinPeriodFrequencyType, preClosurePenalApplicable, preClosurePenalInterest, preClosurePenalInterestOnTypeId, charts, withHoldTax

Minimal request: accountNo auto generated, remaining details inherited from recurring deposit product.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts POST recurringdepositaccounts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "clientId": 1, "productId": 1, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "submittedOnDate": "02 June 2014", "depositPeriod":"20", "depositPeriodFrequencyId":"1", "depositAmount":10000, "isCalendarInherited":false, "recurringFrequency":"2", "recurringFrequencyType":1, "mandatoryRecommendedDepositAmount":"2000" }

Minimal request: accountNo provided (must be unique), remaining details inherited from recurring deposit product.

POST recurringdepositaccounts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "clientId": 1, "productId": 1, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "submittedOnDate": "02 June 2014", "depositPeriod":"20", "depositPeriodFrequencyId":"1", "depositAmount":10000, "isCalendarInherited":false, "recurringFrequency":"2", "recurringFrequencyType":1, "mandatoryRecommendedDepositAmount":"2000", "accountNo": "RD000023", "externalId": "RD-23", "expectedFirstDepositOnDate": "02 June 2014", "allowWithdrawal":false, "adjustAdvanceTowardsFuturePayments":false, "isMandatoryDeposit":false }

Full request: accountNo provided (must be unique), remaining details override details from recurring deposit product (except currency).

POST recurringdepositaccounts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "clientId": 1, "productId": 1, "fieldOfficerId": 1, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "submittedOnDate": "02 June 2014", "depositPeriod":"20", "depositPeriodFrequencyId":"1", "depositAmount":10000, "isCalendarInherited":false, "recurringFrequency":"2", "recurringFrequencyType":1, "mandatoryRecommendedDepositAmount":"2000", "accountNo": "RD000023", "externalId": "RD-23", "expectedFirstDepositOnDate": "02 June 2014", "allowWithdrawal":false, "adjustAdvanceTowardsFuturePayments":false, "isMandatoryDeposit":false, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": 1, "interestPostingPeriodType": 4, "interestCalculationType": 1, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": 365, "lockinPeriodFrequency": 6, "lockinPeriodFrequencyType": 2, "charges":[{"id":"1"}] } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Approve recurring deposit application

Approves recurring deposit application so long as its in 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=approve POST recurringdepositaccounts/1?command=approve Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "approvedOnDate": "01 March 2014" } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 200, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.approved", "value": "Approved", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": true, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "approvedOnDate": "01 March 2014" } }

Undo approval recurring deposit application

Will move 'approved' recurring deposit application back to 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=undoApproval POST recurringdepositaccounts/1?command=undoApproval Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "approvedOnDate": "" } }

Reject recurring deposit application

Rejects recurring deposit application so long as its in 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=reject POST recurringdepositaccounts/1?command=reject Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "rejectedOnDate": "03 March 2014" } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 500, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.rejected", "value": "Rejected", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": true, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": true }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "rejectedOnDate": "03 March 2014", "closedOnDate": "03 March 2014" } }

Withdraw recurring deposit application

Used when an applicant withdraws from the recurring deposit application. It must be in 'Submitted and pending approval' state.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{savingsId}?command=withdrawnByApplicant POST recurringdepositaccounts/1?command=withdrawnByApplicant Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "withdrawnOnDate": "03 March 2014" } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 400, "code": "", "value": "Withdrawn by applicant", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": true, "active": false, "closed": true }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "withdrawnOnDate": "03 March 2014", "closedOnDate": "03 March 2014" } }

Activate a recurring deposit account

Results in an approved recurring deposit application being converted into an 'active' recurring deposit account.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=activate POST recurringdepositaccounts/1?command=activate Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "activatedOnDate": "01 March 2013" } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": true, "closed": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "activatedOnDate": "01 March 2013" } }

Update the recommended deposit amount for a recurring deposit account

Updates the recommended deposit amount for a RD account as on the effective date.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=updateDepositAmount POST recurringdepositaccounts/4?command=updateDepositAmount Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "effectiveDate": "01 Dec 2014" "mandatoryRecommendedDepositAmount": 398 } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 6, "savingsId": 4, "resourceId": 4, "changes": { "mandatoryRecommendedDepositAmount": 398 } }

Close a recurring deposit account

Results in a Matured recurring deposit account being converted into a 'closed' recurring deposit account.

On account close allowed actions are.

Action on Close Result
Withdraw Deposit                      Matured amount withdrawn and paid to client
Transfer to Savings Matured amount transfered to specified savings account.
Re-Invest Create new Fixed deposit application with matured amount as deposit amount.
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=close POST recurringdepositaccounts/1?command=close Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en", "closedOnDate":"19 April 2014", "note":"Closing and transfering amount to savings", "onAccountClosureId":"100", "transferDescription":"Transfered matured amount to savings account" } { "officeId":1, "clientId":1, "savingsId":5, "resourceId":5, "changes":{ "status":{ "id":600, "code":"savingsAccountStatusType.closed", "value":"Closed", "submittedAndPendingApproval":false, "approved":false, "rejected":false, "withdrawnByApplicant":false, "active":false, "closed":true }, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "closedOnDate":"19 April 2014", "note":"Closing and transfering amount to savings" } }

Premature Close a recurring deposit account

Results in an Active recurring deposit account being converted into a 'Premature Closed' recurring deposit account with options to withdraw prematured amount. (premature amount is calculated using interest rate chart applicable along with penal interest if any.)

On account premature closure allowed actions are.

Action on Premature Close Result
Withdraw Deposit                      Matured amount withdrawn and paid to client
Transfer to Savings Matured amount transfered to a savings account.
POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=prematureClose POST recurringdepositaccounts/1?command=prematureClose Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en", "closedOnDate":"19 April 2014", "note":"Close and transfer amount to savings", "onAccountClosureId":"200", "toSavingsAccountId":1, "transferDescription":"Transfered matured amount to savings account" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "status": { "id": 700, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.pre.mature.closure", "value": "Premature Closed", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false, "prematureClosed": true, "transferInProgress": false, "transferOnHold": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "closedOnDate": "19 April 2014", "note": "Close and transfer amount to savings" } }

Calculate Premature amount on Recurring deposit account

Calculate premature amount on recurring deposit till premature close date. Premature amount is calculated based on interest chart and penal interest applicable if any.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=calculatePrematureAmount POST recurringdepositaccounts/1?command=calculatePrematureAmount Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en", "closedOnDate":"19 April 2014" } { "maturityAmount": 100.65, "savingsAccounts": [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Sangamesh N", "savingsProductId": 1, "savingsProductName": "sa", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": true, "closed": false, "prematureClosed": false, "transferInProgress": false, "transferOnHold": false }, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2014, 1, 1 ], "submittedByUsername": "mifos", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator", "approvedOnDate": [ 2014, 1, 1 ], "approvedByUsername": "mifos", "approvedByFirstname": "App", "approvedByLastname": "Administrator", "activatedOnDate": [ 2014, 1, 1 ] }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 1, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "nominalAnnualInterestRate": 5, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "minRequiredOpeningBalance": 5000, "withdrawalFeeForTransfers": false, "allowOverdraft": false, "summary": { "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 1, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "totalDeposits": 13353.41, "totalInterestEarned": 107.79, "totalInterestPosted": 76.74, "accountBalance": 13430.15 } } ], "onAccountClosureOptions": [ { "id": 100, "code": "depositAccountClosureType.withdrawDeposit", "value": "Withdra Deposit" }, { "id": 200, "code": "depositAccountClosureType.transferToSavings", "value": "Transfer to Savings" }, { "id": 300, "code": "depositAccountClosureType.reinvest", "value": "Re-Invest" } ], "paymentTypeOptions": [], "id": 12, "depositType": { "id": 300, "code": "depositAccountType.recurringDeposit", "value": "Recurring Deposit" } }

Calculate Interest on recurring Deposit Account

Calculates interest earned on a recurring deposit account based on todays date. It does not attempt to post or credit the interest on the account. That is responsibility of the Post Interest API that will likely be called by overnight process.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=calculateInterest POST recurringdepositaccounts/1?command=calculateInterest Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Post Interest on recurring Deposit Account

Calculates and Posts interest earned on a recurring deposit account based on todays date and whether an interest posting or crediting event is due.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=postInterest POST recurringdepositaccounts/1?command=postInterest Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

List Fixed deposit applications/accounts

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Sangamesh N", "savingsProductId": 3, "savingsProductName": "RD01", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false, "prematureClosed": false, "transferInProgress": false, "transferOnHold": false }, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2014, 3, 1 ], "submittedByUsername": "mifos", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator" }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 1, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "summary": { "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 1, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "accountBalance": 0 }, "depositAmount": 1150, "maturityAmount": 252.59, "maturityDate": [ 2014, 4, 3 ], "recurringDepositAmount": 100, "recurringDepositFrequency": 1, "recurringDepositFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "recurring.deposit.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "preClosurePenalApplicable": false, "minDepositTerm": 3, "maxDepositTerm": 4, "minDepositTermType": { "id": 2, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "maxDepositTermType": { "id": 3, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" }, "depositAmount": 5000, "maturityAmount": 5140.25, "maturityDate": [ 2014, 9, 1 ], "depositPeriod": 6, "depositPeriodFrequency": { "id": 2, "code": "deposit.period.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" } } ]

Retrieve a recurring deposit application/account:


optional, Either 'all' or a comma separated list of recurring deposit 'associations' (itemized below).

Associations are just extra pieces of data that you might or might not want to retrieve.

'all': Gets data related to all associations e.g. ?associations=all.
'transactions': Gets data related to transactions on the account e.g. ?associations=transactions
'charges':recurring deposit Account charges data.

Example Requests :


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId} { "id": 1, "accountNo": "RD000023", "externalId": "RD-23", "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Sangamesh N", "savingsProductId": 3, "savingsProductName": "RD01", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false, "prematureClosed": false, "transferInProgress": false, "transferOnHold": false }, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2014, 3, 1 ], "submittedByUsername": "mifos", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator" }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 1, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "preClosurePenalApplicable": false, "minDepositTerm": 3, "maxDepositTerm": 4, "minDepositTermType": { "id": 2, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "maxDepositTermType": { "id": 3, "code": "deposit.term.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" }, "recurringDepositAmount": 100, "recurringDepositFrequency": 1, "expectedFirstDepositOnDate": [ 2014, 4, 2 ], "recurringDepositFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "recurring.deposit.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "depositPeriod": 6, "depositPeriodFrequency": { "id": 2, "code": "deposit.period.savingsPeriodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "summary": { "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 1, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "accountBalance": 0 }, "accountChart": { "id": 4, "fromDate": [ 2013, 10, 2 ], "accountId": 5, "accountNumber": "RD000023", "chartSlabs": [ { "id": 13, "periodType": { "id": 0, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.days", "value": "Days" }, "fromPeriod": 181, "toPeriod": 365, "annualInterestRate": 5.5, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } }, { "id": 12, "periodType": { "id": 0, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.days", "value": "Days" }, "fromPeriod": 1, "toPeriod": 180, "annualInterestRate": 5, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } }, { "id": 11, "periodType": { "id": 0, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.days", "value": "Days" }, "fromPeriod": 366, "annualInterestRate": 6, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } } ], "periodTypes": [ { "id": 0, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.years", "value": "Years" } ] } }

Modify a recurring deposit application

Recurring deposit application can only be modified when in 'Submitted and pending approval' state. Once the application is approved, the details cannot be changed using this method. Specific api endpoints will be created to allow change of interest detail such as rate, compounding period, posting period etc

PUT https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId} PUT recurringdepositaccounts/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "locale": "en", "depositAmount": 6000 } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "depositAmount": 6000, "locale": "en" } }

Delete a recurring deposit application

At present we support hard delete of recurring deposit application so long as its in 'Submitted and pending approval' state. One the application is moves past this state, it is not possible to do a 'hard' delete of the application or the account. An API endpoint will be added to close/de-activate the recurring deposit account.

DELETE https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountsId} DELETE recurringdepositaccounts/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Recurring Deposit Account Transactions:

Transactions possible on a recurring deposit account.

Field Descriptions
The date of the transaction.
The amount of the transaction.

Retrieve Recurring Deposit Account Transaction Template:

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/template?command=deposit { "id": 1, "transactionType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsAccountTransactionType.deposit", "value": "Deposit", "deposit": true, "withdrawal": false, "interestPosting": false, "feeDeduction": false, "initiateTransfer": false, "approveTransfer": false, "withdrawTransfer": false, "rejectTransfer": false, "overdraftInterest": false, "writtenoff": false, "overdraftFee": true }, "accountId": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "date": [ 2014, 6, 25 ], "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 4, "inMultiplesOf": 100, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100000.000000, "reversed": false, "paymentTypeOptions": [] }

Retrieve Recurring Deposit Account Transaction:

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId} { "id": 1, "transactionType": { "id": 2, "code": "savingsAccountTransactionType.withdrawal", "value": "Withdrawal", "deposit": false, "withdrawal": true, "interestPosting": false, "feeDeduction": false }, "accountId": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "date": [ 2013, 8, 7 ], "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "paymentDetailData": { "id": 62, "paymentType": { "id": 11, "name": "cash" }, "accountNumber": "", "checkNumber": "", "routingCode": "", "receiptNumber": "", "bankNumber": "" }, "amount": 5000, "runningBalance": 0, "reversed": true }

Deposit Transaction

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountsId}/transactions?command=deposit POST recurringdepositaccounts/1/transactions?command=deposit Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "transactionDate": "27 May 2013", "transactionAmount": "500", "paymentTypeId": "14", "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 2, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 47, "changes": { "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } }

Withdrawal Transaction

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountsId}/transactions?command=withdrawal POST recurringdepositaccounts/1/transactions?command=withdrawal Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "transactionDate": "27 May 2013", "transactionAmount": "500", "paymentTypeId": "14", "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 2, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 48, "changes": { "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } }

Adjust Transaction

This command modifies the given transaction.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountsId}/transactions/{transactionId}?command=modify POST recurringdepositaccounts/1/transactions/1?command=modify Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "transactionDate": "27 May 2013", "transactionAmount": "500", "paymentTypeId": "14", "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 2, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 48, "changes": { "accountNumber": "acc123", "checkNumber": "che123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } }

Undo transaction

This command reverses the given transaction.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/recurringdepositaccounts/{accountsId}/transactions/{transactionId}?command=undo POST recurringdepositaccounts/1/transactions/1?command=undo Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 2, "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Account Transfers:

Ability to be able to transfer monetary funds from one account to another.

Note: At present only savings account to savings account transfers are supported.

Mandatory Parameters
The id of the office/branch from which the transfer is made.
The id of the client from which the transfer is made.
The type of account from which the transfer is made. 1=Loan Account, 2=Savings Account
The id of the account from which the transfer is made.
The id of the office/branch to which the transfer is made.
The id of the client to which the transfer is made.
The type of account to which the transfer is made. 1=Loan Account, 2=Savings Account
The id of the account to which the transfer is made. The accouont must be active and must have the same currency as that of the selected fromAccountId.
The date of the transfer. Requires dateFormat and locale parameters.
The amount of the transfer. Requires locale parameter.
Description of the transfer itself.

Retrieve Account Transfer Template:

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Requests:




GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounttransfers/template?fromAccountType=2&fromOfficeId=1 { "transferAmount": 0, "transferDate": [ 2013, 8, 15 ], "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "HO", "nameDecorated": "HO", "externalId": "1", "openingDate": [ 2009, 1, 1 ], "hierarchy": "." }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromOfficeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "HO", "nameDecorated": "HO" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Branch 1", "nameDecorated": "....Branch 1" } ], "fromClientOptions": [ { "id": 1, "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" }, { "id": 3, "displayName": "Third client", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" } ], "fromAccountTypeOptions": [ { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" } ], "toOfficeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "HO", "nameDecorated": "HO" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Branch 1", "nameDecorated": "....Branch 1" } ], "toAccountTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" }, { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" } ] }
GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounttransfers/template?fromAccountType=2&fromOfficeId=1&fromClientId=1 { "transferAmount": 0, "transferDate": [ 2013, 8, 15 ], "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "HO", "nameDecorated": "HO", "externalId": "1", "openingDate": [ 2009, 1, 1 ], "hierarchy": "." }, "fromClient": { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active" }, "active": true, "activationDate": [ 2013, 3, 1 ], "fullname": "Small shop", "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO", "groups": [] }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromOfficeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "HO", "nameDecorated": "HO" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Branch 1", "nameDecorated": "....Branch 1" } ], "fromClientOptions": [ { "id": 1, "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" }, { "id": 3, "displayName": "Third client", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" } ], "fromAccountTypeOptions": [ { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" } ], "fromAccountOptions": [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Small shop", "productId": 1, "productName": "Passbook", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } }, { "id": 3, "accountNo": "000000003", "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Small shop", "productId": 2, "productName": "Shilling product", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "currency": { "code": "KES", "name": "Kenyan Shilling", "decimalPlaces": 0, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "KSh", "nameCode": "currency.KES", "displayLabel": "Kenyan Shilling (KSh)" } } ], "toOfficeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "HO", "nameDecorated": "HO" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Branch 1", "nameDecorated": "....Branch 1" } ], "toAccountTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" }, { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" } ] }
GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounttransfers/template?fromClientId=1&fromAccountType=2&fromAccountId=1 { "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "transferAmount": 0, "transferDate": [ 2013, 8, 15 ], "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "HO", "nameDecorated": "HO", "externalId": "1", "openingDate": [ 2009, 1, 1 ], "hierarchy": "." }, "fromClient": { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active" }, "active": true, "activationDate": [ 2013, 3, 1 ], "fullname": "Small shop", "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO", "groups": [] }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromAccount": { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Small shop", "productId": 1, "productName": "Passbook", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } }, "fromOfficeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "HO", "nameDecorated": "HO" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Branch 1", "nameDecorated": "....Branch 1" } ], "fromClientOptions": [ { "id": 1, "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" }, { "id": 3, "displayName": "Third client", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" } ], "fromAccountTypeOptions": [ { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" } ], "fromAccountOptions": [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Small shop", "productId": 1, "productName": "Passbook", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } }, { "id": 3, "accountNo": "000000003", "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Small shop", "productId": 2, "productName": "Shilling product", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "currency": { "code": "KES", "name": "Kenyan Shilling", "decimalPlaces": 0, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "KSh", "nameCode": "currency.KES", "displayLabel": "Kenyan Shilling (KSh)" } } ], "toOfficeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "HO", "nameDecorated": "HO" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Branch 1", "nameDecorated": "....Branch 1" } ], "toAccountTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" }, { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" } ] }

Create new Transfer

Ability to create new transfer of monetary funds from one account to another.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounttransfers POST accounttransfers/ Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "fromOfficeId": 1, "fromClientId": 1, "fromAccountType": 2, "fromAccountId": 1, "toOfficeId": 1, "toClientId": 1, "toAccountType": 2, "toAccountId": 2, "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "transferDate": "01 August 2011", "transferAmount": "112.45", "transferDescription": "A description of the transfer" } { "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

List account transfers

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounttransfers { "totalFilteredRecords": 4, "pageItems": [ { "id": 1, "reversed": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "transferAmount": 200, "transferDate": [ 2013, 4, 1 ], "transferDescription": "pay off loan from savings.", "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "HO" }, "fromClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromAccount": { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001" }, "toOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "HO" }, "toClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" }, "toAccountType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" }, "toAccount": { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001" } }, { "id": 2, "reversed": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "transferAmount": 112.45, "transferDate": [ 2013, 6, 1 ], "transferDescription": "A description of the transfer", "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "HO" }, "fromClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromAccount": { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001" }, "toOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "HO" }, "toClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" }, "toAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "toAccount": { "id": 3, "accountNo": "000000003" } }, { "id": 3, "reversed": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "transferAmount": 112.45, "transferDate": [ 2013, 6, 1 ], "transferDescription": "A description of the transfer", "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "HO" }, "fromClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromAccount": { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001" }, "toOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "HO" }, "toClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" }, "toAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "toAccount": { "id": 3, "accountNo": "000000003" } }, { "id": 4, "reversed": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "transferAmount": 112.45, "transferDate": [ 2013, 6, 1 ], "transferDescription": "A description of the transfer", "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "HO" }, "fromClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromAccount": { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001" }, "toOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "HO" }, "toClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" }, "toAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "toAccount": { "id": 3, "accountNo": "000000003" } } ] }

Retrieve account transfer:

Example Requests :


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/accounttransfers/{transferId} { "id": 1, "reversed": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "transferAmount": 200, "transferDate": [ 2013, 4, 1 ], "transferDescription": "pay off loan from savings.", "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "HO" }, "fromClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromAccount": { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001" }, "toOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "HO" }, "toClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HO" }, "toAccountType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" }, "toAccount": { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001" } }

Retrieve Refund of an Active Loan by Transfer Template:

Example Requests :

accounttransfers/templateRefundByTransfer?fromAccountId=2&fromAccountType=1& toAccountId=1&toAccountType=2&toClientId=1&toOfficeId=1

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/accounttransfers/templateRefundByTransfer {    "currency": {       "code": "USD",       "name": "US Dollar",       "decimalPlaces": 0,       "inMultiplesOf": 0,       "displaySymbol": "$",       "nameCode": "currency.USD",       "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)"    },    "transferAmount": 130,    "transferDate": [       2014,       11,       1    ],    "fromOffice": {       "id": 1,       "name": "Head Office",       "nameDecorated": "Head Office",       "externalId": "1",       "openingDate": [          2009,          1,          1       ],       "hierarchy": "."    },    "fromClient": {       "id": 1,       "accountNo": "000000001",       "status": {          "id": 300,          "code": "",          "value": "Active"       },       "active": true,       "activationDate": [          2012,          2,          1       ],       "firstname": "Daniel",       "lastname": "Owusu",       "displayName": "Daniel Owusu",       "gender": {},       "clientType": {},       "clientClassification": {},       "officeId": 1,       "officeName": "Head Office",       "timeline": {          "submittedOnDate": [             2012,             2,             1          ],          "submittedByUsername": "mifos",          "submittedByFirstname": "App",          "submittedByLastname": "Administrator",          "activatedOnDate": [             2012,             2,             1          ],          "activatedByUsername": "mifos",          "activatedByFirstname": "App",          "activatedByLastname": "Administrator"       },       "groups": []    },    "fromAccountType": {       "id": 1,       "code": "",       "value": "Loan Account"    },    "fromAccount": {       "id": 2,       "accountNo": "000000002",       "clientId": 1,       "clientName": "Daniel Owusu",       "productId": 1,       "productName": "CTRL",       "fieldOfficerId": 0,       "currency": {          "code": "USD",          "name": "US Dollar",          "decimalPlaces": 0,          "inMultiplesOf": 0,          "displaySymbol": "$",          "nameCode": "currency.USD",          "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)"       },       "amtForTransfer": 130    },    "toOffice": {       "id": 1,       "name": "Head Office",       "nameDecorated": "Head Office",       "externalId": "1",       "openingDate": [          2009,          1,          1       ],       "hierarchy": "."    },    "toClient": {       "id": 1,       "displayName": "Daniel Owusu",       "officeId": 1,       "officeName": "Head Office"    },    "toAccountType": {       "id": 2,       "code": "accountType.savings",       "value": "Savings Account"    },    "toAccount": {       "id": 1,       "accountNo": "000000001",       "clientId": 1,       "clientName": "Daniel Owusu",       "productId": 1,       "productName": "TEST",       "fieldOfficerId": 0,       "currency": {          "code": "USD",          "name": "US Dollar",          "decimalPlaces": 0,          "inMultiplesOf": 0,          "displaySymbol": "$",          "nameCode": "currency.USD",          "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)"       }    },    "fromOfficeOptions": [       {          "id": 1,          "name": "Head Office",          "nameDecorated": "Head Office"       }    ],    "fromClientOptions": [       {          "id": 1,          "displayName": "Daniel Owusu",          "officeId": 1,          "officeName": "Head Office"       }    ],    "fromAccountTypeOptions": [       {          "id": 2,          "code": "accountType.savings",          "value": "Savings Account"       },       {          "id": 1,          "code": "",          "value": "Loan Account"       }    ],    "fromAccountOptions": [       {          "id": 2,          "accountNo": "000000002",          "clientId": 1,          "clientName": "Daniel Owusu",          "productId": 1,          "productName": "CTRL",          "fieldOfficerId": 0,          "currency": {             "code": "USD",             "name": "US Dollar",             "decimalPlaces": 0,             "inMultiplesOf": 0,             "displaySymbol": "$",             "nameCode": "currency.USD",             "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)"          }       }    ],    "toOfficeOptions": [       {          "id": 1,          "name": "Head Office",          "nameDecorated": "Head Office"       }    ],    "toClientOptions": [       {          "id": 1,          "displayName": "Daniel Owusu",          "officeId": 1,          "officeName": "Head Office"       }    ],    "toAccountTypeOptions": [       {          "id": 2,          "code": "accountType.savings",          "value": "Savings Account"       }    ],    "toAccountOptions": [       {          "id": 1,          "accountNo": "000000001",          "clientId": 1,          "clientName": "Daniel Owusu",          "productId": 1,          "productName": "TEST",          "fieldOfficerId": 0,          "currency": {             "code": "USD",             "name": "US Dollar",             "decimalPlaces": 0,             "inMultiplesOf": 0,             "displaySymbol": "$",             "nameCode": "currency.USD",             "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)"          }       }    ] }

Refund of an Active Loan by Transfer

Ability to refund an active loan by transferring to a savings account.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/accounttransfers POST refundByTransfer/ Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "fromAccountId": "2", "fromAccountType": 1, "toOfficeId": 1, "toClientId": 1, "toAccountType": 2, "toAccountId": 1, "transferAmount": 130, "transferDate": "31 October 2014", "transferDescription": "Transfer refund to my savings account", "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "fromClientId": 1, "fromOfficeId": 1 } { "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Standing Instructions

Standing instructions (or standing orders) refer to instructions a bank account holder ("the payer") gives to his or her bank to pay a set amount at regular intervals to another's ("the payee's") account.

Note: At present only savings account to savings account and savings account to Loan account transfers are permitted.

Mandatory Parameters
A name for this Standing Instruction
The id of the office/branch from which the transfer is made.
The id of the client (payer) who makes the transfer
The type of account from which the transfer is made. 1=Loan Account, 2=Savings Account
The id of the account from which the transfer is made.
The id of the office/branch to which the transfer is made.
The id of the client (payee), to whose account the transfer is made.
The type of account to which the transfer is made. 1=Loan Account, 2=Savings Account
The id of the account to which the transfer is made. The account must be active and must be in the same currency as that of the selected fromAccountId.
The priority of instruction while executing instructions. 1= URGENT,2 = HIGH, 3 = MEDIUM, 4 = LOW
Identifies the source and destination account types. 1=Account Transfer(savings to savings), 2=Loan Repayment
Determines the amount to be transferred while executing a standing instruction. 1. FIXED, 2.DUES
The Standing instruction state. 1. Active, 2.Disabled, 3.Deleted
Determines the recurrence of this standing instruction, can be either 1. Periodic or 2.As per dues
The Standing instruction's Start date.
Optional Parameters
Transfer amount while running the instruction. must be provided if the selected instructionType is fixed
The Standing instruction's end date.
The recurrence frequency of a Standing instruction's execution. Must be provided if the recurrenceType is Periodic. 0 = days, 1 = weekly, 2 = monthly, 3 = yearly
The recurrence interval of a standing instruction execution, determines the recurrence schedule when combined with recurrenceFrequency. Must be provided if the recurrenceType is periodic
The Month and Day of recurrence. Must be provided if the recurrenceFrequency is monthly or yearly

Retrieve Standing Instruction Template:

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Requests:




GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/standinginstructions/template?fromAccountType=2&fromOfficeId=1 { "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office", "externalId": "1", "openingDate": [ 2009, 1, 1 ], "hierarchy": "." }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromOfficeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office" } ], "fromClientOptions": [ { "id": 1, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_2VRAG Client_LastName_9QCY", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 20, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_9KYLE Client_LastName_I0GJ", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" } ], "fromAccountTypeOptions": [ { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" } ], "toOfficeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office" } ], "toAccountTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" }, { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" } ], "transferTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "accountTransferType.account.transfer", "value": "Account Transfer" }, { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "Loan Repayment" } ], "statusOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Active" }, { "id": 2, "code": "standingInstructionStatus.disabled", "value": "Disabled" } ], "instructionTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "standingInstructionType.fixed", "value": "Fixed" }, { "id": 2, "code": "standingInstructionType.dues", "value": "Dues" } ], "priorityOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "standingInstructionPriority.urgent", "value": "Urgent Priority" }, { "id": 2, "code": "standingInstructionPriority.high", "value": "High Priority" }, { "id": 3, "code": "standingInstructionPriority.medium", "value": "Medium Priority" }, { "id": 4, "code": "standingInstructionPriority.low", "value": "Low Priority" } ], "recurrenceTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "accountTransferRecurrenceType.periodic", "value": "Periodic Recurrence" }, { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "As Per Dues Recurrence" } ], "recurrenceFrequencyOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "frequencyperiodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "frequencyperiodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "frequencyperiodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "frequencyperiodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" } ] }
GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/standinginstructions/template?fromAccountType=2&fromOfficeId=1&fromClientId=1&transferType=1 { "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office", "externalId": "1", "openingDate": [ 2009, 1, 1 ], "hierarchy": "." }, "fromClient": { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "externalId": "ID_UTMYOEQ", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active" }, "active": true, "activationDate": [ 2011, 1, 1 ], "firstname": "Client_FirstName_2VRAG", "lastname": "Client_LastName_9QCY", "displayName": "Client_FirstName_2VRAG Client_LastName_9QCY", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2011, 1, 1 ], "submittedByUsername": "mifos", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator", "activatedOnDate": [ 2011, 1, 1 ], "activatedByUsername": "mifos", "activatedByFirstname": "App", "activatedByLastname": "Administrator" }, "groups": [] }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromOfficeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office" } ], "fromClientOptions": [ { "id": 1, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_2VRAG Client_LastName_9QCY", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 2, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_ZYDN2 Client_LastName_XVOP", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 3, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_89LYT Client_LastName_4EY6", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 4, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_PRCBG Client_LastName_JZU2", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 5, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_J37GR Client_LastName_1T3X", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 6, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_ZVHM2 Client_LastName_RUGS", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 7, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_RBALP Client_LastName_437P", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 8, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_R7M4V Client_LastName_Q5ED", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 9, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_WIBDE Client_LastName_U91T", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 10, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_26QJT Client_LastName_BEHD", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 11, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_W071M Client_LastName_L7Z2", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 12, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_QUHDJ Client_LastName_S4C5", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 13, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_MNP4W Client_LastName_J8Y3", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 14, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_TL6I8 Client_LastName_5YHG", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 15, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_LUTBO Client_LastName_DITS", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 16, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_UE39Z Client_LastName_PUWZ", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 17, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_M8SD2 Client_LastName_J6QK", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 18, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_SG8NF Client_LastName_BM1J", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 19, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_BW0C8 Client_LastName_LGV9", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 20, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_9KYLE Client_LastName_I0GJ", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" } ], "fromAccountTypeOptions": [ { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" } ], "fromAccountOptions": [], "toOfficeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office" } ], "toAccountTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" } ], "transferTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "accountTransferType.account.transfer", "value": "Account Transfer" }, { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "Loan Repayment" } ], "statusOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Active" }, { "id": 2, "code": "standingInstructionStatus.disabled", "value": "Disabled" } ], "instructionTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "standingInstructionType.fixed", "value": "Fixed" }, { "id": 2, "code": "standingInstructionType.dues", "value": "Dues" } ], "priorityOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "standingInstructionPriority.urgent", "value": "Urgent Priority" }, { "id": 2, "code": "standingInstructionPriority.high", "value": "High Priority" }, { "id": 3, "code": "standingInstructionPriority.medium", "value": "Medium Priority" }, { "id": 4, "code": "standingInstructionPriority.low", "value": "Low Priority" } ], "recurrenceTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "accountTransferRecurrenceType.periodic", "value": "Periodic Recurrence" }, { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "As Per Dues Recurrence" } ], "recurrenceFrequencyOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "frequencyperiodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "frequencyperiodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "frequencyperiodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "frequencyperiodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" } ] }
GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/standinginstructions/template?fromAccountType=2&fromOfficeId=1&fromClientId=1&transferType=2&fromAccountId=1 { "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office", "externalId": "1", "openingDate": [ 2009, 1, 1 ], "hierarchy": "." }, "fromClient": { "id": 3, "accountNo": "000000003", "externalId": "ID_ECEAKAP", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active" }, "active": true, "activationDate": [ 2011, 3, 4 ], "firstname": "Client_FirstName_89LYT", "lastname": "Client_LastName_4EY6", "displayName": "Client_FirstName_89LYT Client_LastName_4EY6", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2011, 3, 4 ], "submittedByUsername": "mifos", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator", "activatedOnDate": [ 2011, 3, 4 ], "activatedByUsername": "mifos", "activatedByFirstname": "App", "activatedByLastname": "Administrator" }, "groups": [] }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromAccount": { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "clientId": 3, "clientName": "Client_FirstName_89LYT Client_LastName_4EY6", "productId": 1, "productName": "SAVINGS_PRODUCT_MVA619", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 4, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } }, "fromOfficeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office" } ], "fromClientOptions": [ { "id": 1, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_2VRAG Client_LastName_9QCY", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 2, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_ZYDN2 Client_LastName_XVOP", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 3, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_89LYT Client_LastName_4EY6", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 4, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_PRCBG Client_LastName_JZU2", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 5, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_J37GR Client_LastName_1T3X", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 6, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_ZVHM2 Client_LastName_RUGS", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 7, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_RBALP Client_LastName_437P", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 8, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_R7M4V Client_LastName_Q5ED", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 9, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_WIBDE Client_LastName_U91T", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 10, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_26QJT Client_LastName_BEHD", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 11, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_W071M Client_LastName_L7Z2", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 12, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_QUHDJ Client_LastName_S4C5", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 13, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_MNP4W Client_LastName_J8Y3", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 14, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_TL6I8 Client_LastName_5YHG", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 15, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_LUTBO Client_LastName_DITS", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 16, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_UE39Z Client_LastName_PUWZ", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 17, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_M8SD2 Client_LastName_J6QK", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 18, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_SG8NF Client_LastName_BM1J", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 19, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_BW0C8 Client_LastName_LGV9", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 20, "displayName": "Client_FirstName_9KYLE Client_LastName_I0GJ", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" } ], "fromAccountTypeOptions": [ { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" } ], "fromAccountOptions": [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "clientId": 3, "clientName": "Client_FirstName_89LYT Client_LastName_4EY6", "productId": 1, "productName": "SAVINGS_PRODUCT_MVA619", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 4, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } } ], "toOfficeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office" } ], "toAccountTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" } ], "transferTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "accountTransferType.account.transfer", "value": "Account Transfer" }, { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "Loan Repayment" } ], "statusOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Active" }, { "id": 2, "code": "standingInstructionStatus.disabled", "value": "Disabled" } ], "instructionTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "standingInstructionType.fixed", "value": "Fixed" }, { "id": 2, "code": "standingInstructionType.dues", "value": "Dues" } ], "priorityOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "standingInstructionPriority.urgent", "value": "Urgent Priority" }, { "id": 2, "code": "standingInstructionPriority.high", "value": "High Priority" }, { "id": 3, "code": "standingInstructionPriority.medium", "value": "Medium Priority" }, { "id": 4, "code": "standingInstructionPriority.low", "value": "Low Priority" } ], "recurrenceTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "accountTransferRecurrenceType.periodic", "value": "Periodic Recurrence" }, { "id": 2, "code": "", "value": "As Per Dues Recurrence" } ], "recurrenceFrequencyOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "frequencyperiodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "frequencyperiodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "frequencyperiodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "frequencyperiodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" } ] }

Create new Standing Instruction

Ability to create new instruction for transfer of monetary funds from one account to another.

POST https://Domain Name/api/v1/standinginstructions POST standinginstructions/ Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "fromOfficeId":1, "fromClientId":1, "fromAccountType":2, "name":"standing instruction", "transferType":1, "priority":2, "status":1, "fromAccountId":1, "toOfficeId":1, "toClientId":1, "toAccountType":2, "toAccountId":3, "instructionType":1, "amount":"221", "validFrom":"08 April 2014", "recurrenceType":1, "recurrenceInterval":"1", "recurrenceFrequency":2, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "recurrenceOnMonthDay":"02 April", "monthDayFormat":"dd MMMM" } { "clientId":1, "resourceId":65 }

Update Standing Instruction

Ability to modify existing instruction for transfer of monetary funds from one account to another.

PUT https://Domain Name/api/v1/standinginstructions/1?command=update PUT standinginstructions/1?command=update Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "recurrenceInterval":"2" } { "resourceId":20, "changes":{ "recurrenceInterval":2 } }

Delete Standing Instruction

Ability to modify existing instruction for transfer of monetary funds from one account to another.

PUT https://Domain Name/api/v1/standinginstructions/1?command=delete PUT standinginstructions/1?command=delete Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { } { "resourceId":20, "changes":{ "status":3 } }

List Standing Instructions

Example Requests:


GET https://Domain Name/api/v1/standinginstructions { "totalFilteredRecords": 2, "pageItems": [ { "id": 1, "accountDetailId": 6, "name": "test standing", "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office" }, "fromClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Test test", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromAccount": { "id": 14, "accountNo": "000000014", "productId": 1, "productName": "savings old" }, "toOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office" }, "toClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Test test", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, "toAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "toAccount": { "id": 3, "accountNo": "000000003", "productId": 4, "productName": "account overdraft" }, "transferType": { "id": 1, "code": "accountTransferType.account.transfer", "value": "Account Transfer" }, "priority": { "id": 3, "code": "standingInstructionPriority.medium", "value": "Medium Priority" }, "instructionType": { "id": 1, "code": "standingInstructionType.fixed", "value": "Fixed" }, "status": { "id": 3, "code": "standingInstructionStatus.deleted", "value": "Deleted" }, "amount": 150.000000, "validFrom": [ 2014, 4, 3 ], "recurrenceType": { "id": 1, "code": "accountTransferRecurrenceType.periodic", "value": "Periodic Recurrence" }, "recurrenceFrequency": { "id": 2, "code": "recurrenceperiodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "recurrenceInterval": 1, "recurrenceOnMonthDay": [ 4, 3 ] }, { "id": 2, "accountDetailId": 7, "name": "test standing 2", "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office" }, "fromClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Test test", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromAccount": { "id": 14, "accountNo": "000000014", "productId": 1, "productName": "savings old" }, "toOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office" }, "toClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Test test", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, "toAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "toAccount": { "id": 3, "accountNo": "000000003", "productId": 4, "productName": "account overdraft" }, "transferType": { "id": 1, "code": "accountTransferType.account.transfer", "value": "Account Transfer" }, "priority": { "id": 2, "code": "standingInstructionPriority.high", "value": "High Priority" }, "instructionType": { "id": 1, "code": "standingInstructionType.fixed", "value": "Fixed" }, "status": { "id": 3, "code": "standingInstructionStatus.deleted", "value": "Deleted" }, "amount": 100.000000, "validFrom": [ 2014, 4, 3 ], "recurrenceType": { "id": 1, "code": "accountTransferRecurrenceType.periodic", "value": "Periodic Recurrence" }, "recurrenceFrequency": { "id": 2, "code": "recurrenceperiodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "recurrenceInterval": 1, "recurrenceOnMonthDay": [ 2, 1 ] } ] }

Retrieve Standing Instruction:

Example Requests :


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/standinginstructions/{standingInstructionId} { "id": 1, "accountDetailId": 6, "name": "test standing", "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office" }, "fromClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Test test", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromAccount": { "id": 14, "accountNo": "000000014", "productId": 1, "productName": "savings old" }, "toOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office" }, "toClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Test test", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, "toAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "toAccount": { "id": 3, "accountNo": "000000003", "productId": 4, "productName": "account overdraft" }, "transferType": { "id": 1, "code": "accountTransferType.account.transfer", "value": "Account Transfer" }, "priority": { "id": 3, "code": "standingInstructionPriority.medium", "value": "Medium Priority" }, "instructionType": { "id": 1, "code": "standingInstructionType.fixed", "value": "Fixed" }, "status": { "id": 3, "code": "standingInstructionStatus.deleted", "value": "Deleted" }, "amount": 150.000000, "validFrom": [ 2014, 4, 3 ], "recurrenceType": { "id": 1, "code": "accountTransferRecurrenceType.periodic", "value": "Periodic Recurrence" }, "recurrenceFrequency": { "id": 2, "code": "recurrenceperiodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "recurrenceInterval": 1, "recurrenceOnMonthDay": [ 4, 3 ] }

Standing Instructions Logged History:

The list capability of history can support pagination and sorting.

Optional Arguments
Integer optional, defaults to 0
Indicates from what result to start from.
Integer optional, defaults to 200
Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1
String optional, one of name,standingInstructionId
Orders the results by the field indicated.
String optional, one of ASC, DESC
Indicates what way to order results if orderBy is used.
Integer optional
Use clientId of clients to restrict results.
String optional
Use displayName of clients to restrict results.
Integer optional
Use fromAccountId of standing instruction transaction to restrict results. fromAccountId is id of fromAccountType.
Integer optional
Use fromAccountType of standing instruction transaction to restrict results. fromAccountType is enum value entity type Ex:Loan Account:1, Savings Account:2
Integer optional
Use transferType of standing instruction transaction to restrict results. transferType is enum value transfer type Ex:Loan Repayment:2, Account Transfer:1
Filters for transactions whose entry Date is greater than or equal to the passed in Date
Date optional
Filters for transactions whose entry Date is lesser than or equal to the passed in Date
String optional
Use an sql fragment valid for the underlying standing instruction schema to filter results. e.g. name like %K%

Example Requests :




GET https://DomainName/api/v1/standinginstructionrunhistory { "totalFilteredRecords": 2, "pageItems": [ { "standingInstructionId": 1, "name": "ACC Transfer", "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office" }, "fromClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Test client", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromAccount": { "id": 2, "accountNo": "000000002", "productId": 1, "productName": "General Savings" }, "toAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "toAccount": { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "productId": 1, "productName": "General Savings" }, "toOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office" }, "toClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Test client", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, "amount": 10, "status": "success", "executionTime": [ 2014, 6, 30 ], "errorLog": "" }, { "standingInstructionId": 2, "name": "Pay overdues", "fromOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office" }, "fromClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Test client", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, "fromAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "fromAccount": { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "productId": 1, "productName": "General Savings" }, "toAccountType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" }, "toAccount": { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "productId": 1, "productName": "Daily Loan" }, "toOffice": { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office" }, "toClient": { "id": 1, "displayName": "Test client", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, "amount": 7038.01, "status": "success", "executionTime": [ 2014, 6, 30 ], "errorLog": "" } ] }

Data Tables

The datatables API allows you to plug-in your own tables (MySql) that have a relationship to a Apache Fineract core table. For example, you might want to add some extra client fields and record information about each of the clients' family members. Via the API you can create, read, update and delete entries for each 'plugged-in' table. The API checks for permission and for 'data scoping' (only data within the users' office hierarchy can be managed by the user).

The Apache Fineract Reference App uses a JQuery plug-in called stretchydatatables (which in turn uses this datatables resource) to provide a pretty flexible CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) User Interface.

More Documentation


Create Data Table

Create a new data table and registers it with the Apache Fineract Core application table.

Field Descriptions
Mandatory - datatableName
The name of the Data Table.
Mandatory - apptableName
Application table name. Must be one of the following:
  • m_client
  • m_group
  • m_loan
  • m_office
  • m_saving_account
  • m_product_loan
  • m_savings_product
Mandatory - columns
An array of columns in the new Data Table.
Optional - multiRow
Allows to create multiple entries in the Data Table. Optional, defaults to false. If this property is not provided Data Table will allow only one entry.
Field Descriptions - columns
Mandatory - name
Name of the created column. Can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores and spaces, but cannot start with a number. Cannot start or end with an underscore or space.
Mandatory - type
Column type. Must be one of the following:
  • Boolean
  • Date
  • DateTime
  • Decimal
  • Dropdown
  • Number
  • String
  • Text
Mandatory [type = Dropdown] - code
Used in Code Value fields. Column name becomes: code_cd_name. Mandatory if using type Dropdown, otherwise an error is returned.
Optional - mandatory
Determines whether this column must have a value in every entry. Optional, defaults to false.
Mandatory [type = String] - length
Length of the text field. Mandatory if type String is used, otherwise an error is returned.
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables POST https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "datatableName": "extra_client_details", "apptableName": "m_client", "columns": [ { "name": "Gender", "type": "Dropdown", "code": "Gender" }, { "name": "Some Decimal", "type": "Decimal", "mandatory": true }, { "name": "Birth Date", "type": "Date" }, { "name": "Question 2", "type": "String", "length": 100, "mandatory": false } ] } { "resourceIdentifier": "extra_client_details" } POST https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "datatableName": "client_address", "apptableName": "m_client", "multiRow":"true", "columns": [ { "name": "Address1", "type": "String", "length": 100, "mandatory": true }, { "name": "Address2", "length": 100, "type": "String" } ] } { "resourceIdentifier": "client_address" }

List Data Tables

Lists registered data tables and the Apache Fineract Core application table they are registered to.

The Apache Fineract core application table.

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables [ { "applicationTableName": "m_client", "registeredTableName": "extra_client_details", "columnHeaderData": [ { "columnName": "client_id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Gender_cd_Question", "columnType": "int", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Some Decimal", "columnType": "decimal", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "DECIMAL", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Birth Date", "columnType": "date", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "DATE", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] } ] } ]

Retrieve Data Table Details

Lists a registered data table details and the Apache Fineract Core application table they are registered to.

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables/{datatable} { "applicationTableName": "m_client", "registeredTableName": "extra_client_details", "columnHeaderData": [ { "columnName": "client_id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Gender_cd_Question", "columnType": "int", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Some Decimal", "columnType": "decimal", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "DECIMAL", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Birth Date", "columnType": "date", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "DATE", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] } ] }

Update Data Table

Modifies fields of a data table. If the apptableName parameter is passed, data table is deregistered and registered with the new application table.

Field Descriptions
Optional - apptableName
Application table name. Only necessary if changing the application table this Data Table is registered to. Must be one of the following:
  • m_client
  • m_group
  • m_loan
  • m_office
  • m_saving_account
Optional - dropColumns
An array of columns to be deleted from the Data Table.
Optional - addColumns
An array of columns to be added to the Data Table.
Optional - changeColumns
An array of columns to be changed in the Data Table.
Field Descriptions - dropColumns
Mandatory - name
Requires a full name of the deleted column to be provided.
Field Descriptions - addColumns
Mandatory - name
Name of the created column. Can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores and spaces, but cannot start with a number. Cannot start or end with an underscore or space.
Mandatory - type
Column type. Must be one of the following:
  • Boolean
  • Date
  • DateTime
  • Decimal
  • Dropdown
  • Number
  • String
  • Text
Mandatory [type = Dropdown] - code
Used in Code Value fields. Column name becomes: code_cd_name. Mandatory if using type Dropdown, otherwise an error is returned.
Optional - mandatory
Determines whether this column must have a value in every entry. Optional, defaults to false.
Mandatory [type = String] - length
Length of the text field. Mandatory if type String is used, otherwise an error is returned.
Optional - after
Only used when re-ordering Data Table columns. Requires a full column name to be provided.
Field Descriptions - changeColumns
Mandatory - name
Name of the created column. Can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores and spaces, but cannot start with a number. Cannot start or end with an underscore or space.
Optional - newName
New name of the created column. Can contain only alphanumeric characters, underscores and spaces, but cannot start with a number. Cannot start or end with an underscore or space.
Mandatory [type = Dropdown] - code
Used in Code Value fields. Column name becomes: code_cd_name. Mandatory if using type Dropdown, otherwise an error is returned.
Optional [type = Dropdown] - newCode
Used in Code Value fields. Column name becomes: code_cd_name. Optional if using type Dropdown, otherwise an error is returned.
Optional - mandatory
Determines whether this column must have a value in every entry. Optional, defaults to false.
Mandatory [type = String] - length
Length of the text field. Mandatory if type String is used, otherwise an error is returned.
Optional - after
Only used when re-ordering Data Table columns. Requires a full column name to be provided.
PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables/{datatables} PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables/extra_client_details Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "apptableName": "m_client", "dropColumns": [ { "name": "Gender_cd_Question" } ], "addColumns": [ { "name": "Question", "type": "Dropdown", "code": "Gender", "mandatory": true }, { "name": "Some Number", "type": "Number", "after": "Some Field" } ], "changeColumns": [ { "name": "Question", "newName": "Question 2", "mandatory": true, "code": "Gender", "newCode": "Gender2" } ] } { "resourceIdentifier": "extra_client_details" }

Delete Data Table

Deletes a data table and deregisters it from the Apache Fineract Core application table.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables/{datatables} DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables/extra_client_details Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "resourceIdentifier": "extra_client_details" }

Register Data Table

Registers a data table with the Apache Fineract Core application table. This allows the data table to be maintained through the API. In case the datatable is a PPI (survey table), a parameter category should be pass along with the request. The API currently support one category (200)

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables/register/{datatable}/{apptable} POST datatables/register/extra_client_details/m_client Content-Type: application/json Request Body: {} { "resourceIdentifier": "extra_client_details" }

Deregister Data Table

Deregisters a data table. It will no longer be available through the API.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables/deregister/{datatable} POST datatables/deregister/extra_client_details Content-Type: application/json Request Body: {} { "resourceIdentifier": "extra_client_details" }

Create Entry in Data Table

Adds a row to the data table.

Note that the default datatable UI functionality converts any field name containing spaces to underscores when using the API. This means the field name "Business Description" is considered the same as "Business_Description". So you shouldn't have both "versions" in any data table.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId} POST datatables/extra_client_details/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "Business Description": "Livestock sales", "Comment": "First comment made", "Education_cv": "Primary", "Gender_cd": "6", "Highest Rate Paid": "8.5", "Next Visit": "01 October 2012", "Years in Business": "5", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en" } { "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve Entry(s) from Data Table

Gets the entry (if it exists) for data tables that are one to one with the application table.
Gets the entries (if they exist) for data tables that are one to many with the application table.

Note: The 'fields' parameter is not available for datatables.

Specifies the order in which data is returned.
optional, defaults to false
If 'true' an optimised JSON format is returned suitable for tabular display of data. This format is used by the default data tables UI functionality.

Example Requests:


datatables/extra_family_details/1?order=`Date of Birth` desc

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId}?genericResultSet=true { "columnHeaders": [ { "columnName": "client_id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Business Description", "columnType": "varchar", "columnLength": 100, "columnDisplayType": "STRING", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Years in Business", "columnType": "int", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Gender_cd", "columnType": "int", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "CODELOOKUP", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [ { "id": 5, "value": "option.Male" }, { "id": 6, "value": "option.Female" } ] }, { "columnName": "Education_cv", "columnType": "varchar", "columnLength": 60, "columnDisplayType": "CODEVALUE", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [ { "id": 9, "value": "Primary" }, { "id": 10, "value": "Secondary" }, { "id": 11, "value": "University" } ] }, { "columnName": "Next Visit", "columnType": "date", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "DATE", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Highest Rate Paid", "columnType": "decimal", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "DECIMAL", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Comment", "columnType": "text", "columnLength": 65535, "columnDisplayType": "TEXT", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] } ], "data": [ { "row": [ "1", "Livestock sales", "5", "6", "Primary", "2012-10-01", "8.500000", "First\tcomment made" ] } ] }

Update Entry in Data Table (One to One)

Updates the row (if it exists) of the data table.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId} PUT datatables/extra_client_details/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "Business Description": "Livestock sales updated", } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "Business Description": "Livestock sales updated" } }

Update Entry in Data Table (One to Many)

Updates the row (if it exists) of the data table.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId}/{datatableId} PUT datatables/Extra Family Details Data/1/2 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "Date of Birth": "01 June 1982", Education_cdHighest: "5", Name: "June", "Other Notes": "More\nnotes", "Points Score": "20", dateFormat: "dd MMMM yyyy", locale: "en" } { "resourceId": 1 }

Delete Entry(s) in Data Table

Deletes the entry (if it exists) for data tables that are one-to-one with the application table.
Deletes the entries (if they exist) for data tables that are one-to-many with the application table.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId} DELETE datatables/extra_client_details/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: {} { "resourceId": 1 }

Delete Entry in Datatable (One to Many)

Deletes the entry (if it exists) for data tables that are one to many with the application table.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId}/{datatableId} DELETE datatables/extra_family_details/1/2 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: {} { "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve surveys

Retrieve surveys. This allows to retrieve the list of survey tables registered .

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/survey/ GET survey/ Content-Type: application/json Request Body: {} [ { "datatableData": { "applicationTableName": "m_client", "registeredTableName": "ppi_kenya_2005", "columnHeaderData": [ { "columnName": "id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "client_id", "columnType": "int", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "ppi_household_members_cd_q1_householdmembers", "columnType": "int", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "CODELOOKUP", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [ { "id": 167, "value": "Nine or More", "score": 0 }, { "id": 168, "value": "Seven or eight", "score": 5 }, { "id": 169, "value": "Six", "score": 8 }, ], "columnCode": "ppi_household_members" }, { "columnName": "date", "columnType": "datetime", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "DATETIME", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] } ] }, "enabled": false }, { "datatableData": { "applicationTableName": "m_client", "registeredTableName": "ppi_tanzania_20012", "columnHeaderData": [ { "columnName": "id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "client_id", "columnType": "int", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "ppi_youngerthan17_cd_q1_youngerthan17", "columnType": "int", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "CODELOOKUP", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [ { "id": 204, "value": "four or More", "score": 0 }, ], "columnCode": "ppi_youngerthan17" }, ], "columnCode": "ppi_how_many_tables" }, ] }, "enabled": true } ]

Retrieve survey

Lists a registered survey table details and the Apache Fineract Core application table they are registered to.

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/survey/ppi_kenya_2005 GET survey/{surveyName} Content-Type: application/json Request Body: {} { "applicationTableName": "m_client", "registeredTableName": "extra_client_details", "columnHeaderData": [ { "columnName": "client_id", "columnType": "bigint", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": true, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Gender_cd_Question", "columnType": "int", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "INTEGER", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Some Decimal", "columnType": "decimal", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "DECIMAL", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Birth Date", "columnType": "date", "columnLength": 0, "columnDisplayType": "DATE", "isColumnNullable": true, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] } enabled:false ] }

Create an entry in the survey table

Insert and entry in a survey table (full fill the survey).

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/survey/ppi_kenya_2005/87 POST survey/{surveyName}/{clientId} Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { ppi_household_members_cd_q1_householdmembers : 167, ppi_highestschool_cd_q2_highestschool : 174 , ppi_businessoccupation_cd_q3_businessoccupation : 180, ppi_habitablerooms_cd_q4_habitablerooms :184, ppi_floortype_cd_q5_floortype : 188, ppi_lightingsource_cd_q6_lightingsource :190, ppi_irons_cd_q7_irons:193, ppi_mosquitonets_cd_q8_mosquitonets:195, ppi_towels_cd_q9_towels:198, ppi_fryingpans_cd_q10_fryingpans:201, date:"2014-12-02 20:30:00", dateFormat:"Y-m-d H:i:s", locale:"en_GB" } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 87, "resourceId": 87 }


Notes API allows to enter notes for supported resources.

Field Descriptions
A simple text note created for supported resources.

Supported Resources
Savings Account

Add a Resource Note

Adds a new note to a supported resource.

Mandatory Fields

Example Requests:


POST https://DomainName/api/v1/{resource}/{resourceId}/notes POST clients/1/notes Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "note": "a note about the client" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "resourceId": 76 }

Retrieve a Resource's Notes

Note: Notes are returned in descending createOn order.

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/{resource}/{resourceId}/notes [ { "id": 2, "clientId": 1, "noteType": { "id": 100, "code": "noteType.client", "value": "Client note" }, "note": "First note edited", "createdById": 1, "createdByUsername": "mifos", "createdOn": 1342498505000, "updatedById": 1, "updatedByUsername": "mifos", "updatedOn": 1342498517000 } ]

Retrieve a Resource Note

Example Requests:




GET https://DomainName/api/v1/{resource}/{resourceId}/notes/{noteId} { "id": 76, "clientId": 1, "noteType": { "id": 100, "code": "noteType.client", "value": "Client note" }, "note": "a note about the client", "createdById": 1, "createdByUsername": "mifos", "createdOn": 1359463135000, "updatedById": 1, "updatedByUsername": "mifos", "updatedOn": 1359463135000 }

Update a Resource Note

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/{resource}/{resourceId}/notes/{noteId} PUT clients/1/notes/76 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "note": "and here the note is updated nicely." } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "resourceId": 76, "changes": { "note": "and here the note is updated nicely." } }

Delete a Resource Note

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/{resource}/{resourceId}/notes/{noteId} DELETE clients/1/notes/76 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "resourceId": 76 }


Multiple Documents (a combination of a name, description and a file) may be attached to different Entities like Clients, Groups, Staff, Loans, Savings and Client Identifiers in the system

Note: The currently allowed Entities are

  • Clients: URL Pattern as clients
  • Staff: URL Pattern as staff
  • Loans: URL Pattern as loans
  • Savings: URL Pattern as savings
  • Client Identifiers: URL Pattern as client_identifiers
  • Groups: URL Pattern as groups

Field Descriptions
The type of the Entity with which this document is associated
The ID of the entity (client, loan etc) with which this document is associated
User Defined name for the document, need not be the same as the name of the file associated with the document
The name of the file associated with this document
The size (in bytes) of the file associated with this document
Mime Type of the file associated with this document
A description of this document

List documents

Example Requests:



GET https://DomainName/api/v1/{entityType}/{entityId}/documents [ { "id": 1, "parentEntityType": "clients", "parentEntityId": 1, "name": "Client Details Form ", "fileName": "CGAP.pdf", "size": 5246719, "type": "application/pdf", "description": "A signed form signed by new member" } ]

Retrieve a Document

Example Requests:



GET https://DomainName/api/v1/documents/{clientId} { "id": 1, "parentEntityType": "clients", "parentEntityId": 1, "name": "Client Details Form ", "fileName": "CGAP.pdf", "size": 5246719, "type": "application/pdf", "description": "A signed form signed by new member" }

Create a Document

Note: A document is created using a Multi-part form upload

Body Parts
Name or summary of the document
Description of the document
The file to be uploaded

Mandatory Fields
file and description
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/{entityType}/{entityId}/documents POST clients/1/documents Content-Type: multipart/form-data Request Body: Not Shown (multi-part form data) { "resourceId":3, "resourceIdentifier":"3" }

Update a Document

Note: A document is updated using a Multi-part form upload

Body Parts
Name or summary of the document
Description of the document
The file to be uploaded

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/{entityType}/{entityId}/documents/{documentId} PUT clients/1/documents/1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data Request Body: Not Shown (multi-part form data) { "resourceId":3, "changes":{}, "resourceIdentifier":"3" }

Retrieve Binary File associated with Document

Request used to download the file associated with the document

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/{entityType}/{entityId}/documents/{documentId}/attachment Not Shown: The corresponding Binary file

Remove a Document

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/{entityType}/{entityId}/documents/{documentId} DELETE clients/1/documents/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "resourceId":1, "changes":{}, "resourceIdentifier":"1" }
DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/{entityType}/{entityId}/documents/{documentId} DELETE loans/1/documents/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "resourceId":1, "changes":{}, "resourceIdentifier":"1" }


Non-core reports can be added, updated and deleted.

Core reports (supplied at installation/upgrade time) can only have their "useReport" updated. "useReport" is used, for example, in the reference UI report page to 'show'/'not show' reports. Reports that have useReport set to false can still be run. Reports only used for workflow purposes are examples of reports that would have their useReport set to false.

Placeholders can be put in the reportSql to act as parameters. They have the format ${paramName}. The runreports api will translate the value of any query parameter beginning R_ with the equivalent placeholder.
e.g. query parameter R_myName=john will replace ${myName} with john

There is a special 'automatic' placeholder ${currentUserHierarchy} - if this is included in reportSql it gets replaced by the requesting users' office hierarchy value. This enables data scoping.
Usage example "where o.hierarchy like CONCAT('${currentUserHierarchy}', '%')"

The reports api allows parameters (not just placeholders in reportSql) to be associated with reports. These associated parameters are only required to allow the reference UI reporting functionality implement user-friendly parameter input.


Retrieve Report Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/reports/template { "allowedReportTypes": [ "Table", "Pentaho", "Chart" ], "allowedReportSubTypes": [ "Bar", "Pie" ], "allowedParameters": [ { "id": 1, "parameterName": "startDateSelect" }, { "id": 2, "parameterName": "endDateSelect" }, { "id": 3, "parameterName": "obligDateTypeSelect" }, { "id": 5, "parameterName": "OfficeIdSelectOne" }, { "id": 6, "parameterName": "loanOfficerIdSelectAll" }, { "id": 10, "parameterName": "currencyIdSelectAll" }, { "id": 20, "parameterName": "fundIdSelectAll" }, { "id": 25, "parameterName": "loanProductIdSelectAll" }, { "id": 26, "parameterName": "loanPurposeIdSelectAll" }, { "id": 100, "parameterName": "parTypeSelect" } ] }

Create a Report

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/reports POST reports Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "reportName":"Completely New Report", "reportType":"Table", "reportSubType":"", "reportCategory":"Loan", "useReport":"false", "description":"Just\nAn\nExample", "reportSql":"select 'very good sql' as AComment", "reportParameters":[{"id":"","parameterId":"5","reportParameterName":""},{"id":"","parameterId":"6","reportParameterName":""}] } { "resourceId": 132 }

List Reports

Lists all reports and their parameters.

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/reports [ { "id": 1, "reportName": "Client Listing", "reportType": "Table", "reportCategory": "Client", "description": "Individual Client Report\r\n\r\nLists the small number of defined fields on the client table. Would expect to copy this \n\nreport and add any \u0027one to one\u0027 additional data for specific tenant needs.\r\n\r\nCan be run for any size MFI but you\u0027d expect it only to be run within a branch for \n\nlarger ones. Depending on how many columns are displayed, there is probably is a limit of about 20/50k clients returned for html display (export to excel doesn\u0027t \n\nhave that client browser/memory impact).", "coreReport": true, "useReport": true, "reportParameters": [ { "id": 1, "parameterId": 5, "parameterName": "OfficeIdSelectOne" } ] }, { "id": 2, "reportName": "Client Loans Listing", "reportType": "Table", "reportCategory": "Client", "description": "Individual Client Report\n\nPretty \n\nwide report that lists the basic details of client loans. \n\nCan be run for any size MFI but you\u0027d expect it only to be run within a branch for larger ones. \n\nThere is probably is a limit of about 20/50k clients returned for html display (export to excel doesn\u0027t have that client browser/memory impact).", "coreReport": false, "useReport": true, "reportParameters": [ { "id": 2, "parameterId": 5, "parameterName": "OfficeIdSelectOne" }, { "id": 3, "parameterId": 6, "parameterName": "loanOfficerIdSelectAll" }, { "id": 4, "parameterId": 10, "parameterName": "currencyIdSelectAll" }, { "id": 5, "parameterId": 20, "parameterName": "fundIdSelectAll" }, { "id": 6, "parameterId": 25, "parameterName": "loanProductIdSelectAll" }, { "id": 7, "parameterId": 26, "parameterName": "loanPurposeIdSelectAll" } ] },... ]

Retrieve a Report

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/reports/{id} { "id": 1, "reportName": "Client Listing", "reportType": "Table", "reportCategory": "Client", "description": "Individual Client Report\r\n\r\nLists the small number of defined fields on the client table. Would expect to copy this \n\nreport and add any \u0027one to one\u0027 additional data for specific tenant needs.\r\n\r\nCan be run for any size MFI but you\u0027d expect it only to be run within a branch for \n\nlarger ones. Depending on how many columns are displayed, there is probably is a limit of about 20/50k clients returned for html display (export to excel doesn\u0027t \n\nhave that client browser/memory impact).", "reportSql": "select \nconcat(repeat(\"..\", \n ((LENGTH(ounder.`hierarchy`) - LENGTH(REPLACE(ounder.`hierarchy`, \u0027.\u0027, \u0027\u0027)) - 1))), ounder.`name`) as \"Office/Branch\",\n c.account_no as \"Client Account No.\", \nc.display_name as \"Name\", \nr.enum_message_property as \"Status\",\nc.activation_date as \"Activation\", c.external_id as \"External Id\"\nfrom m_office o \njoin m_office ounder on ounder.hierarchy like concat(o.hierarchy, \u0027%\u0027)\nand ounder.hierarchy like concat(\u0027${currentUserHierarchy}\u0027, \u0027%\u0027)\njoin m_client c on c.office_id \u003d\nleft join r_enum_value r on r.enum_name \u003d \u0027status_enum\u0027 and r.enum_id \u003d c.status_enum\nwhere \u003d ${officeId}\norder by ounder.hierarchy, c.account_no", "coreReport": true, "useReport": true, "reportParameters": [ { "id": 1, "parameterId": 5, "parameterName": "OfficeIdSelectOne" } ] }

Update a Report

Only the useReport value can be updated for core reports.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/reports/{id} PUT reports/129 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "reportName": "New rpt name", "reportParameters": [ { "id": 194, "parameterId": 5, "reportParameterName": "m" } ] } { "resourceId": 129, "changes": { "reportName": "New rpt name", "reportParameters": "[{\"id\":194,\"parameterId\":5,\"reportParameterName\":\"m\"}]" } }

Delete a Report

Only non-core reports can be deleted.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/reports/{id} DELETE reports/100 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: {} { "resourceId": 100 }

Run Reports


Running a Report

This resource allows you to run and receive output from pre-defined Apache Fineract reports.

Reports can also be used to provide data for searching and workflow functionality.

The default output is a JSON formatted "Generic Resultset". The Generic Resultset contains Column Heading as well as Data information. However, you can export to CSV format by simply adding "&exportCSV=true" to the end of your URL.

If Pentaho reports have been pre-defined, they can also be run through this resource. Pentaho reports can return HTML, PDF or CSV formats.

The Apache Fineract reference application uses a JQuery plugin called stretchyreporting which, itself, uses this reports resource to provide a pretty flexible reporting User Interface (UI).

R_'parameter names' ...
optional, No defaults
The number and names of the parameters depend on the specific report and how it has been configured. R_officeId is an example parameter name.
Note: the prefix R_ stands for Reporting
optional, defaults to true
If 'true' an optimised JSON format is returned suitable for tabular display of data.
If 'false' a simple JSON format is returned.
optional, The only valid value is 'true'. If any other value is provided the argument will be ignored
Determines whether the request looks in the list of reports or the list of parameters for its data. Doesn't apply to Pentaho reports.
optional, The only valid value is 'true'. If any other value is provided the argument will be ignored
Output will be delivered as a CSV file instead of JSON. Doesn't apply to Pentaho reports.
optional, Defaults to HTML.
Valid Values are HTML, XLS, XSLX, CSV and PDF for html, Excel, Excel 2007+, CSV and PDF formats respectively.
Only applies to Pentaho reports.
Any valid locale Ex: en_US, en_IN, fr_FR etc
Only applies to Pentaho reports.

Example Requests:








GET https://DomainName/api/v1/runreports/{reportName} { "columnHeaders": [ { "columnName": "Office/Branch", "columnType": "VARCHAR", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Client Account No.", "columnType": "VARCHAR", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Name", "columnType": "VARCHAR", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "Joined", "columnType": "DATE", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] }, { "columnName": "External Id", "columnType": "VARCHAR", "isColumnNullable": false, "isColumnPrimaryKey": false, "columnValues": [] } ], "data": [ { "row": [ "Head Office", "000000001", "Petra Yton", "2009-03-04", "786YYH7" ] }, { "row": [ "Head Office", "000000002", "Keith(changed) Yton", "2009-03-04", null ] }, { "row": [ "Head Office", "000000003", "Jorge lastname", "2013-02-05", null ] } ] }

Report Mailing Jobs

This resource allows you to create a scheduled job that runs a report and sents it by email to specified email addresses.

The scheduled job can be configured to run once or on a regular basis (once a day, twice a week, etc).

Field Descriptions
The name of the report mailing job. It must be unique.
Optional: Description of the report mailing job.
Date and time to start the report mailing job.
The identifier of the stretchy report to be sent.
Comma separated report recipient email addresses.
The subject of the email to be sent.
The body of the email to be sent.
The Enum constant id of the email attachment file format.
Rule or repeating pattern for recurring events. See -
Indicates whether or not the scheduler should be created as active.
Optional: A map of the stretchy report parameter names to values.

Retrieve Report Mailing Job Details Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for report mailing job applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/reportmailingjobs/template { "isActive": false, "emailAttachmentFileFormatOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "ReportMailingJobEmailAttachmentFileFormat.xls", "value": "xls" }, { "id": 2, "code": "ReportMailingJobEmailAttachmentFileFormat.pdf", "value": "pdf" }, { "id": 3, "code": "ReportMailingJobEmailAttachmentFileFormat.csv", "value": "csv" } ], "stretchyReportParamDateOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "today" }, { "id": 2, "code": "reportMailingJobStretchyReportParamDateOption.yesterday", "value": "yesterday" }, { "id": 3, "code": "reportMailingJobStretchyReportParamDateOption.tomorrow", "value": "tomorrow" } ] }

Retrieve a Report Mailing Job

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/reportmailingjobs/{id} { "id": 1, "name": "Client Numbers Report", "description": "Client Numbers Report", "startDateTime": 1469627093000, "recurrence": "", "timeline": { "createdOnDate": [ 2016, 7, 27 ], "createdByUsername": "musoni", "createdByFirstname": "firstname", "createdByLastname": "lastname" }, "emailRecipients": "", "emailSubject": "Client Numbers Report", "emailMessage": "Client Numbers Report", "emailAttachmentFileFormat": { "id": 1, "code": "ReportMailingJobEmailAttachmentFileFormat.xls", "value": "xls" }, "stretchyReport": { "id": 120, "reportName": "Client Numbers Report", "reportType": "Pentaho", "reportCategory": "Client", "description": "", "coreReport": false, "useReport": true }, "stretchyReportParamMap": "{\"startDate\":\"2016-07-01\",\"endDate\":\"2016-08-02\",\"selectOffice\":\"1\",\"environementUrl\":\"environementUrl\"}", "nextRunDateTime": 1469627093000, "numberOfRuns": 0, "isActive": true, "runAsUserId": 1 }

List Report Mailing Jobs

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/reportmailingjobs [ { "id": 1, "name": "Client Numbers Report", "description": "Client Numbers Report", "startDateTime": 1469627093000, "recurrence": "", "timeline": { "createdOnDate": [ 2016, 7, 27 ], "createdByUsername": "musoni", "createdByFirstname": "firstname", "createdByLastname": "lastname" }, "emailRecipients": "", "emailSubject": "Client Numbers Report", "emailMessage": "Client Numbers Report", "emailAttachmentFileFormat": { "id": 1, "code": "ReportMailingJobEmailAttachmentFileFormat.xls", "value": "xls" }, "stretchyReport": { "id": 120, "reportName": "Client Numbers Report", "reportType": "Pentaho", "reportCategory": "Client", "description": "", "coreReport": false, "useReport": true }, "stretchyReportParamMap": "{\"startDate\":\"2016-07-01\",\"endDate\":\"2016-08-02\",\"selectOffice\":\"1\",\"environementUrl\":\"environementUrl\"}", "nextRunDateTime": 1469627093000, "numberOfRuns": 0, "isActive": true, "runAsUserId": 1 } ]

List Report Mailing Job History

The list capability of report mailing job history can support pagination and sorting.

Optional Arguments
Integer optional, defaults to 0
Indicates the result from which pagination starts
Integer optional, defaults to 200
Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1
String optional, one of startDateTime, endDateTime, status
Orders results by the indicated field.
String optional, one of ASC, DESC
Indicates what way to order results if orderBy is used.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/reportmailingjobrunhistory/{reportMailingJobId} [ { "id": 1, "reportMailingJobId": 1, "startDateTime": 1469627093000", "endDateTime": 1469627093050, "status": "success", "errorMessage": "", "errorLog": "" } ]

Create a Report Mailing Job

Mandatory Fields
name, startDateTime, stretchyReportId, emailRecipients, emailSubject, emailMessage, emailAttachmentFileFormatId, recurrence, isActive

Optional Fields
description, stretchyReportParamMap
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/reportmailingjobs POST reportmailingjobs Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en_GB", "dateFormat": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss", "name": "Client Numbers Report", "description": "Client Numbers Report", "startDateTime": "02-08-2016 11:34:18", "stretchyReportId": "120", "emailRecipients": "", "emailSubject": "Client Numbers Report", "emailMessage": "Client Numbers Report", "emailAttachmentFileFormatId": "1", "recurrence": "FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=MO,WE,FR", "isActive": true, "stretchyReportParamMap": "{\"startDate\":\"2016-07-01\",\"endDate\":\"2016-08-02\",\"selectOffice\":\"1\",\"environementUrl\":\"environementUrl\"}" } { "resourceId": 1 }

Update a Report Mailing Job

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/reportmailingjobs/{id} PUT reportmailingjobs/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en_GB", "dateFormat": "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss", "startDateTime": "10-08-2016 23:30:00" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "startDateTime": "10-08-2016 23:30:00" } }

Delete a Report Mailing Job

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/reportmailingjobs/{id} DELETE reportmailingjobs/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "resourceId": 1 }

Authentication HTTP Basic

An API capability that allows client applications to verify authentication details using HTTP Basic Authentication.

Field Descriptions
HTTP Basic Auth key. See Authentication Overview for an example of its use.

Verify authentication

Authenticates the credentials provided and returns the set roles and permissions allowed.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/authentication?username={username}&password={password} POST authentication?username=mifos&password=password Content-Type: application/json No Request Body

Example response of autentication for user that is not linked with any staff.

{ "username": "mifos", "userId": 1, "base64EncodedAuthenticationKey": "bWlmb3M6cGFzc3dvcmQ=", "authenticated": true, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "roles": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Super user", "description": "This role provides all application permissions." } ], "permissions": [ "ALL_FUNCTIONS" ] }

Example response of autentication for user that is linked with a staff member and role.

{ "username": "mifos", "userId": 1, "base64EncodedAuthenticationKey": "bWlmb3M6cGFzc3dvcmQ=", "authenticated": true, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "staffId": 1, "staffDisplayName": "Director, Program", "organisationalRole": { "id": 100, "code": "staffOrganisationalRoleType.programDirector", "value": "Program Director" }, "roles": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Super user", "description": "This role provides all application permissions." } ], "permissions": [ "ALL_FUNCTIONS" ] } POST authentication?username=mifos&password=fail Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "developerMessage": "Invalid authentication details were passed in api request.", "developerDocLink": "", "httpStatusCode": "401", "defaultUserMessage": "Unauthenticated. Please login.", "userMessageGlobalisationCode": "error.msg.not.authenticated", "errors": [] }

Authentication Oauth2

An API capability that allows client applications to fetch current user details details using Oauth2.

Field Descriptions
HTTP Auth bearer key. See Authentication Overview for an example of its use.

Authentication via OAuth2

API for requesting OAuth2 access token and refresh token.

Field Descriptions
Mandatory field. Indicates the requested grant type. Supported values: password.
Mandatory field. Indicates the client application identity.
Optional field. Indicates the client application password.
Mandatory field. Application User(resource) login name.
Mandatory field. Application User(resource) password.

OAuth2 Refresh and Access Token Request

POST https://DomainName/api/oauth/token?username={username}&password={password}&client_id={clientId}&grant_type={grant_type}&client_secret={client_secret} POST api/oauth/token?username=mifos&password=password&client_id=community-app&grant_type=password&client_secret=123 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { ""access_token": "b771987f-82fc-45ba-b521-bfe280c4e603", "token_type": "bearer", "refresh_token":"a2a89b23-8d22-4d90-8585-8f464db433b0", "expires_in": 3599, "scope": "all" }

Authentication via OAuth2

API for requesting OAuth2 access tokens through oAuth2 refresh tokens.

Field Descriptions
Mandatory field. Indicates the requested grant type. Supported values: refresh_token.
Mandatory field. Indicates the client application identity.
Optional field. Indicates the client application password.
Mandatory field. Application refresh token to generate access token.

OAuth2 Token Request through Refresh Token

POST https://DomainName/api/oauth/token?refresh_token={refresh_token}&client_id={clientId}&grant_type={grant_type}&client_secret={client_secret} POST api/oauth/token?client_id=community-app&grant_type=refresh_token&client_secret=123&refresh_token=a2a89b23-8d22-4d90-8585-8f464db433b0 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { ""access_token": "b771987f-82fc-45ba-b521-bfe280c4e643", "token_type": "bearer", "refresh_token":"a2a89b23-8d22-4d90-8585-8f464db433b0", "expires_in": 3599, "scope": "all" }

Fetch authenticated user details

checks the Authentication and returns the set roles and permissions allowed.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/userdetails?access_token={access_token} POST userdetails?access_token=bWlmb3M6cGFzc3dvcmQ= Content-Type: application/json No Request Body

Example response of authenticated user user that is not linked with any staff.

{ "username": "mifos", "userId": 1, "accessToken": "bWlmb3M6cGFzc3dvcmQ=", "authenticated": true, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "roles": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Super user", "description": "This role provides all application permissions." } ], "permissions": [ "ALL_FUNCTIONS" ] }

Example response of authenticated user that is linked with a staff member and role.

{ "username": "mifos", "userId": 1, "accessToken": "bWlmb3M6cGFzc3dvcmQ=", "authenticated": true, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "staffId": 1, "staffDisplayName": "Director, Program", "organisationalRole": { "id": 100, "code": "staffOrganisationalRoleType.programDirector", "value": "Program Director" }, "roles": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Super user", "description": "This role provides all application permissions." } ], "permissions": [ "ALL_FUNCTIONS" ] } POST api/oauth/token?username=mifos&password=password&client_id=community-app&grant_type=password&client_secret=123 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "developerMessage": "Invalid authentication details were passed in api request.", "developerDocLink": "", "httpStatusCode": "401", "defaultUserMessage": "Unauthenticated. Please login.", "userMessageGlobalisationCode": "error.msg.not.authenticated", "errors": [] }


An API capability to support administration of application users.


Retrieve list of users

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/users [ { "id": 1, "username": "mifos", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "firstname": "App", "lastname": "Administrator", "email": "", "passwordNeverExpires": false, "staff": { "id": 1, "firstname": "Test", "lastname": "123", "displayName": "123, Test", "mobileNo": "12312312", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "isLoanOfficer": true, "isActive": true } "selectedRoles": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Super user", "description": "This role provides all application permissions." } ] } ]

Retrieve User Details Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/users/template { "allowedOffices": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Head Office", "nameDecorated": "Head Office" } ], "availableRoles": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Super user", "description": "This role provides all application permissions." } ] }

Retrieve a User

Example Requests:



GET https://DomainName/api/v1/users/{userId} { "id": 1, "username": "mifos", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "firstname": "App", "lastname": "Administrator", "email": "", "passwordNeverExpires": true, "staff": { "id": 1, "firstname": "Test", "lastname": "123", "displayName": "123, Test", "mobileNo": "12312312", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "isLoanOfficer": true, "isActive": true } "availableRoles": [], "selectedRoles": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Super user", "description": "This role provides all application permissions." } ] }

Create a User

Adds new application user.

Note: Password information is not required (or processed). Password details at present are auto-generated and then sent to the email account given (which is why it can take a few seconds to complete).

Mandatory Fields
username, firstname, lastname, email, officeId, roles, sendPasswordToEmail

Optional Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/users POST users Content-Type: application/json Request body: { "username": "newuser", "firstname": "Test", "lastname": "User", "email": "", "officeId": 1, "staffId": 1, "roles": [2,3], "sendPasswordToEmail": true } { "officeId": 1, "resourceId": 11 } POST users Content-Type: application/json Request body: { "username": "newuser", "firstname": "Test", "lastname": "User", "email": "", "officeId": 1, "staffId": 1, "roles": [2,3], "sendPasswordToEmail": false, "password": "123", "repeatPassword": "123" } { "officeId": 1, "resourceId": 12 } POST https://DomainName/api/v1/users POST users Content-Type: application/json Request body: { "username": "newuser", "firstname": "Test", "lastname": "User", "email": "", "officeId": 1, "staffId": 1, "roles": [2,3], "sendPasswordToEmail": true, "isSelfServiceUser": true, "clients": [1,2,3] } { "officeId": 1, "resourceId": 11 }

Update a User

Note: When updating a password you must provide the repeatPassword parameter also.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/users/{userId) PUT users/3 Content-Type: application/json Request body: { "firstname": "Test", "password": "window75", "repeatPassword": "window75" } { "officeId": 1, "resourceId": 3, "changes": { "firstname": "Test", "passwordEncoded": "abc3326b1bb376351c7baeb4175f5e0504e33aadf6a158474a6d71de1befae51" } }

Delete a User

Removes the user and the associated roles and permissions.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/users/{userId} DELETE users/20 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "officeId": 1, "resourceId": 20, "changes": {} }


An API capability to support management of application roles for user administration.


List Roles

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/roles [ { "id": 1, "name": "Super user", "description": "This role provides all application permissions." } ]

Delete a Role

Description : Delete the role in case role is not associated with any users.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/roles/{roleId} DELETE roles/20 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "resourceId":1 }

Retrieve a Role

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/roles/{roleId} { "id": 1, "name": "Super user", "description": "This role provides all application permissions." }

Create a New Role

Mandatory Fields
name, description
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/roles POST roles Content-Type: application/json Request body: { "name": "Another Role Name", "description": "A description outlining the purpose of this role in relation to the application." } { "resourceId": 2}

Update a Role

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/roles/{roleId} PUT roles/1 Content-Type: application/json Request body: { "description": "some description(changed)" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "description": "some description(changed)" } }

Retrieve a Role's Permissions

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/roles/{roleId}/permissions { "id": 1, "name": "Super user", "description": "This role provides all application permissions.", "permissionUsageData": [ { "grouping": "authorisation", "code": "READ_PERMISSION", "entityName": "PERMISSION", "actionName": "READ", "selected": false }, ... { "grouping": "transaction_loan", "code": "WRITEOFF_LOAN_CHECKER", "entityName": "LOAN", "actionName": "WRITEOFF", "selected": false } ] }

Enable Role

Description : Enable role in case role is disabled.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/roles/{roleId}?command=enable POST roles/1?command=enable Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "resourceId":1 }

Disable Role

Description : Disable the role in case role is not associated with any users.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/roles/{roleId}?command=disable POST roles/1?command=disable Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "resourceId":1 }

Update a Role's Permissions

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/roles/{roleId}/permissions PUT roles/8 Content-Type: application/json Request body: { "permissions": { "ALL_FUNCTIONS_READ": "true" } } { "resourceId": 8, "changes": { "permissions": { "ALL_FUNCTIONS_READ": true } } }


An API capability to support management of application permissions for user administration.

There is no Apache Fineract functionality for creating or deleting permissions. Permissions come pre-installed.

Permissions are not updated, except in the case of enabling or disabling non-read transactions for Maker Checker functionality


List Application Permissions

optional, Values are true, false. Default is false.

If makerCheckerable=false or not supplied then a list of application permissions is returned. The "selected" attribute is always true in this case.

If makerCheckerable=true then the "selected" attribute shows whether the permission is enabled for Maker Check functionality.

Note: Each Apache Fineract transaction is associated with a permission.

Example Requests:



GET https://DomainName/api/v1/permissions [ { "grouping": "authorisation", "code": "READ_PERMISSION", "entityName": "PERMISSION", "actionName": "READ", "selected": true }, .... { "grouping": "transaction_loan", "code": "WRITEOFF_LOAN", "entityName": "LOAN", "actionName": "WRITEOFF", "selected": true } ]

Enable/Disable Permissions for Maker Checker

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/permissions PUT permissions Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "permissions":{ "CREATE_GUARANTOR":true, "CREATE_CLIENT":true } }

Password preferences

This API enables management of password policy for user administration.

There is no Apache Fineract functionality for creating a validation policy. The validation policies come pre-installed.

Validation policies may be updated


List Application Password validation policies


Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/passwordpreferences/template [ { "id": 1, "description": "Password must be at least 1 character and not more that 50 characters long", "active": true, "key" : "simple" }, { "id": 2, "description": "Password must be at least 6 characters, no more than 50 characters long, must include at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one numeric digit and no space", "active": false, "key" : "secure" } ]
GET https://DomainName/api/v1/passwordpreferences/ { "id": 1, "description": "Password most be at least 1 character and not more that 50 characters long", "active": true, "key" : "simple" }

Update password preferences

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/passwordpreferences/ PUT passwordpreferences Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "validationPolicyId" : 1, }

General Ledger Account

Ledger accounts represent an Individual account within an Organizations Chart Of Accounts(COA) and are assigned a name and unique number by which they can be identified.
All transactions relating to a company's assets, liabilities, owners' equity, revenue and expenses are recorded against these accounts

Field Descriptions
The name of the account
The ledger code associated with the Account
These codes are mandatory and should be unique within an organization
A boolean flag that indicates whether an account is currently in use
Classifies the account into one of the following Types
Asset: represent the different types of economic resources owned or controlled by business, common examples of Asset accounts are cash, cash in bank, building, inventory, prepaid rent, goodwill, accounts receivable
Liability: represent the different types of economic obligations by a business, such as accounts payable, bank loan, bonds payable
Income: represent the company's gross earnings and common examples include Interest Income, Sales and Service revenue
Expense: represent the company's expenditures to enable itself to operate. Common examples are electricity and water, rentals, depreciation, doubtful accounts, insurance.
Equity: represent the residual equity of a business (after deducting from Assets all the liabilities) including Retained Earnings and Appropriations

The options are fully listed in Retrieve General Ledger Accounts Template.
Determines how the account shall be used
"Header" accounts specify the title of a group of accounts. They are used only for grouping together detail accounts that have a similar purpose; that is, detail accounts are assigned to specific header accounts
"Detail" accounts may have transactions logged against them

The options are fully listed in Retrieve General Ledger Accounts Template.
Specifies if manual entries can be made against this account using the Create Journal Entries API
Human understandable description for the Ledger Account
To assign a parent for this GLAccount
Used for tagging the Account Heads, based on GLAccount types.

List General Ledger Accounts

Integer optional
boolean optional
Integer optional
boolean optional
Long optional
Long optional

Example Requests:



GET https://DomainName/api/v1/glaccounts [ { "id": 16, "name": "Cash", "parentId": 1, "glCode": "100001", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "description": "Desc", "nameDecorated": "....Cash", "tagId": { "id": 10, "name": "asset tag" }, "organizationRunningBalance": 118437, }, { "id": 15, "name": "Fund Source For Loan", "glCode": "100002", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "description": "Desc", "organizationRunningBalance": 118437, } ]

Retrieve GL Accounts Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:


type is optional and integer value from 1 to 5.


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/glaccounts/template
GET https://DomainName/api/v1/glaccounts/template?type=1
{ "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "accountTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.liability", "value": "LIABILITY" }, { "id": 3, "code": "accountType.equity", "value": "EQUITY" }, { "id": 4, "code": "accountType.income", "value": "INCOME" }, { "id": 5, "code": "accountType.expense", "value": "EXPENSE" } ], "usageOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, { "id": 2, "code": "accountUsage.header", "value": "HEADER" } ], "assetHeaderAccountOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Two wheeler loan", "glCode": "10001", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 2, "code": "accountUsage.header", "value": "HEADER" }, "nameDecorated": "Two wheeler loan", "tagId": { "id": 10, "name": "asset tag" } }, { "id": 2, "name": "VEHICLE LOAN", "parentId": 1, "glCode": "10002", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 2, "code": "accountUsage.header", "value": "HEADER" }, "nameDecorated": "....VEHICLE LOAN", "tagId": { "id": 10, "name": "asset tag" } } ], "liabilityHeaderAccountOptions": [ { "id": 15, "name": "liabilitieschild", "glCode": "ltchild", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.liability", "value": "LIABILITY" }, "usage": { "id": 2, "code": "accountUsage.header", "value": "HEADER" }, "nameDecorated": "liabilitieschild", "tagId": { "id": 11, "name": "liability tag" } } ], "equityHeaderAccountOptions": [ { "id": 13, "name": "testajax", "glCode": "12345678", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 3, "code": "accountType.equity", "value": "EQUITY" }, "usage": { "id": 2, "code": "accountUsage.header", "value": "HEADER" }, "nameDecorated": "testajax", "tagId": { "id": 12, "name": "Equity tag" } } ], "expenseHeaderAccountOptions": [ { "id": 8, "name": "Salary", "glCode": "450098", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 5, "code": "accountType.expense", "value": "EXPENSE" }, "usage": { "id": 2, "code": "accountUsage.header", "value": "HEADER" }, "nameDecorated": "Salary", "tagId": { "id": 14, "name": "Expenses Tag" } } ], "allowedAssetsTagOptions": [ { "id": 10, "name": "asset tag", "position": 0 } ], "allowedLiabilitiesTagOptions": [ { "id": 11, "name": "liability tag", "position": 0 } ], "allowedEquityTagOptions": [ { "id": 12, "name": "Equity tag", "position": 0 } ], "allowedIncomeTagOptions": [ { "id": 13, "name": "Income Tag", "position": 0 } ], "allowedExpensesTagOptions": [ { "id": 14, "name": "Expenses Tag", "position": 0 } ] }

Retrieve a General Ledger Account

Example Requests:




GET https://DomainName/api/v1/glaccounts/{glaccountsId} { "id": 1, "name": "Cash", "glCode": "100001", "disabled": false, "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset1", "value": "ASSET" }, "usage": { "id": 1, "code": "accountUsage.detail", "value": "DETAIL" }, "description": "Desc", "organizationRunningBalance": 118437, }

Create a General Ledger Account

Note: You may optionally create Hierarchical Chart of Accounts by using the "parentId" property of an Account

Mandatory Fields
name, glCode, type, usage and manualEntriesAllowed
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/glaccounts POST glaccounts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Cash at Bangalore", "glCode": "100017", "manualEntriesAllowed": true, "type": 1, "tagId": "10", "parentId": "18", "usage": 1, "description": "Cash at Bangalore Branch" } { "resourceId": 22 }

Update a General Ledger Account

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/glaccounts/{glaccountId} PUT glaccounts/22 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Cash at Bangalore rural" } { "resourceId": 22, "changes": { "name": "Cash at Bangalore rural" } }
PUT glaccounts/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "disabled": true } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "disabled": true } }

Delete a General Ledger Account

Note: Only Ledger Accounts against which no transactions have been logged (either manually or by the loan or Savings portfolio) can be deleted.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/glaccounts/{glaccountId} DELETE glaccounts/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "resourceId": 1, "changes": {} }

Accounting Closure

An accounting closure indicates that no more journal entries may be logged (or reversed) in the system, either manually or via the portfolio with an entry date prior to the defined closure date

Field Descriptions
The date for which the accounting closure is defined
The identifer of the branch for which accounting has been closed
Description associated with an Accounting closure

List Accounting closures

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/glclosures [ { "id": 7, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "closingDate": [ 2013, 1, 2 ], "deleted": false, "createdDate": [ 2013, 1, 3 ], "lastUpdatedDate": [ 2013, 1, 3 ], "createdByUserId": 1, "createdByUsername": "mifos", "lastUpdatedByUserId": 1, "lastUpdatedByUsername": "mifos", "comments": "closed", }, { "id": 6, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "closingDate": [ 2012, 12, 13 ], "deleted": false, "createdDate": [ 2012, 12, 14 ], "lastUpdatedDate": [ 2012, 12, 14 ], "createdByUserId": 1, "createdByUsername": "mifos", "lastUpdatedByUserId": 1, "lastUpdatedByUsername": "mifos", "comments": "hello", } ]

Retrieve an Accounting Closure

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/glclosures/{glclosureId} { "id": 7, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "closingDate": [ 2013, 1, 2 ], "deleted": false, "createdDate": [ 2013, 1, 3 ], "lastUpdatedDate": [ 2013, 1, 3 ], "createdByUserId": 1, "createdByUsername": "mifos", "lastUpdatedByUserId": 1, "lastUpdatedByUsername": "mifos", "comments": "closed", }

Create an Accounting Closure

Mandatory Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/glclosures POST glclosures Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "officeId": 1, "closingDate": "06 December 2012", "comments": "The accountants are heading for a carribean vacation", "locale": "en" , "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy" } { "officeId": 1, "resourceId": 9 }

Update an Accounting closure

Once an accounting closure is created, only the comments associated with it may be edited

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/glclosures/{glclosureId} PUT glclosures/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "comments": "All transactions verified by Johnny Cash" } { "officeId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "comments": "All transactions verified by Johnny Cash" } }

Delete an accounting closure

Note: Only the latest accounting closure associated with a branch may be deleted.

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/glclosures/{glclosureId} DELETE glclosures/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "officeId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Journal Entries

A journal entry refers to the logging of transactions against general ledger accounts. A journal entry may consist of several line items, each of which is either a "debit" or a "credit". The total amount of the debits must equal the total amount of the credits or the journal entry is said to be "unbalanced"

A journal entry directly changes the account balances on the general ledger

Field Descriptions
The identifier of the office ( cost center) at which the financial activity occured
A three letter ISO code of currency.
The identifier of the account ( Ledger Account) against which this journal entry was made
The target date for which this entry was recorded
The Monetary amount associated with this entry
A description associated with this entry
Either a Credit(1) or a Debit(2)
A unique Identifier for a set of related Credit and Debit entries that make up a "balanced" jounral Entry. For a manual entry, this feild is a unique string.
For a system generated entry, the combination of transactionId and entityId is unique
Flag determines if an entry is generated by the portfolio (posted automatically by the system during the lifecycle of loan or saving products) or manually created by using the Create (Balanced) Journal Entries API
Flag determines if this manual journal entry has been reversed using the Reverse a Journal Entry API.
Note: A journal entry is reversed by logging debits for all credits that make up the Journal entry and vice-versa
An additional field that is used to store additional information about the entry (Ex: chequeNo)
Denotes the accounting rule id for posting journal entries.
Describes office balance after the journal entry for the Ledger Account.
Describes complete organization balances after the journal entry for the Ledger Account.
Describes whether account balances computed for the journal entry.
Additional details of transaction like payment details and notes .
Maps to a Code value of a system defined Code with the name "PaymentType". This is used to optionally identify the mode of payment (Ex: checks, Cash etc) associated with a Journal Entry
accountNumber, checkNumber, routingCode, receiptNumber, bankNumber
Various properties associated with a payment type

List Journal Entries

The list capability of journal entries can support pagination and sorting.

Optional Arguments
Integer optional, defaults to 0
Indicates from what result to start from.
Integer optional, defaults to 200
Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1
String optional, one of displayName, accountNo, officeId, officeName
Orders the results by the field indicated.
String optional, one of ASC, DESC
Indicates what way to order results if orderBy is used.
Integer optional
Provides ability to restrict list of centers returned based on the office there associated with.
Integer optional
Boolean optional
Flag determines if only manually created journal entries are to be returned( journal entries created by the system during lifecycle of loan or saving products etc shall be excluded)
Set to "false" by default if not passed in explicity
Filters for Journal entries whose entry Date is greater than or equal to the passed in Date
Date optional
Filters for Journal entries whose entry Date is lesser than or equal to the passed in Date
String optional
Boolean optional
Flag determines if additional transactional details to be returned(like payment details and notes).
Boolean optional
Flag determines whether running balances to be returned
Integer optional
Provides ability to restrict journal entries based on the loan they are associated with
Integer optional
Provides ability to restrict journal entries based on the savings account they are associated with

Example Requests:



journalentries?officeId=1&manualEntriesOnly=true&fromDate=1 July 2013&toDate=15 July 2013&dateFormat=dd MMMM yyyy&locale=en







GET https://DomainName/api/v1/journalentries?transactionId=PB37X8Y21EQUY4S { "totalFilteredRecords": 24, "pageItems": [ { "id": 1, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "glAccountName": "ACCOUNT_NAME_WTYRB", "glAccountId": 98, "glAccountCode": "ASSET_C01367768735188", "glAccountType": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "transactionDate": [ 2011, 3, 4 ], "entryType": { "id": 2, "code": "journalEntrytType.debit", "value": "DEBIT" }, "amount": 10000, "transactionId": "33", "manualEntry": false, "entityType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "LOAN" }, "entityId": 7, "createdByUserId": 1, "createdDate": [ 2013, 5, 5 ], "createdByUserName": "mifos", "reversed": false, }, { "id": 2, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "glAccountName": "ACCOUNT_NAME_WTYRB", "glAccountId": 98, "glAccountCode": "ASSET_C01367768735188", "glAccountType": { "id": 1, "code": "accountType.asset", "value": "ASSET" }, "transactionDate": [ 2011, 3, 4 ], "entryType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "CREDIT" }, "amount": 10000, "transactionId": "33", "manualEntry": false, "entityType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "LOAN" }, "entityId": 7, "createdByUserId": 1, "createdDate": [ 2013, 5, 5 ], "createdByUserName": "mifos", "reversed": false, } ] }

Create "Balanced" Journal Entries

Note: A Balanced (simple) Journal entry would have atleast one "Debit" and one "Credit" entry whose amounts are equal
Compound Journal entries may have "n" debits and "m" credits where both "m" and "n" are greater than 0 and the net sum or all debits and credits are equal

Mandatory Fields
officeId, transactionDate
Details of the credits contained in the journal entry. Each credit entry contains the following items
glAccountId: Identifier of the general ledger account against which the credit entry shall be made
amount: Amount of money credited
comments: Optional description associated with a credit entry .
Details of the debits contained in the journal entry. Each debit entry contains the following items
glAccountId: Identifier of the general ledger account against which the debit entry shall be made
amount: Amount of money debited
comments: Optional description associated with a debit entry .

Optional Fields
paymentTypeId, accountNumber, checkNumber, routingCode, receiptNumber, bankNumber
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/journalentries POST journalentries Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "officeId": 1, "transactionDate": "06 December 2012", "comments": "Gifts for staff", "locale": "en" , "currencyCode": "USD", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "credits":[{"glAccountId":1, "amount":5000}, {"glAccountId":2, "amount":5000} ], "debits":[{"glAccountId":3, "amount":5000}, {"glAccountId":4, "amount":5000} ], "paymentTypeId": "12", "accountNumber": "accno123", "checkNumber": "chec123", "routingCode": "rou123", "receiptNumber": "rec123", "bankNumber": "ban123" } { "officeId": 1, "transactionId": "DNEEMS2LPD0NJ9O" } POST https://DomainName/api/v1/journalentries POST journalentries Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "officeId": "1", "transactionDate": "23 May 2013", "referenceNumber": "547", "currencyCode": "USD", "comments": "asdf", "accountingRule": "2", "amount": "547" } { "officeId":1, "transactionId":"RS9MCISID4WK1ZM" } POST https://DomainName/api/v1/journalentries POST journalentries Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "officeId": "1", "transactionDate": "23 May 2013", "referenceNumber": "547", "comments": "asdf", "accountingRule": "2", "credits":[{"glAccountId":1, "amount":5000}, {"glAccountId":2, "amount":5000} ], "debits":[{"glAccountId":3, "amount":5000}, {"glAccountId":4, "amount":5000} ] } { "officeId":1, "transactionId":"RS9MCISID4WK1ZM" } POST https://DomainName/api/v1/journalentries POST journalentries Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "officeId": "1", "transactionDate": "23 May 2013", "referenceNumber": "547", "comments": "asdf", "accountingRule": "3", "credits":[{"glAccountId":1, "amount":5000}, {"glAccountId":2, "amount":5000} ], "amount": "10000" } { "officeId":1, "transactionId":"RS9MCISID4WK1ZM" }

Update Running balances for Journal Entries

This API calculates the running balances for office. If office ID not provided this API calculates running balances for all offices.

Mandatory Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/journalentries?command=updateRunningBalance POST journalentries?command=updateRunningBalance Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "officeId": 1, } { "officeId": 1, }

Retrieve a single Entry

Example Requests:




GET https://DomainName/api/v1/journalentries/{entryId} { "id": 1, "officeId": 2, "officeName": "sub branch 1", "glAccountName": "Income from interest", "glAccountId": 14, "glAccountCode": "400001", "glAccountType": { "id": 4, "code": "accountType.income", "value": "INCOME" }, "transactionDate": [ 2012, 11, 2 ], "entryType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "CREDIT" }, "amount": 900, "transactionId": "13", "manualEntry": true, "createdByUserId": 1, "createdDate": [ 2012, 11, 2 ], "createdByUserName": "mifos", "reversed": false, }

Reverse a Journal Entry

Note: A journal entry is reversed by logging debits for all credits that constitute the Journal entry and vice-versa. The transactionId of the "reversal Entry" is returned as the methods response

String Mandatory, case-insensitive
'reverse' : Reverse the Journal Entry
Optional Arguments
String optional
Optional string to be applied as a comment for the created reversal entry, default comment is used if this field is not supplied
GET https://DomainName/api/v1/journalentries/{transactionId}?command=reverse POST journalentries/C1MAE935K0IAEYA?command=reverse Content-Type: application/json { "transactionId": "YFDYMPBVVI9TRJP" }

Mapping Financial Activities to Accounts

Organization Level Financial Activities like Asset and Liability Transfer can be mapped to GL Account. Integrated accounting takes these accounts into consideration when an Account transfer is made between a savings to loan/savings account and vice-versa

Field Descriptions
The identifier of the Financial Activity
The identifier of a GL Account ( Ledger Account) which shall be used as the default account for the selected Financial Activity

List Financial Activities to Accounts Mappings

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/financialactivityaccounts [ { "id": 1, "financialActivityData": { "id": 200, "name": "liabilityTransfer", "mappedGLAccountType": "LIABILITY" }, "glAccountData": { "id": 55, "name": "Liability Transfer (Temp)", "glCode": "220004-Temp" } }, { "id": 2, "financialActivityData": { "id": 100, "name": "assetTransfer", "mappedGLAccountType": "ASSET" }, "glAccountData": { "id": 33, "name": "Petty Cash", "glCode": "20302" } } ]

Create a new Financial Activity to Accounts Mapping

Mandatory Fields
financialActivityId, glAccountId

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/financialactivityaccounts POST financialactivityaccounts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "financialActivityId": 200, "glAccountId":2 } { "resourceId": 1 }

Update a Financial Activity to Account Mapping

the API updates the Ledger account linked to a Financial Activity

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/financialactivityaccounts/{financialactivityaccountId} PUT financialactivityaccounts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "financialActivityId": 200, "glAccountId":3 } { "resourceId": 2, "changes": { "glAccountId": 3 } }

Retrieve a Financial Activity to Account Mapping

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/financialactivityaccounts/{financialactivityaccountId} { "id": 1, "financialActivityData": { "id": 200, "name": "liabilityTransfer", "mappedGLAccountType": "LIABILITY" }, "glAccountData": { "id": 55, "name": "Liability Transfer (Temp)", "glCode": "220004-Temp" } }

Delete a Financial Activity to Account Mapping

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/financialactivityaccounts/{financialactivityaccountId} DELETE financialactivityaccounts/1? Content-Type: application/json { "resourceId": "2" }

Periodic Accrual Accounting

Periodic Accrual is to accrue the loan income till the specific date or till batch job scheduled time.

Field Descriptions
which specifies periodic accruals should happen till the given Date

Executes Periodic Accrual Accounting

Mandatory Fields

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/runaccruals POST financialactivityaccounts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "tillDate":"04 June 2014" }

Provisioning Entries

This defines the Provisioning Entries for all active loan products

Field Descriptions
Date on which day provisioning entries should be created
Boolean variable whether to add journal entries for generated provisioning entries

Create new Provisioning Entries

Creates a new Provisioning Entries

Mandatory Fields
Optional Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/provisioningentries POST provisioningentries Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "date":"16 October 2015", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "createjournalentries":true } { "resourceId": 1 }

List all Provisioning Entries

List all Provisioning Entries

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/provisioningentries GET provisioningentries Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } {[ {"id":1, "journalEntry":true, "createdUser":"mifos", "createdDate":"16 October 2014"}, {"id":2, "journalEntry":true, "createdUser":"mifos", "createdDate":"16 October 2015"} ] }

Retrieves a Provisioning Entry

Returns the details of a generated Provisioning Entry.

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/provisioningentries/{privisioningEntryId} GET provisioningentries Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "id":1, "journalEntry":true, "createdUser":"mifos", "createdDate":"16 October 2014", "provisioningEntries":[ {"historyId":1, "officeId:":1 "officeName:":"Head Office", "currencyCode:":"USD", "productId:":12, "productName:":"Loan Product Name1", "categoryId":4, "categoryName":"LOSS", "amountReserved":63098.29, "liabilityAccount":4, "liabilityCode":"Liability Account Name", "expenseAccount":6, "expenseCode":"Expense Account Name" }, {"id":2, "journalEntry":true, "createdUser":"mifos", "createdDate":"16 October 2014", "provisioningEntries":[ {"historyId":1, "officeId:":2 "officeName:":"Branch Office", "currencyCode:":"USD", "productId:":12, "productName:":"Loan Product Name1", "categoryId":2, "categoryName":"SUB-STANDARD", "amountReserved":63098.29, "liabilityAccount":1, "liabilityCode":"Liability Account Name", "expenseAccount":2, "expenseCode":"Expense Account Name" } ] }

Recreates Provisioning Entry

Recreates Provisioning Entry.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/provisioningentries/{privisioningEntryId}?command=recreateprovisioningentry POST provisioningentries Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "command":"recreateprovisioningentry" } { "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieves a Provisioning Entry

Returns the details of a generated Provisioning Entry.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/provisioningentries/{privisioningEntryId}?command=createjournalentry POST provisioningentries Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "command":"createjournalentry" } { "resourceId": 1 }


Search API allows to search scoped resources clients, loans and groups on specified fields.

Scoped Resources
Scoped fields
Client Display Name
Account Number
External Id
Loan Account Number
Client Identifiers Document Key
Group Name
Account Number
External Id

Search Resources

Example Requests:




String which is searched on scoped resources
Scoped resources on which search can be performed. If there is no resource parameter passed then search will be performed on all scoped resources.
Scoped resources on which search can be performed. If there is no exactMatch parameter passed then search will be performed for all partial matches scoped resources.

Order of Search results
List exact match results in following order
  1. 1. Clients
  2. 2. Loans
  3. 3. Client Identifiers
  4. 4. Groups
List partial match results in following order
  1. 1. Clients
  2. 2. Loans
  3. 3. Client Identifiers
  4. 4. Groups
GET https://DomainName/api/v1/search?query=000000111 [ { "entityId": 111, "entityAccountNo": "000000111", "entityName": "12-A Flat Loan", "entityType": "LOAN", "parentId": 65, "parentName": "aaaa aaaaa", "parentType": "client" } ] GET https://DomainName/api/v1/search?query=000000001&exactMatch=true [{ "entityId": 1, "entityAccountNo": "000000001", "entityExternalId": "ID_JKZGEXF", "entityName": "Group_Name_HVCU5", "entityType": "GROUP", "parentId": 1, "parentName": "Head Office", "entityStatus": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active" } }, { "entityId": 1, "entityAccountNo": "000000001", "entityExternalId": "ID_UOZAGPZ", "entityName": "Client_FirstName_KJ5B6 Client_LastName_KDGX", "entityType": "CLIENT", "parentId": 1, "parentName": "Head Office", "entityStatus": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active" } }]

Advance Search

AdHoc Query search supported parameters and field descriptions

Field Descriptions
Entities to be included for search.(presently support added only for loans)
Loan status values to be included for search.
Supported loan status:["all","active","overpaid","closed","writeoff"]
Array of loanproduct ids.
Array of office ids.
Date condition name for search query.
Supported values "approvalDate" or "createdDate" or "disbursalDate".
Start date for 'loanDateOption' in 'yyyy-MM-dd' format.
End date for 'loanDateOption' in 'yyyy-MM-dd' format.
It is a Boolean value, allows to search percentage of loan outstanding amount with in a given range
Condition type for outstanding amount percentage. Supported values: between or <= or >= or < or > or =
When 'outStandingAmountPercentageCondition' is between required fields minOutStandingAmountPercentage and maxOutStandingAmountPercentage
Minimum percentage of outstanding amount.
Mandatory when 'outStandingAmountPercentageCondition' type is 'between'
Maximum percentage of outstanding amount.
Mandatory when 'outStandingAmountPercentageCondition' type is 'between'
Percentage of outstanding amount for search.
Mandatory when 'outStandingAmountPercentageCondition' type is otherthan 'between'
Boolean value, allows user to search loan outstanding amount with in a given range
Condition type to search outstanding amount. Supported values: between or <= or >= or < or > or =
When 'outstandingAmountCondition' is between required fields minOutStandingAmount and maxOutStandingAmount
Minimum value of outstanding amount for outstandingAmountCondition type between.
Mandatory when 'outstandingAmountCondition' type is 'between'
Maximum value of outstanding amount for outstandingAmountCondition type between.
Mandatory when 'outstandingAmountCondition' type is 'between'
Default value of outstanding amount for search.
Mandatory when 'outstandingAmountCondition' type is otherthan 'between'

AdHoc Query Search

AdHocQuery search has more search options, it is a POST request, it uses request body to send search parameters

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields
loanStatus, loanProducts, offices, loanDateOption, loanFromDate, loanToDate,
includeOutStandingAmountPercentage, outStandingAmountPercentageCondition,
minOutStandingAmountPercentage and maxOutStandingAmountPercentage OR outStandingAmountPercentage,
includeOutstandingAmount, outstandingAmountCondition,
minOutstandingAmount and maxOutstandingAmount OR outstandingAmount
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/search/advance POST search/advance Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd", "entities": ["loans"], "loanStatus": ["all","active","overpaid"], "loanProducts": ["65","97","73","82"], "offices": ["1","10","100"], "loanDateOption": "approvalDate", "loanFromDate": "2013-01-01", "loanToDate": "2014-01-27", "includeOutStandingAmountPercentage": true, "outStandingAmountPercentageCondition": "<=", "outStandingAmountPercentage": "80", "includeOutstandingAmount": true, "outstandingAmountCondition": "between", "minOutstandingAmount": "100", "maxOutstandingAmount": "10000" } [{ "officeName": "HFC", "loanProductName": "01 BC3M", "count": 86, "loanOutStanding": 5692.41, "percentage": 76.4 }, { "officeName": "keithoffice", "loanProductName": "IGL", "count": 3, "loanOutStanding": 4168.23, "percentage": 56.9 }, { "officeName": "Rio", "loanProductName": "IGL", "count": 1, "loanOutStanding": 1681.12, "percentage": 55.56 }]

Interest Rate Chart

This defines an interest rate scheme that can be associated to a term deposit product. This will have a slab (band or range) of deposit periods and the associated interest rates applicable along with incentives for each band.

Field Descriptions
Name of the interest rate chart.
Description of Interest rate chart.
Date from when the chart is valid. The fromDate is mandatory and used to find out applicable interest rate chart for Accounts creation (FD & RD accounts). There should not be any overlapping of fromDate and endDate of charts for a product.
Validity end date of the chart. This is optional, if not provided means it is the current chart applicable.

Create a Chart

Creats a new chart which can be attached to a term deposit products (FD or RD).

Mandatory Fields
Optional Fields
name, description and endDate
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/interestratecharts POST interestratecharts Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Chart - 2014", "description": "This chart is applicable for year 2014", "type": "Document", "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "fromDate": "01 Jan 2014" } { "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve all Charts

Retrieve list of charts associated with a term deposit product(FD or RD).

Integer mandatory
Retrieves Interest rate charts to a deposit product.

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/interestratecharts?productId={productId) [ { "id": 1, "fromDate": [ 2014, 1, 1 ], "savingsProductId": 1, "savingsProductName": "Fixed Deposit Product 001", "chartSlabs": [ { "id": 1, "periodType": { "id": 0, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.days", "value": "Days" }, "fromPeriod": 1, "annualInterestRate": 6, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } } ] } ]

Retrieve a Chart

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/interestratecharts/{chartId} { "id": 1, "fromDate": [ 2014, 1, 1 ], "savingsProductId": 1, "savingsProductName": "Fixed Deposit Product 001", "chartSlabs": [ { "id": 1, "periodType": { "id": 0, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.days", "value": "Days" }, "fromPeriod": 1, "annualInterestRate": 6, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } } ] }

Update a Chart

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/interestratecharts/{chartId} PUT interestratecharts/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "Interest rate chart for 2014", "description": "Interest rate chart for 2014", } { "resourceId": 1 }

Delete a Chart

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/interestratecharts/{chartId} DELETE interestratecharts/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve Chart Details Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for creating a chart. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/interestratecharts/template { "periodTypes": [ { "id": 0, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.years", "value": "Years" } ] }

Interest Rate Slab (A.K.A interest bands)

The slabs a.k.a interest bands are associated with Interest Rate Chart. These bands allow to define different interest rates for different deposit term periods.

Field Descriptions
The period type is used to define the different deposit term intervals. 0=Daily, 1=Weekly, 2=Monthly, 3=Yearly
Start of the period for defining deposit term interval.
e.g. for 1 day to 180 days applicable interest rate is 5%
then startPeriod=1, endPeriod=180 and periodType=0
End of the period for defining deposit term interval.
e.g. for 1 day to 180 days applicable interest rate is 5%
The applicable annual interest rate for defined term interval
provide a description about the slab.
Represents incentives on interest for a perticular period.

Create a Slab

Creats a new interest rate slab for an interest rate chart.

Mandatory Fields
periodType, fromPeriod, annualInterestRate
Optional Fields
toPeriod and description

Example Requests:

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/interestratecharts/{chartId}/chartslabs POST interestratecharts/{chartId}/chartslabs Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "periodType": "0", "fromPeriod": "1", "toPeriod": "180", "annualInterestRate": "5", "description": "5% interest from 1 day till 180 days of deposit", "locale":"en", "incentives":[{ "entityType":"2", "attributeName":2, "conditionType":2, "attributeValue":11, "incentiveType":3, "amount":"-1" }] } { "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve all Slabs

Retrieve list of slabs associated with a chart

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/interestratecharts/{chartId}/chartslabs [ { "id": 1, "description": "5% interest from 1 day till 180 days of deposit", "periodType": { "id": 0, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.days", "value": "Days" }, "fromPeriod": 1, "toPeriod": 180, "annualInterestRate": 5, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "incentives":[{ "id":1, "entityType":{"id":2,"code":"InterestIncentiveEntityType.customer","value":"Customer"}, "attributeName":{"id":2,"code":"InterestIncentiveAttributeName.gender","value":"Gender"}, "conditionType":{"id":2,"code":"incentiveConditionType.equal","value":"equal"}, "attributeValue":"11","attributeValueDesc":"FEMALE", "incentiveType":{"id":3,"code":"InterestIncentiveType.incentive","value":"Incentive"}, "amount":-1.000000 }] } ]

Retrieve a Slab

Retrieve a slab associated with an Interest rate chart

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/interestratecharts/{chartId}/chartslabs/{slabId} { "id": 1, "description": "changed to 6% interest ", "periodType": { "id": 0, "code": "interestChartPeriodType.days", "value": "Days" }, "fromPeriod": 1, "toPeriod": 180, "annualInterestRate": 6, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "incentives":[{ "id":1, "entityType":{"id":2,"code":"InterestIncentiveEntityType.customer","value":"Customer"}, "attributeName":{"id":2,"code":"InterestIncentiveAttributeName.gender","value":"Gender"}, "conditionType":{"id":2,"code":"incentiveConditionType.equal","value":"equal"}, "attributeValue":"11","attributeValueDesc":"FEMALE", "incentiveType":{"id":3,"code":"InterestIncentiveType.incentive","value":"Incentive"}, "amount":-1.000000 }] }

Update a Slab

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/interestratecharts/{chartId}/chartslabs/{slabId} PUT interestratecharts/1/chartslabs/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "annualInterestRate": "6", "description": "Interest rate changed to 6%", } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "description": "Interest rate changed to 6%", "annualInterestRate": 6 } }

Delete a Slab

Delete a Slab from a chart

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/interestratecharts/{chartId}/chartslabs/{slabId} DELETE interestratecharts/1/chartslabs/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "resourceId": 1 }

Teller Cash Management

Teller cash management which will allow an organization to manage their cash transactions at branches or head office more effectively.


List all tellers

Retrieves list tellers.

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/tellers [ { "id": 3, "officeId": 1, "debitAccountId": 0, "creditAccountId": 0, "name": "Teller3", "description": "cash handling", "startDate": [ 2015, 2, 1 ], "status": "ACTIVE", "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 2, "officeId": 1, "debitAccountId": 0, "creditAccountId": 0, "name": "Teller2", "description": "abcc", "startDate": [ 2015, 2, 19 ], "endDate": [ 2015, 3, 30 ], "status": "ACTIVE", "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 1, "officeId": 1, "debitAccountId": 0, "creditAccountId": 0, "name": "Teller1", "description": "abc", "startDate": [ 2015, 2, 20 ], "status": "ACTIVE", "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 4, "officeId": 2, "debitAccountId": 0, "creditAccountId": 0, "name": "Teller4", "description": "cash handling", "startDate": [ 2015, 2, 1 ], "status": "ACTIVE", "officeName": "Office1" } ]

Create teller

Mandatory Fields
Teller name, OfficeId, Description, Start Date, Status
Optional Fields
End Date

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/tellers POST tellers Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "officeId":2, "name":"Teller4", "description":"cash handling", "status":300, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "startDate":"01 February 2015" } { "officeId": 2, "resourceId": 5 }

Retrieve tellers

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/tellers/5 { "id": 5, "officeId": 2, "debitAccountId": 0, "creditAccountId": 0, "name": "Teller5", "description": "cash handling", "startDate": [ 2015, 2, 1 ], "status": "ACTIVE", "officeName": "Office1" }

Update teller

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/tellers/{tellerId} PUT tellers/5 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name":"Teller5", "officeId":2, "description":"teller cash handling", "status":300, "endDate":"28 February 2015", "startDate":"01 February 2015", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" } { "officeId":2, "resourceId":5, "changes":{ "description":"teller cash handling", "endDate":"28 February 2015", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "locale":"en" } }

List Cashiers

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers { "tellerId": 1, "tellerName": "Teller1", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "cashiers": [ { "id": 1, "tellerId": 1, "staffId": 1, "description": "", "startDate": "Feb 20, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "endDate": "Feb 27, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "isFullDay": true, "startTime": "", "endTime": "", "tellerName": "Teller1", "staffName": "Staff1, Test" } ] }

Create Cashiers

Mandatory Fields
Cashier/staff, Fromm Date, To Date, Full Day or From time and To time
Optional Fields

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers POST tellers/1/cashiers { "endDate":"28 February 2015", "description":"Cashier created", "isFullDay":true, "staffId":3, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "startDate":"01 February 2015" } { "resourceId":1, "subResourceId":2 }

Retrieve a cashier

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId} { "id": 1, "tellerId": 1, "staffId": 1, "description": "", "startDate": "Feb 20, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "endDate": "Feb 27, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "isFullDay": true, "startTime": "", "endTime": "", "tellerName": "Teller1", "staffName": "Staff1, Test" }

Update Cashier

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId} PUT tellers/1/cashiers/1 { "endDate":"25 February 2015", "description":"Cashier updated.", "isFullDay":true, "staffId":4, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "startDate":"01 February 2015" } { "resourceId": 1, "subResourceId": 1, "changes": { "description": "Cashier updated.", "endDate": "25 February 2015", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en" } }

Delete Cashier

DELETE tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId} DELETE tellers/1/cashiers/3 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "resourceId": 3 }

Find Cashiers

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/template { "tellerId":1, "officeId":1, "officeName":"Head Office", "tellerName":"Teller1", "staffOptions":[ { "id":1, "displayName":"Staff1, Test" }, { "id":2, "displayName":"Staff, 2" }, { "id":3, "displayName":"Staff, 3" } ] }

Retrieve Cashier Transaction

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId}/transactions [ { "id": 8, "cashierId": 15, "txnType": { "id": 104, "value": "Cash Out" }, "txnAmount": 10000, "txnDate": "Feb 25, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "entityId": 2, "entityType": "loans", "txnNote": "Disbursement, Loan:2-000000002,Client:1-Test 1", "createdDate": "Feb 25, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "tellerId": 0, "cashierName": "B, Ramesh" }, { "id": 10, "cashierId": 15, "txnType": { "id": 104, "value": "Cash Out" }, "txnAmount": 8500, "txnDate": "Feb 25, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "entityId": 3, "entityType": "loans", "txnNote": "Disbursement, Loan:3-000000003,Client:3-Client 1", "createdDate": "Feb 25, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "tellerId": 0, "cashierName": "B, Ramesh" }, { "id": 12, "cashierId": 15, "txnType": { "id": 104, "value": "Cash Out" }, "txnAmount": 10000, "txnDate": "Feb 1, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "entityId": 4, "entityType": "loans", "txnNote": "Disbursement, Loan:4-000000004,Client:4-Client 2", "createdDate": "Feb 25, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "tellerId": 0, "cashierName": "B, Ramesh" }, { "id": 14, "cashierId": 15, "txnType": { "id": 103, "value": "Cash In" }, "txnAmount": 1266.52, "txnDate": "Feb 1, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "entityId": 4, "entityType": "loans", "txnNote": "Repayment, Loan:4-000000004,Client:4-Client 2", "createdDate": "Feb 25, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "tellerId": 0, "cashierName": "B, Ramesh" }, { "id": 13, "cashierId": 15, "txnType": { "id": 101, "value": "Allocate Cash" }, "txnAmount": 50000, "txnDate": "Feb 1, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "entityId": 0, "entityType": "", "txnNote": "cash allocated on 1st Feb 2015", "createdDate": "Feb 25, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "tellerId": 10, "tellerName": "Ramesh(Teller/Cashier)", "cashierName": "B, Ramesh" }, { "id": 15, "cashierId": 15, "txnType": { "id": 104, "value": "Cash Out" }, "txnAmount": 10000, "txnDate": "Feb 1, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "entityId": 5, "entityType": "loans", "txnNote": "Disbursement, Loan:5-000000005,Client:5-Suresh D", "createdDate": "Feb 25, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "tellerId": 0, "cashierName": "B, Ramesh" }, { "id": 17, "cashierId": 15, "txnType": { "id": 103, "value": "Cash In" }, "txnAmount": 1266.52, "txnDate": "Feb 1, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "entityId": 5, "entityType": "loans", "txnNote": "Repayment, Loan:5-000000005,Client:5-Suresh D", "createdDate": "Feb 25, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "tellerId": 0, "cashierName": "B, Ramesh" }, { "id": 14, "cashierId": 15, "txnType": { "id": 102, "value": "Settle Cash" }, "txnAmount": 10000, "txnDate": "Feb 1, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "entityId": 0, "entityType": "", "txnNote": "cash settlement on 1 feb with 10k", "createdDate": "Feb 25, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "tellerId": 10, "tellerName": "Ramesh(Teller/Cashier)", "cashierName": "B, Ramesh" } ]

Allocate Cash To Cashier

Mandatory Fields
Date, Amount, Currency, Notes/Comments

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId}/allocate POST tellers/1/cashiers/1/allocate?command=allocate { "currencyCode":"USD", "txnAmount":"5000", "txnNote":"allocating cash", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "txnDate":"01 February 2015" } { "resourceId":1, "subResourceId":4 }

Settle Cash From Cashier

Mandatory Fields
Date, Amount, Currency, Notes/Comments

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId}/settle POST tellers/1/cashiers/1/settle?command=settle { "currencyCode":"USD", "txnAmount":"2000", "txnNote":"cash settlement", "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "txnDate":"20 February 2015" } { "resourceId":1, "subResourceId":5 }

Transactions Wtih Summary For Cashier

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId}/summaryandtransactions { "sumCashAllocation":7000.000000, "sumInwardCash":0, "sumOutwardCash":0, "sumCashSettlement":50.000000, "netCash":6950.000000, "officeName":"Head Office", "tellerId":1, "tellerName":"Teller1", "cashierId":1, "cashierName":"Staff1, Test", "cashierTransactions":[ { "id":2, "cashierId":1, "txnType":{ "id":101, "value":"Allocate Cash" }, "txnAmount":2000.000000, "txnDate":"Feb 20, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "entityId":0, "entityType":"", "txnNote":"aaaa", "createdDate":"Feb 20, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "officeId":1, "officeName":"Head Office", "tellerId":1, "tellerName":"Teller1", "cashierName":"Staff1, Test" }, { "id":3, "cashierId":1, "txnType":{ "id":102, "value":"Settle Cash" }, "txnAmount":50.000000, "txnDate":"Feb 20, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "entityId":0, "entityType":"", "txnNote":"bbbbbb", "createdDate":"Feb 20, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "officeId":1, "officeName":"Head Office", "tellerId":1, "tellerName":"Teller1", "cashierName":"Staff1, Test" }, { "id":4, "cashierId":1, "txnType":{ "id":101, "value":"Allocate Cash" }, "txnAmount":5000.000000, "txnDate":"Feb 1, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "entityId":0, "entityType":"", "txnNote":"allocating cash", "createdDate":"Feb 23, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "officeId":1, "officeName":"Head Office", "tellerId":1, "tellerName":"Teller1", "cashierName":"Staff1, Test" } ] }

Retrieve Cashier Transaction Template

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/tellers/{tellerId}/cashiers/{cashierId}/transactions/template { "cashierId":1, "officeName":"Head Office", "tellerId":1, "tellerName":"Teller1", "cashierName":"Staff1, Test", "cashierData":{ "id":1, "tellerId":1, "staffId":1, "description":"", "startDate":"Feb 20, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "endDate":"Feb 27, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "isFullDay":true, "startTime":"", "endTime":"", "tellerName":"Teller1", "staffName":"Staff1, Test" }, "startDate":"Feb 20, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "endDate":"Feb 27, 2015 12:00:00 AM", "currencyOptions":[ { "code":"USD", "name":"US Dollar", "decimalPlaces":2, "displaySymbol":"$", "nameCode":"currency.USD", "displayLabel":"US Dollar ($)" } ] }

Payment Type

This defines the payment type

Field Descriptions
Name the payment type
Description of payment type
Determines weather the payment type is cash or not.
Can set the order in which the payment type should be displayed.

Create a Payment Type

Creates a new Payment type

Mandatory Fields
Optional Fields
Description, isCashPayment,Position
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/paymenttypes POST paymenttype Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name":"cash", "description":"cash payment type", "isCashPayment":true, "position":1 } { "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve all Payment Types

Retrieve list of payment types

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/paymenttypes [ { "id": 24, "name": "PTC", "description": "Cash", "isCashPayment": true, "position": 0 }, { "id": 25, "name": "mPay", "description": "not chash payment", "isCashPayment": false, "position": 0 }, { "id": 26, "name": "mPesa", "description": "non cash payment", "isCashPayment": false, "position": 0 }, { "id": 27, "name": "Mobile Money", "description": "money transferred through mobile", "isCashPayment": false, "position": 0 }, { "id": 13, "name": "cash", "description": "cash Payment", "isCashPayment": true, "position": 1 } ]

Retrieve a Payment Type

Retrieves a payment type

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/paymenttypes/{paymentTypeId} { "id": 13, "name": "cash", "description": "cash Payment", "isCashPayment": true, "position": 1 }

Update a Payment Type

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/paymenttypes/{paymnetTypeId} PUT /paymenttypes/13 { "name":"mPay", "description":"not a cash payment type", "isCashPayment":false, "position":3 } { "resourceId": 13 }

Delete a Payment Type

Deletes payment type

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/paymenttypes/{paymentTypeId} DELETE paymnettypes/13 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "resourceId": 13 }

Provisioning Criteria

This defines the Provisioning Criteria

Field Descriptions
Provisioning Criteria Name
Name the Provisioning Criteria
Loan Products
Select all loan products for which provisioning criteria to be associated
Provisioning Categories
Define minimum, maximum, percentage, liability account, expense account for all provisioning categories

Create a new Provisioning Criteria

Creates a new Provisioning Criteria

Mandatory Fields
Optional Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/provisioningcriteria POST provisioningcriteria Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "criteriaName":"High Risk Products Criteria", "loanProducts": [ {"id": 1, "name": "LOAN_PRODUCT_3ODPK1", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false}, {"id": 2, "name": "LOAN_PRODUCT_BXW8NC", includeInBorrowerCycle": false} ], "provisioningcriteria": [ {"categoryId": 1, "categoryName": "STANDARD", "minAge": 0, "maxAge": 3, "provisioningPercentage": 1, "liabilityAccount": 8, "expenseAccount": 14}, {"categoryId": 2, "categoryName": "SUB-STANDARD", "minAge": 1, "maxAge": 5, "provisioningPercentage": 2, "liabilityAccount": 13, "expenseAccount": 13}, {"categoryId": 3, "categoryName": "DOUBTFUL", "minAge": 2, "maxAge": 6, "provisioningPercentage": 3, "liabilityAccount": 9, "expenseAccount": 10}, {"categoryId": 4, "categoryName": "LOSS", "minAge": 3, "maxAge": 7, "provisioningPercentage": 4, "liabilityAccount": 10, "expenseAccount": 9}] } { "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieves all created Provisioning Criterias

Retrieves all created Provisioning Criterias

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/provisioningcriteria GET provisioningcriteria Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { [ {"criteriaId":1, "criteriaName":"High Risk Products Criteria", "createdBy":"mifos"}, {"criteriaId":2, "criteriaName":"Low Risk Products Criteria", "createdBy":"mifos"} ] }

Retrieves a Provisioning Criteria

Retrieves a Provisioning Criteria

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/provisioningcriteria/{criteriaId} GET provisioningcriteria/{criteriaId} Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "criteriaId":1 "criteriaName":"High Risk Products Criteria", "loanProducts": [ {"id": 1, "name": "LOAN_PRODUCT_3ODPK1", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false}, {"id": 2, "name": "LOAN_PRODUCT_BXW8NC", includeInBorrowerCycle": false} ], "provisioningcriteria": [ {"categoryId": 1, "categoryName": "STANDARD", "minAge": 0, "maxAge": 3, "provisioningPercentage": 1, "liabilityAccount": 8, "expenseAccount": 14}, {"categoryId": 2, "categoryName": "SUB-STANDARD", "minAge": 1, "maxAge": 5, "provisioningPercentage": 2, "liabilityAccount": 13, "expenseAccount": 13}, {"categoryId": 3, "categoryName": "DOUBTFUL", "minAge": 2, "maxAge": 6, "provisioningPercentage": 3, "liabilityAccount": 9, "expenseAccount": 10}, {"categoryId": 4, "categoryName": "LOSS", "minAge": 3, "maxAge": 7, "provisioningPercentage": 4, "liabilityAccount": 10, "expenseAccount": 9}] }

Updates a new Provisioning Criteria

Updates a new Provisioning Criteria

Optional Fields
criteriaName, loanProducts, provisioningcriteria
PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/provisioningcriteria/{criteriaId} PUT provisioningcriteria/{criteriaId} Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "criteriaName":"High Risk Products Criteria1", "loanProducts": [ {"id": 1, "name": "LOAN_PRODUCT_3ODPK1", "includeInBorrowerCycle": false}, {"id": 2, "name": "LOAN_PRODUCT_BXW8NC", includeInBorrowerCycle": false} ], "provisioningcriteria": [ {"categoryId": 1, "categoryName": "STANDARD", "minAge": 0, "maxAge": 3, "provisioningPercentage": 1, "liabilityAccount": 8, "expenseAccount": 14}, {"categoryId": 2, "categoryName": "SUB-STANDARD", "minAge": 1, "maxAge": 5, "provisioningPercentage": 2, "liabilityAccount": 13, "expenseAccount": 13}, {"categoryId": 3, "categoryName": "DOUBTFUL", "minAge": 2, "maxAge": 6, "provisioningPercentage": 3, "liabilityAccount": 9, "expenseAccount": 10}, {"categoryId": 4, "categoryName": "LOSS", "minAge": 3, "maxAge": 7, "provisioningPercentage": 4, "liabilityAccount": 10, "expenseAccount": 9}] } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "criteriaName": "High Risk Products Criteria1" } }

Deletes Provisioning Criteria

Deletes Provisioning Criteria

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/provisioningcriteria/{criteriaId} DELETE provisioningcriteria/{criteriaId} Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { } { "resourceId": 1, }

Floating Rates

This defines the Floating Rates

Field Descriptions
Name of the Floating Rate, must be unique
Identifies the Floating Rate scheme to be Base Lending Rate. Only one scheme can be Base Lending Rate at any given point of time. default is false.
Identify if Floating Rate scheme is active or not. default is true.
Array of ratePeriod JSON objects as defined in below section.

This defines the Floating Rates Periods

Field Descriptions for ratePeriods
Start date from which this rate has to be considered. Should be a future date.
Interest Rate applicable.
If false, interestRate field is considered absolute. If true, interestRate field is considered differential to Base Lending Rate as of the startDate. Cannot be used if there is no scheme defined as Base Lending Rate.

Create a new Floating Rate

Creates a new Floating Rate

Mandatory Fields
Optional Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/floatingrates POST floatingrates Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name":"Floating Rate 1", "isBaseLendingRate":true, "isActive":true, "ratePeriods":[ { "fromDate":"19 November 2015", "interestRate":10, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" }, { "fromDate":"15 December 2015", "interestRate":11, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" } ] } { "resourceId": 1 }

List Floating Rates

List Floating Rates

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/floatingrates GET floatingrates Content-Type: application/json { [ { "id": 1, "name": "Floating Rate 1", "isBaseLendingRate": true, "isActive": true, "createdBy": "mifos", "createdOn": "Nov 18, 2015", "modifiedBy": "mifos", "modifiedOn": "Nov 18, 2015" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Floating Rate 2", "isBaseLendingRate": false, "isActive": true, "createdBy": "mifos", "createdOn": "Nov 18, 2015", "modifiedBy": "mifos", "modifiedOn": "Nov 18, 2015" } ] }

Retrieve Floating Rate

Retrieve Floating Rate

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/floatingrates/1 GET floatingrates Content-Type: application/json { "id": 1, "name": "Floating Rate 1", "isBaseLendingRate": true, "isActive": true, "createdBy": "mifos", "createdOn": "Nov 18, 2015", "modifiedBy": "mifos", "modifiedOn": "Nov 18, 2015", "ratePeriods": [ { "id": 1, "fromDate": "Dec 15, 2015", "interestRate": 11, "isDifferentialToBaseLendingRate": false, "isActive": true, "createdBy": "mifos", "createdOn": "Nov 18, 2015", "modifiedBy": "mifos", "modifiedOn": "Nov 18, 2015" }, { "id": 2, "fromDate": "Nov 19, 2015", "interestRate": 10, "isDifferentialToBaseLendingRate": false, "isActive": true, "createdBy": "mifos", "createdOn": "Nov 18, 2015", "modifiedBy": "mifos", "modifiedOn": "Nov 18, 2015" } ] }

Update Floating Rate

Updates new Floating Rate. Rate Periods in the past cannot be modified. All the future rateperiods would be replaced with the new ratePeriods data sent.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/floatingrates/1 PUT floatingrates Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name":"Floating Rate 1", "isBaseLendingRate":true, "isActive":true, "ratePeriods":[ { "fromDate":"19 November 2015", "interestRate":10, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" }, { "fromDate":"15 December 2015", "interestRate":11, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" } ] } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "ratePeriods": "[ { "fromDate":"19 November 2015", "interestRate":10, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" }, { "fromDate":"15 December 2015", "interestRate":11, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy" } ]" } }

Tax Components

This defines the Tax Components

Field Descriptions
Name of the Tax component
Percentage that should be applied on a amount as tax.
Debit Account type that should be applicable only for particular cases depending on requirement ex with hold tax doesn't require debit account for the accounting operation. .
GL Account that should debited when tax applied. used only for particular cases depending on requirement ex with hold tax doesn't require debit account for the accounting operation. .
Credit Account type that should be applicable only for particular cases depending on requirement ex with hold tax require credit account for the accounting operation. .
GL Account that should credited when tax applied. used only for particular cases depending on requirement ex with hold tax require only credit account for the accounting operation. .
Start date from which this tax component is applicable.

Create a new Tax Component

Creates a new Tax Component

Mandatory Fields
Optional Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/taxes/component POST taxes/component Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "tax component 1", "percentage": "10", "creditAccountType": 2, "creditAcountId": 4, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "startDate": "11 April 2016" } { "resourceId": 1 }

List Tax Components

List Tax Components/p>

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/taxes/component GET taxes/component Content-Type: application/json [{ "id": 1, "name": "tax component 1", "percentage": 10.000000, "creditAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.liability", "value": "LIABILITY" }, "creditAccount": { "id": 4, "name": "ACCOUNT_NAME_7BR9C", "glCode": "LIABILITY_PA1460364665046" }, "startDate": [2016, 4, 11], "taxComponentHistories": [{ }] }, { "id": 2, "name": "tax component 2", "percentage": 10.000000, "creditAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.liability", "value": "LIABILITY" }, "creditAccount": { "id": 4, "name": "ACCOUNT_NAME_7BR9C", "glCode": "LIABILITY_PA1460364665046" }, "startDate": [2016, 4, 11], "taxComponentHistories": [{ }] }]

Retrieve Tax Component

Retrieve Tax Component

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/taxes/component/1 GET taxes/component/1 Content-Type: application/json { "id": 1, "name": "tax component 1", "percentage": 10.000000, "creditAccountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.liability", "value": "LIABILITY" }, "creditAccount": { "id": 4, "name": "ACCOUNT_NAME_7BR9C", "glCode": "LIABILITY_PA1460364665046" }, "startDate": [2016, 4, 11], "taxComponentHistories": [{ }] }

Update Tax Component

Updates Tax component. Debit and credit account details cannot be modified. All the future tax components would be replaced with the new percentage.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/taxes/component/1 PUT taxes/component/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "tax component 2", "percentage": "15", "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "startDate": "15 April 2016" } { "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "percentage": 15, "name": "tax component 2", "startDate": [2016, 4, 15] } }

Tax Group

This defines the Tax Group

Field Descriptions
Name of the Tax Group
Array of tax components to be added part of tax group.
Tax group and tax component mapping id.
Tax component id.
Start date from which this tax component is applicable.
End date from which this tax component is applicable.

Create a new Tax Group

Creates a new Tax Group

Mandatory Fields
Mandatory Fields in taxComponents
Optional Fields in taxComponents
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/taxes/group POST taxes/component Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "tax group 1", "locale": "en", "taxComponents": [{ "taxComponentId": 7, "startDate": "11 April 2016" }], "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy" } { "resourceId": 1 }

List Tax Group

List Tax Group/p>

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/taxes/group GET taxes/group Content-Type: application/json [{ "id": 6, "name": "Tax_component_Name_PAX65", "taxAssociations": [{ "id": 6, "taxComponent": { "id": 6, "name": "Tax_component_Name_FPNXE" }, "startDate": [2013, 1, 1] }] }, { "id": 7, "name": "tax group 1", "taxAssociations": [{ "id": 7, "taxComponent": { "id": 7, "name": "tax component 2" }, "startDate": [2016, 4, 11] }] }]

Retrieve Tax Group

Retrieve Tax Group

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/taxes/group/1 GET taxes/group/1 Content-Type: application/json { "id": 7, "name": "tax group 1", "taxAssociations": [{ "id": 7, "taxComponent": { "id": 7, "name": "tax component 2" }, "startDate": [2016, 4, 11] }] }

Update Tax Group

Updates Tax Group. Only end date can be up-datable and can insert new tax components.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/taxes/group/1 PUT taxes/group/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "tax group 2", "locale": "en", "taxComponents": [{ "id": 7, "taxComponentId": 7, "endDate": "22 April 2016" }, { "taxComponentId": 6, "startDate": "14 April 2016" }], "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy" } { "resourceId": 7, "changes": { "addComponents": [6], "modifiedComponents": [{ "endDate": "Apr 22, 2016 12:00:00 AM", "taxComponentId": 7 }], "name": "tax group 2" } }

User Generated Documents

User Generated Documents(alternatively, Templates) are used for end-user features such as custom user defined document generation (AKA UGD). They are based on {{ moustache }} templates. Think of them as a sort of built-in "mail merge" functionality.

User Generated Documents (and other types of templates) can aggregate data from several Apache Fineract back-end API calls via mappers. Mappers can even access non-Apache Fineract REST services from other servers. UGDs can render such data in tables, show images, etc. TBD: Please have a look at some of the Example UGDs included in Apache Fineract (or the Wiki page, for now.).

UGDs can be assigned to an entity like client or loan and be of a type like Document or SMS. The entity and type of a UGD is only there for the convenience of user agents (UIs), in order to know where to show UGDs for the user (i.e. which tab). The Template Engine back-end runner does not actually need this metadata.

Field Descriptions
Describes the document which will be created. It must be unique and appears listed in a tab at the assigned entity.
For now only the types Document and SMS are supported. In a next version, UGDs may be created for e-mails as well.
Indicates the primary resource reference. UGDs may be filtered by entity and type so the relevant UGDs may be listed at the belonging position.
The actual UGD which may be any html-text containing mustache tags.
By default one mapper is assigned to the UGD depending on the entity. Mappers are used to create requests and get tags wich may be used in the UGD. Also mappery are in order and may depend on the previous mappers. For now mappers expect a response in JSON or plain/text. JSON contains the keys and the values. If the response is plain/text it can be accessed by {{$mapperskey.src}}

Retrieve UGD Details Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for UGDs. The UGD data returned consists of any or all of:

String optional
Mapper optional

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/templates/template { "id": 1, "name": "Test", "entity": 1, "type": 0, "text": "This is a loan for {{loan.clientName}}", "mappers": [ { "mappersorder": 0, "mapperskey": "loan", "mappersvalue": "loans/{{loanId}}?associations=all&tenantIdentifier={{tenantIdentifier}}", "id": 1 } ] }

Add a UGD

Adds a new UGD.

Mandatory Fields

Example Requests:

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/templates POST templates Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "id": 1, "name": "Test", "entity": 1, "type": 0, "text": "This is a loan for {{loan.clientName}}", "mappers": [ { "mappersorder": 0, "mapperskey": "loan", "mappersvalue": "loans/{{loanId}}?associations=all&tenantIdentifier={{tenantIdentifier}}", "id": 1 } ] } { "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve all UGDs

Example Requests:


It is also possible to get specific UGDs by entity and type:


client 0 Document 0
loan 1 E-Mail (not yet) 1
GET https://DomainName/api/v1/templates [ { "id": 1, "name": "Test", "entity": 1, "type": 0, "text": "This is a loan for {{loan.clientName}}", "mappers": [ { "mappersorder": 0, "mapperskey": "loan", "mappersvalue": "loans/{{loanId}}?associations=all&tenantIdentifier={{tenantIdentifier}}", "id": 1 } ] } ]

Retrieve a UGD

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/templates/{Id} { "id": 1, "name": "Test", "entity": 1, "type": 0, "text": "This is a loan for {{loan.clientName}}", "mappers": [ { "mappersorder": 0, "mapperskey": "loan", "mappersvalue": "loans/{{loanId}}?associations=all&tenantIdentifier={{tenantIdentifier}}", "id": 1 } ] }

Update a UGD

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/templates/{templateId} PUT templates/1 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "id": 1, "name": "Test", "entity": 1, "type": 0, "text": "This is a loan for {{loan.clientName}}", "mappers": [ { "mappersorder": 0, "mapperskey": "loan", "mappersvalue": "loans/{{loanId}}?associations=all&tenantIdentifier={{tenantIdentifier}}", "id": 1 } ] } { "resourceId": 1 }

Client Charges

It is typical for MFI's to directly associate charges with an implicit Client account. These can be either fees or penalties

Client Charges are client specific instances of Charges. Refer Charges for documentation of the various properties of a charge, Only additional properties ( specific to the context of a Charge being associated with a Client account) are described here

Field Descriptions
The total amount which has been paid for this Charge
The total amount that has been waived for this Charge
The Total outstanding amount for this Charge
it specifies the due date

Client Transaction

Client Transactions refer to transactions made directly againt a Client's internal account. Currently, these transactions are only created as a result of charge payments/waivers. You are allowed to undo a transaction, however you cannot explicitly create one.

Field Descriptions
This ia an unique Id associate with a Transaction.
Identifier of the office in which the transaction was made
Boolean Flag that indicates if this transaction is reversed.
Transaction amount.
Details of the currency involved with the Transaction. Currently defaults to the currency of the Client Charge this transaction pays
Effective date of the transaction

List Client Transactions

The list capability of client transaction can support pagination.

Mandatory Arguments
Integer Mandatory, defaults to 0
Indicates the result from which pagination starts
Integer Mandatory, defaults to 200
Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/transactions?limit=5&offset=0 GET clients/226/transactions?limit=5&offset=0 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "totalFilteredRecords": 20, "pageItems": [ { "id": 226, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "type": { "id": 1, "code": "clientTransactionType.payCharge", "value": "PAY_CHARGE" }, "date": [ 2015, 9, 2 ], "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 22, "submittedOnDate": [ 2015, 9, 2 ], "reversed": false } ] }

Retrieve a Client Transaction

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/transaction/{transactionId} { "id": 1, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "type": { "id": 1, "code": "clientTransactionType.payCharge", "value": "PAY_CHARGE" }, "date": [ 2015, 8, 17 ], "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 60.000000, "submittedOnDate": [ 2015, 8, 19 ], "reversed": true }

Add Client Charge

This API associates a Client charge with an implicit Client account

Mandatory Fields
chargeId and dueDate
Optional Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/charges POST clients/226/charges Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "amount" : "100", "chargeId" : "226", "dateFormat" : "dd MMMM yyyy", "dueDate" : "01 September 2015", "locale" : "en" } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 189, "resourceId":164 }

List Client Charges

The list capability of client charges supports pagination.

Optional Arguments
Integer Mandatory, defaults to 0
Indicates the result from which pagination starts
Integer Mandatory, defaults to 200
Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1
String optional
Filters charges that are pending payment (neither paid or waived).

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/charges?limit=5&offset=0 GET clients/1/charges?limit=5&offset=0 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "totalFilteredRecords": 4, "pageItems": [ { "id": 5, "clientId": 1, "chargeId": 6, "name": "Client Fees 2", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "dueDate": [ 2015, 9, 1 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 550.000000, "amountPaid": 0.000000, "amountWaived": 0.000000, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 550.000000, "penalty": false, "isActive": true, "isPaid": false, "isWaived": false }, { "id": 4, "clientId": 1, "chargeId": 5, "name": "Client Fee 1", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "dueDate": [ 2015, 8, 31 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 120.000000, "amountPaid": 0.000000, "amountWaived": 120.000000, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 120.000000, "penalty": true, "isActive": true, "isPaid": false, "isWaived": true }, { "id": 3, "clientId": 1, "chargeId": 5, "name": "Client Fee 1", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "dueDate": [ 2015, 8, 17 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100.000000, "amountPaid": 0.000000, "amountWaived": 100.000000, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 0.000000, "penalty": true, "isActive": true, "isPaid": false, "isWaived": true }, { "id": 2, "clientId": 1, "chargeId": 2, "name": "Recurring savings Charge", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 7, "code": "chargeTimeType.monthlyFee", "value": "Monthly Fee" }, "dueDate": [ 2015, 8, 17 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100.000000, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 100.000000, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 0.000000, "penalty": false, "isActive": true, "isPaid": false, "isWaived": true } ] }

Retrieve a Client Charge

optional, Either 'all' or a comma separated list of loan 'associations' (itemised below).

Associations are just extra pieces of data that you might or might not want to retrieve.

'all': Gets all association data.
'transactions': Retrieves all transactions made on this client charge.

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/charges/{clientChargeId} { "id": 3, "clientId": 1, "chargeId": 5, "name": "Client Fee 1", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "dueDate": [ 2015, 8, 17 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100.000000, "amountPaid": 0.000000, "amountWaived": 100.000000, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 0.000000, "penalty": true, "isActive": true, "isPaid": false, "isWaived": true }

Delete a Client Charge

Deletes a Client Charge on which no transactions have taken place (either payments or waivers).

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/charges/{clientChargeId} POST clients/189/charges/164 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 189, "resourceId":164 }

Pay a Client Charge

Pay either a part of or the entire due amount for a charge.

Mandatory Fields
transactionDate and amount

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/charges/{clientChargeId}?command=paycharge POST clients/189/charges/157?command=payCharge Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "amount":200, "locale":"en", "dateFormat":"dd MMMM yyyy", "transactionDate":"01 September 2015" } { "officeId":1, "clientId":189, "resourceId":157, "transactionId":"221" }

Waive a Client Charge

This API provides the facility of waiving off the remaining amount on a client charge

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/charges/{clientChargeId}?command=waive POST clients/189/charges/157?command=waive Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "clientId":"189", "resourceId":157 }

Undo a Client Transaction

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/clients/{clientId}/transactions/{transactionId}?command=undo POST clients/189/transactions/222?command=undo Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "officeId":1, "clientId":189, "resourceId":222 }

Delete a UGD

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/templates/{templateId} DELETE templates/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "resourceId": 1 }


The Apache Fineract SPM API provides the ability to create custom surveys to collect social performance measurentment data or any additional questionnaire a financial institute want to collect.


Create a Survey

Adds a new survey to collect client related data.

Mandatory Fields
countryCode, key, name, questions, responses, sequenceNo, text, value
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/surveys POST surveys Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "key":"ppi-kenya-2010", "name":"PPI Survey for Kenya, version 2010", "description":null, "countryCode":"KE", "validFrom":null, "validTo":null, "componentDatas": [ { "key":"Household", "text":"Information about the household.", "description":null, "sequenceNo":1 } ], "questionDatas": [ { "componentKey":"Household", "key":"Familiy members", "text":"How many persons live in the household?", "description":null, "sequenceNo":1, "responseDatas": [ { "text":"1 to 3", "value":1, "sequenceNo":1 }, { "text":"3 to 7", "value":5, "sequenceNo":2 }, { "text":"more than 7", "value":13, "sequenceNo":3 } ] } ] } 200 OK

List all Surveys

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/surveys GET surveys Content-Type: application/json No Request Body [ { "id": 1, "componentDatas": [ { "id": 1, "key": "Household", "text": "Information about the household.", "description": null, "sequenceNo": 1 } ], "questionDatas": [ { "id": 1, "responseDatas": [ { "id": 1, "text": "1 to 3", "value": 1, "sequenceNo": 1 }, { "id": 2, "text": "3 to 7", "value": 5, "sequenceNo": 2 }, { "id": 3, "text": "more than 7", "value": 13, "sequenceNo": 3 } ], "componentKey": "Household", "key": "Familiy members", "text": "How many persons live in the household?", "description": null, "sequenceNo": 1 } ], "key": "ppi-kenya-2010", "name": "PPI Survey for Kenya, version 2010", "description": null, "countryCode": "KE", "validFrom": 1450047600000, "validTo": 4607276399000 } ]

Retrieve a Survey

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/surveys/1 GET surveys/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "id": 1, "componentDatas": [ { "id": 1, "key": "Household", "text": "Information about the household.", "description": null, "sequenceNo": 1 } ], "questionDatas": [ { "id": 1, "responseDatas": [ { "id": 1, "text": "1 to 3", "value": 1, "sequenceNo": 1 }, { "id": 2, "text": "3 to 7", "value": 5, "sequenceNo": 2 }, { "id": 3, "text": "more than 7", "value": 13, "sequenceNo": 3 } ], "componentKey": "Household", "key": "Familiy members", "text": "How many persons live in the household?", "description": null, "sequenceNo": 1 } ], "key": "ppi-kenya-2010", "name": "PPI Survey for Kenya, version 2010", "description": null, "countryCode": "KE", "validFrom": 1450047600000, "validTo": 4607276399000 }

Deactivate Survey

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/surveys/1 DELETE surveys/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body 200 OK

Create a Lookup Table entry

Add a new netry to a survey.

Mandatory Fields
key, score, validFrom, validTo
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/surveys/1/lookuptables POST surveys/1/lookuptables Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "key": "test-table", "description": null, "entries": [ { "valueFrom": 0, "valueTo": 25, "score": 100 }, { "valueFrom": 26, "valueTo": 50, "score": 50 }, { "valueFrom": 51, "valueTo": 75, "score": 25 }, { "valueFrom": 76, "valueTo": 100, "score": 0 } ] } 200 OK

List all Lookup Table entries

List all Lookup Table entries for a survey.

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/surveys/1/lookuptables GET surveys/1/lookuptables Content-Type: application/json No Request Body [ { "key": "test-table", "description": null, "entries": [ { "valueFrom": 0, "valueTo": 25, "score": 100 }, { "valueFrom": 26, "valueTo": 50, "score": 50 }, { "valueFrom": 51, "valueTo": 75, "score": 25 }, { "valueFrom": 76, "valueTo": 100, "score": 0 } ] } ]

Retrieve a Lookup Table entry

Retrieve a Lookup Table entry for a survey.

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/surveys/1/lookuptables/1 GET surveys/1/lookuptables/test-table Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "key": "test-table", "description": null, "entries": [ { "valueFrom": 0, "valueTo": 25, "score": 100 }, { "valueFrom": 26, "valueTo": 50, "score": 50 }, { "valueFrom": 51, "valueTo": 75, "score": 25 }, { "valueFrom": 76, "valueTo": 100, "score": 0 } ] }

Create a Scorecard entry

Add a new netry to a survey.

Mandatory Fields
clientId, createdOn, questionId, responseId, staffId
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/surveys/1/scorecards POST surveys/1/scorecards Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "userId": 1, "clientId": 1, "createdOn": 1451905784553, "scorecardValues": [ { "questionId": 1, "responseId": 1, "value": 0 }, { "questionId": 2, "responseId": 8, "value": 0 }, { "questionId": 3, "responseId": 12, "value": 7 }, { "questionId": 4, "responseId": 16, "value": 4 }, { "questionId": 5, "responseId": 21, "value": 2 }, { "questionId": 6, "responseId": 25, "value": 2 }, { "questionId": 7, "responseId": 28, "value": 3 }, { "questionId": 8, "responseId": 30, "value": 6 }, { "questionId": 9, "responseId": 33, "value": 4 }, { "questionId": 10, "responseId": 37, "value": 7 } ] } 200 OK

List all Scorecard entries

List all Scorecard entries for a survey.

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/surveys/1/scorecards GET surveys/1/scorecards Content-Type: application/json No Request Body [ { "userId": 1, "clientId": 1, "createdOn": 1451905784553, "scorecardValues": [ { "questionId": 1, "responseId": 1, "value": 0 }, { "questionId": 2, "responseId": 8, "value": 0 }, { "questionId": 3, "responseId": 12, "value": 7 }, { "questionId": 4, "responseId": 16, "value": 4 }, { "questionId": 5, "responseId": 21, "value": 2 }, { "questionId": 6, "responseId": 25, "value": 2 }, { "questionId": 7, "responseId": 28, "value": 3 }, { "questionId": 8, "responseId": 30, "value": 6 }, { "questionId": 9, "responseId": 33, "value": 4 }, { "questionId": 10, "responseId": 37, "value": 7 } ] } ]

Self Service APIs


Verify authentication

Authenticates the credentials provided and returns the set roles and permissions allowed.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/self/authentication?username={username}&password={password} POST self/authentication?username=mifos&password=password Content-Type: application/json No Request Body

Example response of autentication for user

{ "username": "mifos", "userId": 1, "base64EncodedAuthenticationKey": "bWlmb3M6cGFzc3dvcmQ=", "authenticated": true, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "staffId": 1, "staffDisplayName": "Director, Program", "organisationalRole": { "id": 100, "code": "staffOrganisationalRoleType.programDirector", "value": "Program Director" }, "roles": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Super user", "description": "This role provides all application permissions." } ], "permissions": [ "ALL_FUNCTIONS" ], "isSelfServiceUser": true, "clients": [1,2,3] } POST self/authentication?username=mifos&password=fail Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "developerMessage": "Invalid authentication details were passed in api request.", "developerDocLink": "", "httpStatusCode": "401", "defaultUserMessage": "Unauthenticated. Please login.", "userMessageGlobalisationCode": "error.msg.not.authenticated", "errors": [] }

Fetch authenticated user details

checks the Authentication and returns the set roles and permissions allowed.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/self/userdetails?access_token={access_token} POST self/userdetails?access_token=bWlmb3M6cGFzc3dvcmQ= Content-Type: application/json No Request Body

Example response of authenticated user.

{ "username": "mifos", "userId": 1, "base64EncodedAuthenticationKey": "bWlmb3M6cGFzc3dvcmQ=", "authenticated": true, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "staffId": 1, "staffDisplayName": "Director, Program", "organisationalRole": { "id": 100, "code": "staffOrganisationalRoleType.programDirector", "value": "Program Director" }, "roles": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Super user", "description": "This role provides all application permissions." } ], "permissions": [ "ALL_FUNCTIONS" ], "isSelfServiceUser": true, "clients": [1,2,3] } POST api/oauth/token?username=mifos&password=password&client_id=community-app&grant_type=password&client_secret=123 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "developerMessage": "Invalid authentication details were passed in api request.", "developerDocLink": "", "httpStatusCode": "401", "defaultUserMessage": "Unauthenticated. Please login.", "userMessageGlobalisationCode": "error.msg.not.authenticated", "errors": [] }

Update User

This API can be used by Self Service user to update their own user information. Currently, "password" and "repeatPassword" are the only parameters accepted.

PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/self/user PUT self/user Content-Type: application/json { "password":"Abcd1234", "repeatPassword":"Abcd1234" }

Example response

{ "officeId": 1, "resourceId": 6, "changes": { "passwordEncoded": "6a72a630795be86fe926ce540fc45b6b922fe5ba130f185fe806a26b5e5efcdd" } }

List Clients associated to the user

The list capability of clients can support pagination and sorting.

Optional Arguments
Integer optional, defaults to 0
Indicates the result from which pagination starts
Integer optional, defaults to 200
Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1
String optional, one of displayName, accountNo, officeId, officeName
Orders results by the indicated field.
String optional, one of ASC, DESC
Indicates what way to order results if orderBy is used.
String optional
Use displayName of clients to restrict results.
String optional
Use firstName of clients to restrict results.
String optional
Use lastName of clients to restrict results.

Example Requests:




GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/clients { "totalFilteredRecords": 2, "pageItems": [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active" }, "active": true, "activationDate": [ 2013, 3, 1 ], "fullname": "Small shop", "displayName": "Small shop", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" }, { "id": 2, "accountNo": "000000002", "status": { "id": 100, "code": "clientStatusType.pending", "value": "Pending" }, "active": false, "fullname": "Home Farm Produce", "displayName": "Home Farm Produce", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office" } ] }

Retrieve a Client

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/clients/{clientId} { "id": 27, "accountNo": "000000027", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active" }, "active": true, "activationDate": [ 2013, 1, 1 ], "firstname": "savings", "lastname": "test", "displayName": "savings test", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2013, 1, 1 ], "submittedByUsername": "mifos", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator", "activatedOnDate": [ 2013, 1, 1 ], "activatedByUsername": "mifos", "activatedByFirstname": "App", "activatedByLastname": "Administrator" }, "savingsProductId": 4, "savingsProductName": "account overdraft", "groups": [] }

Retrieve client accounts overview

An example of how a loan portfolio summary can be provided. This is requested in a specific use case of the community application.
It is quite reasonable to add resources like this to simplify User Interface development.

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/clients/{clientId}/accounts { "loanAccounts": [ { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "externalId": "456", "productId": 1, "productName": "TestOne", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "pendingApproval": false, "waitingForDisbursal": false, "active": true, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "loanType": { "id": 1, "code": "loanType.individual", "value": "Individual" }, "loanCycle": 1 } ], "savingsAccounts": [ { "id": 7, "accountNo": "000000007", "productId": 2, "productName": "Other product", "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } }, { "id": 6, "accountNo": "000000006", "productId": 1, "productName": "Passbook Savings", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": true, "closed": false }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "accountBalance": 1828.03 }, { "id": 5, "accountNo": "000000005", "productId": 1, "productName": "Passbook Savings", "status": { "id": 400, "code": "", "value": "Withdrawn by applicant", "submittedAndPendingApproval": false, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": true, "active": false, "closed": true }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" } } ] }

Retrieve Client Image

Optional arguments are identical to those of Get Image associated with an Entity (Binary file)

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/clients/{clientId}/images Accept: text/plain  bWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAAJ1JREFUeNpi+P//PwMIA4E9EG8E4idQDGLbw+WhiiqA+D8OXAFVAzbp DxBvB2JLIGaGYkuoGEjOhhFIHAbij0BdPgxYACMj42ogJQpifwBiXSDeC8JIbt4LxSC5DyxQjTeB +BeaYb+Q5EBOAVutCzMJHUNNPADzzDokiYdAfAmJvwLkGeTgWQfyKZICS6hYBTwc0QL8ORSjBDhA gAEAOg13B6R/SAgAAAAASUVORK5CYII=

List Client Charges

The list capability of client charges supports pagination.

Optional Arguments
Integer Mandatory, defaults to 0
Indicates the result from which pagination starts
Integer Mandatory, defaults to 200
Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1
String optional
Filters charges that are pending payment (neither paid or waived).
String optional
Filters charges according to the status.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/clients/{clientId}/charges?limit=5&offset=0 GET self/clients/1/charges?limit=5&offset=0 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body { "totalFilteredRecords": 4, "pageItems": [ { "id": 5, "clientId": 1, "chargeId": 6, "name": "Client Fees 2", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "dueDate": [ 2015, 9, 1 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 550.000000, "amountPaid": 0.000000, "amountWaived": 0.000000, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 550.000000, "penalty": false, "isActive": true, "isPaid": false, "isWaived": false }, { "id": 4, "clientId": 1, "chargeId": 5, "name": "Client Fee 1", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "dueDate": [ 2015, 8, 31 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 120.000000, "amountPaid": 0.000000, "amountWaived": 120.000000, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 120.000000, "penalty": true, "isActive": true, "isPaid": false, "isWaived": true }, { "id": 3, "clientId": 1, "chargeId": 5, "name": "Client Fee 1", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "dueDate": [ 2015, 8, 17 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100.000000, "amountPaid": 0.000000, "amountWaived": 100.000000, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 0.000000, "penalty": true, "isActive": true, "isPaid": false, "isWaived": true }, { "id": 2, "clientId": 1, "chargeId": 2, "name": "Recurring savings Charge", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 7, "code": "chargeTimeType.monthlyFee", "value": "Monthly Fee" }, "dueDate": [ 2015, 8, 17 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100.000000, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 100.000000, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 0.000000, "penalty": false, "isActive": true, "isPaid": false, "isWaived": true } ] }

Retrieve a Client Charge

optional, a comma separated list of 'associations' (itemised below).

Associations are just extra pieces of data that you might or might not want to retrieve.

'transactions': Retrieves all transactions made on this client charge.

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/clients/{clientId}/charges/{clientChargeId} { "id": 3, "clientId": 1, "chargeId": 5, "name": "Client Fee 1", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "dueDate": [ 2015, 8, 17 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100.000000, "amountPaid": 0.000000, "amountWaived": 100.000000, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 0.000000, "penalty": true, "isActive": true, "isPaid": false, "isWaived": true }

List Client Transactions

The list capability of client transaction can support pagination.

Mandatory Arguments
Integer Mandatory, defaults to 0
Indicates the result from which pagination starts
Integer Mandatory, defaults to 200
Restricts the size of results returned. To override the default and return all entries you must explicitly pass a non-positive integer value for limit e.g. limit=0, or limit=-1

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/clients/{clientId}/transactions?limit=5&offset=0 GET self/clients/226/transactions?limit=5&offset=0 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "totalFilteredRecords": 20, "pageItems": [ { "id": 226, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "type": { "id": 1, "code": "clientTransactionType.payCharge", "value": "PAY_CHARGE" }, "date": [ 2015, 9, 2 ], "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 22, "submittedOnDate": [ 2015, 9, 2 ], "reversed": false } ] }

Retrieve a Client Transaction

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/clients/{clientId}/transaction/{transactionId} { "id": 1, "officeId": 1, "officeName": "Head Office", "type": { "id": 1, "code": "clientTransactionType.payCharge", "value": "PAY_CHARGE" }, "date": [ 2015, 8, 17 ], "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 60.000000, "submittedOnDate": [ 2015, 8, 19 ], "reversed": true }

Retrieve Loan Details Template

This is a convenience resource. It can be useful when building maintenance user interface screens for client applications. The template data returned consists of any or all of:

  • Field Defaults
  • Allowed Value Lists

String mandatory, only allowed value is individual

templateType value decides the required template data for creating a new loan application.

'individual': Loan template data for creating individual loans.
Integer mandatory
Optional Arguments
Integer optional
If entered, productId, productName and selectedProduct fields are returned.

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/loans/template?templateType=individual&clientId=1 { "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Kampala first Client", "clientOfficeId": 2, "timeline": { "expectedDisbursementDate": [ 2013, 3, 8 ] }, "productOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Kampala Product (with cash accounting)" } ] } GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/loans/template?templateType=individual&clientId=1&productId=1 { "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Kampala first Client", "clientOfficeId": 2, "loanProductId": 1, "loanProductName": "Kampala Product (with cash accounting)", "loanProductDescription": "Typical Kampala loan product with cash accounting enabled for testing.", "currency": { "code": "UGX", "name": "Uganda Shilling", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "USh", "nameCode": "currency.UGX", "displayLabel": "Uganda Shilling (USh)" }, "principal": 1000000, "termFrequency": 12, "termPeriodFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "numberOfRepayments": 12, "repaymentEvery": 1, "repaymentFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "interestRatePerPeriod": 24, "interestRateFrequencyType": { "id": 3, "code": "interestRateFrequency.periodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Per year" }, "annualInterestRate": 24, "amortizationType": { "id": 1, "code": "amortizationType.equal.installments", "value": "Equal installments" }, "interestType": { "id": 1, "code": "interestType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "interestCalculationPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Same as repayment period" }, "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 2, "timeline": { "expectedDisbursementDate": [ 2013, 3, 8 ] }, "daysInMonthType": { "id": 30, "code": "DaysInMonthType.days360", "value": "30 Days" }, "daysInYearType": { "id": 360, "code": "DaysInYearType.days360", "value": "360 Days" }, "isInterestRecalculationEnabled": true, "interestRecalculationData": { "interestRecalculationCompoundingType": { "id": 2, "code": "interestRecalculationCompoundingMethod.fee", "value": "Fee" }, "recalculationCompoundingFrequencyType": { "id":1, "code":"", "value":"Same as repayment period" }, "rescheduleStrategyType": { "id": 2, "code": "loanRescheduleStrategyMethod.reduce.number.of.installments", "value": "Reduce number of installments" }, "recalculationRestFrequencyType": { "id":1, "code":"", "value":"Same as repayment period" } } "charges": [], "productOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Kampala Product (with cash accounting)" } ], "loanOfficerOptions": [ { "id": 2, "firstname": "Kampala", "lastname": "LoanOfficer", "displayName": "LoanOfficer, Kampala", "officeId": 2, "officeName": "Uganda (Kampala)", "isLoanOfficer": true } ], "loanPurposeOptions": [ { "id": 20, "name": "option.Agriculture", "position": 1 }, { "id": 21, "name": "option.Manufacturing", "position": 20 }, { "id": 22, "name": "option.HousingImprovement", "position": 21 } ], "termFrequencyTypeOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "loanTermFrequency.periodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "loanTermFrequency.periodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "loanTermFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, { "id": 3, "code": "loanTermFrequency.periodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Years" } ], "repaymentFrequencyTypeOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.days", "value": "Days" }, { "id": 1, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" }, { "id": 2, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" } ], "interestRateFrequencyTypeOptions": [ { "id": 2, "code": "interestRateFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Per month" }, { "id": 3, "code": "interestRateFrequency.periodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Per year" } ], "amortizationTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "amortizationType.equal.installments", "value": "Equal installments" }, { "id": 0, "code": "amortizationType.equal.principal", "value": "Equal principle payments" } ], "interestTypeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "code": "interestType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, { "id": 0, "code": "interestType.declining.balance", "value": "Declining Balance" } ], "interestCalculationPeriodTypeOptions": [ { "id": 0, "code": "interestCalculationPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Same as repayment period" } ], "transactionProcessingStrategyOptions": [ { "id": 2, "code": "heavensfamily-strategy", "name": "Heavensfamily" } ], "chargeOptions": [ { "id": 1, "name": "Bank Fee (per installment)", "active": true, "penalty": false, "currency": { "code": "UGX", "name": "Uganda Shilling", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "USh", "nameCode": "currency.UGX", "displayLabel": "Uganda Shilling (USh)" }, "amount": 1500, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" } } ], "loanCollateralOptions": [ { "id": 17, "name": "option.House", "position": 1 }, { "id": 18, "name": "option.Television", "position": 17 }, { "id": 19, "name": "option.Gold", "position": 18 } ], "accountLinkingOptions":[ { "id":1, "accountNo":"000000001", "clientId":1, "clientName":"pramod nuthakki", "productId":1, "productName":"pramod sav", "fieldOfficerId":0, "currency":{"code":"USD","name":"US Dollar","decimalPlaces":2,"displaySymbol":"$","nameCode":"currency.USD","displayLabel":"US Dollar ($)"} } ] }

Calculate Loan Repayment Schedule

Mandatory Fields
productId, principal, loanTermFrequency, loanTermFrequencyType, numberOfRepayments, repaymentEvery, repaymentFrequencyType, interestRatePerPeriod, amortizationType, interestType, interestCalculationPeriodType, expectedDisbursementDate, transactionProcessingStrategyId
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/self/loans?command=calculateLoanSchedule POST self/loans?command=calculateLoanSchedule Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en_GB", "productId": 1, "principal": "100,000.00", "loanTermFrequency": 12, "loanTermFrequencyType": 2, "numberOfRepayments": 12, "repaymentEvery": 1, "repaymentFrequencyType": 2, "interestRatePerPeriod": 2, "amortizationType": 1, "interestType": 0, "interestCalculationPeriodType": 1, "expectedDisbursementDate": "20 September 2011", "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 2 } { "currency": { "code": "UGX", "name": "Uganda Shilling", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "USh", "nameCode": "currency.UGX", "displayLabel": "Uganda Shilling (USh)" }, "loanTermInDays": 366, "totalPrincipalDisbursed": 100000, "totalPrincipalExpected": 100000, "totalPrincipalPaid": 0, "totalInterestCharged": 13471.52, "totalFeeChargesCharged": 0, "totalPenaltyChargesCharged": 0, "totalWaived": 0, "totalWrittenOff": 0, "totalRepaymentExpected": 113471.52, "totalRepayment": 0, "totalOutstanding": 0, "periods": [ { "period": 0, "dueDate": [ 2011, 9, 20 ], "principalDisbursed": 100000, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 100000, "feeChargesDue": 0, "feeChargesOutstanding": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 0, "totalDueForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 0, "totalOverdue": 0, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 0 }, { "period": 1, "fromDate": [ 2011, 9, 20 ], "dueDate": [ 2011, 10, 20 ], "daysInPeriod": 30, "principalOriginalDue": 7455.96, "principalDue": 7455.96, "principalOutstanding": 7455.96, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 92544.04, "interestOriginalDue": 2000, "interestDue": 2000, "interestOutstanding": 2000, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 9455.96, "totalDueForPeriod": 9455.96, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 9455.96, "totalOverdue": 9455.96, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 2000 }, ... ... { "period": 12, "fromDate": [ 2012, 8, 20 ], "dueDate": [ 2012, 9, 20 ], "daysInPeriod": 31, "principalOriginalDue": 9270.56, "principalDue": 9270.56, "principalOutstanding": 9270.56, "principalLoanBalanceOutstanding": 0, "interestOriginalDue": 185.4, "interestDue": 185.4, "interestOutstanding": 185.4, "feeChargesDue": 0, "penaltyChargesDue": 0, "totalOriginalDueForPeriod": 9455.96, "totalDueForPeriod": 9455.96, "totalPaidForPeriod": 0, "totalOutstandingForPeriod": 9455.96, "totalOverdue": 9455.96, "totalActualCostOfLoanForPeriod": 185.4 } ] }

Submit a new Loan Application

Only individual loanType can be used by Self Service User

Mandatory Fields
clientId, productId, principal, loanTermFrequency, loanTermFrequencyType, loanType, numberOfRepayments, repaymentEvery, repaymentFrequencyType, interestRatePerPeriod, amortizationType, interestType, interestCalculationPeriodType, transactionProcessingStrategyId, expectedDisbursementDate, submittedOnDate, loanType

Additional Mandatory Fields if interest recalculation is enabled for product and Rest frequency not same as repayment period
Additional Mandatory Fields if interest recalculation with interest/fee compounding is enabled for product and compounding frequency not same as repayment period

Optional Fields
graceOnPrincipalPayment, graceOnInterestPayment, graceOnInterestCharged, linkAccountId, allowPartialPeriodInterestCalcualtion, fixedEmiAmount, maxOutstandingLoanBalance, disbursementData, graceOnArrearsAgeing, createStandingInstructionAtDisbursement (requires linkedAccountId if set to true)
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/self/loans POST self/loans Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en_GB", "clientId": 1, "productId": 1, "principal": "10,000.00", "loanTermFrequency": 12, "loanTermFrequencyType": 2, "loanType": "individual", "numberOfRepayments": 10, "repaymentEvery": 1, "repaymentFrequencyType": 2, "interestRatePerPeriod": 10, "amortizationType": 1, "interestType": 0, "interestCalculationPeriodType": 1, "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 1, "expectedDisbursementDate": "10 Jun 2013", "submittedOnDate": "10 Jun 2013", "linkAccountId" : "1", "fixedEmiAmount":1100, "maxOutstandingLoanBalance":"35000", "disbursementData":[{"expectedDisbursementDate":"01 November 2013", "principal":22000,"approvedPrincipal":22000}] } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Retrieve a Loan

optional, a comma separated list of loan 'associations' (itemised below).

Associations are just extra pieces of data that you might or might not want to retrieve.

'repaymentSchedule': Loan schedule data.
'originalSchedule': Loan schedule data without interest recalculations.
'futureSchedule': Loan schedule data from today date(will be displayed only for interest first repayment strategy processors)
'transactions': Loan transactions data.
'charges': Loan charges data.
'guarantors': Loan guarantors data.
'collateral': Loan collateral data.
'linkedAccount': Account linked to loan.
'multiDisburseDetails': Loan multi-disbursement details.

Example Requests:



GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/loans/{loanId} { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "status": { "id": 300, "code": "", "value": "Active", "pendingApproval": false, "waitingForDisbursal": false, "active": true, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "clientId": 1, "clientName": "Kampala first Client", "clientOfficeId": 2, "loanProductId": 1, "loanProductName": "Kampala Product (with cash accounting)", "loanProductDescription": "Typical Kampala loan product with cash accounting enabled for testing.", "loanPurposeId": 22, "loanPurposeName": "option.HousingImprovement", "loanOfficerId": 2, "loanOfficerName": "LoanOfficer, Kampala", "loanType": { "id": 1, "code": "loanType.individual", "value": "Individual" }, "currency": { "code": "UGX", "name": "Uganda Shilling", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "USh", "nameCode": "currency.UGX", "displayLabel": "Uganda Shilling (USh)" }, "principal": 1000000, "termFrequency": 12, "termPeriodFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "termFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "numberOfRepayments": 12, "repaymentEvery": 1, "repaymentFrequencyType": { "id": 2, "code": "repaymentFrequency.periodFrequencyType.months", "value": "Months" }, "interestRatePerPeriod": 24, "interestRateFrequencyType": { "id": 3, "code": "interestRateFrequency.periodFrequencyType.years", "value": "Per year" }, "annualInterestRate": 24, "amortizationType": { "id": 1, "code": "amortizationType.equal.installments", "value": "Equal installments" }, "interestType": { "id": 1, "code": "interestType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "interestCalculationPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Same as repayment period" }, "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 2, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2012, 4, 3 ], "submittedByUsername": "admin", "submittedByFirstname": "App", "submittedByLastname": "Administrator", "approvedOnDate": [ 2012, 4, 3 ], "approvedByUsername": "admin", "approvedByFirstname": "App", "approvedByLastname": "Administrator", "expectedDisbursementDate": [ 2012, 4, 10 ], "actualDisbursementDate": [ 2012, 4, 10 ], "disbursedByUsername": "admin", "disbursedByFirstname": "App", "disbursedByLastname": "Administrator", "expectedMaturityDate": [ 2013, 4, 10 ] }, "summary": { "currency": { "code": "UGX", "name": "Uganda Shilling", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "USh", "nameCode": "currency.UGX", "displayLabel": "Uganda Shilling (USh)" }, "principalDisbursed": 1000000, "principalPaid": 0, "principalWrittenOff": 0, "principalOutstanding": 1000000, "principalOverdue": 833333.3, "interestCharged": 240000, "interestPaid": 0, "interestWaived": 0, "interestWrittenOff": 0, "interestOutstanding": 240000, "interestOverdue": 200000, "feeChargesCharged": 18000, "feeChargesDueAtDisbursementCharged": 0, "feeChargesPaid": 0, "feeChargesWaived": 0, "feeChargesWrittenOff": 0, "feeChargesOutstanding": 18000, "feeChargesOverdue": 15000, "penaltyChargesCharged": 0, "penaltyChargesPaid": 0, "penaltyChargesWaived": 0, "penaltyChargesWrittenOff": 0, "penaltyChargesOutstanding": 0, "penaltyChargesOverdue": 0, "totalExpectedRepayment": 1258000, "totalRepayment": 0, "totalExpectedCostOfLoan": 258000, "totalCostOfLoan": 0, "totalWaived": 0, "totalWrittenOff": 0, "totalOutstanding": 1258000, "totalOverdue": 1048333.3, "overdueSinceDate": [ 2012, 5, 10 ], "linkedAccount":{ "id":1, "accountNo":"000000001" }, "disbursementDetails":[{"id":71,"expectedDisbursementDate":[2013,11,1],"principal":22000.000000,"approvedPrincipal":22000.000000}], "fixedEmiAmount":1100.000000, "maxOutstandingLoanBalance":35000, "canDisburse":false, "emiAmountVariations": [], "inArrears": true, "isNPA":false, "overdueCharges": [ { "id": 20, "name": "overdraft penality", "active": true, "penalty": true, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 3.000000, "chargeTimeType": { "id": 9, "code": "chargeTimeType.overdueInstallment", "value": "overdue fees" }, "chargeAppliesTo": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% Amount" }, "chargePaymentMode": { "id": 0, "code": "chargepaymentmode.regular", "value": "Regular" }, "feeInterval": 2, "feeFrequency": { "id": 1, "code": "feeFrequencyperiodFrequencyType.weeks", "value": "Weeks" } } ] } }

Update a Loan Application

Loan application can only be modified when in 'Submitted and pending approval' state. Once the application is approved, the details cannot be changed using this method.

PUT https://Domain Name/api/v1/self/loans/{loanId} PUT self/loans/1 Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "productId": 1, "principal": "5000", "loanTermFrequency": 10, "loanTermFrequencyType": 0, "numberOfRepayments": 10, "repaymentEvery": 1, "repaymentFrequencyType": 0, "interestRatePerPeriod": 2, "interestType": 0, "interestCalculationPeriodType": 0, "amortizationType": 1, "expectedDisbursementDate": "04 March 2014", "transactionProcessingStrategyId": 1 } { "officeId": 2, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 1, "resourceId": 1, "changes": { "principal": 5000, "locale": "en" } }

Applicant Withdraws from Loan Application

Mandatory Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/self/loans/{loanId}?command=withdrawnByApplicant POST self/loans/1?command=withdrawnByApplicant Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "withdrawnOnDate": "20 September 2011", "note": "Reason loan applicant withdrew from application." } { "officeId": 1, "clientId": 1, "loanId": 2, "resourceId": 2, "changes": { "status": { "id": 400, "code": "", "value": "Withdrawn by applicant", "pendingApproval": false, "waitingForDisbursal": false, "active": false, "closedObligationsMet": false, "closedWrittenOff": false, "closedRescheduled": false, "closed": false, "overpaid": false }, "locale": "en", "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "withdrawnOnDate": "20 September 2011", "closedOnDate": "20 September 2011" } }

Retrieve a Loan Transaction Details

Example Request:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/loans/{loanId}/transactions/{transactionId} { "id": 3, "type": { "id": 2, "code": "loanTransactionType.repayment", "value": "Repayment", "disbursement": false, "repaymentAtDisbursement": false, "repayment": true, "contra": false, "waiveInterest": false, "waiveCharges": false, "writeOff": false, "recoveryRepayment": false }, "date": [ 2012, 5, 14 ], "manuallyReversed": false, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 559.88, "interestPortion": 559.88 }

List Loan Charges

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/loans/{loanId}/charges [ { "id": 1, "chargeId": 1, "name": "Loan Processing fee", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeTimeType.disbursement", "value": "Disbursement" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "percentage": 0, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 100, "amountOrPercentage": 100, "penalty": false }, { "id": 7, "chargeId": 2, "name": "Collection Fee", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "dueDate": [ 2013, 3, 29 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "percentage": 0, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 100, "amountOrPercentage": 100, "penalty": false } ]

Retrieve a Loan Charge

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/loans/{loanId}/charges/{chargeId} { "id": 1, "chargeId": 1, "name": "Loan Processing fee", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeTimeType.disbursement", "value": "Disbursement" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "percentage": 0, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 100, "amountOrPercentage": 100, "penalty": false }

Retrieve a savings account:


optional, a comma separated list of savings 'associations' (itemized below).

Associations are just extra pieces of data that you might or might not want to retrieve.

'transactions': Gets data related to transactions on the account e.g. ?associations=transactions
'charges':Savings Account charges data.

Example Requests :


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/savingsaccounts/{accountId} { "id": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "clientId": 1, "clientName": "small business", "savingsProductId": 1, "savingsProductName": "Passbook Savings", "fieldOfficerId": 0, "status": { "id": 100, "code": "savingsAccountStatusType.submitted.and.pending.approval", "value": "Submitted and pending approval", "submittedAndPendingApproval": true, "approved": false, "rejected": false, "withdrawnByApplicant": false, "active": false, "closed": false }, "timeline": { "submittedOnDate": [ 2013, 3, 1 ] }, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "nominalAnnualInterestRate": 5, "interestCompoundingPeriodType": { "id": 1, "code": "savings.interest.period.savingsCompoundingInterestPeriodType.daily", "value": "Daily" }, "interestPostingPeriodType": { "id": 4, "code": "savings.interest.posting.period.savingsPostingInterestPeriodType.monthly", "value": "Monthly" }, "interestCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationType.dailybalance", "value": "Daily Balance" }, "interestCalculationDaysInYearType": { "id": 365, "code": "savingsInterestCalculationDaysInYearType.days365", "value": "365 Days" }, "summary": { "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "accountBalance": 0 } }

Retrieve Savings Account Transaction:

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId} { "id": 1, "transactionType": { "id": 2, "code": "savingsAccountTransactionType.withdrawal", "value": "Withdrawal", "deposit": false, "withdrawal": true, "interestPosting": false, "feeDeduction": false }, "accountId": 1, "accountNo": "000000001", "date": [ 2013, 8, 7 ], "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "inMultiplesOf": 0, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "paymentDetailData": { "id": 62, "paymentType": { "id": 11, "name": "cash" }, "accountNumber": "", "checkNumber": "", "routingCode": "", "receiptNumber": "", "bankNumber": "" }, "amount": 5000, "runningBalance": 0, "reversed": true }

List Savings Charges

Example Requests:



GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges [ { "id": 1, "chargeId": 3, "accountId": 57, "name": "Savings account maintenance fee", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "percentage": 0, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 100, "amountOrPercentage": 100, "penalty": false }, { "id": 2, "chargeId": 4, "accountId": 57, "name": "Pass book Fee", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "dueDate": [ 2013, 3, 29 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "percentage": 0, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 100, "amountOrPercentage": 100, "penalty": false }, { "id": 9, "chargeId": 4, "accountId": 57, "name": "Withdrawal fee percentage", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 5, "code": "chargeTimeType.withdrawalFee", "value": "Withdrawal Fee" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 2, "code": "chargeCalculationType.percent.of.amount", "value": "% Amount" }, "percentage": 0.25, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 0, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 0, "amountOrPercentage": 0.25, "penalty": false }, { "id": 10, "chargeId": 6, "accountId": 57, "name": "Annual fee - INR", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 6, "code": "chargeTimeType.annualFee", "value": "Annual Fee" }, "feeOnMonthDay": [ 10, 9 ], "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "percentage": 0, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 50, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 50, "amountOrPercentage": 50, "penalty": false } ]

Retrieve a Savings account Charge

Example Requests:


GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId} { "id": 1, "chargeId": 1, "name": "Passbook fee", "chargeTimeType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeTimeType.specifiedDueDate", "value": "Specified due date" }, "chargeCalculationType": { "id": 1, "code": "chargeCalculationType.flat", "value": "Flat" }, "percentage": 0, "amountPercentageAppliedTo": 0, "currency": { "code": "USD", "name": "US Dollar", "decimalPlaces": 2, "displaySymbol": "$", "nameCode": "currency.USD", "displayLabel": "US Dollar ($)" }, "amount": 100, "amountPaid": 0, "amountWaived": 0, "amountWrittenOff": 0, "amountOutstanding": 100, "amountOrPercentage": 100, "penalty": false }

Retrieve Account Transfer Template

Returns list of loan/savings accounts that can be used for account transfer

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/accounttransfers/template { "fromAccountOptions": [ { "accountId": 1, "accountNo": "00000001", "accountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "clientId": 1, "clientName": "ABC", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HEAD OFFICE" }, { "accountId": 5, "accountNo": "00000005", "accountType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" }, "clientId": 2, "clientName": "XYZ", "officeId": 3, "officeName": "REGIONAL OFFICE" } ], "toAccountOptions": [ { "accountId": 1, "accountNo": "00000001", "accountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "clientId": 1, "clientName": "ABC", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HEAD OFFICE" }, { "accountId": 5, "accountNo": "00000005", "accountType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" }, "clientId": 2, "clientName": "XYZ", "officeId": 3, "officeName": "REGIONAL OFFICE" } ] }

Create new Transfer

Ability to create new transfer of monetary funds from one account to another.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/self/accounttransfers POST self/accounttransfers/ Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "fromOfficeId": 1, "fromClientId": 1, "fromAccountType": 2, "fromAccountId": 1, "toOfficeId": 1, "toClientId": 1, "toAccountType": 2, "toAccountId": 2, "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "transferDate": "01 August 2011", "transferAmount": "112.45", "transferDescription": "A description of the transfer" } { "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Beneficiary Third Party Transfer Template

Returns Account Type enumerations. Self User is expected to know office name and account number to be able to add beneficiary.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/beneficiaries/tpt/template { "accountTypeOptions": [ { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" } ] }

Add TPT Beneficiary

Api to add third party beneficiary linked to current user.

Parameter Definitions

name : Nick name for beneficiary, should be unique for an self service user

officeName : Office Name of beneficiary(not id)

accountNumber : Account Number of beneficiary(not id)

transferLimit : Each transfer initiated to this account will not exceed this amount

Example Requests:

Mandatory Fields
name, officeName, accountNumber, accountType

Optional Fields
POST https://DomainName/api/v1/self/beneficiaries/tpt POST self/beneficiaries/tpt Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "locale": "en_GB", "name": "beneficiary nick name", "officeName": "HEAD OFFICE", "accountNumber": "0000001", "accountType": 1, "transferLimit": 1000 } { "resourceId": 5 }

Get All TPT Beneficiary

Api to get all third party beneficiary linked to current user.

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/beneficiaries/tpt GET self/beneficiaries/tpt Content-Type: application/json { [ { "id": 1, "name": "Client2Savings", "officeName": "Test Office", "clientName": "FN2 LN2", "accountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "accountNumber": "000000002", "transferLimit": 0 }, { "id": 4, "name": "Client2Loan", "officeName": "Test Office", "clientName": "FN2 LN2", "accountType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" }, "accountNumber": "000000002", "transferLimit": 1000 }] }

Update TPT Beneficiary

Api to update third party beneficiary linked to current user.

Example Requests:


Optional Fields
name, transferLimit
PUT https://DomainName/api/v1/self/beneficiaries/tpt/{beneficiaryId} PUT self/beneficiaries/tpt/5 Content-Type: application/json Request Body: { "name": "beneficiary nick name", "transferLimit": 1000 } { "resourceId": 5, "changes": { "transferLimit": 1000, "name": "Client22" } }

Delete TPT Beneficiary

Api to delete third party beneficiary linked to current user.

Example Requests:

DELETE https://DomainName/api/v1/self/beneficiaries/tpt/{beneficiaryId} DELETE self/beneficiaries/tpt/5 Content-Type: application/json { "resourceId": 5 }

Third Party Account Transfer Template

Returns list of loan/savings accounts that can be used for third party account transfer

Example Requests:

GET https://DomainName/api/v1/self/accounttransfers/template?type="tpt" { "fromAccountOptions": [ { "accountId": 1, "accountNo": "00000001", "accountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "clientId": 1, "clientName": "ABC", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HEAD OFFICE" }, { "accountId": 5, "accountNo": "00000005", "accountType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" }, "clientId": 2, "clientName": "XYZ", "officeId": 3, "officeName": "REGIONAL OFFICE" } ], "toAccountOptions": [ { "accountId": 2, "accountNo": "00000002", "accountType": { "id": 2, "code": "accountType.savings", "value": "Savings Account" }, "clientId": 2, "clientName": "ABC", "officeId": 1, "officeName": "HEAD OFFICE" }, { "accountId": 6, "accountNo": "00000006", "accountType": { "id": 1, "code": "", "value": "Loan Account" }, "clientId": 3, "clientName": "XYZ", "officeId": 4, "officeName": "REGIONAL OFFICE" } ] }

Third Party Account Transfer

Ability to create new third party transfer of monetary funds from one account to another.

POST https://DomainName/api/v1/self/accounttransfers?type="tpt" POST self/accounttransfers?type="tpt" Content-Type: application/json No Request Body: { "fromOfficeId": 1, "fromClientId": 1, "fromAccountType": 2, "fromAccountId": 1, "toOfficeId": 1, "toClientId": 2, "toAccountType": 2, "toAccountId": 2, "dateFormat": "dd MMMM yyyy", "locale": "en", "transferDate": "01 August 2011", "transferAmount": "112.45", "transferDescription": "A description of the transfer" } { "savingsId": 1, "resourceId": 1 }

Full API Matrix

create/complex update
Clients clients Create a Client List Clients
clients/template Retrieve Client Template
clients/{clientId} Retrieve a Client Update a Client Delete a Client
clients/{clientId}?command=activate Activate a Client
clients/{clientId}?command=close Close a Client
clients/{clientId}?command=assignStaff Assign Staff
clients/{clientId}?command=unassignStaff Unassign Staff
clients/{clientId}/accounts Retrieve client accounts overview
clients/{clientId}?command=transfer Transfer Client
clients/{clientId}?command=updateSavingsAccount Update Default Savings Account
Client Identifiers clients/{clientId}/identifiers Create an Identifier for a Client List all Identifiers for a Client
clients/{clientId}/identifiers/{identifierId} Retrieve a Client Identifier Update a Client Identifier Delete a Client Identifier
Client Images clients/{clientId}/images Upload an Image for a Client (as DATA URI) Get Client Image (DATA URI) Update Client Image (DATA URI) Delete Client Image
Upload an Image for a Client (Multi-part form data) Get Client Image (Binary file) Update Client Image (Multi-part form data)
Standing Instructions standinginstructions Create Standing Instruction List Standing Instructions
standinginstructions/{standingInstructionId} Retrive a Standing Instruction Update Standing Instruction Delete Standing Instruction(status change)
standinginstructionrunhistory Standinginstructions History
standinginstructions/template Retrive Standing Instruction Template
Account Transfers accounttransfers/ Create new Transfer List Transfers
accounttransfers/template Retrieve Template
accounttransfers/{transferId} Retrieve Transfer
Group groups Create a Group List Groups
groups/template Retrieve Group Template
groups/{groupId} Retrieve a Group Update a Group Delete a Group
groups/{groupId}?command=activate Activate a Group
groups/{groupId}?command=associateClients Associate Clients
groups/{groupId}?command=disassociateClients Disassociate Clients
groups/{groupId}/accounts Retrive Group accounts summary
groups/{groupId}?command=transferClients Bulk Transfer Clients across Groups
groups/{groupId}?command=generateCollectionSheet Generate Collection Sheet
groups/{groupId}?command=saveCollectionSheet Save Collection Sheet
groups/{groupId}?command=unassignStaff Unassign Staff
groups/{groupId}?command=assignStaff Assign Staff
groups/{groupId}?command=close Close Group
groups/{groupId}?command=assignRole Assign Role
groups/{groupId}?command=unassignRole Unassign Role
groups/{groupId}?command=updateRole Update Role
Center centers Create a Center List Centers
centers/template Retrieve Center Template
centers/{centerId} Retrieve a Center Update a Center Delete a Center
centers/{centerId}?command=activate Activate a Center
centers/{centerId}?command=close Close Center
centers/{centerId}?command=associateGroups Associate Groups
centers/{centerId}?command=disassociateGroups Disassociate Groups
centers/{centerId}/accounts Retrive Center accounts summary
centers/{centerId}?command=generateCollectionSheet Generate Collection Sheet
centers/{centerId}?command=saveCollectionSheet Save Collection Sheet
Loan Product loanproducts Create a Loan Product List Loan Products
loanproducts/template Retrieve Loan Product Template
loanproducts/{productId} Retrieve a Loan Product Update a Loan Product
Loan Product Mix loanproducts/template?isProductMixTemplate=true Retrieve Loan Product Mix Template
loanproducts?associations=productMixes List Loan Products Mix
loanproducts/{productId}/productmix Create a Loan Product Mix Retrieve Loan Products Mix Update Loan Product Mix Delete Loan Products Mix
Loans loans?calculateLoanSchedule Calculate Loan Repayment Schedule
loans Submit a new Loan Application List Loans/Loan Applications
loans/template?clientId={clientId} Retrieve Loan Template
loans/{loanId} Retrieve a Loan Delete a Loan Application
loans/{loanId}?command=approve Approve Loan Application
loans/{loanId}?command=undoApproval Undo Loan Application Approval
loans/{loanId}?command=assignLoanOfficer Assign a Loan Officer
loans/{loanId}?command=unassignLoanOfficer Unassign a Loan Officer
loans/{loanId}?command=reject Reject Loan Application
loans/{loanId}?command=withdraw Withdraw Loan Application
loans/{loanId}?command=disburse Disburse Loan
loans/{loanId}?command=disburseToSavings Disburse Loan To Savings Account
loans/{loanId}?command=undoDisbursal Undo Loan Application Disbursal
loans/{loanId}?command=recoverGuarantees Recover From Guarantors
loans/{loanId}/transactions/template Retrieve Loan Transaction Template
Loan Transactions loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=repayment Enter a repayment
loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=waiveInterest Waive Interest
loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=writeoff Write-off Loan
loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=recoverypayment Make Recovery Payment
loans/{loanId}/transactions?command=undowriteoff Undo Loan Write-off Transaction
loans/{loanId}/transactions/{transactionId} Retrieve a transactions details
loans/{loanId}/transactions/{transactionId} Adjust a Transaction
Loan Charges loans/{loanId}/charges Add a Loan Charge
loans/{loanId}/charges/{loanChargeId} Pay Loan Charge from Linked Savings Retrieve a Loan Charge Modify a Loan Charge Delete a Loan Charge
Loan Guarantors loans/{loanId}/guarantors Create a Guarantor List Guarantors
loans/{loanId}/guarantors/{guarantorId} Retrieve a Guarantor Update a Guarantor Delete a Guarantor
Loan Collateral loans/{loanId}/collaterals Create a Collateral List collaterals
loans/{loanId}/collaterals/{collateralId} Retrieve a Collateral Update a Collateral Delete a Collateral
Loan Rescheduling rescheduleloans Create a Loan Reschedule Request
rescheduleloans/{requestId} Retrieve a Loan Reschedule Request
rescheduleloans/{requestId}?command=previewLoanReschedule Retrieve a Preview of The New Loan Repayment Schedule
rescheduleloans/{requestId}?command=reject Reject Loan Reschedule Request
rescheduleloans/{requestId}?command=approve Approve Loan Reschedule Request
Loan Term Variations /loans/{loanId}/schedule?command=calculateLoanSchedule Calculate Schedule with Loan Term Variations
/loans/{loanId}/schedule?command=addVariations Create Loan Term Variations
/loans/{loanId}/schedule?command=deleteVariations Remove All Loan Term Variations
General Ledger Account glaccounts Create a New Ledger Account List Ledger Accounts
glaccounts/{glaccountId} Retrieve a Ledger Account Update a Ledger Account Delete a Ledger Account
Accounting Closure glclosures Create an Accounting Closure List Accounting Closures
glclosures/{glclosureId} Retrieve an Accounting Closure Update an Accounting Closure Delete an Accounting Closure
Journal Entries journalentries Create Journal Entries List Journal Entries
journalentries?command=updateRunningBalance Update Running Balance for Journal Entries
journalentries/{entryId} Retrieve a single Entry
journalentries/{transactionId}/reversal Reverse Journal Entries
Accounting Rules accountingrules Create a Accounting Rule List Accounting Rules
accountingrules/{accountingrulesId} Retrieve a Accounting Rule Update a Accounting Rule Delete a Accounting Rule
Report reports Create a Report List Reports
reports/template Retrieve Report Template
reports/{id} Retrieve a Report Update a Report Delete a Report
Run Report runreports/{reportName} Run a Report
Search search Search Resources
Office offices Create an Office List Offices
offices/template Retrieve Office Template
offices/{officeId} Retrieve an Office Update an Office
Currency currencies Retrieve Currency Configuration Update Currency Configuration
Funds funds Create a Fund List Funds
funds/{fundId} Retrieve a Fund Update a Fund
Staff staff Create a Staff List Staff
staff/{staffId} Retrieve a Staff Member Update a Staff Member
Staff Images staff/{staffId}/images Upload an Image for a Staff Member (as DATA URI) Get Staff Image (DATA URI) Update Staff Image (DATA URI) Delete Staff Image
Upload an Image for a Staff Member (Multi-part form data) Get Staff Image (Binary file) Update Staff Image (Multi-part form data)
Charges charges Create a Charge List Charges
charges/{chargeId} Retrieve a Charge Update a Charge Delete a Charge
Data Table datatables Create Data Table List Data Tables
datatables/{datatable} Retrieve Data Table Details Update Data Table Delete Data Table
datatables/register/{datatable}/{apptable} Register Data Table
datatables/deregister/{datatable} Deregister Data Table
datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId} Create Entry in Data Table Retrieve Entry(s) from Data Table Update Entry in Data Table (One to One) Delete Entry(s) in Data Table
datatables/{datatable}/{apptableId}/{datatableId} Update Entry in Data Table (One to Many) Delete Entry in Data Table (One to Many)
Documents {entityType}/{entityId}/documents Create a Document List All Document Details
{entityType}/{entityId}/documents/{documentId} Retrieve a Documents Details Update a Document Delete a Document
{entityType}/{entityId}/documents/{documentId}/attachment Retrieve binary file associated with a Document
Notes {resource}/{resourceId}/notes Add a Resource Note Retrieve a Resource's Notes
{resource}/{resourceId}/notes/{noteId} List All Notes for a Resource Update a Resource Note Delete a Resource Note
Authentication authentication Verify Authentication
User users Create a User List Users
users/template Retrieve User Template
users/{userId} Retrieve a User Update a User Delete a User
Role roles Create a New Role List Roles
roles/{roleId} Retrieve a Role Update a Role
roles/{roleId}/permissions Retrieve a Role's Permissions Update a Role's Permissions
Permission permissions List Application Permissions Enable/Disable Permissions for Maker Checker
Global Configuration configurations List Global Configuration
configurations/{configId} Retrieve a Global Configuration Update Global Configuration
Retrieve Surveys Global Configuration
Codes codes Create a Code List Codes
codes/{codeId} Retrieve a Code Update a Code Delete a Code
Code Values codes/{codeId}/codevalues Create a Code Value List Code Values
codes/{codeId}/codevalues/{codevalueId} Retrieve a Code Value Update a Code Value Delete a Code Value
Audits audits List Audits
audits/searchtemplate Retrieve Audit Search Template
audits/{auditId} Retrieve an Audit Entry
Makercheckers makercheckers List Maker Checker Entries
makercheckers/searchtemplate Retrieve Maker Checker Search Template
makercheckers/{auditId} Delete Maker Checker Entry
makercheckers/{auditId}?command=approve Approve Maker Checker Entry
makercheckers/{auditId}?command=reject Reject Maker Checker Entry
Scheduler jobs jobs List Scheduler jobs
jobs/{jobId} Retrieve a job Update a job
jobs/{jobId}?command=executeJob Run a job
jobs/{jobid}/runhistory?offset=0&limit=200 Retrieve job history
scheduler Retrieve scheduler status
scheduler?command=start Activate a scheduler service
scheduler?command=stop Suspend a scheduler service
Savings Product savingsproducts Create a Savings product List Savings products
savingproducts/template Retrieve Savings Product Template
savingsproducts/{productId} Retrieve a savings product Update a savings product Delete a savings product
Savings Accounts savingsaccounts Submit new savings application List savings application/accounts
savingsaccounts/template?clientId={clientId} Retrieve savings template
savingsaccounts/{accountId} Retrieve a savings application/account Modify a savings application Delete a savings application
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=updateWithHoldTax Modify savings application withhold tax
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=approve Approve a savings application
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=undoApproval Undo savings application approval
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=assignSavingsOfficer Assign Savings Officer
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=unassignSavingsOfficer Unassign Savings Officer
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=reject Reject a savings application
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=withdraw Withdraw savings application
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=activate Activate a savings account
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=close Close a savings account
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=calculateInterest Calculate interest on a savings account
savingsaccounts/{accountId}?command=postInterest Post interest on a savings account
Savings Transactions savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions?command=deposit Make a deposit
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions?command=withdrawal Make a withdrawal
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}?command=undo Undo transaction
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}?command=modify Adjust transaction
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/template Retrieve savings account transaction template
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId} Retrieve savings account transaction
Savings Account Charges savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges Add a Savings Account Charge List Savings Account Charges
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId} Retrieve a Savings Account Charge Modify a Savings Account Charge Delete a Savings Account Charge
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId}?command=paycharge Pay a Savings Account Charge
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId}?command=waive Waive a Savings Account Charge
savingsaccounts/{accountId}/charges/{savingsAccountChargeId}?command=inactivate Inactivate a Savings Account Charge
Fixed Deposit Product fixeddepositproducts Create a Fixed Deposit product List Fixed Deposit products
fixeddepositproducts/{productId} Retrieve a Fixed Deposit product Update a Fixed Deposit product Delete a Fixed Deposit product
Fixed Deposit Accounts fixeddepositaccounts Submit new fixed deposit application List fixed deposit application/accounts
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId} Retrieve a fixed deposit application/account Modify a fixed deposit application Delete a fixed deposit application
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=approve Approve a fixed deposit application
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=undoApproval Undo fixed deposit application approval
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=reject Reject a fixed deposit application
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=withdraw Withdraw fixed deposit application
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=activate Activate a fixed deposit account
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=close Close a fixed deposit account
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=prematureClose Premature Close a fixed deposit account
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=calculatePrematureAmount Calculate Premature amount on a fixed deposit account
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=calculateInterest Calculate interest on a fixed deposit account
fixeddepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=postInterest Post interest on a fixed deposit account
Recurring Deposit Product recurringdepositproducts Create a Recurring Deposit product List Recurring Deposit products
recurringdepositproducts/{productId} Retrieve a Recurring Deposit product Update a Recurring Deposit product Delete a Recurring Deposit product
Recurring Deposit Accounts recurringdepositaccounts Submit new recurring deposit application List recurring deposit application/accounts
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId} Retrieve a recurring deposit application/account Modify a recurring deposit application Delete a recurring deposit application
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=approve Approve a recurring deposit application
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=undoApproval Undo recurring deposit application approval
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=reject Reject a recurring deposit application
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=withdraw Withdraw recurring deposit application
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=activate Activate a recurring deposit account
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=close Close a recurring deposit account
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=prematureClose Premature Close a recurring deposit account
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=calculatePrematureAmount Calculate Premature amount on a recurring deposit account
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=calculateInterest Calculate interest on a recurring deposit account
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}?command=postInterest Post interest on a recurring deposit account
Recurring Deposit Transactions recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}/transactions?command=deposit Make a deposit
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}/transactions?command=withdrawal Make a withdrawal
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}?command=undo Undo transaction
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId}?command=modify Adjust transaction
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/template Retrieve Deposit account transaction template
recurringdepositaccounts/{accountId}/transactions/{transactionId} Retrieve Deposit account transaction
Share Product shareproducts Create a Share product List Share products
shareproducts/template Retrieve Share Product Template
shareproducts/{productId} Retrieve a share product Update a share product

Beta API Matrix

create/complex update
Cache caches List Cache Types Switch Cache

Payment Application Logic / Transaction Processing Strategy

The way payments (transactions) are handled and the effect they have on the loan is an area that can differ widely from MFI to MFI. Mifos allows for transaction processing strategies to be developed that are associated with a loan product. Several approaches are provided out-of-the-box. If these approaches dont meet exactly your needs a custom approach can be developed and released with the platform.

In general the the following areas are handled by any given transaction processing strategy:

Penalties, Fees, Interest, Principal order

Payment order:

  1. Overdue and due penalties
  2. Overdue and due fees
  3. Overdue and due interest
  4. Overdue and due principal

Early payment: Any payment that pays off an installment that occurs before the due date of the installment. There is no incentive/advantage to making an early payment as theres no decrease in cost of the loan.

On time payment: Any payment that pays off an installment that occurs exactly on the due date of the installment.

Late payment: Any payment that pays off an installment that occurs after the due date of the installment. There is no penalization for late payment. The total cost of the loan does not automatically increase, no penalties are automatically applied to the loan.

Principal Interest Penalties Fees Order

The key aspect of this strategy is the payment order.

Payment order:

  1. Overdue and due principal
  2. Overdue and due interest
  3. Overdue and due penalties
  4. Overdue and due fees

Early payment: Any payment that pays off an installment that occurs before the due date of the installment. There is no incentive/advantage to making an early payment as theres no decrease in cost of the loan.

On time payment: Any payment that pays off an installment that occurs exactly on the due date of the installment.

Late payment: Any payment that pays off an installment that occurs after the due date of the installment. There is no penalization for late payment. The total cost of the loan does not automatically increase, no penalties are automatically applied to the loan.

Interest Principal Penalties Fees Order

The key aspect of this strategy is the payment order.

Payment order:

  1. Overdue and due interest
  2. Overdue and due principal
  3. Overdue and due penalties
  4. Overdue and due fees

Early payment: Any payment that pays off an installment that occurs before the due date of the installment. There is no incentive/advantage to making an early payment as theres no decrease in cost of the loan.

On time payment: Any payment that pays off an installment that occurs exactly on the due date of the installment.

Late payment: Any payment that pays off an installment that occurs after the due date of the installment. There is no penalization for late payment. The total cost of the loan does not automatically increase, no penalties are automatically applied to the loan.

RBI (India)

Per RBI regulations, all interest must be paid (both current and overdue) before principal is paid.

For example taking a loan with two installments due (one current and one overdue) of 220 each (200 principal + 20 interest) - A partial payment of 40 results in payment been broken up as 20 interest on installment #1 (200 principal remaining) and 20 payment to interest on installment #2 (200 principal remaining)

Payment order:

  1. Overdue and due interest
  2. Overdue and due principal
  3. Overdue and due penalties
  4. Overdue and due fees

Early payment: Any payment that pays off an installment that occurs before the due date of the installment. There is no incentive/advantage to making an early payment as theres no decrease in cost of the loan.

On time payment: Any payment that pays off an installment that occurs exactly on the due date of the installment.

Late payment: Any payment that pays off an installment that occurs after the due date of the installment. There is no penalization for late payment. The total cost of the loan does not automatically increase, no penalties are automatically applied to the loan.

Early Payment Strategy

This strategy works similar to the Interest Principal Penalties Fees Order for on-time and late payments, i.e

Payment order:

  1. Overdue and due interest
  2. Overdue and due principal
  3. Overdue and due penalties
  4. Overdue and due fees

Early payment: Any payment that pays off an installment that occurs before the due date of the installment. There is no incentive/advantage to making an early payment as theres no decrease in cost of the loan. However, early payments are allocated only towards principal payments of future installments. Interest and fees/penalties of future installments are not paid and may be waived manually if required

On time payment: Any payment that pays off an installment that occurs exactly on the due date of the installment.

Late payment: Any payment that pays off an installment that occurs after the due date of the installment. There is no penalization for late payment. The total cost of the loan does not automatically increase, no penalties are automatically applied to the loan.